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FULL VIDEO REPORT LENGTH: 3 hours 6 minutes
This one of a kind comprehensive video report includes narrated analysis and hot intel by Lada Ray, complete with supporting mini-documentaries, pics and maps.
For your viewing and bookmarking convenience and so you could easily return to it any time you wanted, Lada Ray's narrated video report has been divided by topic into 6 self-containing segments, ranging in length between 16 and 46 minutes. Included also are 2 mini-documentaries (7 and 13 min in length).
This one of a kind comprehensive video report includes narrated analysis and hot intel by Lada Ray, complete with supporting mini-documentaries, pics and maps.
For your viewing and bookmarking convenience and so you could easily return to it any time you wanted, Lada Ray's narrated video report has been divided by topic into 6 self-containing segments, ranging in length between 16 and 46 minutes. Included also are 2 mini-documentaries (7 and 13 min in length).
Earth Shift Report 9
(PLUS! Color revolutions & destabilization alerts for Caucasus & Central Asia. Hot intel from Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan)
PART 1: Kazakhstan's ‘Agricultural’ Color Revolution
Analysis of the Foiled Kazakhstan 'Agricultural' Color Revolution of May 21, 2016 (my term).
Explained: Kazakhstan's Land Reform and proposed sale of agricultural lands to foreigners as the pretext to ignite tensions and set population on fire. (Recall Kiev Maidan slogan of 'getting rid of oligarchs and corruption.')
China's supposed involvement
How I see it: the real situation with China vs. hyped-up fears
Who is really behind this color revolution: Soros, US NGOs (Endowment for Democracy, USAid, etc.), social media IP addresses traced to the US, etc.
Ukraine, Turkey and ISIS involvement
How it was done: no apparent leaders - most subversive 'news' and announcements made via YouTube, Twitter & Facebook. Molotov cocktails, subversive literature, money, weapons, vodka stashes
PART 2: Aktobe terror attacks. Why Kazakhstan was chosen for color revolution & attacks.
Hot Russia & Central Asia Intel
On the border with Russia: Why Kazakhstan's fastest growing city of Aktobe (Aktyubinsk) was chosen for terrorist attacks on June 5, 2016. I put you in the middle of the action and explain in detail, with maps and specifics, why.
The attack on Pallada gun shop and killing of the Ukrainian-Russian salesman, plus, the mourning and funeral - with pics
Attack on the military/national guard barracks, bus hijacking, etc.
Why was specifically Kazakhstan, with its stronger military and central power, singled out for the color revolution and terror attacks? Why not a weaker Central Asian state such as Kyrgyzstan or Tajikistan?
How Russia is key to everything that goes on in the region: all about Russia's interests, involvement, role and more.
Hot Central Asia intel: the real situation in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan.
Mini-documentary 1: Foiled Color Revolution in Kazakhstan
Footage includes security op by authorities, arrests and found weapons (cut metal rods, grenades, Molotov cocktails), subversive literature, vodka, money, etc. This is a part of the documentary aired on Kazakh central TV. It directly names the culprits of the color revolution attempt: Soros, Endowment for Democracy, USAID and other US NGO's, as well as US government. Other connections named in the documentary are: Ukraine's fascist 'right sector' Islamist fundamentalists and ISIS. Kazakh president Nursultan Nazarbayev announced that Kazakhstan 'won't allow 'Ukraine Maidan' scenario in the country,' thus indicating he knew very well where the wind blew from and was prepared to deal with it.
My EXCLUSIVE eye-witness mini-documentary 2: AKTOBE ATTACKS
Complete, packed with action, on-the-ground coverage of what went on on June 5 in Aktobe. Several terrorist groups were involved, some of which attacked 2 gun shops, others - the military installation, yet others hijacked a bus with hostages and a police vehicle.
Panic in the city: note that this amateur footage was shot from different vantage points from lay people's windows, balconies and from ground level. The whole thing is especially troubling because everything is happening in densely populated areas, where civilians could have been easily hurt, which, thankfully, didn't happen.
The footage shows the gunmen, attack on gun shop Pallada, the hijacking of the bus with hostages, etc. The opening footage was uploaded on YT by the terrorists themselves. It shows them in one of the hijacked vehicles, being chased by and shooting at police.
Part 3: Nazarbayev & Kazakh elites. Response to color revolution
President Nursultan Nazarbayev's tough response: we won't allow 'Ukraine scenario.'
Authorities reaction to the color revolution and Aktobe attacks.
What was used as a pretext for riots.
Kazakhs aren't fooled as to who's really behind color revolution attempt.
Police, intelligence and national guard preparedness & actions during attacks and color revolution.
Russian advice?
Global downturn and why Kazakhstan's Agricultural Land Reform was really planned.
Backtracking on the Agricultural Land Reform, firing/reprimand of ministers and placating of the population.
Nazarbayev and Kazakh elites.
The fight of Russian-speaking Kazakh elites vs. Kazakh-speaking elites.
The issue of the Russian-speaking, Christian population (Russians, Ukrainians and Russian-Germans). Past problems and what's happening now.
Part 4: Complicated Game: War against Russia.
Russia as Global Balancer & why Kazakhstan is so important to Eurasia
This part contains my brand new EARTH SHIFT MATERIAL, never previously discussed in public (The EARTH SHIFT and Russia the Great Balancer System)!
How the global seesaw works.
Russia's role as Global Balancer & Stabilizer - explained in pics & examples.
Why those who want to keep the world destabilized desperately need to do away with Russia.
Rocky relationship and falling out: US Empire vs. globalist elites (yes, you've heard me right!).
US – the globalist elites' super-tool gone rogue.
War on several fronts and the breakup of the old world structures.
Would globalist elites actually prefer Russia to get stronger to curb US appetites?
Russia's support system and the Eurasian armchair arrangement - explained in pics & examples.
Crucial importance of Kazakhstan and Belarus for Russia & Eurasia.
Russia/EAU-ASEAN Sochi Summit and how it's related to the timing of Kazakh events.
Why did Putin go to Astana? Real reason EAU leaders gathered in Kazakhstan just after the foiled color revolution.
Eurasian Union, its development, goals & global role.
Who wants to prevent EAU from being built and why difficulties should be expected.
Part 5: Color Revolution Technology & 4 Armenia Destabilization Attempts.
Caucasus Intel: Armenia destabilization; Nagorno-Karabakh war; Azerbaijan conundrum; Georgia as US colony; (+ latest intel from Tajikistan)
Armenia's many problems. One of the two newest EAU members and four attempts at Armenia destabilization.
Full analytics: Electric Maidan, anti-president Sargsyan protests and a change to 'parliamentary republic.'
Karabakh war and Russia-Armenia relations.
4 day April, 2016 Nagorno-Karabakh war between Azerbaijan and Armenia - qui bono?
Russia's role in quelling the conflict.
How Putin played peacemaker between Armenia and Azerbaijan and why Armenians are peeved at Russia.
LA connection - who influences Armenia?
Azerbaijan: which way now: Russia vs. Turkey/ US? Prospects for joining EAU.
Georgia: US patsy. Will there be changes?
PLUS: let's return to Central Asia.
On the border with Afghanistan and Pakistan: Tajikistan's precarious position.
Republic or monarchy? President Rakhmon wants to pass his power to his son.
Part 6: The Devilish Poker. Wrap-up & Conclusions
Analysis of the Foiled Kazakhstan 'Agricultural' Color Revolution of May 21, 2016 (my term).
Explained: Kazakhstan's Land Reform and proposed sale of agricultural lands to foreigners as the pretext to ignite tensions and set population on fire. (Recall Kiev Maidan slogan of 'getting rid of oligarchs and corruption.')
China's supposed involvement
How I see it: the real situation with China vs. hyped-up fears
Who is really behind this color revolution: Soros, US NGOs (Endowment for Democracy, USAid, etc.), social media IP addresses traced to the US, etc.
Ukraine, Turkey and ISIS involvement
How it was done: no apparent leaders - most subversive 'news' and announcements made via YouTube, Twitter & Facebook. Molotov cocktails, subversive literature, money, weapons, vodka stashes
PART 2: Aktobe terror attacks. Why Kazakhstan was chosen for color revolution & attacks.
Hot Russia & Central Asia Intel
On the border with Russia: Why Kazakhstan's fastest growing city of Aktobe (Aktyubinsk) was chosen for terrorist attacks on June 5, 2016. I put you in the middle of the action and explain in detail, with maps and specifics, why.
The attack on Pallada gun shop and killing of the Ukrainian-Russian salesman, plus, the mourning and funeral - with pics
Attack on the military/national guard barracks, bus hijacking, etc.
Why was specifically Kazakhstan, with its stronger military and central power, singled out for the color revolution and terror attacks? Why not a weaker Central Asian state such as Kyrgyzstan or Tajikistan?
How Russia is key to everything that goes on in the region: all about Russia's interests, involvement, role and more.
Hot Central Asia intel: the real situation in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan.
Mini-documentary 1: Foiled Color Revolution in Kazakhstan
Footage includes security op by authorities, arrests and found weapons (cut metal rods, grenades, Molotov cocktails), subversive literature, vodka, money, etc. This is a part of the documentary aired on Kazakh central TV. It directly names the culprits of the color revolution attempt: Soros, Endowment for Democracy, USAID and other US NGO's, as well as US government. Other connections named in the documentary are: Ukraine's fascist 'right sector' Islamist fundamentalists and ISIS. Kazakh president Nursultan Nazarbayev announced that Kazakhstan 'won't allow 'Ukraine Maidan' scenario in the country,' thus indicating he knew very well where the wind blew from and was prepared to deal with it.
My EXCLUSIVE eye-witness mini-documentary 2: AKTOBE ATTACKS
Complete, packed with action, on-the-ground coverage of what went on on June 5 in Aktobe. Several terrorist groups were involved, some of which attacked 2 gun shops, others - the military installation, yet others hijacked a bus with hostages and a police vehicle.
Panic in the city: note that this amateur footage was shot from different vantage points from lay people's windows, balconies and from ground level. The whole thing is especially troubling because everything is happening in densely populated areas, where civilians could have been easily hurt, which, thankfully, didn't happen.
The footage shows the gunmen, attack on gun shop Pallada, the hijacking of the bus with hostages, etc. The opening footage was uploaded on YT by the terrorists themselves. It shows them in one of the hijacked vehicles, being chased by and shooting at police.
Part 3: Nazarbayev & Kazakh elites. Response to color revolution
President Nursultan Nazarbayev's tough response: we won't allow 'Ukraine scenario.'
Authorities reaction to the color revolution and Aktobe attacks.
What was used as a pretext for riots.
Kazakhs aren't fooled as to who's really behind color revolution attempt.
Police, intelligence and national guard preparedness & actions during attacks and color revolution.
Russian advice?
Global downturn and why Kazakhstan's Agricultural Land Reform was really planned.
Backtracking on the Agricultural Land Reform, firing/reprimand of ministers and placating of the population.
Nazarbayev and Kazakh elites.
The fight of Russian-speaking Kazakh elites vs. Kazakh-speaking elites.
The issue of the Russian-speaking, Christian population (Russians, Ukrainians and Russian-Germans). Past problems and what's happening now.
Part 4: Complicated Game: War against Russia.
Russia as Global Balancer & why Kazakhstan is so important to Eurasia
This part contains my brand new EARTH SHIFT MATERIAL, never previously discussed in public (The EARTH SHIFT and Russia the Great Balancer System)!
How the global seesaw works.
Russia's role as Global Balancer & Stabilizer - explained in pics & examples.
Why those who want to keep the world destabilized desperately need to do away with Russia.
Rocky relationship and falling out: US Empire vs. globalist elites (yes, you've heard me right!).
US – the globalist elites' super-tool gone rogue.
War on several fronts and the breakup of the old world structures.
Would globalist elites actually prefer Russia to get stronger to curb US appetites?
Russia's support system and the Eurasian armchair arrangement - explained in pics & examples.
Crucial importance of Kazakhstan and Belarus for Russia & Eurasia.
Russia/EAU-ASEAN Sochi Summit and how it's related to the timing of Kazakh events.
Why did Putin go to Astana? Real reason EAU leaders gathered in Kazakhstan just after the foiled color revolution.
Eurasian Union, its development, goals & global role.
Who wants to prevent EAU from being built and why difficulties should be expected.
Part 5: Color Revolution Technology & 4 Armenia Destabilization Attempts.
Caucasus Intel: Armenia destabilization; Nagorno-Karabakh war; Azerbaijan conundrum; Georgia as US colony; (+ latest intel from Tajikistan)
Armenia's many problems. One of the two newest EAU members and four attempts at Armenia destabilization.
Full analytics: Electric Maidan, anti-president Sargsyan protests and a change to 'parliamentary republic.'
Karabakh war and Russia-Armenia relations.
4 day April, 2016 Nagorno-Karabakh war between Azerbaijan and Armenia - qui bono?
Russia's role in quelling the conflict.
How Putin played peacemaker between Armenia and Azerbaijan and why Armenians are peeved at Russia.
LA connection - who influences Armenia?
Azerbaijan: which way now: Russia vs. Turkey/ US? Prospects for joining EAU.
Georgia: US patsy. Will there be changes?
PLUS: let's return to Central Asia.
On the border with Afghanistan and Pakistan: Tajikistan's precarious position.
Republic or monarchy? President Rakhmon wants to pass his power to his son.
Part 6: The Devilish Poker. Wrap-up & Conclusions
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