A merger between Geopolitics & Multidimensional Consciousness
A misnomer or the future?
A misnomer or the future?
You may have noticed that I usually talk about geopolitics from a higher consciousness perspective. One of the tenets of my EARTH SHIFT SYSTEM is what I call the Spiritual GeoPolitics. In fact, I maintain that a merger between GeoPolitics and Higher Consciousness/Spirituality must take place for humanity to survive the ongoing Earth Shift and evolve to new levels.
In our divided yin-yang 3rd Dimensional reality those who are spiritually oriented tend to be scared and shy away from politics and geopolitics, as well as all things that are used as geopolitical tools, such as news and info wars, confrontation and the military. Meanwhile, those who are into politics tend to misunderstand, dismiss, and/or be terrified of things that are beyond their 3D understanding, including metaphysics and consciousness.
Both of these approaches are limiting and neither is viable in the new reality, which the ongoing Earth Shift is ushering in. Both are manifestations of severe human imbalances, denoting a sorry state of our divided and compartmentalized world.
The right way is the integral approach. I know it's very hard. But in order to create a new reality, we must embrace our world the way it is - in all its manifestations. Denial only prolongs the agony and slows us down on the way to a better future. We must take off our rosy glasses or open our shutters, in order to see the truth (pick what applies to you!). Opening our eyes, hearts and minds to the truth of how the world is and where it's heading is the first step in the right direction. It is not by accident that the word 'truth' has become one of the key words of this decade. People crave the truth and want to understand our past, present and future - beyond the obvious. People want the lies and secrecy, previously dominating the collective unconscious matrix of our planet, to be brought to light.
The good news is that more and more people are awakening to the fact that they must keep open minds and explore beyond their comfort zone. Those who genuinely want to awaken and see, experience synchronicities whereas the universe ushers into their path the wayshowers and guides, such as yours truly. These guides and wayshowers help the awakened ones orient themselves in this ever-expanding world of new ideas, realms and possibilities.
It's also not by accident that in the past 5-10 years, the word 'geopolitics' has suddenly become popular and widely used. It's a call of the times: one of the areas of human experience that we must explore, shine the light on and rectify.
So, what is the catch-all word 'geopolitics'? Let's use a pretty run of the mill explanation from newworldencyclopedia.org:
Geopolitics attempts to explain international politics in terms of geography, based on factors such as the location, size, and resources of each area. Swedish political scientist Rudolf Kjellén coined the term "geopolitics" at the beginning of the twentieth century.'
That was the beginning of the conventional Western science of geopolitics. Subsequently, British scholar Halford Mackinder came out with his "heartland theory." According to that geopolitical theory, 'The World Island' included the great land mass of Europe, Asia, and Africa, aka, the Heartland, with the stress put on the resources and land mass of Ukraine, Western Russia, and Mitteleuropa (Central Europe). The 'Periphery' included the Americas, British Isles, and Oceania. Mackinder's theory can be summed up in his saying "Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland. Who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island. Who rules the World-Island commands the world." Influenced by Mackinder's theory, Adolf Hitler invaded Russia in 1941, which he saw as being necessary for world domination.
Disagreeing with Mackinder, other British and American scholars coined the terms 'sea power' vs. 'land power.' Under this theory, sea powers were USA and UK, while land powers were Germany, Russia (USSR) and China. A number of others were classified as hybrids. According to the sea power vs. land power branch-out, the sea powers (aka, USA and UK) will always have an advantage at sea and will, therefore, dominate the world. Influenced by this very convenient theory, throughout 20th century USA stressed the development of its Navy to control the world's oceans and straits. Another variation of geopolitical theory that emerged during the Vietnam War was the "domino theory," the idea that communism would seek to take over adjacent countries one by one, like a row of falling dominoes. This argument was used for U.S. intervention in Vietnam.
These are, in a nutshell, the old geopolitical theories. As we see, since its appearance, the geopolitical sound bite was used by the West to justify aggression and promote the idea of its global dominance under different names and slogans.
Despite one theory after another being proven bogus, the word GeoPolitics refused to go away. In the end of 20th-beginning of 21 centuries, there were new off-shoots of those old geopolitical theories, which now began focusing on diplomacy, how to keep the world in balance, and on preserving peace.
The reason this major breakthrough took place was two-fold:
1. On the 3D physical level: it was pure self-preservation (in my Quantum Calibrations Scale it corresponds with the level of Pride). Cold War and nuclear arms race proved that there could be no winner if a hot war between superpowers took place.
2. On the level of energy and consciousness: humanity's consciousness had risen to the level of vibration at which reason and even humanity began peeking through (See my Quantum Calibrations Scale for more).
But it was still all happening based on the old Western geopolitical foundation.
Recently, a prominent Russian analyst and one of the authors of the KOB theory (Eng.: The Concept of Collective Security) told me that I shouldn't use the term 'geopolitics' because it was invented by the West to justify its global aggression in order to keep the rest of the world down (true). He said that I should use the term global politics instead, and that geopolitics was just for dupes (untrue).
I responded that in reality the expression 'global politics' means approximately the same as 'geopolitics.' The only difference: geopolitics rolls off the tongue easier and sounds better.
Geopolitics comes from Greek and means (γῆ ge "earth, land" and πολιτική politikē "politics"). Therefore, 'geo' is our globe, or our Earth. 'Politics' refers to relations among humans and nations. In fact, if we abstract ourselves from the outdated 'land power' vs. 'sea power', 'heartland' and 'domino' theories - used by various Western powers as justification for their aggression - we get a solidly good term GeoPolitics.
I am for remembering our past because, as we know, those who forget it, don't have a future. Why throw out a perfectly good term? Why reinvent the wheel? It's much better to clean it up, rebalance it and infuse it with new, forward-looking meaning.
I began with re-defining GeoPolitics from a higher consciousness perspective.
In our divided yin-yang 3rd Dimensional reality those who are spiritually oriented tend to be scared and shy away from politics and geopolitics, as well as all things that are used as geopolitical tools, such as news and info wars, confrontation and the military. Meanwhile, those who are into politics tend to misunderstand, dismiss, and/or be terrified of things that are beyond their 3D understanding, including metaphysics and consciousness.
Both of these approaches are limiting and neither is viable in the new reality, which the ongoing Earth Shift is ushering in. Both are manifestations of severe human imbalances, denoting a sorry state of our divided and compartmentalized world.
The right way is the integral approach. I know it's very hard. But in order to create a new reality, we must embrace our world the way it is - in all its manifestations. Denial only prolongs the agony and slows us down on the way to a better future. We must take off our rosy glasses or open our shutters, in order to see the truth (pick what applies to you!). Opening our eyes, hearts and minds to the truth of how the world is and where it's heading is the first step in the right direction. It is not by accident that the word 'truth' has become one of the key words of this decade. People crave the truth and want to understand our past, present and future - beyond the obvious. People want the lies and secrecy, previously dominating the collective unconscious matrix of our planet, to be brought to light.
The good news is that more and more people are awakening to the fact that they must keep open minds and explore beyond their comfort zone. Those who genuinely want to awaken and see, experience synchronicities whereas the universe ushers into their path the wayshowers and guides, such as yours truly. These guides and wayshowers help the awakened ones orient themselves in this ever-expanding world of new ideas, realms and possibilities.
It's also not by accident that in the past 5-10 years, the word 'geopolitics' has suddenly become popular and widely used. It's a call of the times: one of the areas of human experience that we must explore, shine the light on and rectify.
So, what is the catch-all word 'geopolitics'? Let's use a pretty run of the mill explanation from newworldencyclopedia.org:
Geopolitics attempts to explain international politics in terms of geography, based on factors such as the location, size, and resources of each area. Swedish political scientist Rudolf Kjellén coined the term "geopolitics" at the beginning of the twentieth century.'
That was the beginning of the conventional Western science of geopolitics. Subsequently, British scholar Halford Mackinder came out with his "heartland theory." According to that geopolitical theory, 'The World Island' included the great land mass of Europe, Asia, and Africa, aka, the Heartland, with the stress put on the resources and land mass of Ukraine, Western Russia, and Mitteleuropa (Central Europe). The 'Periphery' included the Americas, British Isles, and Oceania. Mackinder's theory can be summed up in his saying "Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland. Who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island. Who rules the World-Island commands the world." Influenced by Mackinder's theory, Adolf Hitler invaded Russia in 1941, which he saw as being necessary for world domination.
Disagreeing with Mackinder, other British and American scholars coined the terms 'sea power' vs. 'land power.' Under this theory, sea powers were USA and UK, while land powers were Germany, Russia (USSR) and China. A number of others were classified as hybrids. According to the sea power vs. land power branch-out, the sea powers (aka, USA and UK) will always have an advantage at sea and will, therefore, dominate the world. Influenced by this very convenient theory, throughout 20th century USA stressed the development of its Navy to control the world's oceans and straits. Another variation of geopolitical theory that emerged during the Vietnam War was the "domino theory," the idea that communism would seek to take over adjacent countries one by one, like a row of falling dominoes. This argument was used for U.S. intervention in Vietnam.
These are, in a nutshell, the old geopolitical theories. As we see, since its appearance, the geopolitical sound bite was used by the West to justify aggression and promote the idea of its global dominance under different names and slogans.
Despite one theory after another being proven bogus, the word GeoPolitics refused to go away. In the end of 20th-beginning of 21 centuries, there were new off-shoots of those old geopolitical theories, which now began focusing on diplomacy, how to keep the world in balance, and on preserving peace.
The reason this major breakthrough took place was two-fold:
1. On the 3D physical level: it was pure self-preservation (in my Quantum Calibrations Scale it corresponds with the level of Pride). Cold War and nuclear arms race proved that there could be no winner if a hot war between superpowers took place.
2. On the level of energy and consciousness: humanity's consciousness had risen to the level of vibration at which reason and even humanity began peeking through (See my Quantum Calibrations Scale for more).
But it was still all happening based on the old Western geopolitical foundation.
Recently, a prominent Russian analyst and one of the authors of the KOB theory (Eng.: The Concept of Collective Security) told me that I shouldn't use the term 'geopolitics' because it was invented by the West to justify its global aggression in order to keep the rest of the world down (true). He said that I should use the term global politics instead, and that geopolitics was just for dupes (untrue).
I responded that in reality the expression 'global politics' means approximately the same as 'geopolitics.' The only difference: geopolitics rolls off the tongue easier and sounds better.
Geopolitics comes from Greek and means (γῆ ge "earth, land" and πολιτική politikē "politics"). Therefore, 'geo' is our globe, or our Earth. 'Politics' refers to relations among humans and nations. In fact, if we abstract ourselves from the outdated 'land power' vs. 'sea power', 'heartland' and 'domino' theories - used by various Western powers as justification for their aggression - we get a solidly good term GeoPolitics.
I am for remembering our past because, as we know, those who forget it, don't have a future. Why throw out a perfectly good term? Why reinvent the wheel? It's much better to clean it up, rebalance it and infuse it with new, forward-looking meaning.
I began with re-defining GeoPolitics from a higher consciousness perspective.
Lada Ray defines GeoPolitics as:
The Science and Practice of Human and State Relations on Planet Earth
Spiritual Geopolitics is defined as:
A merger between geopolitics, spirituality and multi-dimensional consciousness.
This merger is of crucial importance in order to transform the existing human 3D consciousness of confrontation into the 5D consciousness of cooperation and unity, during this Earth Shift.
The Science and Practice of Human and State Relations on Planet Earth
Spiritual Geopolitics is defined as:
A merger between geopolitics, spirituality and multi-dimensional consciousness.
This merger is of crucial importance in order to transform the existing human 3D consciousness of confrontation into the 5D consciousness of cooperation and unity, during this Earth Shift.
Balance is key. The yin-yang duality of our planetary existence has become catastrophically imbalanced, and it has to be brought back into a state of equilibrium.
From a spiritual perspective, geopolitics is the shadow side of the collective human experience on our planet. Shadows are as important as light, if used correctly. The thing we have to fear is not the presence of the shadows, but an imbalance of too much shadow and distortion of truth.
Geopolitics is the way large groups of humanity, residing in different geographic locales, with different languages, interests, aspirations and levels of development, have learned to interact with each other. So far, we have no other such mechanism.
Geopolitics is a 3rd-4th dimensional creation. As such, it is an imperfect construct, if looked at from a higher consciousness perspective. But it is a construct produced by the collective consciousness of humans. As such, it corresponds with the present day energy and vibration of humanity as a whole.
Just like anything else, GeoPolitics is a mere tool and it's up to humans to use it for good or evil. Like any tool, GeoPolitics has to be cleaned and kept in good order, to be functional. Yet, here's what happened in the past 30 or so years: as the global human society became more and more imbalanced towards the yang West, so did geopolitics. Today we are experiencing Earth Shift, which manifests in GeoPolitics as follows:
1. Along with Russia The Great Balancer working hard on rebalancing the world, GeoPolitics also undergoes major cleansing and re-thinking.
2. But there are still lots of shadows and skeletons hiding in various crevices of the old geopolitics, which need to be dragged out of those shadows and exposed to light.
My mission is to:
1. Shine the rays of truth into these shadows, exposing them to light.
2. Assist the Earth Shift and co-create new planetary reality. One of my goals is to perfect and re-think GeoPolitics to correspond with new consciousness.
From a spiritual perspective, geopolitics is the shadow side of the collective human experience on our planet. Shadows are as important as light, if used correctly. The thing we have to fear is not the presence of the shadows, but an imbalance of too much shadow and distortion of truth.
Geopolitics is the way large groups of humanity, residing in different geographic locales, with different languages, interests, aspirations and levels of development, have learned to interact with each other. So far, we have no other such mechanism.
Geopolitics is a 3rd-4th dimensional creation. As such, it is an imperfect construct, if looked at from a higher consciousness perspective. But it is a construct produced by the collective consciousness of humans. As such, it corresponds with the present day energy and vibration of humanity as a whole.
Just like anything else, GeoPolitics is a mere tool and it's up to humans to use it for good or evil. Like any tool, GeoPolitics has to be cleaned and kept in good order, to be functional. Yet, here's what happened in the past 30 or so years: as the global human society became more and more imbalanced towards the yang West, so did geopolitics. Today we are experiencing Earth Shift, which manifests in GeoPolitics as follows:
1. Along with Russia The Great Balancer working hard on rebalancing the world, GeoPolitics also undergoes major cleansing and re-thinking.
2. But there are still lots of shadows and skeletons hiding in various crevices of the old geopolitics, which need to be dragged out of those shadows and exposed to light.
My mission is to:
1. Shine the rays of truth into these shadows, exposing them to light.
2. Assist the Earth Shift and co-create new planetary reality. One of my goals is to perfect and re-think GeoPolitics to correspond with new consciousness.
Copyright Lada Ray, Sept 6, 2016. All rights reserved.
Also read:
What Happens if a Country Gains or Loses its Life Force
(Examples: US, EU, Russia, China, Ukraine)
Based on
Lada Ray Earth Shift Theory
and Spiritual Geopolitics
(Examples: US, EU, Russia, China, Ukraine)
Based on
Lada Ray Earth Shift Theory
and Spiritual Geopolitics
In my two recent posts about Ukraine (Solo Warriors vs. Kiev Junta) and Moldova (Moldova Elections) we talked about both countries losing catastrophic amounts of population since their independence from Russia in 1991 (please go back to articles for exact numbers).
The problem of losing the population is common to all 14 post-Soviet republics, except Russia. To be sure, Russia lost a significant number of population in the 1990s. I wrote previously why and how that happened, and I won't go into it again here. The trend began reversing in the 2000s as Russia began gaining population, first through immigration, and lately, also through a stimulation of internal birthrate.
You may recall Obama proclaiming in 2015 something to the effect 'that Russian economy is in shatters and that no one wants to live in Russia.' In reality, per global statistics, as of 2015 Russia is world's No. 3 country for immigration after USA and Germany, according to Wikipedia, with 11.6 million migrants. The current global data seems somewhat distorted due to the latest German refugee crisis, and also due to the fact that 'migrants' and 'refugees' are included in this statistics, along with the true immigration. The 2013 data, before Ukraine and Middle East refugee crises began, showed Russia at number 2 position after USA for immigration, with 10 million+ legal immigrants. Actually, it's hard to understand how Germany suddenly jumped to No. 2 position in 2015, if they received under 1.5 million (or 1.1 million as other data suggests) migrants, while in 2013 Germany was far below Russia's 10 million, and since 2014 Russia officially accepted about 1 million refugees from Ukraine, plus millions of migrants (data varies, but it's anywhere between 2 and 5 million). As I said, the data is Western and does seem politically motivated.
Incidentally, Russia has developed a revolutionary and humane system for registering and keeping track of immigration, in which immigrants, refugees and migrant workers are encouraged to register with no red tape and for a nominal fee, after which they pass a light exam and promptly get their work permit. The system worked wonders and cut down drastically on illegal immigration. However, since Ukraine crisis began, millions more of refugees and migrants flooded into Russia, some of whom remain unregistered and live with relatives, and others qualify for an expedited citizenship, without being counted as migrants.
Interestingly enough, unlike the US or EU, Russia never complained of this huge influx of migrants. At the same time, Turkey also experienced 2.5 million+ refugee influx as a result of Syrian war and general destabilization of the Middle East.
I began with this information in order to establish some factual parameters. But this post isn't about the blame game. I think those who are awake and thinking know very well who paid billions of dollars to destabilize both Ukraine and Syria.
However, as a part of Lada Ray's Spiritual Geopolitics this article goes beyond the mundane and the physical. It also goes beyond historical processes, as we know them.
The entire world is presently experiencing large movements of populations from one country and/or continent to another. What causes masses of people to suddenly decide to pick up and move across borders? What makes one country especially attractive or unattractive for millions to live? Much has been said about the physical, 3rd Dimension (3D) aspects of the issue. Better salaries and social nets, running from war and seeking stability, better future are named among the reasons. Much has been said, but the baffling effect of mass migration remains, with no solution in sight.
This is the result of an erroneous and severely limited 3D approach to the problem that, in fact, resides in the sphere of energy and higher consciousness. However, to this day I don't see anyone addressing the problem the way it needs to be addressed, in other words, multi-dimensionally.
In this post I'll explain what happens when any country experiences a surge in its life force, or when there is a life force loss, and how that is reflected in the gain or loss of the population, resulting in the improved or worsened future of a country. The most severe cases are when a tribe or country succumb to foreign absorption and/or disappear altogether. This applies equally to individual cities, villages and any person on our planet.
I describe the Etherial Energy, through the presence of which we exist, as two-fold:
1. Cosmic Life Force
2. Earthly Chi (Chi - is Chinese for 'life force')
Thereafter, these two will be referred to collectively as life force.
The rise or loss of life force occurs first in higher dimensions, which are invisible to most humans. Therefore, this initial life force gain or loss is initially perceived only by few humans. Little by little either gain or loss of life force begins manifesting tangibly in the physical 3rd dimension.
The surge, or rise, of the life force usually manifests as multiple symptoms, including but not limited to: heightened artistic, business and social activity, rapid gains in population through immigration, coupled with accelerated childbirth among citizens. The country in question launches many simultaneous successful mega-business and infrastructure development projects that are designed to expand the opportunity, convenience and upward mobility. All this is is topped off with a heightened energy of creation, expressed through art, business, trade, sport, communication, and other spheres of life. The visible effect of all this is that the country in question becomes richer, more energized and attractive for living.
The rise of life force works usually as a veritable snowball effect. The first ones to notice it, begin acting on it in the spheres of life I described above. As they do, they supply more energy to the cumulative life force. As more energy is generated, more people notice it and begin their own contributions to the collective life force. At some point the life force grows so big that it becomes visible, like a light beacon, to people from far away. Initially, these are typically those whose own life force vibration is the best match. This is how immigration begins. It's no secret that the first to immigrate to a high energy place are those with most money, best talents and skills, in short, those whose high energy matches best the life force of the place in question. Later, those who have perhaps lesser talents and less money, but more spunk and nerve tend to move to a high life force area, sensing more growth opportunity there.
A great example of how it happened in the past was the United States of America immigration in the 17th-20th centuries. As then revolutionary idea of 'religious freedom and government by the people for the people' took hold, millions immigrated to the US from Europe. The snowball effect generated an explosion in business, trade and communications innovation. USA grew exponentially, until it began slowly rotting beneath the surface. Today, USA is an illustration of how nothing lasts forever. It is still attractive for some third-world countries and poor emigrees. But the wealthy, most talented and smartest have begun a quiet exodus. It always begins quietly, because the ones who see deeper and further do not advertise their moves.
When an avalanche of defections begins, it's usually too late. This means that the life force loss fully manifested in tangible 3D. At that point it becomes easy for anyone to see.
Another good example of the rise of life force are the Asian Tigers in the second half of the 20th century. Japan was another such prominent example in the 1980s.
The most significant contemporary examples of the surge in life force are Russia and China.
China has been experiencing an incredible, sustained life force rise since the 1980s, and it's still going strong. Not everything that goes on in China fits into the model I described above. For example, due to overpopulation, when life force began rising, and with it the living standards of the population, the government sought to limit population growth via the 1 child policy, which in the case of China was justified. Presently, as the prosperity is slowly taking hold in China, the 1 child policy is being relaxed. Immigration numbers is another category where China lags behind most top countries. If anything, China still loses population and currency at record rate. However, since there is an overpopulation of Chinese on mainland, the loss of the population may actually be a blessing in disguise. In some other categories, such as business activity and mega-projects, China performs a lot like the classic USA of the 17th-20th centuries.
Russia, on the other hand, is a pretty full-fledged example of the long-term sustained rise of the life force, which began in the early-to-mid 2000s and is gaining momentum this decade. The only criteria that lagged till recently was internal business activity growth. This was due to Yeltsin's robber baron privatization and ceding of the country's business, trade and finance control to the West. This handicap is being slowly and carefully reversed by Putin and his team since early 2000s. As the reversal happens, more and more internal business activity occurs. At this point the business/ trade activity is closing in on optimal numbers, despite the crisis generated by Ukraine events, anti-Russian sanctions and low oil prices.
The following criteria of an increasing life force are top-notch in Russia:
1. Creative energy in all areas of art, life and business continuously on the rise since the 90s - and growing.
2. Russia's willingness and ability to conceive and successfully execute a large number of simultaneous strategic infrastructure and economic mega-projects is of paramount importance and a sure indicator of a spike in the country's life force. Such mega-projects require not only huge investments, but also a vision, large number of qualified specialists, complete production cycle and sustained multi-year commitment. The following mega-projects have been and are being developed: Nord Stream 1 & 2; The Kerch Crimea Bridge; the Crimean peninsula development; Power of Siberia pipeline; Sochi/Krasnaya Polyana project; high-speed railroads; redevelopment of Moscow and other cities, including the new advanced transportation systems (Moscow alone got 2 new ones, including the now completed circular railroad system), new Cosmodrome Vostochniy, to name a few. Russia and Turkey just signed the Turkish Stream deal (finally). Russia is also building the new generation nuclear stations in Turkey, Iran, India and other countries.
3. The internal population increase via childbirth, following a loss of the population in the 90s. This was a slow going and the government made a valiant and bold effort to entice people to have children. The government programs are very generous: they provide new mothers with the so-called 'mother's capital.' This is a nest egg the government sets aside in the new mother's name after a birth of each child. The capital can be used to purchase a family home or to send that child to college. Neither the father, nor anyone else has access to the capital, the woman alone controls it. The mother's capital increases exponentially with every next child born.
(It has to be noted that the two most significant countries that experienced in the past 20-30 years the stunted childbirth and consequent population contraction, are Russia and Germany. Japan may be going through a similar problem. It is important because Russia and Germany are the two countries that suffered most through 20th century as a result of 2 world wars, plus subsequent division of each country. For Germany: the division on East and West; for Russia: the collapse of the USSR.)
4. Last but not least, large immigration numbers are a sure indicator of a surge in life force. This is especially true when the best qualified and wealthiest arrive en masse into the country. This has been the case in Russia. Much like in the 20th century USA, people who were doctors and engineers in their respective countries may come in to do menial jobs, paying much better in Russia than a professional position in their respective country. Another interesting phenomenon is the increasing immigration into Russia by the US and EU citizens; this especially concerns Germany and the Baltics. Yet another phenomenon is the repatriation to Russia of the former successful emigrants to the US and EU. This is accompanied with a repatriation of some Russian capital, which used to reside offshore (this is a slow and tedious process, but it is present).
It's all relative: each country has to be taken in its historic perspective. Most people don't think geopolitically or care about long-term; oftentimes they simply want to live in more stable and well-to-do countries. When a country is simply stable and well-to-do, compared to a war and poverty experienced in neighboring countries, such country will also experience an inflow of population, even if other characteristics, such as heightened internal population growth, strategic innovative development projects and heightened creativity are absent.
Stable to stagnant life force is the case in UK, Germany, France - in short the EU and Europe in general. USA and Canada are also stable to stagnant. The problem with such false stability is that it is only a matter of time for the status quo to change. A sufficient push at the right time - and such countries will tumble off their pedestal. Eventually this will happen. But this is a topic for another day.
The loss of the life force manifests tangibly in 3D as diminishing, and eventually dying, business, trade, cultural and social activity. Another manifestation is a disastrous loss of the quality of education and visible zombifying of the population through propaganda. In most cases it manifests as the gradual (or fast) dumbing down of the population.
The dying business, industrial and social activity, coupled with dumbing down of the population, causes a catastrophic population loss. As the quality of life goes down, people vote with their feet.
The next step can manifest as:
1. Slow (or fast) death of a 'tribe' or national unity in question, accompanied by an absorption of such declining territory by another power. We have plenty of historic examples, the most prominent of which is Western colonialism.
India being colonized by the British Empire is one such prominent example. But India's ancient life force eventually pulled through and helped rebuild the country. Of course, in big part it became possible due to Soviet help and support. In fact, the very existence of the USSR caused the global colonial system established by the West to crumble (read below on the life force share and life force donation). But Native Americans weren't so lucky. Their extermination by the aggressive whites, who arrived into their lands and took them over happened before such a formidable force as the Soviet Union came into existence. Therefore, their fate was sealed and they simply vanished.
2. Armed conflict, which can manifest as civil war, as an outside invasion and/or as bands of armed violent thugs roaming the land. We see this second scenario in Ukraine. We also see it in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen.
But look at countries such as Egypt and Turkey: despite all the problems and color revolution or coup attempts, they managed to regroup, solidify and rebuild. Unlike in the above examples, this denotes a pretty high collective life force.
As we have discussed above, the first to leave are those who feel the energy best and can read the invisible signs. The earliest to leave are usually the smartest, most talented and skilled, as well as the wealthiest. Those who have most Chi, most spunk and creative energy follow. The country that loses a huge layer of the smartest, most energetic and talented population becomes severely stunted. This is the situation that has developed in Ukraine.
In fact, the intangible aspect of energy, overlooked or even denied by so many in our 3D world, is what makes the world go round.
Only a society that has sufficient collective energy has a future. This cumulative energy resides in the collective consciousness of a tribe, nation and country. It guides the future development of such nation. This collective energy manifest in our 3D reality as people's talent, IQ, skill, enthusiasm, positive new ideas, willingness/ability to work and create, readiness to defend one's country, education, care for the land and diligent preservation of one's true roots. When these criteria are present, the country in question has a future.
When a nation or country experiences an existential crisis, it is the collective life force of the people that pulls the country out of this crisis. The examples of Turkey and Egypt apply here.
But the best example is the tremendous life force of Russia. Russia has been through many crises and invasions. To name a few: Napoleon invasion, WWI and subsequent 1917 revolution and Civil War, WWII and Hitler's invasion, the collapse of the USSR. As history has shown, Russia tends to snap out of any crisis that would have finished any other country, rebuild and move forward, in an impossibly record time. In fact, Russia historically has been a global donor of brains, talent, resources and saviors to the world. This is the karma and destiny of the Great Balancer and Stabilizer (read more in RUSSIA - THE GREAT BALANCER).
So far, a national unity that we presently call "Ukraine" doesn't have sufficient life force to preserve itself. It simply can't. In fact, according to various polls, anywhere between 30% and 65% of Ukrainians dream about leaving the country. The reason is this: Ukraine was built as a part of the Russian World. In reality, Ukraine consists of several pretty incompatible parts, which never wanted to stay together outside of the big Russia.
To stay separate from Russia Ukraine's ruling clique has to invent ways to brand Russia enemy No.1. The newest: Kiev announced that it wants to introduce visa regime with Russia. Of course, this way it'll only hurt its own citizens, millions of whom work in Russia as construction workers and nannies. The most popular train in Ukraine is... Lvov-Kiev-Moscow. Tickets get sold out a week prior. Such is the consequence of the loss of life force and the dumbing down of Ukraine and its government: they are ready to hurt themselves in order to get one up on Russia.
The population is a carrier of ancestral memory, skill and talent. Along with that, the population of any country also carries all of its earned karma, prejudices and shortcomings. If there is enough life force within the collective conscious of a specific country or tribe, then these burdens get resolved in due course as the collective society develops.
If the links to any of the above factors and ancestral memory are severed, such society becomes vulnerable and confused. The links are usually severed through two main and interconnected factors:
1. Deliberate brainwashing and dumbing down of the population by local elites and/or by foreign interests. The goal is to make people forget their real history and roots in order to submit to new rulers.
2. The loss of the most talented and educated population. This top layer of the population is usually the keeper of knowledge and wisdom of the realm.
When that happens the society has three ways to proceed:
Shrivel up and slowly die, succumbing to consciousness reformatting imposed from without. This usually signifies that a specific country or tribe is incapable and/or unwilling to continue in 3D on this planet. There are 2 ways it can happen.
a) Sometimes the tribe or 'rod' is so advanced that it ascends: examples are the Maya and Incas. There are more ancient examples as well. Often the remnants of such tribe remain incarnated in 3D despite the generally ascended tribe. These are the carriers of ancestral memory, who are here to remind the rest of earthlings something important. They carry certain residual knowledge and serve as memory triggers for others.
b) The second way is different: it is when a tribe or country has a lot of unfulfilled karma and contradictions it can't resolve other than by splitting up or dissolving. Ukraine is in this second category.
Find inner resources and rise up like a phoenix out of the ashes. When someone is in an extreme situation, a hardship normally triggers mobilization of one's inner force in order to survive. Cases have been known of small women displaying unusual strength to fend off much stronger male attackers. When one falls ill, the immune system would kick in to heal the damage. If the organism of a nation is basically healthy, its immune system will kick in, the hidden life force reserve will be found and the health of a nation will eventually be restored.
As in the example of Russia above, it is apparent that the immune system of Russia is exceedingly strong. It has to be, to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders.
Historically, Ukraine tends to be the opposite.
There is always two sides to any coin. External factors have to be taken into account. In part, the present sorry state of Ukraine can be blamed on the severe yang imbalance into which our world has plunged after the collapse of the Soviet Union and proliferation of the aggressively yang West. As I have said many times previously, presently, Russia, the Great Balancer, is attempting to rebalance the world back into a better equilibrium, while US and EU are doing everything to prevent that from happening. The reason US/EU don't want the world to be in balance is simple: the West can't afford to lose its unfair advantage, generated by keeping the rest of the world artificially poor and subservient. But there is a rift developing within US and EU elites. The old guard still pulls in this direction, while those who have clearer vision already see that for survival's sake it's much better to re-orient themselves towards the new reality.
Ukraine is one of the victims, and at the same time a perpetrator, in this 4D hybrid war against balance and common sense. Ukraine carries a very heavy karma fraught with an entanglement of unresolved issues and guilt about betraying its own past and memory. Until this karma is resolved, there won't be any forward movement.
As an intrinsic part of the Russian World, and therefore, a part of the Great Balancer, Ukraine also has a destiny to fulfil. Its destiny is glorious. When Ukraine (probably under the name of Novorossia) is back in balance, it will help Russia rebalance the world (and this is what US and certain EU elites try to prevent with all their might).
Other countries volunteer to share their own life force to fortify a fledgling country, thus preserving it and allowing it time to heal. Another way to put it is: another country, tribe or national unity 'donates part of its life force to another.' This is done through supplying talent, ideas and investment to fortify the dwindling energy of the population. This happened more than once previously with the territory we now call Ukraine. Russia had invested talent and resources to rebuild Ukraine several times in history.
My prediction: when the time comes, Russia will save Ukraine yet again, by sharing talent with her sisters and brothers. The interesting thing is that this time I foresee Europe, and probably China, also helping out rebuilding Ukraine when the time comes. This will be a nice collective effort, but it has to happen under Russia's general 'umbrella.' No rehabilitation of Ukraine is possible until this junta is gone and until US gets out.
It's interesting to recall historic examples of such outside life force infusions. A good example was the American Marshall Plan of rebuilding Western Europe after WWII. At the same time, the USSR made a huge investment and sent talent to help rebuild Eastern Europe, China and some other Asian countries after WWII, despite itself suffering from severe war devastation. We'll leave aside the geopolitical reasons for this 'life force sharing.' In the 1950s-1980s the USSR also routinely sent talent to Africa, Egypt, Cuba, Vietnam, and other post-colonial countries.
It has to be said that some of the territories of Ukraine (primarily Malorossia/Kiev and western Ukraine) were always historically a no-man's land. This situation is characteristic of various lands around Black Sea, Baltic Sea, Balkans and Eastern Europe in general. Since very ancient days, except a brief enough stunt when Knyaz' Oleg transferred the Rus' state capital from Novgorod to Kiev, those parts were known to bleed the population. The population and talent's replenishment occurred periodically, when Russia sent talent and specialists back to re-populate and prop up industry, politics and art in Ukraine. When I was little, this is what happened to my family.
I am a living proof of how everything I described works:
When I was little, as part of the life force and talent share, my parents were sent from Moscow to fortify the expanding transportation system of the Black Sea region of Odessa and Moldova, resulting in my growing up in Odessa (read more in ESR8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT).
When I was in school, but already an accomplished interpreter, I was sent to Cuba, to work with the Ministry of Education.
When the collapse of the Soviet Union was only visible to those few souls who saw deeper and understood more, my family and I left the USSR, after the West began the talent hunt in order to scoop up the best specialists and talented youths, while Russia looked the other way, being preoccupied with repairing the damage to her life force.
Today, as a fully sovereign individual, I don't allow anyone to control my talent, knowledge and vision. I choose to live where I feel is best for my personal development and work. I choose to contribute freely what I want and can to the world, and I share my knowledge and vision with humanity on my own terms and my own time, through FuturisTrendcast, Earth Shift Report, LadaRay.com and Lada Ray YouTube.
Copyright Lada Ray, October 12, 2016. All rights reserved.
The problem of losing the population is common to all 14 post-Soviet republics, except Russia. To be sure, Russia lost a significant number of population in the 1990s. I wrote previously why and how that happened, and I won't go into it again here. The trend began reversing in the 2000s as Russia began gaining population, first through immigration, and lately, also through a stimulation of internal birthrate.
You may recall Obama proclaiming in 2015 something to the effect 'that Russian economy is in shatters and that no one wants to live in Russia.' In reality, per global statistics, as of 2015 Russia is world's No. 3 country for immigration after USA and Germany, according to Wikipedia, with 11.6 million migrants. The current global data seems somewhat distorted due to the latest German refugee crisis, and also due to the fact that 'migrants' and 'refugees' are included in this statistics, along with the true immigration. The 2013 data, before Ukraine and Middle East refugee crises began, showed Russia at number 2 position after USA for immigration, with 10 million+ legal immigrants. Actually, it's hard to understand how Germany suddenly jumped to No. 2 position in 2015, if they received under 1.5 million (or 1.1 million as other data suggests) migrants, while in 2013 Germany was far below Russia's 10 million, and since 2014 Russia officially accepted about 1 million refugees from Ukraine, plus millions of migrants (data varies, but it's anywhere between 2 and 5 million). As I said, the data is Western and does seem politically motivated.
Incidentally, Russia has developed a revolutionary and humane system for registering and keeping track of immigration, in which immigrants, refugees and migrant workers are encouraged to register with no red tape and for a nominal fee, after which they pass a light exam and promptly get their work permit. The system worked wonders and cut down drastically on illegal immigration. However, since Ukraine crisis began, millions more of refugees and migrants flooded into Russia, some of whom remain unregistered and live with relatives, and others qualify for an expedited citizenship, without being counted as migrants.
Interestingly enough, unlike the US or EU, Russia never complained of this huge influx of migrants. At the same time, Turkey also experienced 2.5 million+ refugee influx as a result of Syrian war and general destabilization of the Middle East.
I began with this information in order to establish some factual parameters. But this post isn't about the blame game. I think those who are awake and thinking know very well who paid billions of dollars to destabilize both Ukraine and Syria.
However, as a part of Lada Ray's Spiritual Geopolitics this article goes beyond the mundane and the physical. It also goes beyond historical processes, as we know them.
The entire world is presently experiencing large movements of populations from one country and/or continent to another. What causes masses of people to suddenly decide to pick up and move across borders? What makes one country especially attractive or unattractive for millions to live? Much has been said about the physical, 3rd Dimension (3D) aspects of the issue. Better salaries and social nets, running from war and seeking stability, better future are named among the reasons. Much has been said, but the baffling effect of mass migration remains, with no solution in sight.
This is the result of an erroneous and severely limited 3D approach to the problem that, in fact, resides in the sphere of energy and higher consciousness. However, to this day I don't see anyone addressing the problem the way it needs to be addressed, in other words, multi-dimensionally.
In this post I'll explain what happens when any country experiences a surge in its life force, or when there is a life force loss, and how that is reflected in the gain or loss of the population, resulting in the improved or worsened future of a country. The most severe cases are when a tribe or country succumb to foreign absorption and/or disappear altogether. This applies equally to individual cities, villages and any person on our planet.
I describe the Etherial Energy, through the presence of which we exist, as two-fold:
1. Cosmic Life Force
2. Earthly Chi (Chi - is Chinese for 'life force')
Thereafter, these two will be referred to collectively as life force.
The rise or loss of life force occurs first in higher dimensions, which are invisible to most humans. Therefore, this initial life force gain or loss is initially perceived only by few humans. Little by little either gain or loss of life force begins manifesting tangibly in the physical 3rd dimension.
The surge, or rise, of the life force usually manifests as multiple symptoms, including but not limited to: heightened artistic, business and social activity, rapid gains in population through immigration, coupled with accelerated childbirth among citizens. The country in question launches many simultaneous successful mega-business and infrastructure development projects that are designed to expand the opportunity, convenience and upward mobility. All this is is topped off with a heightened energy of creation, expressed through art, business, trade, sport, communication, and other spheres of life. The visible effect of all this is that the country in question becomes richer, more energized and attractive for living.
The rise of life force works usually as a veritable snowball effect. The first ones to notice it, begin acting on it in the spheres of life I described above. As they do, they supply more energy to the cumulative life force. As more energy is generated, more people notice it and begin their own contributions to the collective life force. At some point the life force grows so big that it becomes visible, like a light beacon, to people from far away. Initially, these are typically those whose own life force vibration is the best match. This is how immigration begins. It's no secret that the first to immigrate to a high energy place are those with most money, best talents and skills, in short, those whose high energy matches best the life force of the place in question. Later, those who have perhaps lesser talents and less money, but more spunk and nerve tend to move to a high life force area, sensing more growth opportunity there.
A great example of how it happened in the past was the United States of America immigration in the 17th-20th centuries. As then revolutionary idea of 'religious freedom and government by the people for the people' took hold, millions immigrated to the US from Europe. The snowball effect generated an explosion in business, trade and communications innovation. USA grew exponentially, until it began slowly rotting beneath the surface. Today, USA is an illustration of how nothing lasts forever. It is still attractive for some third-world countries and poor emigrees. But the wealthy, most talented and smartest have begun a quiet exodus. It always begins quietly, because the ones who see deeper and further do not advertise their moves.
When an avalanche of defections begins, it's usually too late. This means that the life force loss fully manifested in tangible 3D. At that point it becomes easy for anyone to see.
Another good example of the rise of life force are the Asian Tigers in the second half of the 20th century. Japan was another such prominent example in the 1980s.
The most significant contemporary examples of the surge in life force are Russia and China.
China has been experiencing an incredible, sustained life force rise since the 1980s, and it's still going strong. Not everything that goes on in China fits into the model I described above. For example, due to overpopulation, when life force began rising, and with it the living standards of the population, the government sought to limit population growth via the 1 child policy, which in the case of China was justified. Presently, as the prosperity is slowly taking hold in China, the 1 child policy is being relaxed. Immigration numbers is another category where China lags behind most top countries. If anything, China still loses population and currency at record rate. However, since there is an overpopulation of Chinese on mainland, the loss of the population may actually be a blessing in disguise. In some other categories, such as business activity and mega-projects, China performs a lot like the classic USA of the 17th-20th centuries.
Russia, on the other hand, is a pretty full-fledged example of the long-term sustained rise of the life force, which began in the early-to-mid 2000s and is gaining momentum this decade. The only criteria that lagged till recently was internal business activity growth. This was due to Yeltsin's robber baron privatization and ceding of the country's business, trade and finance control to the West. This handicap is being slowly and carefully reversed by Putin and his team since early 2000s. As the reversal happens, more and more internal business activity occurs. At this point the business/ trade activity is closing in on optimal numbers, despite the crisis generated by Ukraine events, anti-Russian sanctions and low oil prices.
The following criteria of an increasing life force are top-notch in Russia:
1. Creative energy in all areas of art, life and business continuously on the rise since the 90s - and growing.
2. Russia's willingness and ability to conceive and successfully execute a large number of simultaneous strategic infrastructure and economic mega-projects is of paramount importance and a sure indicator of a spike in the country's life force. Such mega-projects require not only huge investments, but also a vision, large number of qualified specialists, complete production cycle and sustained multi-year commitment. The following mega-projects have been and are being developed: Nord Stream 1 & 2; The Kerch Crimea Bridge; the Crimean peninsula development; Power of Siberia pipeline; Sochi/Krasnaya Polyana project; high-speed railroads; redevelopment of Moscow and other cities, including the new advanced transportation systems (Moscow alone got 2 new ones, including the now completed circular railroad system), new Cosmodrome Vostochniy, to name a few. Russia and Turkey just signed the Turkish Stream deal (finally). Russia is also building the new generation nuclear stations in Turkey, Iran, India and other countries.
3. The internal population increase via childbirth, following a loss of the population in the 90s. This was a slow going and the government made a valiant and bold effort to entice people to have children. The government programs are very generous: they provide new mothers with the so-called 'mother's capital.' This is a nest egg the government sets aside in the new mother's name after a birth of each child. The capital can be used to purchase a family home or to send that child to college. Neither the father, nor anyone else has access to the capital, the woman alone controls it. The mother's capital increases exponentially with every next child born.
(It has to be noted that the two most significant countries that experienced in the past 20-30 years the stunted childbirth and consequent population contraction, are Russia and Germany. Japan may be going through a similar problem. It is important because Russia and Germany are the two countries that suffered most through 20th century as a result of 2 world wars, plus subsequent division of each country. For Germany: the division on East and West; for Russia: the collapse of the USSR.)
4. Last but not least, large immigration numbers are a sure indicator of a surge in life force. This is especially true when the best qualified and wealthiest arrive en masse into the country. This has been the case in Russia. Much like in the 20th century USA, people who were doctors and engineers in their respective countries may come in to do menial jobs, paying much better in Russia than a professional position in their respective country. Another interesting phenomenon is the increasing immigration into Russia by the US and EU citizens; this especially concerns Germany and the Baltics. Yet another phenomenon is the repatriation to Russia of the former successful emigrants to the US and EU. This is accompanied with a repatriation of some Russian capital, which used to reside offshore (this is a slow and tedious process, but it is present).
It's all relative: each country has to be taken in its historic perspective. Most people don't think geopolitically or care about long-term; oftentimes they simply want to live in more stable and well-to-do countries. When a country is simply stable and well-to-do, compared to a war and poverty experienced in neighboring countries, such country will also experience an inflow of population, even if other characteristics, such as heightened internal population growth, strategic innovative development projects and heightened creativity are absent.
Stable to stagnant life force is the case in UK, Germany, France - in short the EU and Europe in general. USA and Canada are also stable to stagnant. The problem with such false stability is that it is only a matter of time for the status quo to change. A sufficient push at the right time - and such countries will tumble off their pedestal. Eventually this will happen. But this is a topic for another day.
The loss of the life force manifests tangibly in 3D as diminishing, and eventually dying, business, trade, cultural and social activity. Another manifestation is a disastrous loss of the quality of education and visible zombifying of the population through propaganda. In most cases it manifests as the gradual (or fast) dumbing down of the population.
The dying business, industrial and social activity, coupled with dumbing down of the population, causes a catastrophic population loss. As the quality of life goes down, people vote with their feet.
The next step can manifest as:
1. Slow (or fast) death of a 'tribe' or national unity in question, accompanied by an absorption of such declining territory by another power. We have plenty of historic examples, the most prominent of which is Western colonialism.
India being colonized by the British Empire is one such prominent example. But India's ancient life force eventually pulled through and helped rebuild the country. Of course, in big part it became possible due to Soviet help and support. In fact, the very existence of the USSR caused the global colonial system established by the West to crumble (read below on the life force share and life force donation). But Native Americans weren't so lucky. Their extermination by the aggressive whites, who arrived into their lands and took them over happened before such a formidable force as the Soviet Union came into existence. Therefore, their fate was sealed and they simply vanished.
2. Armed conflict, which can manifest as civil war, as an outside invasion and/or as bands of armed violent thugs roaming the land. We see this second scenario in Ukraine. We also see it in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen.
But look at countries such as Egypt and Turkey: despite all the problems and color revolution or coup attempts, they managed to regroup, solidify and rebuild. Unlike in the above examples, this denotes a pretty high collective life force.
As we have discussed above, the first to leave are those who feel the energy best and can read the invisible signs. The earliest to leave are usually the smartest, most talented and skilled, as well as the wealthiest. Those who have most Chi, most spunk and creative energy follow. The country that loses a huge layer of the smartest, most energetic and talented population becomes severely stunted. This is the situation that has developed in Ukraine.
In fact, the intangible aspect of energy, overlooked or even denied by so many in our 3D world, is what makes the world go round.
Only a society that has sufficient collective energy has a future. This cumulative energy resides in the collective consciousness of a tribe, nation and country. It guides the future development of such nation. This collective energy manifest in our 3D reality as people's talent, IQ, skill, enthusiasm, positive new ideas, willingness/ability to work and create, readiness to defend one's country, education, care for the land and diligent preservation of one's true roots. When these criteria are present, the country in question has a future.
When a nation or country experiences an existential crisis, it is the collective life force of the people that pulls the country out of this crisis. The examples of Turkey and Egypt apply here.
But the best example is the tremendous life force of Russia. Russia has been through many crises and invasions. To name a few: Napoleon invasion, WWI and subsequent 1917 revolution and Civil War, WWII and Hitler's invasion, the collapse of the USSR. As history has shown, Russia tends to snap out of any crisis that would have finished any other country, rebuild and move forward, in an impossibly record time. In fact, Russia historically has been a global donor of brains, talent, resources and saviors to the world. This is the karma and destiny of the Great Balancer and Stabilizer (read more in RUSSIA - THE GREAT BALANCER).
So far, a national unity that we presently call "Ukraine" doesn't have sufficient life force to preserve itself. It simply can't. In fact, according to various polls, anywhere between 30% and 65% of Ukrainians dream about leaving the country. The reason is this: Ukraine was built as a part of the Russian World. In reality, Ukraine consists of several pretty incompatible parts, which never wanted to stay together outside of the big Russia.
To stay separate from Russia Ukraine's ruling clique has to invent ways to brand Russia enemy No.1. The newest: Kiev announced that it wants to introduce visa regime with Russia. Of course, this way it'll only hurt its own citizens, millions of whom work in Russia as construction workers and nannies. The most popular train in Ukraine is... Lvov-Kiev-Moscow. Tickets get sold out a week prior. Such is the consequence of the loss of life force and the dumbing down of Ukraine and its government: they are ready to hurt themselves in order to get one up on Russia.
The population is a carrier of ancestral memory, skill and talent. Along with that, the population of any country also carries all of its earned karma, prejudices and shortcomings. If there is enough life force within the collective conscious of a specific country or tribe, then these burdens get resolved in due course as the collective society develops.
If the links to any of the above factors and ancestral memory are severed, such society becomes vulnerable and confused. The links are usually severed through two main and interconnected factors:
1. Deliberate brainwashing and dumbing down of the population by local elites and/or by foreign interests. The goal is to make people forget their real history and roots in order to submit to new rulers.
2. The loss of the most talented and educated population. This top layer of the population is usually the keeper of knowledge and wisdom of the realm.
When that happens the society has three ways to proceed:
Shrivel up and slowly die, succumbing to consciousness reformatting imposed from without. This usually signifies that a specific country or tribe is incapable and/or unwilling to continue in 3D on this planet. There are 2 ways it can happen.
a) Sometimes the tribe or 'rod' is so advanced that it ascends: examples are the Maya and Incas. There are more ancient examples as well. Often the remnants of such tribe remain incarnated in 3D despite the generally ascended tribe. These are the carriers of ancestral memory, who are here to remind the rest of earthlings something important. They carry certain residual knowledge and serve as memory triggers for others.
b) The second way is different: it is when a tribe or country has a lot of unfulfilled karma and contradictions it can't resolve other than by splitting up or dissolving. Ukraine is in this second category.
Find inner resources and rise up like a phoenix out of the ashes. When someone is in an extreme situation, a hardship normally triggers mobilization of one's inner force in order to survive. Cases have been known of small women displaying unusual strength to fend off much stronger male attackers. When one falls ill, the immune system would kick in to heal the damage. If the organism of a nation is basically healthy, its immune system will kick in, the hidden life force reserve will be found and the health of a nation will eventually be restored.
As in the example of Russia above, it is apparent that the immune system of Russia is exceedingly strong. It has to be, to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders.
Historically, Ukraine tends to be the opposite.
There is always two sides to any coin. External factors have to be taken into account. In part, the present sorry state of Ukraine can be blamed on the severe yang imbalance into which our world has plunged after the collapse of the Soviet Union and proliferation of the aggressively yang West. As I have said many times previously, presently, Russia, the Great Balancer, is attempting to rebalance the world back into a better equilibrium, while US and EU are doing everything to prevent that from happening. The reason US/EU don't want the world to be in balance is simple: the West can't afford to lose its unfair advantage, generated by keeping the rest of the world artificially poor and subservient. But there is a rift developing within US and EU elites. The old guard still pulls in this direction, while those who have clearer vision already see that for survival's sake it's much better to re-orient themselves towards the new reality.
Ukraine is one of the victims, and at the same time a perpetrator, in this 4D hybrid war against balance and common sense. Ukraine carries a very heavy karma fraught with an entanglement of unresolved issues and guilt about betraying its own past and memory. Until this karma is resolved, there won't be any forward movement.
As an intrinsic part of the Russian World, and therefore, a part of the Great Balancer, Ukraine also has a destiny to fulfil. Its destiny is glorious. When Ukraine (probably under the name of Novorossia) is back in balance, it will help Russia rebalance the world (and this is what US and certain EU elites try to prevent with all their might).
Other countries volunteer to share their own life force to fortify a fledgling country, thus preserving it and allowing it time to heal. Another way to put it is: another country, tribe or national unity 'donates part of its life force to another.' This is done through supplying talent, ideas and investment to fortify the dwindling energy of the population. This happened more than once previously with the territory we now call Ukraine. Russia had invested talent and resources to rebuild Ukraine several times in history.
My prediction: when the time comes, Russia will save Ukraine yet again, by sharing talent with her sisters and brothers. The interesting thing is that this time I foresee Europe, and probably China, also helping out rebuilding Ukraine when the time comes. This will be a nice collective effort, but it has to happen under Russia's general 'umbrella.' No rehabilitation of Ukraine is possible until this junta is gone and until US gets out.
It's interesting to recall historic examples of such outside life force infusions. A good example was the American Marshall Plan of rebuilding Western Europe after WWII. At the same time, the USSR made a huge investment and sent talent to help rebuild Eastern Europe, China and some other Asian countries after WWII, despite itself suffering from severe war devastation. We'll leave aside the geopolitical reasons for this 'life force sharing.' In the 1950s-1980s the USSR also routinely sent talent to Africa, Egypt, Cuba, Vietnam, and other post-colonial countries.
It has to be said that some of the territories of Ukraine (primarily Malorossia/Kiev and western Ukraine) were always historically a no-man's land. This situation is characteristic of various lands around Black Sea, Baltic Sea, Balkans and Eastern Europe in general. Since very ancient days, except a brief enough stunt when Knyaz' Oleg transferred the Rus' state capital from Novgorod to Kiev, those parts were known to bleed the population. The population and talent's replenishment occurred periodically, when Russia sent talent and specialists back to re-populate and prop up industry, politics and art in Ukraine. When I was little, this is what happened to my family.
I am a living proof of how everything I described works:
When I was little, as part of the life force and talent share, my parents were sent from Moscow to fortify the expanding transportation system of the Black Sea region of Odessa and Moldova, resulting in my growing up in Odessa (read more in ESR8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT).
When I was in school, but already an accomplished interpreter, I was sent to Cuba, to work with the Ministry of Education.
When the collapse of the Soviet Union was only visible to those few souls who saw deeper and understood more, my family and I left the USSR, after the West began the talent hunt in order to scoop up the best specialists and talented youths, while Russia looked the other way, being preoccupied with repairing the damage to her life force.
Today, as a fully sovereign individual, I don't allow anyone to control my talent, knowledge and vision. I choose to live where I feel is best for my personal development and work. I choose to contribute freely what I want and can to the world, and I share my knowledge and vision with humanity on my own terms and my own time, through FuturisTrendcast, Earth Shift Report, LadaRay.com and Lada Ray YouTube.
Copyright Lada Ray, October 12, 2016. All rights reserved.
Country by country & city by city
Global Comparative Quantum Calibration Analysis (1970s-80s vs. TODAY)
As usual, calibrations are very educational and reveal hidden layers of understanding the truth and reality like nothing else - for those who care to see.
How to read calibrations: C = calibration or divine energy available to a subject, Chi = chi, life force available to a subject in 3D.
(Read all about Lada Ray Quantum Calibration scale and Earth Shift System.)
Calibration of Ukrainian SSR as a whole, when I grew up there (1970s-80s):
C - 210 Courage (above positive calibration of 200 - good). Chi - 185 Pride (worse, but still decent enough and workable).
Kiev (1970s-80s):
C - 195, Chi - 195 Yearning, striving (A bit better than Pride and just under the min. positive 200, in other words, Kiev as capital had more chi than Ukraine on average, which included the low calibrated central and western Ukraine. However, this calibration would have been way too low for me personally. Probably because of this I never liked Kiev and always avoided it).
Odessa (1970s-80s):
C - 285 Neutrality, friendliness (very positive and rare for any city at the time) Chi - 280 also Neutrality, friendliness (WOW, positive Chi - very rare indeed! Being very sensitive to energy around me, this explains why I felt so comfortable growing up in Odessa and why I have such fond memories.)
Odessa Mechnikov State University, where I began studying (1980s):
C - 210 Courage (good) Chi - 480 Humanity/Compassion (well above level 400-Reason and very high for a school)
For comparison's sake: Moscow (1970s-80s):
C - 285 Neutrality, friendliness (very positive and rare for any city at the time) Chi - 195 (a bit better than Pride and just under the min. positive 200)
Moscow Lomonosov University, where I continued studying (1980s):
C - 480 Chi - 485 both Humanity/Compassion (above level 400-Reason and sky-high for a school)
For comparison's sake: New York (1970s-80s):
C - 195 Yearning, striving Chi 185 Pride (both below min. positive)
For comparison's sake: Washington DC (1970s-80s):
C - 85 Grief, despondency (ouch!) Chi - 180 Pride (below min. positive)
For comparison's sake: China (1970s-80s):
C - 95 Grief, despondency (ouch!) Chi - 185 Pride (below min. positive)
For comparison's sake: Beijing (1970s-80s):
C - 180 Pride (below min. positive) Chi - 185 Pride (same)
For comparison's sake: USSR as a whole (1970s-80s):
C - 280 Neutrality, friendliness (very positive and rare for any country!). Chi - 195 Yearning, striving (a bit better than Pride and just under the min. positive 200 - I wish it were a bit higher, but if we take the world in general or any other country at the very same time, we'll find that it was sky-high in comparison).
For comparison's sake: USA as a whole (1970s-80s):
C - 150 Anger!! (clearly well below USSR) Chi - 195 Yearning, striving (same as USSR above).
Well, well, what do you know: both superpowers were 'yearning and striving' to outdo each other. Will humanity ever learn its lesson? All this silly competition does is strain our planet's resources and generate wars. And USA's calibration at the time was one of the highest - most other countries would fare worse. But again NOTE how much higher the calibration of the USSR was at the time!
Notice how precipitously the energy has plunged across the board in Ukraine! And notice the interesting changes in other countries as well!
Ukraine today as a whole today calibrates at:
C - 85 and Chi - 95 both are: Grief, despondency (very, very bad, but entirely predictable).
Kiev today:
C - 85, Chi - 95 Grief, despondency
(In this regard, recall my very popular post: Last Hope for Ukraine: All-Ukrainian Orthodox March for Peace in Donbass Culminates in Kiev. In it I calibrated Kiev at the time of the march. If you read the post, you'll see how the energy of the prayer has sent the generally low calibration of Kiev much higher. But after the march ended, eventually calibration plunged again to its normal lows, per my prediction.)
Odessa today:
C - 95 Chi - 180 Pride (some spunk still left from the old days, alas, not too much, a far cry of the once nice city I knew as a child)
Odessa Mechnikov State University has been renamed by Ukraine into the Odessa National University. Nothing is left of the school I once enjoyed. I hear it became infested with ukro-nazi ideology brought in from western Ukraine and Canada, which is why I never felt like going back there:
C - 91 Grief Chi - 180 Pride
Moscow TODAY:
C - 410 Reason (very high and rare for any city at the time) Chi - 480 Humanity/Compassion (WOW! sky-high)
Moscow Lomonosov University:
C - 410 Chi - 480 both Humanity/Compassion (above level 400-Reason and sky-high for any school - but notice that it's a little lower than during Soviet days, which indicates the lower standards of education after the USSR collapse, when Russia began following Western system. Presently, the movement back towards the classic Russian school and away from the Western school has begun).
New York:
C - 210 Courage (just above min. positive) Chi 195 Pride (just below min. positive)
Washington DC:
C - 180 Pride Chi - 195 Yearning, striving (a bit better than Pride and just under the min. positive 200)
China TODAY:
C - 210 Courage Chi - 480 Humanity/Compassion (WOW! sky-high)
Beijing TODAY:
C - 195 Yearning, striving Chi - 185 Pride
Russia as a whole TODAY:
C - 280 Neutrality, friendliness (very positive and rare for any country!) Chi - 485 Humanity/Compassion (WOW! sky-high) Very positive both - no wonder so many people in the world feel that Russia is the world's only hope. They are right.
USA as a whole TODAY:
C - 210 Courage (just above min. positive 200 - this calibration indicates some awakening of the country before the elections, usually it's lower than that!) Chi - 185 Pride
Copyright Lada Ray, October 12, 2016. All rights reserved.