Our newly expanded and improved, written personal feng shui reports include:
1. Title sheet
2. About Lada Ray's brand of Personal Feng Shui
3. Written crash course in Feng Shui, compass, 5 elements and 8 Mansions, with diagrams
4. Practical advice on how to: use the compass, place your bed, desk and dining set, to manifest your best life
5. Your Luck Number and element, calculated by Lada Ray based on Chinese numerology
6. THE MAINSTAY OF THE REPORT: Your Lucky colors, elements and directions chart, calculated by Lada Ray
7. Extensive recommendations on how to enhance your life through landscape, symbols, elements and colors;
what to look for in a car and clothes, jewelry and crystals, home and garden.
8. Your unlucky colors and directions, and what to avoid at all cost
9. Lots of images and case studies to sink your teeth into!
**Each report is delivered to you in several parts, as an email attachment!
(pay here for 2nd, 3rd, etc. full reports only) When ordering multiple FULL reports for the whole family please pay $139 for the first (buy button above) and receive a whopping discount of $40 off on each consecutive report when ordered simultaneously! 2nd report or more, ordered together with 1st full report above $99 each |
**Please email me to let me know how many people you are ordering for, to make sure I've received all your information!
Feng Shui Report Lite $39 |
If you just want the 2 main charts I calculate for YOU, including:
1. YOUR LUCKY: number, elements, directions, shapes and colors 2. YOUR UNLUCKY directions to avoid 3. Brief guidance for both charts **For those who ordered full reports before and/or who know what they are doing and just want me to calculate your 2 MAIN CHARTS, THE BACKBONE OF YOUR PERSONAL LUCK! You can order the FS Report LITE at a reduced cost! This report is about 3 pages total. **This short report will only include items listed above! It will NOT include all the bells and whistles that come with the FULL report! **If you want the full report, with all bonuses, tips, feng shui course, images and pictures, tutorials and graphs, order the full report above! The full report is between 50 and 60 pages. |
- Through Paypal buttons above, you can pay with either your Paypal account, use any credit/debit card, or bank transfer!
- We recommend disabling any Ad-Blocker or Pop-Up Blocker settings: sometimes they can interfere with checkout.
- Your entire Feng Shui LUCK BLUEPRINT is calculated by Lada based on two things: your date of birth and your gender at birth! Therefore, once paid, you'll be redirected by Paypal to a secure short form where you'll fill out the required info. All we need is the report recipient's name, gender and date/year of birth, plus email. (All the info provided is fully confidential, is never shared with anyone, nor used for any purposes other than this report!)
- If you experience any access difficulties, please CONTACT US.
Your keepsake personal report contains information you'll be using your entire life!
**Feng Shui Reports by Lada Ray make a great holiday or birthday gift**
Reports are emailed to you in PDF format!
Full Feng Shui Empowerment & Success Report completion time: 3-4 weeks, depending on Lada Ray's schedule
Feng Shui Report Lite completion: about 2-3 weeks
NOTE! Your email has to accept large attachments. Best emails for this purpose are gmail, yahoo, or similar major provider.
DON'T MISS YOUR REPORT! Check your inbox, spam and trash folder!
All materials on this page AND in your Feng Shui report are COPYRIGHT LADA RAY, AUTHOR. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
No copying, reposting, reprinting or reusing (other than for recipient's personal use) allowed!
**But you are very welcome to share the links to this general info page! Thank you!**
No copying, reposting, reprinting or reusing (other than for recipient's personal use) allowed!
**But you are very welcome to share the links to this general info page! Thank you!**
Suitable for beginners & Feng Shui connoisseurs alike!
No special training required! Lada Ray's Signature Written Instructions & Feng Shui Mini-Course Included!
Includes a number of special bonuses: Lada Ray's secret Feng Shui tips, beautiful images, guides and more!
No special training required! Lada Ray's Signature Written Instructions & Feng Shui Mini-Course Included!
Includes a number of special bonuses: Lada Ray's secret Feng Shui tips, beautiful images, guides and more!
Using her proprietary Personal Feng Shui System, Lada creates your life's success, luck & harmony blueprint (based on main schools of the classic compass feng shui). Packed with your Feng Shui empowerment & success revelations, easy-to-use personalized tables, feng shui secrets, tutorials, case studies with pics + Lada's valuable advice!
Enhanced, with new pics and info added, your one-of-a-kind personalized lifetime report includes anywhere between 50 and 60 pages of in-depth and cool info, lots of striking images, case studies, Lada's Feng Shui tips and instructions, plus a valuable feng shui crash course, with easy to understand inside knowledge, charts and graphs.
Harness your untapped hidden reserves of special luck through the right usage of your personalized auspicious colors, power elements & success compass directions! Use this report to turn around OR
empower your career, health, abundance, personal growth & relationships this year! This report is born of Lada Ray's innovative school of Personal Feng Shui, based on the Classic Compass School. Suitable for beginners through advanced. No in-depth Feng Shui knowledge required! Detailed instructions, illustrations, charts & Feng Shui primer included! It's chock-full of valuable & unique information, individually tailored to you based on ancient tried-and-true formulas. New, enhanced length (new pics and info added) approx. 50+ pages, depending on individual circumstances. Great value & fun to work with! |

Lada's Message
Hello, my name is Lada Ray, M.A., Internationally Certified Feng Shui Master Practitioner, linguist, author and quantum futurist.
My Feng Shui work is based on principles of the classic Compass School of Feng Shui, as taught by the authentic Masters of Hong Kong and China. I was privileged to study with some of these Grand Masters.
Over 15 years ago, when I returned home from Asia, I began practicing Feng Shui internationally, at the same time creatively perfecting and re-inventing the old, well-established techniques for the new millennium. I have been doing it since, and my practice has become a fusion of the old classics with New Thought and New Consciousness.
This Feng Shui Empowerment & Success Report is one of the results.
It is a well-known and accepted by many fact that the unseen energy affects us in very profound, yet subtle, ways. A specific type of energy is encoded in elements of nature, compass directions, animals, colors and shapes around us. Our home and various corners/rooms in it also carry and vibrate at specific energy patterns, depending on location, surroundings, shape, color, condition, clutter, décor and many other factors.
Moreover, depending on one’s date and year of birth, as well as one's gender, we come into this world with a specific energy vibration. This vibration corresponds favorably with certain types of energy around us, and tends to clash with others.
While little understood in the West, the ancient Chinese art and science of Feng Shui specializes in observing and working with the currents of unseen but powerful energy around us. Feng Shui interprets and harnesses this energy; its job is to co-create and mold it in a beneficial for humans way, minimizing and protecting against any harmful effects.
If you know how to work with energy of the compass directions, shapes, colors, elements and numbers, you can create a more comfortable and smooth existence for yourself. If you use Feng Shui, you can re-mold problems into non-events, or even shift a problem into the realm of good fortune. Feng Shui takes on the task of co-creating a more successful and auspicious life for you and your loved ones.
Lada's Methods and Main Schools of Classic Feng Shui
In her work, Lada Ray uses all schools of the classic Compass Feng Shui, plus, esoteric Oriental practices, combined with the latest New Thought methods.
Lada is the author of several new schools and methods of Feng Shui, including Personal Feng Shui, Karmic Feng Shui, Geopolitical/Earth Feng Shui and Chi Kinesiology (forming the foundation of Lada's Quantum Calibration Method).
This report is based on Lada's Personal Feng Shui School and uses several key practices of the Classic Feng Shui.
Feng Shui is traditionally considered the 'art of placement' – a crude and superficial definition that Lada doesn't recommend.
Lada's own definition of Feng Shui is:
The harmonization of your inner energy with that of your surrounding environment, taking into account the flow of both seen and unseen energies.
"Good Feng Shui signifies a perfect alignment between inner and outer worlds." Lada Ray
This means that it's not sufficient to limit yourself to harmonizing just your home or your business space, although it's very desirable to do so. We, the contemporary people, are constantly on the go. Some of us move around a lot, and the tendency to be mobile will be intensifying. That's when it becomes crucial to also harmonize our Personal Feng Shui.
Since 2002, Lada had noticed that if you combined creatively several schools of Feng Shui, you could create a luck template for each person. These schools are: 5 Elements, 8 Mansions (in Lada's terminology: 8 Aspirations), Yin-Yang, KUA, and Chinese numerology.
As a result of years of study, observation and experience, Lada Ray's PERSONAL FENG SHUI EMPOWERMENT & SUCCESS REPORT was born. This report, prepared personally for you, uses several key practices of the Classic Feng Shui and is based on Lada Ray's Personal Feng Shui School.
Hello, my name is Lada Ray, M.A., Internationally Certified Feng Shui Master Practitioner, linguist, author and quantum futurist.
My Feng Shui work is based on principles of the classic Compass School of Feng Shui, as taught by the authentic Masters of Hong Kong and China. I was privileged to study with some of these Grand Masters.
Over 15 years ago, when I returned home from Asia, I began practicing Feng Shui internationally, at the same time creatively perfecting and re-inventing the old, well-established techniques for the new millennium. I have been doing it since, and my practice has become a fusion of the old classics with New Thought and New Consciousness.
This Feng Shui Empowerment & Success Report is one of the results.
It is a well-known and accepted by many fact that the unseen energy affects us in very profound, yet subtle, ways. A specific type of energy is encoded in elements of nature, compass directions, animals, colors and shapes around us. Our home and various corners/rooms in it also carry and vibrate at specific energy patterns, depending on location, surroundings, shape, color, condition, clutter, décor and many other factors.
Moreover, depending on one’s date and year of birth, as well as one's gender, we come into this world with a specific energy vibration. This vibration corresponds favorably with certain types of energy around us, and tends to clash with others.
While little understood in the West, the ancient Chinese art and science of Feng Shui specializes in observing and working with the currents of unseen but powerful energy around us. Feng Shui interprets and harnesses this energy; its job is to co-create and mold it in a beneficial for humans way, minimizing and protecting against any harmful effects.
If you know how to work with energy of the compass directions, shapes, colors, elements and numbers, you can create a more comfortable and smooth existence for yourself. If you use Feng Shui, you can re-mold problems into non-events, or even shift a problem into the realm of good fortune. Feng Shui takes on the task of co-creating a more successful and auspicious life for you and your loved ones.
Lada's Methods and Main Schools of Classic Feng Shui
In her work, Lada Ray uses all schools of the classic Compass Feng Shui, plus, esoteric Oriental practices, combined with the latest New Thought methods.
Lada is the author of several new schools and methods of Feng Shui, including Personal Feng Shui, Karmic Feng Shui, Geopolitical/Earth Feng Shui and Chi Kinesiology (forming the foundation of Lada's Quantum Calibration Method).
This report is based on Lada's Personal Feng Shui School and uses several key practices of the Classic Feng Shui.
Feng Shui is traditionally considered the 'art of placement' – a crude and superficial definition that Lada doesn't recommend.
Lada's own definition of Feng Shui is:
The harmonization of your inner energy with that of your surrounding environment, taking into account the flow of both seen and unseen energies.
"Good Feng Shui signifies a perfect alignment between inner and outer worlds." Lada Ray
This means that it's not sufficient to limit yourself to harmonizing just your home or your business space, although it's very desirable to do so. We, the contemporary people, are constantly on the go. Some of us move around a lot, and the tendency to be mobile will be intensifying. That's when it becomes crucial to also harmonize our Personal Feng Shui.
Since 2002, Lada had noticed that if you combined creatively several schools of Feng Shui, you could create a luck template for each person. These schools are: 5 Elements, 8 Mansions (in Lada's terminology: 8 Aspirations), Yin-Yang, KUA, and Chinese numerology.
As a result of years of study, observation and experience, Lada Ray's PERSONAL FENG SHUI EMPOWERMENT & SUCCESS REPORT was born. This report, prepared personally for you, uses several key practices of the Classic Feng Shui and is based on Lada Ray's Personal Feng Shui School.
How to order and what to expect:
Your keepsake Personal Feng Shui Report will arrive to you via email as a PDF attachment!
It will provide guidance on how you can best tap into your personal Earthly luck, enhance your existence by using your auspicious colors, harmonize your feng shui power elements and capitalize on your success directions.
In addition, this easy to understand report is full of valuable and important Feng Shui info, distilled for you by Lada in a convenient and compact format. It includes your very own mini-course in the main schools of the Classic Compass Feng Shui, combined with Lada Ray's enlightened and forward-looking approach.
This report is based on Lada Ray's School of Personal Feng Shui. Suitable and enriching for all levels, from beginner to advanced. No Feng Shui knowledge or training is required, but it is helpful if you have at least some basic understanding of what Feng Shui is. Comprehensive instructions included with the report!
Your keepsake Personal Feng Shui Report will arrive to you via email as a PDF attachment!
It will provide guidance on how you can best tap into your personal Earthly luck, enhance your existence by using your auspicious colors, harmonize your feng shui power elements and capitalize on your success directions.
In addition, this easy to understand report is full of valuable and important Feng Shui info, distilled for you by Lada in a convenient and compact format. It includes your very own mini-course in the main schools of the Classic Compass Feng Shui, combined with Lada Ray's enlightened and forward-looking approach.
This report is based on Lada Ray's School of Personal Feng Shui. Suitable and enriching for all levels, from beginner to advanced. No Feng Shui knowledge or training is required, but it is helpful if you have at least some basic understanding of what Feng Shui is. Comprehensive instructions included with the report!
feng shui consultations & personal training
Feng Shui Home & Business Consultations by Lada Ray start at $1100 and above. Please email your initial request @ CONTACT. Lada will reply with what she needs from you in order to give you a quote. Personal or Small Group Feng Shui Tutorship Starts at $333 per 90 min session. Please email @ CONTACT to discuss details and for an estimate. |
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Copyright 2002-2025 Lada Ray. All rights reserved.