BITCOIN DONATIONS Please email us & we'll send you individual code for a BTC donation! Thank you for your support!
Monthly recurring donation will be automatically billed each month. This option is offered for those who prefer the convenience of automatically donating each month. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT!
$5.50 Monthly Donation - Quantum Level!
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$20.00 Monthly Donation - Multidimensional Level! Thank You!
$10.00 Monthly Donation - Earth Shifter Level!
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$25.00 Monthly Donation - Multidimensional+ Level! Thank You!
$15.00 Monthly Donation - Earth Shifter+ Level!
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$50.00 Monthly Donation - Earth Keeper Level!
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$75.00 Monthly Donation - Futurist Level! A Million Thanks!
$100 Monthly Donation - Futurist+ Level! A Million Thanks!
$125.00 Monthly Donation - Star Keeper Level! A Million Thanks!
- We appreciate your financial support of Lada's FREE educational work on her blog, YT channels; her research and books; LadaRay.com, FuturisTrendcast, Lada Ray YT Channel and Lada Ray Blog. Your contributions help us offset our operational costs and to continue providing in-depth, higher-dimensional and unique revelations and information for the benefit of all.
- Additional contributions and donations also help support Lada's work on her PROGRAMS (including Webinars, Special Events, Quantum Reports and Multidimensional Workshops), as well as the regular content on LADA RAY ADVANCED COMMUNITY!
- They are also greatly valued as additional moral support!
- At this time we offer Paypal donations, which allows you to use any credit card or bank check as payment. It's easy! Just click on the Paypal button below and follow Paypal directions (if you don't have Paypal account, choose "I have no Paypal account" option).
- There are three ways you can donate: 1. One-time donation; 2. Monthly recurring donation; 3. You can now also donate Bitcoins.
(To discontinue monthly donation (subscription) anytime, use the button below.) Grateful for your continued support!
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