Lada Ray Webinar 1: WILL TRUMP SURVIVE HIS FIRST TERM is Copyright Lada Ray, Feb. 4, 2017.
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How Trump presidency will impact the world: Lada Ray Exclusive Trendcast & Predictions for the next 2-3 years
MP3 (audio), MP4 (video) of P1: Lada Ray lecture & P2: Q&A. Plus bonus: the written webinar outline
In this live webinar we went overtime. The entire webinar lasted over 3 hours and 10 minutes.
We have edited out the 2 small breaks we took, plus any introductions, announcements and pauses.
The final webinar duration: Part 1 - 1:26 min Part 2 – 1:32 min
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Excellent News.. the recording quality is superb, much louder and clearer than the online broadcast!
An additional BONUS recording, Lada will answer all your relevant questions not covered during the webinar will be provided!
If you have a question but didn't get the chance to ask, feel free to add your question here if you wish.
Once we've gathered enough questions, the additional video will be made available to you by Friday!
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Additional Q&A links:
Who is Steve Bannon and his relationship with Trump?
Trump Stock Market Rally to All Time Highs, Derivatives
Trump's War vs China and Iran, Russia no longer US enemy?
Kiev to begin new war vs Donbass, How will Putin & Trump react?
More to Q&A to Come, Stay Tuned!
Trump webinar outline
(The outline helps those who prefer to read, or who want to quickly reference various points. This is not a substitute for the webinar – we have discussed much more than covered in the outline!)
In PART 2 Lada answered a number of questions. However, we were unable to cover all questions due to the time constraints. We've decided to release a separate additional video later next week, in which we will cover additional questions from webinar participants.
A flurry of activity and all these moves have been made by Trump within his first 10 days in office.
1. Muslim immigration 90 day ban; building a wall with Mexico; exiting TTP; questioning TTIP, US NATO contribution and overall relations with the EU; questioning of NAFTA, thus creating a new paradigm with both Canada and Mexico; early meeting with UK’s Theresa May; secret call to Putin much earlier than it is ‘politically correct’; calling for the jobs to return to the US; proclaiming a pro-military / pro-police stance and promising more military hiring and spending; proclaiming pro-American worker stance; promising fighting ISIS terrorism for real; making moves towards reconciliation with Russia; challenging relations with China.
Why did Trump make so many decisive moves and pronouncements so early in the term?
One, it’s his winner character.
He ALSO needs to show he means business to his constituents who elected him to change things.
But most importantly, Trump needs to solidify support by those who matter, namely the US military and police, as well as unions and workers. This is a big part of his base. He needs quickly to pay them back for their support. Why? Because the opposition to him is very strong and because the assassination risk is very high. Trump needs to solidify the support and ensure the military, police, unions, preppers/ US patriots are on his side very strongly from the start. This consolidated force is the only force that can ensure his security and prevent any serious uprising.
By giving them what they want right away he tells them that if they keep him in power, then he will deliver.
Lada Ray predictions coming true: Trump is put in a narrow channel, what I called in ESR16 ‘a straight jacket.’ He’ll be allowed to do certain things, but other things he won’t be allowed to accomplish.
How does it work: through protests, dissention letters, like the one signed by 1000 State Dept employees, rigorous questioning of his nominations and MSM attacks. You all listen and read MSM, so I won’t go into details of what is happening and what’s being said and done.
Here’s just one example: the Rex Tillerson Senate hearing for his Secretary of State nomination: under rigorous anti-Russian questioning, he was forced to confirm that Russia illegally annexed Crimea and other similar stuff. By re-affirming the regular US MSM and politician stance in order to get confirmed, Tillerson put himself into that proverbial straight jacket that will make it very hard to impossible to seriously improve relations with Russia, which was one of the issues Trump ran on. Every time Tillerson or Trump attempt to make a move in the relationship improvement direction, they will be reminded of what Tillerson said during his hearing and pressured to stay on the predetermined course.
Does it mean nothing will be done? Not at all. There will be big improvements, especially compared to the absolute bottom at which Russia-US relations were for the past 5-6 years.
There will be improvements, but then again, what goes down, has at some point to go up.
Overall I am reasonably optimistic about the improvement of Russia-US relations. But what I see is only a tactical improvement – not a serious strategic improvement. As I predicted before, Trump, Tillerson and the US-centric elites they represent will be put in such position that they will have to be very careful, very slow and not entirely effective when it comes to relations.
One of the important things to understand is that Trump will attempt to negotiate and sell to Putin the betterment of relations in exchange for something else. This something else that Trump will want in exchange will be very big. This is the only way for Trump to negotiate with Putin. Unless he demands something very, very big, Trump will be crucified at home for being a weakling, for caving in to Putin, for betraying the US interests, or worse, for being ‘Putin’s agent.’ So you see how it works: this is in fact that straight jacket I mentioned many times before, this is how they will keep Trump on a short leash.
Below I’ll explain to you what I mean and tell you about the secret Kissinger plan and what it entails.
First, let me tell you briefly about the intel I am getting from Russia. I can tell you with absolute confidence that Russians know about all this. There are certain fear mongering circles in Russia, just like in any country. However at large, neither politicians nor analysts, military or lay people are fooled. Everyone still vividly remembers the times of Gorbachev and Yeltsin, when Russians gave away the farm and never got anything back.
Everyone understands very well that Putin is nothing like Gorby or Yeltsin and that he won’t give away the farm.
For example, Trump thinks that US should recognize Crimea as part of Russia. But with all his deal making ability, business experience and ambition, he is a very inexperienced politician. He is also used to winning and doesn’t really know how to maneuver. This is the kind of quality that has endeared many voters to him. Compared to all those sold out, lying, swarming Western politicians, he appears genuine and a straight shooter.
Trump ambitiously wants to recognize Crimea in exchange for a new agreement on nuclear disarmament between Russia and US. This, per his judgment, is a great move, which he can sell to the US and appear in control while doing so. After Obama lost Russia completely, including the disarmament agreement, this looks like a great victory.
Except, I can tell you: Russia will NOT agree to the new nuclear arms reduction treaty. Russians had already done that under Yeltsin and Gorby, only to find out that they were reducing their arms, both conventional and nuclear, while US and NATO did not. Not only that, NATO continued moving towards Russian borders.
At this time, Russia maintains parity with the US based on her nuclear arsenal. US has much larger military and population; plus US had a headstart in military development. It is true that new and (let’s be truthful) old Russian arms are better, or even much better that American, but the quantities of said arms are much smaller. However, Russia’s nuclear deterrent is on par, or exceeds American. This is the only true guarantee of Russian security, and not only against the US.
You know my 2014 prediction, which stays true no matter what all kinds of fake gurus predict. There will never be a direct military conflict between Russia and USA. As a matter of fact, I believe US and Russia have so much in common that it is a great shame that they don’t work together – they can and they should. Let’s hope that under Trump we can break this vicious cycle.
But apart from the US, there are many other parties, who, under certain circumstances may decide to attack Russia. Russia has a long history and many invasions from the west, south and east she had to deflect, to prove how true this statement is. Russia has the world’s largest territory and longest borders, coupled with a relatively small population. Therefore, the nuclear shield is the only effective deterrent against any adversary. It has been proven that nuclear deterrent is the best preventor of wars. Therefore, Russia will never allow her deterrent to weaken, until a new international relations paradigm is born on our planet as a result of the presently ongoing Earth Shift, and until a new, higher consciousness takes hold on Earth.
And I think it was already communicated to him by Putin during that famous phone call. This is where Trump’s inexperience shows. He shouldn’t have spoken of this plan before checking with Putin. Now Putin is forced to mentor Trump during their private talks.
Therefore, the number US pulled on Gorby and Yeltsin won’t work with Putin. My intel says that Putin already advised Trump that Russia doesn’t care if US or anyone else recognizes Crimea as part of Russia, or not. It is done - period, end of discussion.
Now, I’ll tell you a secret that Russians unfortunately still don’t get, or perhaps are afraid to believe…
Here it is: the situation today is the absolute opposite to what it was in the late 80s – 90s.
This is what I call Period 8, which is the Time of Russia. Therefore, whatever moves Russia makes now, she wins. By contrast, whatever moves the West makes, they may not lose right away, but eventually the result won’t work out in their favor.
As a pre-announcement, I will discuss the Time of Russia and all about Putin in the book I am working on that will be released towards the end of 2017: THE PUTIN ENIGMA.
Another thing that Trump wants to offer Russia is the cancellation of sanctions, however, this is being vehemently opposed by many in the Senate and Trump’s own Republican party.
And of course, Trump wants to see if he can sell Ukraine back to Russia in exchange for something good. The problem here is the same as above: anti-Russian sanctions hurt EU and US more than Russia, as incidentally I predicted in 2014. Russia has been actively restructuring her industry, finances and trade to fit the new realities. Sanctions have tremendously boosted national agriculture and manufacturing, plus Russian exports are up, not down. All this is again, as I predicted in 2014. Therefore, Russia doesn’t need sanctions to come off. In fact, Russia may prefer sanctions to stay longer.
Ukraine: everything’s developing per my predictions. It is well known (again, as I predicted since 2014, and later) that Kiev junta is on its last legs and that US/EU can’t wait to drop Ukraine, this suitcase without a handle. They just don’t know how to do it without losing face. Therefore, all Russia has to do is sit and wait until Ukraine simply drops in Russia’s lap. Per my 2014 prediction: Ukraine will begin performing a180 degree turn around away from the West and towards Russia between 2016 and 2018.
To summarize: US really has nothing to offer Russia. Trump, whatever he offers Russia (what he is allowed to offer) is in an inherently weak position. Russia and Putin are in the driver seat. In order to get anything from Russia, US will have to sacrifice a lot more.
The only thing Russia and US are able to work on with some result is ISIS and war on terror.
This brings us to the secret Kissinger Plan and Russia-China-US triangle.
The plan is ambitious but it actually makes a lot more sense than anything else out there.
It’s interesting that Kissinger is hated by both sides, perceived as an ultimate NWO pointman. Let me remind you all my 2014 prediction that NWO is finished. By the end of 2016 we saw this prediction become visible to lay people on the street (Read in in ESR1: IS PUTIN PART OF NWO).
Let me also remind you what I said in ESR16: US ELECTIONS & WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER. I said that there is a clear bifurcation of the US and global elites. First half of these elites wants to continue the old song: US is exceptional, NWO forever, and Russia is the enemy no. 1. Hillary and Bill Clinton, Soros, US MSM are the forefront of the first group.
Second half of these elites gets the truth and doesn’t want to be left behind: there is no NWO any more, US isn’t exceptional and it needs to be rescued from collapse, and Russia isn’t the enemy no. 1. Trump and Exxon-Mobil’s Rex Tillerson are the pointmen of this second group.
I have observed Kissinger for years. Hated universally by people on the street, who don’t know the full picture, but listened to as a wise adviser by the elites, has been for years a supporter and promoter of the second way.
Incidentally, Kissinger regularly talks to Putin. Why Putin takes his calls? Because Kissinger is the direct phone line, direct messenger and bridge between Russia and top US/Western elites. If a message needs to be delivered quickly and directly to the very top, Kissinger is your man. Kissinger is also a barometer of the state of the West. As such he is very useful to keep close and closer, based on the old adage.
Let me also remind everyone that Kissinger was Secretary of State under Richard Nixon, arguably the most successful ever US Foreign minister. He is the author of the concept of Realpolitik and shuttle diplomacy. He also was the author of the original China vs. Russia doctrine, which he brilliantly executed. This is what happened. ..
Consequently, at the time (1973 onward) it was beneficial to the US to transfer production to China. US received reduction in pollution, environmental and toxic tort class actions, while China’s dying economy received the necessary boost and complete employment, coupled with a huge rise in the standard of living. That transfer of production and technology to China made the Chinese miracle possible.
However, it was done for a much more important geopolitical reason. The reason was putting a wedge between Russia and China, both at the time being socialist, or they incorrectly say in the West, communist, countries.
Kissinger, through his real politic, and shuttle diplomacy was able to convince the Chinese to basically betray the USSR and shift away from it in exchange for tangible benefits.
As we see, the current disastrous situation with the US industrial power transferred to foreign countries, primarily to China, began under Kissinger. Trump wants to reverse the situation by transferring production back to the US.
Enter Kissinger. Kissinger, that old fox and real politic master, says: we should pull again what we did back under the good old Nixon, just in reverse. Back then we tore China away from Russia by transferring production and technology to China and opening US markets to China. Today, we are observing yet again the re-forming of the Eurasia’s BIG 2 alliance. We need to put a wedge between Russia and China, but this time we make Russia betray China (NOTE: betray is too harsh of a word, so I’m just using it for emphasis), or distance Russia from China. We do that by offering Russia perks Russia really wants.
What are these perks?
I already showed you how canceling sanctions or recognizing Crimea does nothing for Russia. But making these moves to show good will will help. Therefore, Trump may actually make these two moves to show his good will and willingness to negotiate: presents, so to speak. However, the sticky point is that the US Congress, MSM, CIA, Pentagon and other structures may not let him do it.
It’s not about globalist elites: globalists are bifurcated. It’s financial elites vs industrial elites. Industrial elites are Trump’s base. They want sanctions taken off Russia.
But there is one thing that Russia wants, and this is what Kissinger is proposing. Is it Ukraine, you ask? Yes, in part. But this goes well beyond Ukraine.
Kissinger’s proposal: Recognize Russia’s interests and dominion over the post-Soviet space, Eastern Europe and large parts of Eurasia. Give back to Russia control over the post-Soviet space (most or all ex-republics) and other territories, arguably and approximately (with some exceptions) including the former Soviet block (Bulgaria, Balkans, Romania, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, etc). There is a possible resumption of Russian influence over certain Asian countries, such as Vietnam, as well as Afghanistan, Turkey, Egypt, and of course, Syria).
In exchange US wants Russia distancing herself from China and freezing some of the joint projects. Basically, US wants China isolated, because Trump is starting a trade war with China. This goes hand in hand with the fact that his base are industrial elites and those who work in real sectors of economy As opposed to those who work in finance, service economy, academia, MSM and humanities.
As we see from the above list, these former republics had been historic parts of Russia anyway. Certain other countries that were under Russian influence for years. In fact, it sounds like: sorry, we stole all this from you in 1991, but alright, how about we give it back to you since it’s too expensive to hold on to all this. In exchange, we want you to do this, this and this for us.
As I said previously, Russia holds superior cards and the same stunt won’t work for the second time around.
That said, China is now worried. Despite all of its economic might, China geopolitically and militarily is weaker than Russia, and Chinese know it. China can only appear this strong due to the Russia-China tandem. Therefore, Trump/Kissinger proposals play into Russia’s hands. Recall what I said: this is the Time of Russia. Russia is bound to come out a winner no matter what.
China suddenly becomes more active in the UNSC, vetoing resolutions together with Russia, fighting directly with UK, as it happened recently and being uncharacteristically sharp. The usual thing for China for years was abstaining or quietly vetoing. The sharp rebuttals to the UK, EU and US when they criticized Russia, were designed to demonstrate that China’s got Russia’s back. These kinds of signals will continue.
At the same time, China in January 2017 sent the first cargo New Silk Road train through Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus to the UK. The train demonstrably bypassed Ukraine.
It took the train 18 days to reach the UK. These trains will now be arriving weekly. This is also an interesting development, showing how serious China is about the New Silk Road project, demonstrating yet again the commitment to Russia/EAEU cooperation.
The stunt with Russia distancing herself from China won’t work. Russia and Putin are set to improve relations with the US in the directions, such as Syria and ISIS, without hurting relations with anyone else, and especially China.
As to giving Russia back the control over the post-Soviet and Eurasian space, this will happen naturally, whether US wants it or not. It will happen gradually, as US is forced to release its grip on many countries worldwide due to lack of money and resources.
Trump as US Gorbachev.
The truth is that the situation with the US economy and money supply is a lot more dire that we are led to believe. The US is held together by the fact that foreign governments, most notably China, Japan, UK and EU, hold enormous amounts of US Treasuries. In order to save the US from bankruptcy, Trump will have no choice but to pull out of many foreign commitments. Concentrate on the inside of the country! No choice!
At first, it will be a partial pull-out. This includes US bases, some NATO commitments and financing, political, military and under the table financial support of certain regimes, such as Ukraine, Baltics, Poland, etc.
Incidentally, about Iraq and Afghanistan: Russia wants US to stay there and fix what they’ve broken, before pulling out. This is why Trump’s promise to increase presence in Iraq is actually in line with what Russia wants. As to Afghanistan, Trump would really love to drop it, like a hot potato, along with Ukraine. However, Russia also wants US to fix what they broke there first. After that, Russia might work with Afghanistan, or perhaps share the responsibility with US, but not before.
As to Ukraine: it is a similar to Afghanistan scenario. However, it’s much closer to home. Besides, it has already been proven that US can only break, not so much fix. As I predicted in 2014, in the end Russia will have to deal with Ukraine, after US and EU wash their hands of the Kiev junta’s losing project. But this time, it will be done on Russia’s terms.
Therefore, Trump and the US elites group No. 2 is the emergency crew, trying to save the country and save their fortunes.
Obama was often called the Black American Gorbachev and it was predicted he would be the last American president. Then, Trump was called the American Yeltsin.
Nope, not it. Trump, according to his role and this timeline analogy, is the Gorbachev of the USA. Let me remind everyone that Gorbachev was USSR’s one and only president, and a very unusual man for the post of the Soviet supreme leader. Gorbachev presided over the breakup of the USSR.
I would call Trump ‘the Mirror image of Gorbachev.’ Many things Trump will do will seem done in reverse, yet, they will be very familiar, like a mirror image. I call the impending American collapse ‘the mirror collapse’ of the 1991 USSR collapse.
This is a subject of a separate discussion and we will have a separate webinar, where I’ll explain how I see it, how the experiences of the USSR collapse are similar and different, what to expect and what the timeline and my predictions are for the outcome for the USA.
Today, I want to show you what I see for Trump and the US in the next 2-3 years and how Trump’s presidency will affect the US and the world.
The most important thing to understand is that there is destiny at work here. What is happening, including the election of Trump is a part of the ongoing Earth Shift. There is no way around it no matter what. The fact that the US people have manifested a man like Trump speaks of the level of consciousness and maturity of the people. Trump responds to the mood and the deep seated desires of his countrymen.
The fact that Trump is met with so much resistance is also telling. This is normal during a tectonic Earth Shift, when huge layers of the society are confused, unseated and threatened by change they reject or don’t understand.
It not Trump, it would be someone else in his place, who would be charged with changing the status quo and saving the country.
Russia works on the Earth Shift and rebalancing the world from the outside. But Trump works on cushioning the blow and making sure it goes in the most orderly way possible from the inside the Western paradigm (matrix). By his very presence, Trump is influencing the West.
Look what’s happening in the EU. Trump’s election has emboldened and will continue emboldening various anti-EU forces within Europe.
Incidentally, my prediction is that Merkel will lose German elections.
Examples of EU forces to win: Hungary – Orban; France – Marine Le Pen or Fillon; The Netherlands – possible Nexit.
This will continue. The world in 2019 will be very different than the one we know today.
Topics discussed:
1. Real reason Melania Trump doesn’t want to move to the White House
2. Will Trump survive his first term? Lada Ray predictions, Trump timeline and how it may have changed.
3. Quantum Calibrations:
Donald Trump
Rex Tillerson
VP Mike Pence
US-Russia relations
Other questions that Lada answered include:
1. Underpopulated Russia and overpopulated China: the risks. Chinese nukes near Russian borders. Russia-China cooperation and joint development of the Far East and Siberia.
2. The shift in Russia-Japan relations and Japan-US relations. Will Trump remove the US military base from Okinawa?
3. Was the Japanese earthquake and tsunami that led to Fukushima a natural disaster, or was it deliberately orchestrated by the globalists disaster? How was it done?
4. Where it’s best to live in Russia. Emigration from the US to Crimea and Stavropol. Best cities to live in Russia.
5. Israeli-Palestine conflict – who’s to blame? How will Trump approach relations with Israel? Shift in US-Israel and Russia-Israel relations.
6. US, Russia, Iran, Israel, Syria, the Middle East – what to expect? How the US is losing its grip on the Middle East.
7. Will Trump authorize the disclosure about aliens? Will Trump authorize the 9/11 truth disclosure? (Here we go into the 3D reality, plus what are Trump’s real role and real goals.)
8. What can Lightworkers do to assist this time of the Great Earth Shift?
9. Will there be a relief for the Mother Earth soon? Will Trump presidency be good for the environment and what can we expect going forward? (In this question we go into the human consciousness, fossil fuel and alternative energy, as well as ‘free energy.’ We discuss how the levels of human consciousness and how our way of life corresponds with the level on which our consciousness vibrates.)
10. Were there aliens in Antarctica? Was a secret base built there by the German Nazis during WWII? What really happened in Antarctica and WHEN?
11. Is Melania like Jackie Kennedy? Melania Trump quantum calibrations, compared to Jackie Kennedy’s. Lada’s opinion of both.
A flurry of activity and all these moves have been made by Trump within his first 10 days in office.
1. Muslim immigration 90 day ban; building a wall with Mexico; exiting TTP; questioning TTIP, US NATO contribution and overall relations with the EU; questioning of NAFTA, thus creating a new paradigm with both Canada and Mexico; early meeting with UK’s Theresa May; secret call to Putin much earlier than it is ‘politically correct’; calling for the jobs to return to the US; proclaiming a pro-military / pro-police stance and promising more military hiring and spending; proclaiming pro-American worker stance; promising fighting ISIS terrorism for real; making moves towards reconciliation with Russia; challenging relations with China.
Why did Trump make so many decisive moves and pronouncements so early in the term?
One, it’s his winner character.
He ALSO needs to show he means business to his constituents who elected him to change things.
But most importantly, Trump needs to solidify support by those who matter, namely the US military and police, as well as unions and workers. This is a big part of his base. He needs quickly to pay them back for their support. Why? Because the opposition to him is very strong and because the assassination risk is very high. Trump needs to solidify the support and ensure the military, police, unions, preppers/ US patriots are on his side very strongly from the start. This consolidated force is the only force that can ensure his security and prevent any serious uprising.
By giving them what they want right away he tells them that if they keep him in power, then he will deliver.
Lada Ray predictions coming true: Trump is put in a narrow channel, what I called in ESR16 ‘a straight jacket.’ He’ll be allowed to do certain things, but other things he won’t be allowed to accomplish.
How does it work: through protests, dissention letters, like the one signed by 1000 State Dept employees, rigorous questioning of his nominations and MSM attacks. You all listen and read MSM, so I won’t go into details of what is happening and what’s being said and done.
Here’s just one example: the Rex Tillerson Senate hearing for his Secretary of State nomination: under rigorous anti-Russian questioning, he was forced to confirm that Russia illegally annexed Crimea and other similar stuff. By re-affirming the regular US MSM and politician stance in order to get confirmed, Tillerson put himself into that proverbial straight jacket that will make it very hard to impossible to seriously improve relations with Russia, which was one of the issues Trump ran on. Every time Tillerson or Trump attempt to make a move in the relationship improvement direction, they will be reminded of what Tillerson said during his hearing and pressured to stay on the predetermined course.
Does it mean nothing will be done? Not at all. There will be big improvements, especially compared to the absolute bottom at which Russia-US relations were for the past 5-6 years.
There will be improvements, but then again, what goes down, has at some point to go up.
Overall I am reasonably optimistic about the improvement of Russia-US relations. But what I see is only a tactical improvement – not a serious strategic improvement. As I predicted before, Trump, Tillerson and the US-centric elites they represent will be put in such position that they will have to be very careful, very slow and not entirely effective when it comes to relations.
One of the important things to understand is that Trump will attempt to negotiate and sell to Putin the betterment of relations in exchange for something else. This something else that Trump will want in exchange will be very big. This is the only way for Trump to negotiate with Putin. Unless he demands something very, very big, Trump will be crucified at home for being a weakling, for caving in to Putin, for betraying the US interests, or worse, for being ‘Putin’s agent.’ So you see how it works: this is in fact that straight jacket I mentioned many times before, this is how they will keep Trump on a short leash.
Below I’ll explain to you what I mean and tell you about the secret Kissinger plan and what it entails.
First, let me tell you briefly about the intel I am getting from Russia. I can tell you with absolute confidence that Russians know about all this. There are certain fear mongering circles in Russia, just like in any country. However at large, neither politicians nor analysts, military or lay people are fooled. Everyone still vividly remembers the times of Gorbachev and Yeltsin, when Russians gave away the farm and never got anything back.
Everyone understands very well that Putin is nothing like Gorby or Yeltsin and that he won’t give away the farm.
For example, Trump thinks that US should recognize Crimea as part of Russia. But with all his deal making ability, business experience and ambition, he is a very inexperienced politician. He is also used to winning and doesn’t really know how to maneuver. This is the kind of quality that has endeared many voters to him. Compared to all those sold out, lying, swarming Western politicians, he appears genuine and a straight shooter.
Trump ambitiously wants to recognize Crimea in exchange for a new agreement on nuclear disarmament between Russia and US. This, per his judgment, is a great move, which he can sell to the US and appear in control while doing so. After Obama lost Russia completely, including the disarmament agreement, this looks like a great victory.
Except, I can tell you: Russia will NOT agree to the new nuclear arms reduction treaty. Russians had already done that under Yeltsin and Gorby, only to find out that they were reducing their arms, both conventional and nuclear, while US and NATO did not. Not only that, NATO continued moving towards Russian borders.
At this time, Russia maintains parity with the US based on her nuclear arsenal. US has much larger military and population; plus US had a headstart in military development. It is true that new and (let’s be truthful) old Russian arms are better, or even much better that American, but the quantities of said arms are much smaller. However, Russia’s nuclear deterrent is on par, or exceeds American. This is the only true guarantee of Russian security, and not only against the US.
You know my 2014 prediction, which stays true no matter what all kinds of fake gurus predict. There will never be a direct military conflict between Russia and USA. As a matter of fact, I believe US and Russia have so much in common that it is a great shame that they don’t work together – they can and they should. Let’s hope that under Trump we can break this vicious cycle.
But apart from the US, there are many other parties, who, under certain circumstances may decide to attack Russia. Russia has a long history and many invasions from the west, south and east she had to deflect, to prove how true this statement is. Russia has the world’s largest territory and longest borders, coupled with a relatively small population. Therefore, the nuclear shield is the only effective deterrent against any adversary. It has been proven that nuclear deterrent is the best preventor of wars. Therefore, Russia will never allow her deterrent to weaken, until a new international relations paradigm is born on our planet as a result of the presently ongoing Earth Shift, and until a new, higher consciousness takes hold on Earth.
And I think it was already communicated to him by Putin during that famous phone call. This is where Trump’s inexperience shows. He shouldn’t have spoken of this plan before checking with Putin. Now Putin is forced to mentor Trump during their private talks.
Therefore, the number US pulled on Gorby and Yeltsin won’t work with Putin. My intel says that Putin already advised Trump that Russia doesn’t care if US or anyone else recognizes Crimea as part of Russia, or not. It is done - period, end of discussion.
Now, I’ll tell you a secret that Russians unfortunately still don’t get, or perhaps are afraid to believe…
Here it is: the situation today is the absolute opposite to what it was in the late 80s – 90s.
This is what I call Period 8, which is the Time of Russia. Therefore, whatever moves Russia makes now, she wins. By contrast, whatever moves the West makes, they may not lose right away, but eventually the result won’t work out in their favor.
As a pre-announcement, I will discuss the Time of Russia and all about Putin in the book I am working on that will be released towards the end of 2017: THE PUTIN ENIGMA.
Another thing that Trump wants to offer Russia is the cancellation of sanctions, however, this is being vehemently opposed by many in the Senate and Trump’s own Republican party.
And of course, Trump wants to see if he can sell Ukraine back to Russia in exchange for something good. The problem here is the same as above: anti-Russian sanctions hurt EU and US more than Russia, as incidentally I predicted in 2014. Russia has been actively restructuring her industry, finances and trade to fit the new realities. Sanctions have tremendously boosted national agriculture and manufacturing, plus Russian exports are up, not down. All this is again, as I predicted in 2014. Therefore, Russia doesn’t need sanctions to come off. In fact, Russia may prefer sanctions to stay longer.
Ukraine: everything’s developing per my predictions. It is well known (again, as I predicted since 2014, and later) that Kiev junta is on its last legs and that US/EU can’t wait to drop Ukraine, this suitcase without a handle. They just don’t know how to do it without losing face. Therefore, all Russia has to do is sit and wait until Ukraine simply drops in Russia’s lap. Per my 2014 prediction: Ukraine will begin performing a180 degree turn around away from the West and towards Russia between 2016 and 2018.
To summarize: US really has nothing to offer Russia. Trump, whatever he offers Russia (what he is allowed to offer) is in an inherently weak position. Russia and Putin are in the driver seat. In order to get anything from Russia, US will have to sacrifice a lot more.
The only thing Russia and US are able to work on with some result is ISIS and war on terror.
This brings us to the secret Kissinger Plan and Russia-China-US triangle.
The plan is ambitious but it actually makes a lot more sense than anything else out there.
It’s interesting that Kissinger is hated by both sides, perceived as an ultimate NWO pointman. Let me remind you all my 2014 prediction that NWO is finished. By the end of 2016 we saw this prediction become visible to lay people on the street (Read in in ESR1: IS PUTIN PART OF NWO).
Let me also remind you what I said in ESR16: US ELECTIONS & WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER. I said that there is a clear bifurcation of the US and global elites. First half of these elites wants to continue the old song: US is exceptional, NWO forever, and Russia is the enemy no. 1. Hillary and Bill Clinton, Soros, US MSM are the forefront of the first group.
Second half of these elites gets the truth and doesn’t want to be left behind: there is no NWO any more, US isn’t exceptional and it needs to be rescued from collapse, and Russia isn’t the enemy no. 1. Trump and Exxon-Mobil’s Rex Tillerson are the pointmen of this second group.
I have observed Kissinger for years. Hated universally by people on the street, who don’t know the full picture, but listened to as a wise adviser by the elites, has been for years a supporter and promoter of the second way.
Incidentally, Kissinger regularly talks to Putin. Why Putin takes his calls? Because Kissinger is the direct phone line, direct messenger and bridge between Russia and top US/Western elites. If a message needs to be delivered quickly and directly to the very top, Kissinger is your man. Kissinger is also a barometer of the state of the West. As such he is very useful to keep close and closer, based on the old adage.
Let me also remind everyone that Kissinger was Secretary of State under Richard Nixon, arguably the most successful ever US Foreign minister. He is the author of the concept of Realpolitik and shuttle diplomacy. He also was the author of the original China vs. Russia doctrine, which he brilliantly executed. This is what happened. ..
Consequently, at the time (1973 onward) it was beneficial to the US to transfer production to China. US received reduction in pollution, environmental and toxic tort class actions, while China’s dying economy received the necessary boost and complete employment, coupled with a huge rise in the standard of living. That transfer of production and technology to China made the Chinese miracle possible.
However, it was done for a much more important geopolitical reason. The reason was putting a wedge between Russia and China, both at the time being socialist, or they incorrectly say in the West, communist, countries.
Kissinger, through his real politic, and shuttle diplomacy was able to convince the Chinese to basically betray the USSR and shift away from it in exchange for tangible benefits.
As we see, the current disastrous situation with the US industrial power transferred to foreign countries, primarily to China, began under Kissinger. Trump wants to reverse the situation by transferring production back to the US.
Enter Kissinger. Kissinger, that old fox and real politic master, says: we should pull again what we did back under the good old Nixon, just in reverse. Back then we tore China away from Russia by transferring production and technology to China and opening US markets to China. Today, we are observing yet again the re-forming of the Eurasia’s BIG 2 alliance. We need to put a wedge between Russia and China, but this time we make Russia betray China (NOTE: betray is too harsh of a word, so I’m just using it for emphasis), or distance Russia from China. We do that by offering Russia perks Russia really wants.
What are these perks?
I already showed you how canceling sanctions or recognizing Crimea does nothing for Russia. But making these moves to show good will will help. Therefore, Trump may actually make these two moves to show his good will and willingness to negotiate: presents, so to speak. However, the sticky point is that the US Congress, MSM, CIA, Pentagon and other structures may not let him do it.
It’s not about globalist elites: globalists are bifurcated. It’s financial elites vs industrial elites. Industrial elites are Trump’s base. They want sanctions taken off Russia.
But there is one thing that Russia wants, and this is what Kissinger is proposing. Is it Ukraine, you ask? Yes, in part. But this goes well beyond Ukraine.
Kissinger’s proposal: Recognize Russia’s interests and dominion over the post-Soviet space, Eastern Europe and large parts of Eurasia. Give back to Russia control over the post-Soviet space (most or all ex-republics) and other territories, arguably and approximately (with some exceptions) including the former Soviet block (Bulgaria, Balkans, Romania, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, etc). There is a possible resumption of Russian influence over certain Asian countries, such as Vietnam, as well as Afghanistan, Turkey, Egypt, and of course, Syria).
In exchange US wants Russia distancing herself from China and freezing some of the joint projects. Basically, US wants China isolated, because Trump is starting a trade war with China. This goes hand in hand with the fact that his base are industrial elites and those who work in real sectors of economy As opposed to those who work in finance, service economy, academia, MSM and humanities.
As we see from the above list, these former republics had been historic parts of Russia anyway. Certain other countries that were under Russian influence for years. In fact, it sounds like: sorry, we stole all this from you in 1991, but alright, how about we give it back to you since it’s too expensive to hold on to all this. In exchange, we want you to do this, this and this for us.
As I said previously, Russia holds superior cards and the same stunt won’t work for the second time around.
That said, China is now worried. Despite all of its economic might, China geopolitically and militarily is weaker than Russia, and Chinese know it. China can only appear this strong due to the Russia-China tandem. Therefore, Trump/Kissinger proposals play into Russia’s hands. Recall what I said: this is the Time of Russia. Russia is bound to come out a winner no matter what.
China suddenly becomes more active in the UNSC, vetoing resolutions together with Russia, fighting directly with UK, as it happened recently and being uncharacteristically sharp. The usual thing for China for years was abstaining or quietly vetoing. The sharp rebuttals to the UK, EU and US when they criticized Russia, were designed to demonstrate that China’s got Russia’s back. These kinds of signals will continue.
At the same time, China in January 2017 sent the first cargo New Silk Road train through Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus to the UK. The train demonstrably bypassed Ukraine.
It took the train 18 days to reach the UK. These trains will now be arriving weekly. This is also an interesting development, showing how serious China is about the New Silk Road project, demonstrating yet again the commitment to Russia/EAEU cooperation.
The stunt with Russia distancing herself from China won’t work. Russia and Putin are set to improve relations with the US in the directions, such as Syria and ISIS, without hurting relations with anyone else, and especially China.
As to giving Russia back the control over the post-Soviet and Eurasian space, this will happen naturally, whether US wants it or not. It will happen gradually, as US is forced to release its grip on many countries worldwide due to lack of money and resources.
Trump as US Gorbachev.
The truth is that the situation with the US economy and money supply is a lot more dire that we are led to believe. The US is held together by the fact that foreign governments, most notably China, Japan, UK and EU, hold enormous amounts of US Treasuries. In order to save the US from bankruptcy, Trump will have no choice but to pull out of many foreign commitments. Concentrate on the inside of the country! No choice!
At first, it will be a partial pull-out. This includes US bases, some NATO commitments and financing, political, military and under the table financial support of certain regimes, such as Ukraine, Baltics, Poland, etc.
Incidentally, about Iraq and Afghanistan: Russia wants US to stay there and fix what they’ve broken, before pulling out. This is why Trump’s promise to increase presence in Iraq is actually in line with what Russia wants. As to Afghanistan, Trump would really love to drop it, like a hot potato, along with Ukraine. However, Russia also wants US to fix what they broke there first. After that, Russia might work with Afghanistan, or perhaps share the responsibility with US, but not before.
As to Ukraine: it is a similar to Afghanistan scenario. However, it’s much closer to home. Besides, it has already been proven that US can only break, not so much fix. As I predicted in 2014, in the end Russia will have to deal with Ukraine, after US and EU wash their hands of the Kiev junta’s losing project. But this time, it will be done on Russia’s terms.
Therefore, Trump and the US elites group No. 2 is the emergency crew, trying to save the country and save their fortunes.
Obama was often called the Black American Gorbachev and it was predicted he would be the last American president. Then, Trump was called the American Yeltsin.
Nope, not it. Trump, according to his role and this timeline analogy, is the Gorbachev of the USA. Let me remind everyone that Gorbachev was USSR’s one and only president, and a very unusual man for the post of the Soviet supreme leader. Gorbachev presided over the breakup of the USSR.
I would call Trump ‘the Mirror image of Gorbachev.’ Many things Trump will do will seem done in reverse, yet, they will be very familiar, like a mirror image. I call the impending American collapse ‘the mirror collapse’ of the 1991 USSR collapse.
This is a subject of a separate discussion and we will have a separate webinar, where I’ll explain how I see it, how the experiences of the USSR collapse are similar and different, what to expect and what the timeline and my predictions are for the outcome for the USA.
Today, I want to show you what I see for Trump and the US in the next 2-3 years and how Trump’s presidency will affect the US and the world.
The most important thing to understand is that there is destiny at work here. What is happening, including the election of Trump is a part of the ongoing Earth Shift. There is no way around it no matter what. The fact that the US people have manifested a man like Trump speaks of the level of consciousness and maturity of the people. Trump responds to the mood and the deep seated desires of his countrymen.
The fact that Trump is met with so much resistance is also telling. This is normal during a tectonic Earth Shift, when huge layers of the society are confused, unseated and threatened by change they reject or don’t understand.
It not Trump, it would be someone else in his place, who would be charged with changing the status quo and saving the country.
Russia works on the Earth Shift and rebalancing the world from the outside. But Trump works on cushioning the blow and making sure it goes in the most orderly way possible from the inside the Western paradigm (matrix). By his very presence, Trump is influencing the West.
Look what’s happening in the EU. Trump’s election has emboldened and will continue emboldening various anti-EU forces within Europe.
Incidentally, my prediction is that Merkel will lose German elections.
Examples of EU forces to win: Hungary – Orban; France – Marine Le Pen or Fillon; The Netherlands – possible Nexit.
This will continue. The world in 2019 will be very different than the one we know today.
Topics discussed:
1. Real reason Melania Trump doesn’t want to move to the White House
2. Will Trump survive his first term? Lada Ray predictions, Trump timeline and how it may have changed.
3. Quantum Calibrations:
Donald Trump
Rex Tillerson
VP Mike Pence
US-Russia relations
Other questions that Lada answered include:
1. Underpopulated Russia and overpopulated China: the risks. Chinese nukes near Russian borders. Russia-China cooperation and joint development of the Far East and Siberia.
2. The shift in Russia-Japan relations and Japan-US relations. Will Trump remove the US military base from Okinawa?
3. Was the Japanese earthquake and tsunami that led to Fukushima a natural disaster, or was it deliberately orchestrated by the globalists disaster? How was it done?
4. Where it’s best to live in Russia. Emigration from the US to Crimea and Stavropol. Best cities to live in Russia.
5. Israeli-Palestine conflict – who’s to blame? How will Trump approach relations with Israel? Shift in US-Israel and Russia-Israel relations.
6. US, Russia, Iran, Israel, Syria, the Middle East – what to expect? How the US is losing its grip on the Middle East.
7. Will Trump authorize the disclosure about aliens? Will Trump authorize the 9/11 truth disclosure? (Here we go into the 3D reality, plus what are Trump’s real role and real goals.)
8. What can Lightworkers do to assist this time of the Great Earth Shift?
9. Will there be a relief for the Mother Earth soon? Will Trump presidency be good for the environment and what can we expect going forward? (In this question we go into the human consciousness, fossil fuel and alternative energy, as well as ‘free energy.’ We discuss how the levels of human consciousness and how our way of life corresponds with the level on which our consciousness vibrates.)
10. Were there aliens in Antarctica? Was a secret base built there by the German Nazis during WWII? What really happened in Antarctica and WHEN?
11. Is Melania like Jackie Kennedy? Melania Trump quantum calibrations, compared to Jackie Kennedy’s. Lada’s opinion of both.
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Copyright Lada Ray, Feb. 4, 2017. All rights reserved.