WRITTEN FENG SHUI CONSULTATION TESTIMONIAL 2024, and more: As a follower of Lada Ray, I cannot speak highly enough of her unique abilities, her workshops, her predictions, and the special calibrations she is able to offer regarding the world in which we live. As a long time reader and user of Feng Shui, I have sometimes not been the happiest with interpretations or suggestions given by other authors on ways or examples on how to use Feng Shui in your life or in your environment. Lada Ray is a Feng Shui Master in the School of Flying Stars. She offers a Feng Shui report specific to a person's life that offers daily supportive guidance attuned to the individual's birthdate. In 25 years of looking for helpful feng shui, I have never found anyone offering anything better! Patricia CONSULTATIONS > PERSONAL FENG SHUI EMPOWERMENT & SUCCESS REPORT SPECIAL VIDEO EVENTS TESTIMONIALS
All free and paid events are here: SPECIAL VIDEO EVENTS! ________________ Earth Shift Webinars Reviews EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR SERIES 3: COVID-19 CATALYST & 2020-26 PREDICTIONS! ESW12: EARTH SHIFT & COVID-19, the catalyst of change! Futurist Trends & Predictions Judy Thanks so much for this extremely valuable webinar, Lada. So much rich content and information. It is fascinating to see the world changing in front of our eyes, and your work highlights the major themes and trends with great clarity. Although the room was getting darker the light was shining through you by the time you came to the end of the recordings. Much looking forward to the final two parts of the series but also taking some time to absorb the wealth of ideas and data that has come through you in this webinar. Blessings to you. Anka and Ljubo Just finished watching ESW12. Really comprehensive and, most important, optimistic about the future. Thank you very much. Seeker Hello Lada, excellent webinar! You left me with a good positive feeling inside. Your trends and predictions are most useful and are communicated in a gentle positive way. Looking forward to the next webinar! Teresa mc Very good, interesting, elucidating, and so much more :) Let's hope this 4D crutch helps us rapidly move to a 5D world! George Hi Lada - great and positive webinar! The predictions jive with your earlier ones, such as involving Period 8/9. One reflection from your webinar: on people becoming more sovereign and independent, think this applies to countries too. The disruption in supply chains mean that countries will also have to look within to be more resilient. So even as the digital connects us, the reality requires to be less dependent on global supply chains and more sovereign. ESW11: Dems & Project Chimerica! Who Created COVID-19? George I listened to ESW11 earlier today and I felt like a mystery had been solved, and in line with the cosmos 🙂 Teresa mc Very juicy information, very clearly explained. It all makes sense and the pieces begin to click in place 🙂 Very good answers to very good questions! Seeker Hi Lada, great work, I couldn’t resist listening as soon as I got it! Now I am done. That was excellent. Thank you for the answers. You are good at calming things down and reassuring us that all is well. Anthony R I just finished listening to both parts and it was really fascinating. Very interesting about corrupt mid-5D soul like Bill Gates. So many other interesting things that we can talk about all day; such a complex and fascinating universe! Thank you for helping us navigate through all the information we receive and breaking it down in a way that always vibrates 100 percent at the level of truth. From Lada Ray Patreon George Perhaps strange - recently when I resonate with what I hear or read, my heart and head tingles with delicious energy. This is one of those times. BOOK / ARTICLE TESTIMONIALS & CONSULTATION REVIEWS 2019
Dear Lada, I am writing to let you know how very much I enjoyed and appreciated the Multidimensional Quantum Calibration Report I recently received from you. It was truly amazing. I was impressed at how accurate it was. So much of what was revealed through your calibrations resonated deeply with me as the truth. It was a validation also of much that I know about myself. What I especially appreciated was the revelation of some areas in my life that have been hidden, becoming my blind spot. In addition to the calibrations, your deeply insightful comments and additional revelations were invaluable. I look forward to working with you further in another consultation in order to clear some of these deeper hidden areas that are holding me back from the spiritual goals I am wanting in my life. Thank you for this amazing report and for all you do and who you are! Many Blessings, ~Polli, Hawaii Dear Lada Ray, Thank you very much for all my Multidimensional Quantum Calibrations! I found them extremely uplifting and a comfort that I appear to be on the right path. I feel I now understand myself more, which is something I needed, so I am extremely grateful our paths have crossed. Your insight into problems with my heart chakra is so true, I can see now that I didn't realise the extent to which my grief impacted my whole being. Thank you for that information. Past years' life's events have thrown me, but in recent months I have been moving forward again and now you have inspired me to be all that I can be, the brightest light I can be! Thank you again! You bring so much more to my attention! I love your perspective and insight in your work; you piece everything together and confirm that what I suspected to be true, really is! ~Leanne, Australia For QUANTUM HEALTH consultation with Az Dear Az, Though we have communicated since I received the consultation with you (including the comical Mercury Retrograde communication confusion over "Black Gold" LOL) I neglected to tell you how very much I appreciated the consultation. The insight and information around the chemtrail issue was of great interest and value, but of even more help and interest was the information you provided regarding health and nutrition. I have begun implementing the hair remedy and I have come to love the Black Cumin seed oil you recommended, which I found difficult at first but now I really like! And thank you for the awesome recipes which are delicious and so healthful. I acknowledge your deep insight about health and nutrition and I am grateful to have spent time in the consultation availing myself of it! On top of it, it was really fun! Thank you Az, Many Blessings, ~Polli, Hawaii For Lada Ray's recent article What's Behind Simultaneous Amazon Rainforest, California & Siberian Taiga Fires? There are lots more beautiful words posted by my patrons in different threads, but these two latest really resonated: Anthony R Thank you Lada! Everything you say always feels exactly right :) Shamsa Lada, as always you give such amaaaazing spiritual insights into global events and I always LEARN so much. Thank you for this post. You are unique in every wonderful way. Much love and light. For Lada Ray's novel THE EARTH SHIFTER Stanislav Sokolov 5.0 out of 5 stars An illuminating and thrilling ride! Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase Lada Ray's "The Earth Shifter" strikes a perfect balance between thrilling and educational. It captivates you from the very first lines and holds your attention to the last sentence. While being a very well-written spiritual thriller, it tells with direct honesty about the hardships that Russia was going through in the 90s and early 00s. Despite the fact that several of the names have been changed, one quickly recognizes certain characters and a company from that turbulent time, and learns in great detail how the oligarchs in Russia became so despicably rich overnight. That part or Russian history is never told in the Western publications and few in the West know what deathly aftertaste the first decade of "democracy" left in Russia. But The Earth Shifter is much more then just a historical account. It will take you on a magical journey to Lake Baikal in Siberia, and to a thrilling trip to the US. It will guide you through the past, unveiling some of the little-known events. And it will join it all together in to dazzling culmination, giving hope... to humanity. This adventure story is a must-read for anyone even remotely interested in Russia, history, and where the humanity is heading. Lada's commentary: **Wow! So many wonderful testimonials! THANK YOU, ALL! There are so many more beautiful words my clients and followers have added on different sites! I wish I could post all of them here! Regardless, please know: I always read and treasure all your precious messages! NOTE! Because of the sheer volume of testimonials and reviews of my work, the TESTIMONIALS page is becoming rather oversized and unruly. I will soon be re-organizing the Testimoinals section of my site to make it more orderly! As a matter of fact... (spoiler alert!) LadaRay.com will soon be getting a beautiful new home! More great news soon! |
free info & articles
timtolzmann | November 28, 2017
I just watched, Lada, your most current radio interview with Mr. Plane (Paul Plane, I think). Brilliant! A virtuoso interview you gave. Your breadth and depth of knowledge are wonderful. And of course you gave very good news for mankind, in that more cooperation and harmony are being manifested in the Middle East, the heart of the world. Thank you so much.
Nancy Chester | May 19, 2018
The first thing this Saturday morning when I pulled up my subscriber YouTube page was your great 10 minute promo for Webinar 9, “Mystery of the Lost Continents & 4D World” and boy was I hooked. Can’t believe I’ve purchased all 3 in this series but haven’t yet started it. And then I saw the little fox video. What started out to be a regular Saturday morning turned into a gift of a beautiful day.So then I pulled up my “Lada Ray Purchased ESR’s & Webinars” word document and calculated I have 11 hours 23 minutes of unviewed enlightenment. So what I plan to do is start each day listening to this Webinar series.
timtolzmann | November 28, 2017
I just watched, Lada, your most current radio interview with Mr. Plane (Paul Plane, I think). Brilliant! A virtuoso interview you gave. Your breadth and depth of knowledge are wonderful. And of course you gave very good news for mankind, in that more cooperation and harmony are being manifested in the Middle East, the heart of the world. Thank you so much.
Nancy Chester | May 19, 2018
The first thing this Saturday morning when I pulled up my subscriber YouTube page was your great 10 minute promo for Webinar 9, “Mystery of the Lost Continents & 4D World” and boy was I hooked. Can’t believe I’ve purchased all 3 in this series but haven’t yet started it. And then I saw the little fox video. What started out to be a regular Saturday morning turned into a gift of a beautiful day.So then I pulled up my “Lada Ray Purchased ESR’s & Webinars” word document and calculated I have 11 hours 23 minutes of unviewed enlightenment. So what I plan to do is start each day listening to this Webinar series.
Testimonials / reviews for EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS
Earth Shift Webinar 8: 1000 LOST YEARS & FALSIFIED HISTORY
Teresa mc
Yes, THANK YOU, Lada. Fantastic. You broad our horizons and truly enlighten us! And THANK YOU Az for making this possible!
Dear Lada, fantastic Q&A, THANK YOU, you are super-good at explaining everything, to connect the different lessons and to de-mystifying the many stories, worries or questions we have. Great to be back in school again. A real school. Kind regards, Seeker.
Maddie Walsh
Awesome series, thanks so much Lada for all your hard work! The bonus is mind-bending, like a whole other webinar unto itself. Real history is infinitely more interesting than the official fake narrative we learned in school! :)
Anthony R
Thanks Lada and Az! You guys have changed my life and many others.
Yes, THANK YOU, Lada. Fantastic. You broad our horizons and truly enlighten us! And THANK YOU Az for making this possible!
Dear Lada, fantastic Q&A, THANK YOU, you are super-good at explaining everything, to connect the different lessons and to de-mystifying the many stories, worries or questions we have. Great to be back in school again. A real school. Kind regards, Seeker.
Maddie Walsh
Awesome series, thanks so much Lada for all your hard work! The bonus is mind-bending, like a whole other webinar unto itself. Real history is infinitely more interesting than the official fake narrative we learned in school! :)
Anthony R
Thanks Lada and Az! You guys have changed my life and many others.
Dear Lada, your seminars are a fantastic piece of light work, and this no. 10 was the grand finale. And with such a happy ending that I had a goosebumps moment. I can only recommend others to buy this wonderful present for themselves. It is really providing a quantum leap into a deeper understanding. I am grateful. Kind regards Seeker
The Forbidden History seminar was a shock for me. I was paralysed for days. I admit. I have to regroup everything in my head now. Takes time. But a very nice feeling. I feel like the fool in a fairy tale searching for adventure and knowledge.
Maddie Walsh
Well worth investing in this sacred knowledge at any price! I've scoured the internet and can't find anything close to what you present in this powerful webinar, totally recommended to all my friends and family. Great job presenting and interpreting such in-depth and complicated subject like falsified history which we can now understand within the context of the new chronology and lies rationally debunked. Thanks again Lada for all your hard work, wisdom and inexhaustible knowledge!
ESW9 Teresa mc
More and more fascinating, Lada! Segment 5 resonated deeply within me, the (eventually misled) mighty consciousness in Atlantis and the disillusion with humanity...
ESW9 - Seeker
Just started, really really good Lada. I know you are busy, but if you have time at one point in time to make a forbidden history book, maybe something not too long - also so you have time to do it, a kind of summary for children, young people and busy grownups, also with some of the great pictures, maps, etc. Could be used as gifts etc., I like to give my daughter one. If you have any interest, you could make a "donate" button for the project and I will contribute. If it reach the amount you need, you do it. If not, you close it after a certain time period and use the donations for other projects. Kind regards.
ESW9 - Maddie Walsh
Love the pics, overall the history and linguistic proofs are super compelling, and mindblowing intel. 5 stars all the way!
ESW8 - Seeker:
Hi Lada, Following the seminar, I must say I have been in a state of shock for some days now, having to deal with all this. It never occured to me that such a big organised falsification could have taken place, It is enormous and will basically reach into all scientific disciplines and rip down structures of all institutions worldwide, if the truth was really shown to us.
ESW8 - Maddie Walsh
Amazing webinar, you really connected all the missing pieces of the historic puzzle, now our current timeline makes much more sense from the revised historical/ hysterical context. Thanks!
ESW8 - John Hamish
Wonderfully done Lada, your acumen on this topic is unparalleled. The subject about the real life of Jesus should challenge Christianity's core beliefs!
ESW7 and ESW 8 - Seeker | April 20, 2018
After reading hundreds of “alternatives” books, I can only recommend to listen to this (and no. 7), to connect the dots.
ESW7 - 1EarthUnited | April 20, 2018 Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:
Awesome Webinar, won’t hear this kind of info anywhere. More plz!
Wow, can’t wait to sink my teeth into the next one! Sample video shares excellent insight, thanks Lada!!
Nancy Chester | April 12, 2018
Excellent short video on balance of mind & emotion as bridges in our 3D world and the role of our sovereign egos. I forgot that I purchased ESR 7 a month ago. It's occurred to me that today would be a good time to detach from the latest Deep/Dark State attempt to start WWIII and instead enjoy the full 2 1/2 hour ESR 7.
sarahslifejourneyblog | March 9, 2018
I’m slowly listening and digesting your lecture with much hope and joy, every you talk about is so new and revealing to me, yet familiar at the same time, does that make sense? So far about half way through, I’m savoring the stories and nodding my head, YES! I’m recommending your webinar to my closest friends because I know they will relate to what your doing, thanks for shining your light and illuminating the way for the rest of us. -Sarah
I’ve learnt a lot through the new Forbidden History Webinars. Worth listening over and over again, because there are usually ‘Easter eggs’ and new Aha moments!
Earth Shift Webinar 6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA
Hi Lada, your ESW6 Webinar is truly exceptional. I love the intrigue and suspense of Russia’s true history, watches like an international spy thriller, I was truly shocked and mesmerized by the turn of events in the 90s and early 2000s (behind the scene events). I’ve always known President Putin to be a competent, trustworthy, ethical leader despite all the negative western MSM press and outright lies. Actions speak louder than words, and Mr. Putin has proven himself many times over. I had no idea about the tremendous political pressure and attacks he had to endure from his adversaries. It had me cheering like a Rocky story! I also feel more optimistic that Russia, President Putin (with his highly competent team) provide the perfect counterweight to the dark cabal hellbent on destroying us all. Great job putting all the geopolitical pieces for us to digest and get the whole picture. Beautifully presented!
Click on titles to read testimonials from scholarship recipients for ESW6: The Putin Enigma ESW5: Period 8 Predictions:
1. On FuturisTrendcast Nice Guys Finish FIRST! 2-Webinar Scholarship to Soul Sister from California
2. A Letter from Slovenia, EU: After studying your work I understood how the world works
3. A Letter from S.Africa/Namibia: What Future Awaits My Beloved Africa? Full Scholarship
4. Priceless 5D Letter from Sweden and the Missing Pieces of the Russian Puzzle
5. Heartfelt Letter from Africa and The 1st Putin Enigma Scholarship (Nairobi, Kenya)
More heartfelt testimonials:
Rafael Navarrete Rico | December 9, 2017 at 9:09 am Silver eagle words and your response made me feel so warm and i felt gratitud and felt humble towards the universe as is true as she said, the universe is not against us but it really is more like sort of an ally to help us evolve, through instrumental people like yourself Lada, but we humans too often complicate things tremendously through our ego and become blind and create mysery for others and ourselves.
Thanks for your webinars. I listened to Putin enigma and was amazing, brilliant, with lots of information. So much good stuff. Thank you Lada for your tremenddous efforts doing it.
paleohippy | December 8, 2017 Like Jimmy, Silver Eagle’s comments made me walk around my office, which these days is in my head. What a remarkable accounting of how her journey has unfolded and to where it is now. Our trails are so similar and I can easily fill in the blanks yet she is much more brave for laying it all out there. Her words lend encouragement to a more timid soul. See what you attract, Lada :)? We are outliers but at the same time right in the middle of the soup. Your work has helped make 2017 much more meaningful for me. Thank you for crafting such a warm place for us and a place for truth and sanity.
anthonyra82 | December 8, 2017 Thank you for a fantastic 2017! As tumultuous as it is around the world we are slowly turning the corner and better times are ahead. Here’s to a great 2018..Merry Christmas and a Happy Earth Shift to you and Az
pattygreenman | December 8, 2017 Beautiful, lovely sentiment. I’m fortunate to have purchased all your Webinars and found them incredibly helpful for planning my future, financial allocation and relocation possibilities for the upcoming period 9, especially during this great Earth Shift.
Thanks again for your sage advice and timely consult, worth every penny and then some!
Merry X-mas and Happy New Year to you and your ever awakening readers.
Jimmy | December 8, 2017standing ovation!
To see such desire for knowledge is beyond heartwarming and then your generosity on top of that… I had to walk around my office for a few seconds cause of all the good vibes flowing through me! This, to me, is 5D in action. Bravo!
Rafael Navarrete Rico | November 10, 2017 Hi Lada, very inspiring:). I was close to crying to be honest but out of the joy i felt while reading. Your work has tremendous positive effects. As i said it before, you and your work are in a league of your own.
Earth Shift Webinar 5: LADA RAY Q&A
Rafael Navarrete Rico | September 23, 2017
Thank you Lada for your excellent webinar. You never dissapoint. You truly help to make more sense of geopolitical events, because you apply your analysis from higher perspective to a 3D , mundane world and that makes a hugh difference, giving substance and logic to events, than at a first superficial look, seem to be unrelated and crazy and without logic and that makes you the best among excellent geopolitcal analists i have read. Lady you are in a league of your own. As always, i will be looking forward to your further analysys and webinars:).
1EarthUnited | September 23, 2017
Amazing Q&A Webinar! So much useful practical advice, reinforces and elaborates on what i learned from Webinars 2,3,4. Thank you so much for advice on global warming, geoengineering and possible solutions to epidemic chemtrail problems/ Agenda 21 programs. We really need to be informed and combat this for our own health and survival and a ppl. Good to know Southern countries are the place to be for Period 9!!! Glad I’ve made all the right decisions with your help. You and Az are real treasures!
Natercia Pedroso (from Portugal) | September 23, 2017
Hi Lada! It was the first time for me (LR: to be in live webinar), at first sound was not good, Internet in my town sometimes is slow, but I really enjoyed it. I could be there for hours and hours. Thank you.
Earth Shift Webinar 4: PERIOD 8 GLOBAL PREDICTIONS (Till 2024 & beyond)
Rafael Navarrete | August 27, 2017
I finished listening to the webinar. It was great. You never dissapoint Lada. Your work and effort is priceless. Thank you again a for a great webinar which help to have a much clearer picture of world events. Your unique analytical views of geopolitcal analysis combined with higher spiritual understandig and knowledge, helps to take away the mysteries of world events and put things in a clear understanding. Nobody else out there in the world provide such a complete view of what is unfolding, even the best analysts in Russia, Asia and the west, are not as complete and accurate as your analysis and trendforcasting. Thank you for helping to make sense of apparently senseless developments taking place in the world. I believe everything has a logic, but to see that logic in development, we need people like you to come along to make us see the logic of unfolding events and give hope to humans. Thanks again;).
I can’t wait for your following webinars.
hkshingham | August 23, 2017
Lada, I was so looking forward to this webinar and finished listening yesterday, in the midst of a busy work day! There are so many gems, with practical action points for the next few years, that I want to take notes the second time round! It sounds like my island city state south of mainland Asia is a good place to be for Period 9.
What’s special to me about this webinar? Well, you have always been very confident and assured in your presentation. But I really appreciated your sharing about your mission, vulnerabilities and dreams of the future. I also felt more love and tenderness in the tone of your voice? Would be curious about your QC for this webinar.
~Best wishes, Eugene
AKAIDA | August 25, 2017
Awesome webinar, great info for relocation and investment.
Earth Shift Webinar 3: THE FUTURE OF MONEY
There is so much profound content in your latest webinar that I need to listen to it repeatedly. Almost all podcasts that I download I immediately delete when finished listening but yours I will keep for awhile to digest everything. I think you’re becoming my spiritual and geopolitical guru." ~Gary
Thanks so much for the fantastic webinar, I’m so grateful for the information shared. Especially as I’m one of those smug prepper/stackers who has had the wind taken right out of my sails. Is Lada offering counselling sessions?!! (Just kidding).
~Ann McLaren, UK
Wonderful Lada! I had a few AHA! moments. The truth hits you and you know it. It now makes sense as I always wondered how does one think of something like crypto-currencies and how does something like this come to be? I now understand exactly how and why it came to be. Thank you for answering all our questions and the last question was an excellent one as you mentioned. It really made me think how much energy humans spend on something that would not even be needed if our consciousness was high enough. Can't wait until the next one! ~Anthony, Canada
Great job with this Webinar series, Lada & Az! Thanks so much for the early release of The Future of Money. There’s so much great information, timelines, possible “conspiracies” to digest. Wow, six hours is a ton of insider material. So glad you included a real estate segment, I plan on relocating this year and it's much needed guidance! Bless you guys!
~1EarthUnited, blogger, USA
Just finished listening to Webinar 3. It took me all weekend to listen and it was worth it. Very good and even sometimes difficult to grasp all that info, but that is part of the fun)). It gives much better understanding of things and the conduct of The Great Balancer and his leadership but also of the opponents to the Earth Shift and The Great Balancer. Thank you Lada)). ~Rafael Navarrete Rico
Thank you Lada, Your Webinar is full of Highly valuable information! I really enjoy it. I’m so much looking forward to upcoming ones! Thank you for answers to my question! ~Emil, Sweden
Anonymous Seeker from Scandinavia | July 30, 2017
Dear Lada,
Great stuff! Presentations with good sense of humour, entertaining! Just came across your site a few weeks ago. I want to thank you very much for these webinars, very educational. I did like the real estate chapter very much, thank you. Personally, I feel I must find out to how to navigate in all of this to preserve my economy, so I can take care of my family. Your background as financial consultant combined with your extraordinary skills is just wonderful. I like to tell you why it was also good. For the last 10-15 years, I had this sad feeling that the Armageddon scenario had a certain probability. A lot of people from alternative economists to psychics shared this view. For some reason, I was attracted to this, basically fearful, scenario. Now you immediately made me feel better! It resonated to me as very true.
I am indeed looking forward to hearing webinar 4. Thank you again, and all the best.
Robert | August 15, 2017
Having been through your money webinar I am slowly getting a handle on things financial, though I would have a long way to go to catch up with you!
You cleared up another thing for me that has been puzzling me all my life! I have forever been trying to understand 3D people and am continually horrified by the conditions they allow to exist and also encourage to the detriment of other people. Watching all the crazy incidents taking place these days and all the sudden exposes on Youtube and MSM I’m very convinced that the Earthshift is gathering momentum, possibly faster than the dark state would wish!
On the brighter side I really enjoyed your novel “The Earth Shifter”. It was very hard to put down once I started reading!!
Looking forward to ESW4 next week!!
Nancy C/Seattle | August 16, 2017
I have watched the first 3 sections of Webinar 3, The Future of Money and now have a much clearer grasp of Earth Shift and understanding of 1 foot in 3D (physical) & 1 foot in lower 4D (mind) concepts. And once you get the basic templates in place, that is “Russia the Great Balancer” & “Earth Shift”, past history and understanding what’s going on now becomes much easier. I also see why Nixon had to ditch gold backed currency.
I remembered the late Zbigniew Brzezinski’s famous quote, delivered November 17, 2008 to fellow elitists at Chatham House, London. Brzezinski laments that “for the first time in human history almost all of mankind is politically awake” & goes on to say, “Today it is infinitely easier to kill a million people (3D) than to control a million people (4D)”. This is such a clear statement of the earth shifting under the Deep/Dark state.
Earth Shift Webinar 2: INVERTED COLLAPSE
Lada, truly enjoyed your webinar... It was extraordinary (of course) and beyond fabulous..
Big Blessings and well done!
~Bill, USA
annmclaren | June 11, 2017
I can’t thank you enough for the information you shared with us, Lada, I finally feel as though I understand what’s going on in the world after all the confusion. If I’m not too late to ask a question for the bonus Q and A, I wonder if you have any advice for balancing out our yin/yang and increasing consciousness towards 5D.
anthonyra82 | June 11, 2017
Just finished ESW2 and it always gives great peace of mind to be prepared for the future. Thank you Lada
Nemo1024 | June 14, 2017 at 3:31 pm
Well-done, very informative and has a lot of eye-openers.
Nancy C/Seattle | July 27, 2017
Lada’s Earth Shift Reports & Earth Shift Webinars build on each other, sort of like prerequisite courses for advanced college work. I’ve purchased all ESR reports. I just now finished the last Q&A for Webinar #2 and can see it might be helpful to prioritize reading (Earth Shift Reports): #1, Is Putin NWO; #2 on Ukraine, #7 Battle for Eurasia and finishing up #12 Brexit, before starting Webinar 3.
I found the Q&A of Webinar #2 helped crystallize my understanding in a couple of areas. That “globalization” is not inherently evil. Those of us in the West are being given the gift of time to work toward helping our communities rise to the necessary 10-15 percent operating above 200 to life affirming levels. I also liked the clarification that the Earth Shift includes all of us & the planet rising to higher calibrations & consciousness together. The ‘splitting of the worlds’, different time lines, New Earth vs Old Earth concepts have never resonated with me.
I’m grateful that I took advantage of Lada’s Personal Quality of Life Geo Calibration Reading for my area of Seattle, WA USA and recommend others might find it helpful if you’re concerned about best place physically to be during these times. My reading was reassuring to stay put with all 6 areas calibrating above 200 life affirming level and one, Global Quality of Life Geo Calibration was 408 (Reason).
John Hamish
Wonderfully done Lada, your acumen on this topic is unparalleled. The subject about the real life of Jesus should challenge Christianity's core beliefs!Teresa mc
More and more fascinating, Lada! Segment 5 resonated deeply within me, the (eventually misled) mighty consciousness in Atlantis and the disillusion with humanity...
"Thanks Lada. I truly appreciate your insightful and prescient advice to successfully transition to this new chapter of life, and to work with teenagers."
"Thank you so much Lada. Your words always resonate so deeply with me and you are always one step ahead of what I was going to ask! :) Warm regards."
"Dear Lada and Az,
Thanks for the consult today as well as the audio file. Thanks for the advice! We appreciate both of you and all the work that you do that benefits so many."
"Hi Lada, Thank you so much for the consultation! It was very interesting and enlightening. I am sure I will reach out to you again for another update as I appreciate your input and uniquely intuitive skills!"
~ JS, Canada
Thank you so much Lada! It was so so wonderful to get to do a call with you. Everything you do, I find so interesting. Thank you for sharing your insights and wisdom. About work and family. Very appreciated
Kind regards, Nadia
Thank you Lada! Another amazing session with you! Many great, practical ideas that I can implement now to benefit myself, my mission and my office! I appreciate your wisdom and guidance very much and can't wait to connect next time. Keep me posted of all your coming webinars, courses, interviews and cosmic teachings. I'll be signing up.
Love & light, LH, California, USA
Lada, thanks for your calibrations. Our session yesterday helped me a lot. I have been able to ease up a bit as I see that more and more of the troubles of the world are 4th Dimensional troubles intermixed with 3rd dimensional ones. I'm sure something in my understanding has shifted in a positive direction. That together with meditating again has been WONDERFUL. Thank you...
~N.S., NYC
We recently had a 1 1/2 hour consultation with Lada Ray. Lada Ray was able to cover every subject that we requested and then some. One personal issue was extremely troubling to us and she was able to shed some light on it and made some wonderful suggestions. We followed these suggestions and are already seeing some positive results. Just the positive energy in the conversation had an significant immediate impact on my wife and her health issues. She was also able to give some clarity about possible relocation which we are considering.
I have never done any consultation such as this so I wasn't sure what to expect. We enjoyed it immensely and found the comments very insightful, helpful and well worth the investment. We had some knowledge from attending her previous webinars so it was very productive for us. We would highly recommend a personal consultation even if you haven't seen the webinars. We plan on doing it again.
~G & S, USA-Russia
Thank you Lada. I want to let you know I'm working on 'not working too hard' and I've taken all your advice to heart. Your multidimensional report has brought a lot of peace to me. The incarnated angel resonates deeply within though I have to admit due to my upbringing, my Archangel knowledge is very lacking, but the description of incarnate angel fits me to a T and helps me understand why I feel the way I feel. On Friday, while relaxing, I heard the name Uriel, that my angel family is with Uriel. To my embarrassment, at first I wasn't even sure if Uriel was an Angel but when I searched him up, I was stunned: he is the Archangel of Wisdom (the key word in my second book's title) and is portrayed as holding a book and he's mostly associated with Yellow and Red light - two of my power colors revealed to me in your previous Feng Shui Empowerment Consultation.
I love this beautiful feeling being connected multidimensionally and feel inspired with synchronicity. I want to thank you again for all your time, help and sharing your gift:)
~L. W. California, USA
Lada, it was my pleasure and privilege to speak with you! Thank you for granting me and then extending our session at short notice, and for sustaining your energy to respond so readily and positively to my many questions. My mind is still reeling with the vast array of useful personal information and actionable points you have provided. I resonate strongly with what you have said, and I am still wondering how you can provide so much wise and yet surprising insights about my family and I.
I will be listening to the MP3 audio several times to mine for new nuggets of wisdom! My only regret perhaps is not having more time to pursue even more of the tantalizing tidbits you offered. I'll save up my new questions for another session. :-)
What drew me to your work is your truly original approach at discussing geo-politics and economics with a multi-dimensional perspective. Your rigorous analysis and sound assessments are impressive and unique, and I say this as a political/economic analyst. Please continue to put out your information - it is a service to humanity. As the Earth Shift becomes more obvious, and the current paradigms becoming increasingly inadequate, your following can only grow.
I look forward to Webinar 4, and all your coming work.
~ Z.L., Singapore
Lada, thank you for this life-changing experience. In just 1 and 1/2 hours I gained a clear blueprint for my life I was searching for but couldn't find anywhere else.
Thank you Lada :) It was very enjoyable and enlightening.
~A, Canada
Thank you Lada for the exchange we had. It has definitely helped me in where I should be heading.
~D, Canada
Testimonials for LADA RAY ON PATREON
For EARTH SHIFT PODCAST 2: Why Macron Didn't Let Putin & Trump Meet in Paris?
Fabulous podcast Lada and Az! Great information & perspective and so enjoyable to listen to. I'm really looking forward to ESP 3 & 4. Thanks
For WRITTEN VERSION: Why Macron Didn't Let Putin & Trump Meet in Paris?
Great podcast Lada. I like listening because then I can peel potatoes or something similar at the same time, and sometimes it is just nice to listen to something to get some variation.
Polli re Multidimensional Healing & Activation Program MDU/MHAP
Dear Lada, I did the Healing Chod & loved it so much I did it again the next day!! ( I got my dates mixed up & did the first one on the 6th. When I realized my mistake I decided to repeat the experience the next day, since I enjoyed it so much. It was even better that next day!) I really enjoyed the preparations beforehand as well. I’m looking forward to the next one you offer. Thanks so much.
Shamsa re: Stakes Are Up! Russian S-300 Close Skies Over Syria, But USA/Israel/Ukraine Collude! (Very Important Intel!)
Excellent article Lada, so much information it's unbelievable how much I learn from your writings. Thank you
Emil Resmann
Incredible! You have done it again, a new masterpiece! You have given me so much clarity. I’m very much looking forward to your upcoming calibrations of my two countries! I’m very excited about it!
Nancy Chester
Finally got around to listening to this excellent Q & A. Your response to question regarding Sweden's low fertility & other practical issues needing the mid-eastern immigration as a counterbalance to 4D living in the head detachment from practical physical realities of 3D living was a real eye opener to me. It also explains why Sweden has experienced the heaviest per capita mid East immigration.
Wonderful, Lada. Just can't get enough. For those who haven't done it already I can only say "buy-buy-buy" Lada's seminars.
Thanks Lada for your comprehensive multidimensional reply to my question on population growth - makes so much sense after you’ve explained it! I would highly recommend your personal consultation and webinars to everyone here. I have greatly benefited from them, and keep re-listening to them to draw new insights.
Teresa mc
Loved, Lada! I can't wait for the second part...
Thank you, Lada, for this fruitful gift for us all. And thank you for your answer to my question, which was felt like wind blowing on my back :)
I really enjoy these...soaking it all in. Last two posts were 11:11 and 10:10. Consciousness Expansion Numbers I see very often.
(Lada says: Such a wonderful testimonial and comprehensive explanation. Couldn't have said it better myself! I am so privileged to have such wonderful and enlightened Patreon supporters! Thanks, 1EarthUnited, and thanks, everyone! Much love to you all!)
1EarthUnited | September 18, 2018 at 1:03 am
In order to remain a truly independent source of information, without the usual political partisan bias, crowd funding is the way to go. Stay away from government sponsored/ controlled media (MSM), universities, NGOs, and special interest sources.
Lada’s unique holistic perspective showing the complete picture is invaluable for making correct decisions about the future. She is not a bought and paid for shill for any organization which has a specific agenda to push on to a gullible public.
Lada’s record of predictions and political analysis, based on logic, reason and personal integrity are above reproach. That’s why so many of us gratefully choose to support her on Patreon. You simply can’t find better insightful insider info anywhere.
Talking heads from Washington only leave you more confused and divided. Lada discerns truth from the ocean of sensationalist disinfo propaganda bs floating out here on the internet. It makes sense to support ppl who have OUR best interest at heart, not gov’t, not corporations, and certainly not the lying thieving politicians.
Check out her main body of work on Patreon, I assure you won’t be disappointed!
Hi Lada, You are so right on this..great work and thank you for your endeavours to bring the truth to the table.
Very exciting topics coming up! The Earth Shift has been quite a sight to behold so far and I’m glad you’re guiding us. Thank you!
Dear Lada and AZ- I sooo loved this presentation (finally found the time to listen- now that the hurricane drama (Lane---Hector was a warm up- LOL) is over. I hope you will do more of the audio presentations. The info was great11 Thanks again.
Lada, all the way from sunny Nigeria, thank you for your light and Love for humanity...Your balanced approach is a true inspiration..Peace and blessings to my fellow pateron members.
Absolutely fantastic and extremely informative report Lada, helps me understand - as always - what is REALLY going on. There is SO much out there, it's getting harder and harder to know truth from lies and disinformation. Me, I'd rather have the truth and that's why I subscribe to you, of course!
Great and very timely post. Your Earth Shift theory is being corroborated on a daily basis by not only the long time partisans of your views but by mainstream observers who, up until recently, would have never noticed the changes. By the way some of the sharpest people who know the score are ex-Wall St. employees like you, Nomi, Michael Krieger and Andy Hoffman to name just a few which also validates your comment on rubbing shoulders with the US elite gives you an understanding on how the system works like none other. Living and working in the belly of the beast gives you an insight more valuable than being outside. Looking forward to your next post.
Always enjoy your informative discussions Lada. I follow your reasoning as it is in tune with my own knowing and nice to know there are others on the same page.
Anthony R
So perfectly explained and well laid out! Always a pleasure to read and am so grateful for knowing this information. It definitely gives me peace of mind.
Thank you Lada for your ESR22. I am holding off on asking for a raise or looking for a new job until September because of it! :)
Ready for more "Forbidden History" anytime soon after your fantastic seminar.
I love your work Lada, I always look forward to reading your posts. Keep it up :)
Michael Kovacic
Big smile, you uplift me this morning.
Yes, THANK YOU Lada! I am presently doing some inner work using David Hawkins book "Letting Go- The pathway to surrender and I love that your mantra can have variations. I have chosen "Courage, Let Go, Trust, Believe" to use in addition to the powerful mantra you have shared. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and insight. Blessings!
Many thanks for your insightful multidimensional take of global affairs!
Anthony R
I wish I could pledge even more...because what you provide is priceless!!! Blessings
What a fantastic, high-vibrational article! Thank you, Lada. So much good news here along with the reality of the Shift unfolding before us. I can certainly feel the changes in the air and I'm witnessing the same in many others. And hey, who isn't intrigued by Putin? LOL! Trump would have to be completely asleep to not be. Looking forward to how things unfold further.
By the way I’m heartened to know that one of my favorite personalities, Paul Craig Roberts, is totally on board with Russia’s policy and now understands the strategy of Putin in showing unlimited patience in not being provoked. He was previously unsure of Putin and thought he was too compromising. He says that Putin’s bet that Trump’s aggression will move Europe away from the US is really paying off in spades. Roberts is really for the first time very optimistic and is in line with your thinking. Maybe he’s reading your blog.
J: Excellent article, Lada! This is all amazing news and I've certainly felt the Shift in the air. It's as if common sense and decency are starting to take the lead. I look forward to your follow-up article!
Samuel Davis
Love this report Lada, is your system of healing and activation from ancient Vedic practices? Sound like very old truths.
Hi Lada, I've been following you for years and I have to say that this blog entry is one of your finest and timeliest. Since I religiously follow RT and the Vesti english translated excerpts, I already knew of what you speak. But this entry of yours encapsulated all events that are happening recently and summed up really well the extremely positive developments all over the world. You definitely have been vindicated on your Earth Shift theory and although I have strayed off a little at times (thinking Russia is acting too compromising) your continuous promotion and explanation of your Earth Shift theory and Russia as the Great Balancer have kept me on the straight and narrow.
Polli Oliver
Dear Lada-- THANK YOU so very much for this super insightful, wise, intellegent, mulitdimensional perspective. It is so greatly appreciated. I also appreciate your cautious, careful approach in sharing your wisdom and insight! SO glad Im a Patreon subscriber!
Anthony R
Fantastic! I Really enjoyed the parts about Atlantis and Lemuria which were so fascinating. I really look forward to multi-dimensional universe posts!
Thank you so much Lada for these absolutrly amazing insights to what is REALLY going on in the geopolitical arena. There is so much going on, with so many opinios, so many different conflicting views and without you to update and help guide us, it would be extremely worrying. Yes, there are still concerns and worries, but knowing what is actually happening helps to deal with it.
John Casey
Thanks, Lada. As always, a voice of reason in the wilderness, and most welcome, along with all the nice music posts you cited recently. Thanks for those, too. I know you have numerous posts lined up, but sometime it would be also most welcome to hear your explanation of the Mandela effect/timelines and what influences and controls these.
Maddie Walsh
It really is a fascinating series, Lada meticulously use her linguistic prowess to debunk falsified timelines and use impeccable reasoning with the help of expert scholars to set the record straight. This proves the whole world was once one unified people who splintered and lost their way. Re-membering is slow and tedious process of rediscovery. We are all living through Earth-Shifting times for sure.
Nancy Chester
I like the perfect balance you seem to have going between FT geo political updates/ interpretations, Earth Shift process, historical grounding information and Patreon music.
Dear Lada, Thank you sooo much for your thorough and complete explanations of the crazy goings-on these days! I so appreciate your perspective, especially with so much dis-information out there that makes it very hard to know what's what!! Thank you again!!
Thomas M Ellerbe
Lada...always great stuff
Robert Aurens
Dear Lada, rest assured I like all your posts!! :-D. You are uncovering so much of what goes on. No dark place is safe with you on the prowl!! Best wishes, Robert
Sue Hennings
Beautifully done Lada, a wonderful respite from the geopolitical tsunami of Western lies.
Thanks Lada... Such a gift to Humanity, you are....
Dear Lada, This is just beautiful music. Thank you. I Played it at home, Even the kids commented. It uplifted me, and after a long heavy day, it uplifted me. Beautiful. Thank you again :)
Fantastic post! To me, this alliance represents what human nature is supposed to be like. This joint statement is bold and further proves what you've been saying about the West's deteriorating power, Lada. Thank you for sharing with us!
Sue Hennings
Beautifully done Lada, a wonderful respite from the geopolitical tsunami of Western lies.
Fabulous podcast Lada and Az! Great information & perspective and so enjoyable to listen to. I'm really looking forward to ESP 3 & 4. Thanks
Ralph Netzker | March 26, 2019 Dear Lada, just one question: Has anybody ever asked you about the stunning (!) facial resemblance of Dmitry Medvedev and Tsar Nicholas II? In my view this cannot be purely coincidental.
Ralph Netzker http://www.dosisnet.de
Lada Ray | March 26, 2019 Funny you should ask. Not coincidental. A large chunk of Earth Shift Webinar 6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA is dedicated to this topic. Go here: http://ladarayinfo.weebly.com/webinar-6.html
All webinar links for the full series: http://ladarayinfo.weebly.com/webinars.html
I’ll tell you more: I was the one who first pointed it out – and how and why it is significant – in 2002. After that it began appearing everywhere on the net. But the real story is told only in The Putin Enigma. Check it out!
Nemo1024 stanislavs.org
What Lada, said. And just to chime in as someone who listened to the “Putin Enigma” webinar and to all the other Lada’s webinars, you won’t get much better explanation, than in them. In my view, at least the “Putin Enigma” and the “Forbidden History” webinars are the must-haves!
For EARTH SHIFT PODCAST 2: Why Macron Didn't Let Putin & Trump Meet in Paris?
Fabulous podcast Lada and Az! Great information & perspective and so enjoyable to listen to. I'm really looking forward to ESP 3 & 4. Thanks
For WRITTEN VERSION: Why Macron Didn't Let Putin & Trump Meet in Paris?
Great podcast Lada. I like listening because then I can peel potatoes or something similar at the same time, and sometimes it is just nice to listen to something to get some variation.
Polli re Multidimensional Healing & Activation Program MDU/MHAP
Dear Lada, I did the Healing Chod & loved it so much I did it again the next day!! ( I got my dates mixed up & did the first one on the 6th. When I realized my mistake I decided to repeat the experience the next day, since I enjoyed it so much. It was even better that next day!) I really enjoyed the preparations beforehand as well. I’m looking forward to the next one you offer. Thanks so much.
Shamsa re: Stakes Are Up! Russian S-300 Close Skies Over Syria, But USA/Israel/Ukraine Collude! (Very Important Intel!)
Excellent article Lada, so much information it's unbelievable how much I learn from your writings. Thank you
Emil Resmann
Incredible! You have done it again, a new masterpiece! You have given me so much clarity. I’m very much looking forward to your upcoming calibrations of my two countries! I’m very excited about it!
Nancy Chester
Finally got around to listening to this excellent Q & A. Your response to question regarding Sweden's low fertility & other practical issues needing the mid-eastern immigration as a counterbalance to 4D living in the head detachment from practical physical realities of 3D living was a real eye opener to me. It also explains why Sweden has experienced the heaviest per capita mid East immigration.
Wonderful, Lada. Just can't get enough. For those who haven't done it already I can only say "buy-buy-buy" Lada's seminars.
Thanks Lada for your comprehensive multidimensional reply to my question on population growth - makes so much sense after you’ve explained it! I would highly recommend your personal consultation and webinars to everyone here. I have greatly benefited from them, and keep re-listening to them to draw new insights.
Teresa mc
Loved, Lada! I can't wait for the second part...
Thank you, Lada, for this fruitful gift for us all. And thank you for your answer to my question, which was felt like wind blowing on my back :)
I really enjoy these...soaking it all in. Last two posts were 11:11 and 10:10. Consciousness Expansion Numbers I see very often.
(Lada says: Such a wonderful testimonial and comprehensive explanation. Couldn't have said it better myself! I am so privileged to have such wonderful and enlightened Patreon supporters! Thanks, 1EarthUnited, and thanks, everyone! Much love to you all!)
1EarthUnited | September 18, 2018 at 1:03 am
In order to remain a truly independent source of information, without the usual political partisan bias, crowd funding is the way to go. Stay away from government sponsored/ controlled media (MSM), universities, NGOs, and special interest sources.
Lada’s unique holistic perspective showing the complete picture is invaluable for making correct decisions about the future. She is not a bought and paid for shill for any organization which has a specific agenda to push on to a gullible public.
Lada’s record of predictions and political analysis, based on logic, reason and personal integrity are above reproach. That’s why so many of us gratefully choose to support her on Patreon. You simply can’t find better insightful insider info anywhere.
Talking heads from Washington only leave you more confused and divided. Lada discerns truth from the ocean of sensationalist disinfo propaganda bs floating out here on the internet. It makes sense to support ppl who have OUR best interest at heart, not gov’t, not corporations, and certainly not the lying thieving politicians.
Check out her main body of work on Patreon, I assure you won’t be disappointed!
Hi Lada, You are so right on this..great work and thank you for your endeavours to bring the truth to the table.
Very exciting topics coming up! The Earth Shift has been quite a sight to behold so far and I’m glad you’re guiding us. Thank you!
Dear Lada and AZ- I sooo loved this presentation (finally found the time to listen- now that the hurricane drama (Lane---Hector was a warm up- LOL) is over. I hope you will do more of the audio presentations. The info was great11 Thanks again.
Lada, all the way from sunny Nigeria, thank you for your light and Love for humanity...Your balanced approach is a true inspiration..Peace and blessings to my fellow pateron members.
Absolutely fantastic and extremely informative report Lada, helps me understand - as always - what is REALLY going on. There is SO much out there, it's getting harder and harder to know truth from lies and disinformation. Me, I'd rather have the truth and that's why I subscribe to you, of course!
Great and very timely post. Your Earth Shift theory is being corroborated on a daily basis by not only the long time partisans of your views but by mainstream observers who, up until recently, would have never noticed the changes. By the way some of the sharpest people who know the score are ex-Wall St. employees like you, Nomi, Michael Krieger and Andy Hoffman to name just a few which also validates your comment on rubbing shoulders with the US elite gives you an understanding on how the system works like none other. Living and working in the belly of the beast gives you an insight more valuable than being outside. Looking forward to your next post.
Always enjoy your informative discussions Lada. I follow your reasoning as it is in tune with my own knowing and nice to know there are others on the same page.
Anthony R
So perfectly explained and well laid out! Always a pleasure to read and am so grateful for knowing this information. It definitely gives me peace of mind.
Thank you Lada for your ESR22. I am holding off on asking for a raise or looking for a new job until September because of it! :)
Ready for more "Forbidden History" anytime soon after your fantastic seminar.
I love your work Lada, I always look forward to reading your posts. Keep it up :)
Michael Kovacic
Big smile, you uplift me this morning.
Yes, THANK YOU Lada! I am presently doing some inner work using David Hawkins book "Letting Go- The pathway to surrender and I love that your mantra can have variations. I have chosen "Courage, Let Go, Trust, Believe" to use in addition to the powerful mantra you have shared. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and insight. Blessings!
Many thanks for your insightful multidimensional take of global affairs!
Anthony R
I wish I could pledge even more...because what you provide is priceless!!! Blessings
What a fantastic, high-vibrational article! Thank you, Lada. So much good news here along with the reality of the Shift unfolding before us. I can certainly feel the changes in the air and I'm witnessing the same in many others. And hey, who isn't intrigued by Putin? LOL! Trump would have to be completely asleep to not be. Looking forward to how things unfold further.
By the way I’m heartened to know that one of my favorite personalities, Paul Craig Roberts, is totally on board with Russia’s policy and now understands the strategy of Putin in showing unlimited patience in not being provoked. He was previously unsure of Putin and thought he was too compromising. He says that Putin’s bet that Trump’s aggression will move Europe away from the US is really paying off in spades. Roberts is really for the first time very optimistic and is in line with your thinking. Maybe he’s reading your blog.
J: Excellent article, Lada! This is all amazing news and I've certainly felt the Shift in the air. It's as if common sense and decency are starting to take the lead. I look forward to your follow-up article!
Samuel Davis
Love this report Lada, is your system of healing and activation from ancient Vedic practices? Sound like very old truths.
Hi Lada, I've been following you for years and I have to say that this blog entry is one of your finest and timeliest. Since I religiously follow RT and the Vesti english translated excerpts, I already knew of what you speak. But this entry of yours encapsulated all events that are happening recently and summed up really well the extremely positive developments all over the world. You definitely have been vindicated on your Earth Shift theory and although I have strayed off a little at times (thinking Russia is acting too compromising) your continuous promotion and explanation of your Earth Shift theory and Russia as the Great Balancer have kept me on the straight and narrow.
Polli Oliver
Dear Lada-- THANK YOU so very much for this super insightful, wise, intellegent, mulitdimensional perspective. It is so greatly appreciated. I also appreciate your cautious, careful approach in sharing your wisdom and insight! SO glad Im a Patreon subscriber!
Anthony R
Fantastic! I Really enjoyed the parts about Atlantis and Lemuria which were so fascinating. I really look forward to multi-dimensional universe posts!
Thank you so much Lada for these absolutrly amazing insights to what is REALLY going on in the geopolitical arena. There is so much going on, with so many opinios, so many different conflicting views and without you to update and help guide us, it would be extremely worrying. Yes, there are still concerns and worries, but knowing what is actually happening helps to deal with it.
John Casey
Thanks, Lada. As always, a voice of reason in the wilderness, and most welcome, along with all the nice music posts you cited recently. Thanks for those, too. I know you have numerous posts lined up, but sometime it would be also most welcome to hear your explanation of the Mandela effect/timelines and what influences and controls these.
Maddie Walsh
It really is a fascinating series, Lada meticulously use her linguistic prowess to debunk falsified timelines and use impeccable reasoning with the help of expert scholars to set the record straight. This proves the whole world was once one unified people who splintered and lost their way. Re-membering is slow and tedious process of rediscovery. We are all living through Earth-Shifting times for sure.
Nancy Chester
I like the perfect balance you seem to have going between FT geo political updates/ interpretations, Earth Shift process, historical grounding information and Patreon music.
Dear Lada, Thank you sooo much for your thorough and complete explanations of the crazy goings-on these days! I so appreciate your perspective, especially with so much dis-information out there that makes it very hard to know what's what!! Thank you again!!
Thomas M Ellerbe
Lada...always great stuff
Robert Aurens
Dear Lada, rest assured I like all your posts!! :-D. You are uncovering so much of what goes on. No dark place is safe with you on the prowl!! Best wishes, Robert
Sue Hennings
Beautifully done Lada, a wonderful respite from the geopolitical tsunami of Western lies.
Thanks Lada... Such a gift to Humanity, you are....
Dear Lada, This is just beautiful music. Thank you. I Played it at home, Even the kids commented. It uplifted me, and after a long heavy day, it uplifted me. Beautiful. Thank you again :)
Fantastic post! To me, this alliance represents what human nature is supposed to be like. This joint statement is bold and further proves what you've been saying about the West's deteriorating power, Lada. Thank you for sharing with us!
Sue Hennings
Beautifully done Lada, a wonderful respite from the geopolitical tsunami of Western lies.
Fabulous podcast Lada and Az! Great information & perspective and so enjoyable to listen to. I'm really looking forward to ESP 3 & 4. Thanks
Ralph Netzker | March 26, 2019 Dear Lada, just one question: Has anybody ever asked you about the stunning (!) facial resemblance of Dmitry Medvedev and Tsar Nicholas II? In my view this cannot be purely coincidental.
Ralph Netzker http://www.dosisnet.de
Lada Ray | March 26, 2019 Funny you should ask. Not coincidental. A large chunk of Earth Shift Webinar 6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA is dedicated to this topic. Go here: http://ladarayinfo.weebly.com/webinar-6.html
All webinar links for the full series: http://ladarayinfo.weebly.com/webinars.html
I’ll tell you more: I was the one who first pointed it out – and how and why it is significant – in 2002. After that it began appearing everywhere on the net. But the real story is told only in The Putin Enigma. Check it out!
Nemo1024 stanislavs.org
What Lada, said. And just to chime in as someone who listened to the “Putin Enigma” webinar and to all the other Lada’s webinars, you won’t get much better explanation, than in them. In my view, at least the “Putin Enigma” and the “Forbidden History” webinars are the must-haves!
I ordered two geo calibration reports. Very interesting and worth every penny!
~ Paul, Melbourne, Australia
Thanks for my Personal Quality of Life GEO Calibration Expanded reading. I recommend it to all readers. I love my home and area so it was nice to have confirmation that all areas (except Physical/Visible pollution at 180) were life affirming, above 200. Still I was blown away at the GC Global Quality of Life calibration for my section of Seattle at 408 (Reason). It’s so very reassuring that I’m in a good space for surfing anticipated challenges in the years ahead.
~ Nancy C, Seattle, USA
I ordered two geo calibration reports. Very interesting and worth every penny!
~ Paul, Melbourne, Australia
Thanks for my Personal Quality of Life GEO Calibration Expanded reading. I recommend it to all readers. I love my home and area so it was nice to have confirmation that all areas (except Physical/Visible pollution at 180) were life affirming, above 200. Still I was blown away at the GC Global Quality of Life calibration for my section of Seattle at 408 (Reason). It’s so very reassuring that I’m in a good space for surfing anticipated challenges in the years ahead.
~ Nancy C, Seattle, USA
Testimonials/ reviews for EARTH SHIFT REPORTS
Earth Shift Report 22: HOT SUMMER OF RETROGRADES & ECLIPSES (Special Multidimensional Astrology & 4D Geopolitics)
Ann K | July 12, 2018
Lada did a fabulous job elucidating the swirling currents of both the many planets retrograde and the eclipse season. She's unusually good at articulating and describing overall perspectives that emerge from elucidation of details, both astrological and otherwise.
Love this girl. She is great. Really tapped into what is going on in the world and she says it in a way which isn’t doom and gloom, but shows us the positive side of things. Very good reading. ~Peter
I’ve purchased all of your excellent Earth Shift Reports, they are such excellent journalistic tutorials. I prioritize reading and add it to my other templates (Earth Shift, Russia the Great Balancer) for understanding current & future events correctly, positively & without fear." ~Nancy C, Seattle, USA
EARTH SHIFT REPORT 17: Quality of Life Worldwide: Lada Ray Geo Calibrations and Interpretations
AKAIDA (@akaider) | April 7, 2017
Another Exclamation point on your Futuristrendcast Reports Lada! Note to USA readers – time to pick up ESR17 Relocation Calibration Report.
Aug 12, 2018
Hi Lada, I just re-read ESR-15. I really liked it.
Testimonial below, in case it is of any use for you.
I just re-read Lada Ray's Earth Shift Report (ESR15) Putin's Plutonium Ultimatum to the US. It rings so true, and provides such background to understand today's events. It is rich, a wealth of information and insight. I can't recommend it too highly--I mean it is worthy of any amount of recommendation. Any great amount, especially. Very informative and enjoyable.
im Tolzmann, Iowa, United States
paleohippy | October 16, 2016
Halfway through the first read. Stunning!!!
Jimmy | October 16, 2016
Absolutely fantastic. Thank you, Lada. The MSM has become deafening here in the US with massive lies leading up to the election. My heart center completely relaxed while reading your report, which is what happens when one reads the truth. A much needed relief from the tactics they use on us. Thank you again.
1EarthUnited | October 17, 2016
Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:
Events unfolding on a daily basis, thanks for giving us the whole picture and what to expect in the future. Your report is very informative, and incredibly exciting… as the geopolitical soap opera unfolds.
Lada, I’m sure many “world leaders” and their think tanks are tuning in to this report and restrategizing the game plan.
Fred VanOlphen | October 17, 2016
Thank you Lada for your hard work and perseverance keeping us in the know.
Nancy C | September 5, 2016
I just finished reading ESR14. It’s a riveting, reassuring read and blended in well with ESR13: Erdogan’s War, which is one of the finest pieces of educational journalism i have ever seen. The photographs are stunning.
1EarthUnited | September 7, 2016
Beautiful, I really enjoyed this latest report. Incredulously outrageous how the US manipulates post- Soviet governments in order to “try” and dominate Russia. Your picture story and history of Uzbekistan puts it all in perspective, in truly spectacular fashion. Thanks for sharing your incredible knowledge of international events! Enthusiastically reblogging!!
Earth Shift Report 13: ERDOGAN'S WAR
Teresa D Preston | August 9, 2016
I want to thank you for taking time to present your insight and worldly view in such a clear, concise manner. I am a Pennsylvania (USA) and as our nation wakes up and realizes the extent to which we have been lied to and manipulated, your voice presents the story the rest of the world already knows. You should be nominated for the Nobel Peace prize for fostering understanding (not that I don’t now know how rigged all these accolades truly are). At a bare minimum your are an Ambassador of Peace and Understanding to our world. Thank you again. Teresa D. Preston
Paleohippy | August 10, 2016
These ESRs just get better and better. Thirteen is definitely a smart bomb, as in bombshell report. This is really good intel and presented in a cogent and highly interesting manner. Thanks, Lada; super job on this report.
Oli Gulliver | August 11, 2016
Again an interesting journey into the realms of geopolitics, social psychology and the prediction of developments. You’re gifted with so many talents and a heartfelt sympathy for the common people, so I’m very thankful for your contributions and for your fighting on the right side. The coup in Turkey is explained by you in a convincing way.
Christa | August 17, 2016
Very interesting and enlightening, your ESR13 report, Lada, thank you, as always! Lots of new insights, learned a lot of new things! How little do we know of all of this and its history!
Enjoyed it thoroughly!
From blogger KP kauilapele.wordpress.com
This is the first Lada Ray Earth Shift Report I’ve read for some time, and I found it to be very enthralling information (meaning, “the article ‘sucked me into it’ for two days of continual reading!”). I found it very enlightening about the entire Turkey-Russia-EU-NATO-USA CORP situation, including the role of Davutoglu, Turkish military, Rio Olympics, etc.
Earth Shift Report 11: The IMPORTANCE of 2016 RUSSIAN ELECTIONS
Emil Resmann | September 26, 2016
Thank you Lada! Very interesting report. In Swedish MSM we only learn about how corrupt the Russian system is. We learn that Putin’s party is bad because it is Putin’s party, but we get no information whatsoever about how the system actually works… Hence I really did learn something important from your report!
I love your new audio format! As I have a slight reading disability this format suits me very well!
With love, yours Emil
Nancy C | September 5, 2016
In ESR4: ALIEN TECHNOLOGY & NEW RUSSIAN WEAPONS I liked the use of both text combined with superb video of new alien Russian weapons. No wonder it’s your best seller.
Testimonials / reviews for FuturisTrendcast articles
Nancy | May 3, 2018
I like the perfect balance you seem to have going between FT geo political updates/ interpretations, Earth Shift process, historical grounding information and Patreon music. ....because I like to read/listen, mull over and digest at my own pace.
Polli Oliver | April 8, 2018
Aloha Lada - Thanks once again for posting this lovely soothing music. I have begun using it as quiet background music when I meditate. LOVE IT!!
Teresa Martins de Carvalho | April 7, 2018
Happy Paskha, Lada and all! I don't comment and answer for lack of time, not lack of interest. And a little bit lazyness, pardon me Lada... Please don't stop to give us your precious and always welcome information and insights - multidimensional, geopolitical and all. I feel so depressed as you with the evilness of the west, more so perhaps because I feel Russian and unfortunately I am not :(
Jimmy Benito | April 5, 2018
Fantastic post! To me, this alliance represents what human nature is supposed to be like. This joint statement is bold and further proves what you've been saying about the West's deteriorating power, Lada. Thank you for sharing Vesti with us!
Maddie Walsh | March 31, 2018
Music (frequency) therapy like binural beats helps me meditate, also seems to help "sync" other/ higher dimensions down to 3D so I don't float away. :) Thanks again for post this Lada, the resources you provide to help humanity is really awesome!
N.C. | March 26, 2018
This is such a loving, nicely balanced message of acknowledging the Deep/Dark state's shenanigans with compassion while simultaneously helping us stay engaged in the process and energized with nice coping tips. I really appreciated your posts on music and tips on ringing of the ears.
Shamsa K | March 21, 2018
Dear Lada, I am so excited about your 5D content and can't wait to read it.
FuturisTrendcast Turns 4: Three All-Star Testimonials I Never Expected to Get!
'JD TO LADA RAY~ A Published Article Today shows how Lucky we have been to find you…way back in Feb/March, 2014'Paleohippy: ‘It’s unfair to get the news [on FuturisTrendencast] two years before they happen.’
leofaria41 | November 24, 2017
Dear Lada,
My first contact with your work was through a politics blog that translated one of your posts about Brazil’s political situation in 2016 (by the way, I am from Brazil). I was really impressed with your understanding and clarity about the situation of my country, far more accurate than the vast majority of Brazilians.
This single post led me to want to know more about you, so I started to search. When I started to read your work I confess that I was shocked! “What all these esoterical stuff has to do with serious sharp geopolitical analysis?” I thought. Seriously, I must be totally in the 3D world :), because to me is really dificult to accept this kind of knowledge and mix it with “real” world. I always puted Fengshui, Numerology, Astrology, readings of future, Nostradamus, Illuminatti, etc. as non-important knowloge, hobbies or simply lies.
Despite that I liked your optimistic vision of the future and all the talk about the “Earth Shift”, “The Great Balancer”, the forbidden history, etc. and I thought that maybe I should give up my preconcerns about that.
So, I kindly want to ask you if is that possible you to show me where I could start?!
paleohippy | August 14, 2017
Triple A Intel, Lada, thanks. You have provided us with such a great menu of priceless education it will take some time to get to and through it all. What an amazing time to be here holding the fort on Planet Earth. The information you provide helps in both understanding and focusing on the task at hand.
anthonyra82 | April 7, 2017
Thank you Lada! Without you (and Russia) I probably would be building a bomb shelter right now…..
Old97 | April 7, 2017
Thank you, Lada, for your always-enlightening view.
umra | April 7, 2017
Your analysis as usual, multi dimensional Lada. Thanks for your work. Love reading them and will have to delve more into your reports soon. Love from Nigeria. May all beings be @ peace….
Nancy C | April 8, 2017
You are correct that Trump has been controlled and put in a “straight jacket” as have all presidents since the Kennedy assassination.
I really appreciate your Earth Shift template for understanding & processing events. I know it’s not fair that Russia has to function as the “Great Balancer” but Americans need help. I am truly grateful. Few people realize just how serious a police state the United States has become.
I entered the first grade in 1949 and vaguely remember school “duck & cover” drills in case the Russians attacked us. Who would have thought that nearly 7 decades later I would sign off my comment:
To Russia with Love,
Kate | April 8, 2017
Thanks Lada for the wonderful work you are doing. I can also clearly see the wider picture of what is happening.. I would add it is important for individuals to work on themselves uplifting their calibrations and becoming steadfast in proclaiming what truly is going on in this world…As we move towards the end of the Kali Yuga, things will get worse but in so doing, more and more people will wake up from the long sleep.
Christa | August 12, 2016
Great insight on Assad, very helpful to get a better understanding of him, I kind of liked him from the first moment I heard him speak in an interview, nice voice, softspoken, a gentleman! Well, interesting development all over the place! Looking forward to reading your Erdogan report! Thanks for all you do!
1EarthUnited | August 12, 2016
Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:
Very enlightening report, Lada. I appreciate the insider intel, underlying motives, political games that Erdogan’s playing and Russia’s response. Your seminal report about this grand chessboard of political machinations is worthy of a Pulitzer! Keep up the great work, awakening the masses, and governments!
Nemo1024 | August 12, 2016
Dear Lada, thank you for this insightful Q&A and an equally insightful ESR 13, reading of which I’ve just embarked upon…
As the focus is again on that area, and as it is right across the Black Sea from Tavridia (Crimea), I think it would be relevant to post the following heads-up of a foiled terrorist attack on Crimea by the Ukrainian special ops:
paleohippy | August 30, 2016
The dominoes are falling. Lada called it.
Lada has told us of the great shift the world is experiencing from West to East. An emerging example of this is the Philippines. Their new President, Rodrigo Duterte, is kicking out the U.S. and embracing Russia and China. His first target in-country is the CIA-backed drug trade.
I think your prediction about the Democrats losing is coming true today. New video of Hillary having a seizure whilst leaving the 9/11 memorial is circulating the web, and its not pretty. Now everyone can see it, as well as other videos of other seizures she has had. It’s all coming out now, just at eclipse time too, as the truth is wont to do.
David Walsh
That brought a smile to my face Lada and a nice warm glow to my Celtic heart. Thank you
Celeste Brunetti | October 7, 2014
I fell in love with Russia five years ago after reading “The Ringing Cedar Series.” I continued reading books about Russia, then became obsessed with Putin. The looks and comments I’d get when I would tell people how much I admired him spoke volumes!! The past year I’ve reduced my comments about how much I wish he was ours (USA), to only my closest friends and family members. And now look at him!!!! I can’t wait to get my t-shirt!
Thank you Lada Ray, your work is brilliant! I don’t have a clue how I found you, but so glad I did.
Irina | October 8, 2014
Dear Lada, thank you so much for your blog!
Love, Irina
Testimonials/ reviews for EARTH SHIFT REPORTS
Earth Shift Report 22: HOT SUMMER OF RETROGRADES & ECLIPSES (Special Multidimensional Astrology & 4D Geopolitics)
Ann K | July 12, 2018
Lada did a fabulous job elucidating the swirling currents of both the many planets retrograde and the eclipse season. She's unusually good at articulating and describing overall perspectives that emerge from elucidation of details, both astrological and otherwise.
Love this girl. She is great. Really tapped into what is going on in the world and she says it in a way which isn’t doom and gloom, but shows us the positive side of things. Very good reading. ~Peter
I’ve purchased all of your excellent Earth Shift Reports, they are such excellent journalistic tutorials. I prioritize reading and add it to my other templates (Earth Shift, Russia the Great Balancer) for understanding current & future events correctly, positively & without fear." ~Nancy C, Seattle, USA
EARTH SHIFT REPORT 17: Quality of Life Worldwide: Lada Ray Geo Calibrations and Interpretations
AKAIDA (@akaider) | April 7, 2017
Another Exclamation point on your Futuristrendcast Reports Lada! Note to USA readers – time to pick up ESR17 Relocation Calibration Report.
Aug 12, 2018
Hi Lada, I just re-read ESR-15. I really liked it.
Testimonial below, in case it is of any use for you.
I just re-read Lada Ray's Earth Shift Report (ESR15) Putin's Plutonium Ultimatum to the US. It rings so true, and provides such background to understand today's events. It is rich, a wealth of information and insight. I can't recommend it too highly--I mean it is worthy of any amount of recommendation. Any great amount, especially. Very informative and enjoyable.
im Tolzmann, Iowa, United States
paleohippy | October 16, 2016
Halfway through the first read. Stunning!!!
Jimmy | October 16, 2016
Absolutely fantastic. Thank you, Lada. The MSM has become deafening here in the US with massive lies leading up to the election. My heart center completely relaxed while reading your report, which is what happens when one reads the truth. A much needed relief from the tactics they use on us. Thank you again.
1EarthUnited | October 17, 2016
Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:
Events unfolding on a daily basis, thanks for giving us the whole picture and what to expect in the future. Your report is very informative, and incredibly exciting… as the geopolitical soap opera unfolds.
Lada, I’m sure many “world leaders” and their think tanks are tuning in to this report and restrategizing the game plan.
Fred VanOlphen | October 17, 2016
Thank you Lada for your hard work and perseverance keeping us in the know.
Nancy C | September 5, 2016
I just finished reading ESR14. It’s a riveting, reassuring read and blended in well with ESR13: Erdogan’s War, which is one of the finest pieces of educational journalism i have ever seen. The photographs are stunning.
1EarthUnited | September 7, 2016
Beautiful, I really enjoyed this latest report. Incredulously outrageous how the US manipulates post- Soviet governments in order to “try” and dominate Russia. Your picture story and history of Uzbekistan puts it all in perspective, in truly spectacular fashion. Thanks for sharing your incredible knowledge of international events! Enthusiastically reblogging!!
Earth Shift Report 13: ERDOGAN'S WAR
Teresa D Preston | August 9, 2016
I want to thank you for taking time to present your insight and worldly view in such a clear, concise manner. I am a Pennsylvania (USA) and as our nation wakes up and realizes the extent to which we have been lied to and manipulated, your voice presents the story the rest of the world already knows. You should be nominated for the Nobel Peace prize for fostering understanding (not that I don’t now know how rigged all these accolades truly are). At a bare minimum your are an Ambassador of Peace and Understanding to our world. Thank you again. Teresa D. Preston
Paleohippy | August 10, 2016
These ESRs just get better and better. Thirteen is definitely a smart bomb, as in bombshell report. This is really good intel and presented in a cogent and highly interesting manner. Thanks, Lada; super job on this report.
Oli Gulliver | August 11, 2016
Again an interesting journey into the realms of geopolitics, social psychology and the prediction of developments. You’re gifted with so many talents and a heartfelt sympathy for the common people, so I’m very thankful for your contributions and for your fighting on the right side. The coup in Turkey is explained by you in a convincing way.
Christa | August 17, 2016
Very interesting and enlightening, your ESR13 report, Lada, thank you, as always! Lots of new insights, learned a lot of new things! How little do we know of all of this and its history!
Enjoyed it thoroughly!
From blogger KP kauilapele.wordpress.com
This is the first Lada Ray Earth Shift Report I’ve read for some time, and I found it to be very enthralling information (meaning, “the article ‘sucked me into it’ for two days of continual reading!”). I found it very enlightening about the entire Turkey-Russia-EU-NATO-USA CORP situation, including the role of Davutoglu, Turkish military, Rio Olympics, etc.
Earth Shift Report 11: The IMPORTANCE of 2016 RUSSIAN ELECTIONS
Emil Resmann | September 26, 2016
Thank you Lada! Very interesting report. In Swedish MSM we only learn about how corrupt the Russian system is. We learn that Putin’s party is bad because it is Putin’s party, but we get no information whatsoever about how the system actually works… Hence I really did learn something important from your report!
I love your new audio format! As I have a slight reading disability this format suits me very well!
With love, yours Emil
Nancy C | September 5, 2016
In ESR4: ALIEN TECHNOLOGY & NEW RUSSIAN WEAPONS I liked the use of both text combined with superb video of new alien Russian weapons. No wonder it’s your best seller.
Testimonials / reviews for FuturisTrendcast articles
Nancy | May 3, 2018
I like the perfect balance you seem to have going between FT geo political updates/ interpretations, Earth Shift process, historical grounding information and Patreon music. ....because I like to read/listen, mull over and digest at my own pace.
Polli Oliver | April 8, 2018
Aloha Lada - Thanks once again for posting this lovely soothing music. I have begun using it as quiet background music when I meditate. LOVE IT!!
Teresa Martins de Carvalho | April 7, 2018
Happy Paskha, Lada and all! I don't comment and answer for lack of time, not lack of interest. And a little bit lazyness, pardon me Lada... Please don't stop to give us your precious and always welcome information and insights - multidimensional, geopolitical and all. I feel so depressed as you with the evilness of the west, more so perhaps because I feel Russian and unfortunately I am not :(
Jimmy Benito | April 5, 2018
Fantastic post! To me, this alliance represents what human nature is supposed to be like. This joint statement is bold and further proves what you've been saying about the West's deteriorating power, Lada. Thank you for sharing Vesti with us!
Maddie Walsh | March 31, 2018
Music (frequency) therapy like binural beats helps me meditate, also seems to help "sync" other/ higher dimensions down to 3D so I don't float away. :) Thanks again for post this Lada, the resources you provide to help humanity is really awesome!
N.C. | March 26, 2018
This is such a loving, nicely balanced message of acknowledging the Deep/Dark state's shenanigans with compassion while simultaneously helping us stay engaged in the process and energized with nice coping tips. I really appreciated your posts on music and tips on ringing of the ears.
Shamsa K | March 21, 2018
Dear Lada, I am so excited about your 5D content and can't wait to read it.
FuturisTrendcast Turns 4: Three All-Star Testimonials I Never Expected to Get!
'JD TO LADA RAY~ A Published Article Today shows how Lucky we have been to find you…way back in Feb/March, 2014'Paleohippy: ‘It’s unfair to get the news [on FuturisTrendencast] two years before they happen.’
leofaria41 | November 24, 2017
Dear Lada,
My first contact with your work was through a politics blog that translated one of your posts about Brazil’s political situation in 2016 (by the way, I am from Brazil). I was really impressed with your understanding and clarity about the situation of my country, far more accurate than the vast majority of Brazilians.
This single post led me to want to know more about you, so I started to search. When I started to read your work I confess that I was shocked! “What all these esoterical stuff has to do with serious sharp geopolitical analysis?” I thought. Seriously, I must be totally in the 3D world :), because to me is really dificult to accept this kind of knowledge and mix it with “real” world. I always puted Fengshui, Numerology, Astrology, readings of future, Nostradamus, Illuminatti, etc. as non-important knowloge, hobbies or simply lies.
Despite that I liked your optimistic vision of the future and all the talk about the “Earth Shift”, “The Great Balancer”, the forbidden history, etc. and I thought that maybe I should give up my preconcerns about that.
So, I kindly want to ask you if is that possible you to show me where I could start?!
paleohippy | August 14, 2017
Triple A Intel, Lada, thanks. You have provided us with such a great menu of priceless education it will take some time to get to and through it all. What an amazing time to be here holding the fort on Planet Earth. The information you provide helps in both understanding and focusing on the task at hand.
anthonyra82 | April 7, 2017
Thank you Lada! Without you (and Russia) I probably would be building a bomb shelter right now…..
Old97 | April 7, 2017
Thank you, Lada, for your always-enlightening view.
umra | April 7, 2017
Your analysis as usual, multi dimensional Lada. Thanks for your work. Love reading them and will have to delve more into your reports soon. Love from Nigeria. May all beings be @ peace….
Nancy C | April 8, 2017
You are correct that Trump has been controlled and put in a “straight jacket” as have all presidents since the Kennedy assassination.
I really appreciate your Earth Shift template for understanding & processing events. I know it’s not fair that Russia has to function as the “Great Balancer” but Americans need help. I am truly grateful. Few people realize just how serious a police state the United States has become.
I entered the first grade in 1949 and vaguely remember school “duck & cover” drills in case the Russians attacked us. Who would have thought that nearly 7 decades later I would sign off my comment:
To Russia with Love,
Kate | April 8, 2017
Thanks Lada for the wonderful work you are doing. I can also clearly see the wider picture of what is happening.. I would add it is important for individuals to work on themselves uplifting their calibrations and becoming steadfast in proclaiming what truly is going on in this world…As we move towards the end of the Kali Yuga, things will get worse but in so doing, more and more people will wake up from the long sleep.
Christa | August 12, 2016
Great insight on Assad, very helpful to get a better understanding of him, I kind of liked him from the first moment I heard him speak in an interview, nice voice, softspoken, a gentleman! Well, interesting development all over the place! Looking forward to reading your Erdogan report! Thanks for all you do!
1EarthUnited | August 12, 2016
Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:
Very enlightening report, Lada. I appreciate the insider intel, underlying motives, political games that Erdogan’s playing and Russia’s response. Your seminal report about this grand chessboard of political machinations is worthy of a Pulitzer! Keep up the great work, awakening the masses, and governments!
Nemo1024 | August 12, 2016
Dear Lada, thank you for this insightful Q&A and an equally insightful ESR 13, reading of which I’ve just embarked upon…
As the focus is again on that area, and as it is right across the Black Sea from Tavridia (Crimea), I think it would be relevant to post the following heads-up of a foiled terrorist attack on Crimea by the Ukrainian special ops:
paleohippy | August 30, 2016
The dominoes are falling. Lada called it.
Lada has told us of the great shift the world is experiencing from West to East. An emerging example of this is the Philippines. Their new President, Rodrigo Duterte, is kicking out the U.S. and embracing Russia and China. His first target in-country is the CIA-backed drug trade.
I think your prediction about the Democrats losing is coming true today. New video of Hillary having a seizure whilst leaving the 9/11 memorial is circulating the web, and its not pretty. Now everyone can see it, as well as other videos of other seizures she has had. It’s all coming out now, just at eclipse time too, as the truth is wont to do.
David Walsh
That brought a smile to my face Lada and a nice warm glow to my Celtic heart. Thank you
Celeste Brunetti | October 7, 2014
I fell in love with Russia five years ago after reading “The Ringing Cedar Series.” I continued reading books about Russia, then became obsessed with Putin. The looks and comments I’d get when I would tell people how much I admired him spoke volumes!! The past year I’ve reduced my comments about how much I wish he was ours (USA), to only my closest friends and family members. And now look at him!!!! I can’t wait to get my t-shirt!
Thank you Lada Ray, your work is brilliant! I don’t have a clue how I found you, but so glad I did.
Irina | October 8, 2014
Dear Lada, thank you so much for your blog!
Love, Irina