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Unlocking potential!
SOME VERY EXCITING NEWS NOW ALLOW US TO CREATE, AND OFFER TO YOU, MY READERS, A BEAUTIFUL AND UNIQUE NEW VERSION OF LADA RAY BOOKS! INNOVATIVE! As of 2022, PDF BOOKS can be read freely on Kindle, Nook, iPad and any android or mobile device, as well as on your computer! **This gave Lada Ray an idea: what if we made books that were universally flexible, printable, collectible and unique! READ ON ANYTHING, ANY TIME, ANYWHERE! Previously, you couldn't read PDFs on Kindle or some other proprietary readers! It has now changed! This means: whatever your e-reader preference, you can read Lada Ray books in our newest PDF format! FLEXIBLE & SECURE! You can save it in your computer for future conversions, and/or keep it in your e-reader or mobile device, for immediate access any time, anywhere! PRINT! You can also print Lada Ray books and create your own, unique to you paperback version, as simple or as elaborate as you want! COLOR! Your personal print version will have something else unique: unlike regular paperbacks, it can be in color, incorporating Lada Ray's beautiful color graphics, and photo images where applicable, with which she enhances her books! UNIQUE! You'll own a unique, collectible, author-signed ebook/paperback! We plan to release that way all past and future books by Lada Ray! |
PDFs are generally very universal, and now even more so!
As of 2022 you can read PDF books on any e-reader, including Kindle, Nook, iPad and any android!
PDF books are also printable, and if you prefer physical format, you can print Lada Ray books and read them as paperbacks!
Moreover, if you have a colored printer, you'll have the graphics I use to make my books more visually appealing in color!
For instance, this applies to the following books: GEOPOLITICAL & GEO-ECONOMIC QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS;
THE EARTH SHIFTER; CATHARSIS, Legend of the Lemurians and GREEN DESERT (Accidental Spy Iraq prequel).
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