business contact & customer CARE
The secure private form below is for business contacts and customer service purposes only! These are:
**Please do not spam us with requests to publish your articles on Lada's blog or other media! Spam to be deleted immediately!
Collaboration means a mutual interest, not a one-way street! Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Please use this form for any legitimate business or customer service request!
We usually reply within 24-48 business hours.
Customer service and Consultation requests are usually addressed within 12 hours during business days!
Please allow for the time difference if on another continent!
On the off-chance there is a delay in replying past 48 hours (practically never happens), please send a follow-up request.
Lada Ray's services and products changed many people's lives, as customers and clients attest
Buy from with confidence!
**Regular clients & Lada Ray Advanced Community members on Patreon - see below
**Non-business inquiries - also see below
NOTE! Sorry to have to mention this: any usage of this form for spam and/or purposes inconsistent with above list, will result in immediate email deletion unread. In case of abuse, abuser email will be blocked.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We greatly appreciate all your support!
The secure private form below is for business contacts and customer service purposes only! These are:
- Questions re. payments, access and customer service for Lada Ray Patreon, Multidimensional University (MDU) Workshops, Programs (Webinars, Quantum Reports, Special Events, Earth Shift Reports), Books or Shop purchases.
- Requests for Lada Ray Consultations and/or consultation-related questions. You are also welcome to use this form to email your initial consultation-related info, if required! Please read appropriate Consultations page for all information!
- Communications related to Donations for Lada's continued FREE educational work on: Lada Ray Patreon,, Futurist Trendcast, Lada Ray YT Channels, Lada Ray Blog, Rumble, etc.
- Requests for interviews, lectures, workshops, book publishing deals and collabs on topics Lada Ray talks about.
**Please do not spam us with requests to publish your articles on Lada's blog or other media! Spam to be deleted immediately!
Collaboration means a mutual interest, not a one-way street! Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Please use this form for any legitimate business or customer service request!
We usually reply within 24-48 business hours.
Customer service and Consultation requests are usually addressed within 12 hours during business days!
Please allow for the time difference if on another continent!
On the off-chance there is a delay in replying past 48 hours (practically never happens), please send a follow-up request.
Lada Ray's services and products changed many people's lives, as customers and clients attest
Buy from with confidence!
**Regular clients & Lada Ray Advanced Community members on Patreon - see below
**Non-business inquiries - also see below
NOTE! Sorry to have to mention this: any usage of this form for spam and/or purposes inconsistent with above list, will result in immediate email deletion unread. In case of abuse, abuser email will be blocked.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We greatly appreciate all your support!
Other ways to communicate with Lada
Private consultation inquiries, communications re. session scheduling, product purchases, and other inquiries per the list on top:
We have a vibrant, welcoming and active community. LRPatreon comments are used by members for regular and frequent interactions with Lada and each other, as well as for posting opinions, reactions to articles and questions. Most posts are accessible only to paying members, so commenting is safe and secure.
For non-private/general questions, members may use LRPatreon comment section. This will make it easier and faster to answer.
How it works: time allowing, Lada will sometimes choose the best questions to answer right there under comments, to benefit the entire LADA RAY COMMUNITY. When a question asked is especially good, Lada may decide to create a dedicated article, or a video or audio reply, to be posted for the community. If you are new, we recommend immersing yourself in LRPatreon content and comment section interactions, to get the feel for our community and how we do things. When you feel comfortable, feel free to contribute to the comment section! All LRPatreon comments are always read. Lada interacts with members regularly through comments, and answers as many questions and comments as possible.
Some of the best LRPatreon questions may be answered as part of the EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS, SPECIAL VIDEO EVENTS or WORKSHOPS!
For years, Lada has been answering a huge number of patron and webinar/event participant questions. Many FREE answers were given through her blogs since 2014! Explore 1500 articles written since 2011 on FuturisTrendcast and Lada Ray Blog, and browse the comment sections, sometimes containing very substantial additional pieces by Lada!
***If you want guaranteed answers, the best way to go about it is to schedule a PRIVATE PERSONAL CONSULTATION. Note: Lada's Consultations are in great demand, and they are scheduled well in advance. Please read appropriate CONSULTATIONS pages for details.
Public non-business questions:
If you have a non-business question or comment, you are welcome to leave it in free FuturisTrendcast blog's comment section and/or tweet on Twitter @LadaTweets (no PMs). They are usually checked weekly!
You are also welcome to follow Lada on Telegram: and Rumble: RealLadaRay.
Where to find me and my work,
where to get in touch and be seen and heard!
Official site & main portal for all work! Free Earth Shift, Quantum Calibrations & Predictions! Webinars, Consultations, Earth Shift Reports, Books. Go to HOME, MDU and PROGRAMS for the very latest events, workshops and news!
LADA RAY PATREON - Exclusive: large, valuable archives; newest, freshest and one-of-a-kind articles and reports!
Long-term subscriptions only! Thank you for respecting my work and LRP rules!
Additional YT channels:
Free Quantum Calibration videos
1: Life-threatening & Life-diminishing Calibrations
2: Life-affirming & Life-creating Calibrations
- Comment on LRPatreon
- Tweet me (no DMs)
- Comment on FuturisTrendcast
Private consultation inquiries, communications re. session scheduling, product purchases, and other inquiries per the list on top:
- If you communicated with us before, please again use Lada's direct email! This is the quickest way to get an answer!
- If you don't have Lada's email, use the above form!
We have a vibrant, welcoming and active community. LRPatreon comments are used by members for regular and frequent interactions with Lada and each other, as well as for posting opinions, reactions to articles and questions. Most posts are accessible only to paying members, so commenting is safe and secure.
For non-private/general questions, members may use LRPatreon comment section. This will make it easier and faster to answer.
How it works: time allowing, Lada will sometimes choose the best questions to answer right there under comments, to benefit the entire LADA RAY COMMUNITY. When a question asked is especially good, Lada may decide to create a dedicated article, or a video or audio reply, to be posted for the community. If you are new, we recommend immersing yourself in LRPatreon content and comment section interactions, to get the feel for our community and how we do things. When you feel comfortable, feel free to contribute to the comment section! All LRPatreon comments are always read. Lada interacts with members regularly through comments, and answers as many questions and comments as possible.
Some of the best LRPatreon questions may be answered as part of the EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS, SPECIAL VIDEO EVENTS or WORKSHOPS!
For years, Lada has been answering a huge number of patron and webinar/event participant questions. Many FREE answers were given through her blogs since 2014! Explore 1500 articles written since 2011 on FuturisTrendcast and Lada Ray Blog, and browse the comment sections, sometimes containing very substantial additional pieces by Lada!
***If you want guaranteed answers, the best way to go about it is to schedule a PRIVATE PERSONAL CONSULTATION. Note: Lada's Consultations are in great demand, and they are scheduled well in advance. Please read appropriate CONSULTATIONS pages for details.
Public non-business questions:
If you have a non-business question or comment, you are welcome to leave it in free FuturisTrendcast blog's comment section and/or tweet on Twitter @LadaTweets (no PMs). They are usually checked weekly!
You are also welcome to follow Lada on Telegram: and Rumble: RealLadaRay.
Where to find me and my work,
where to get in touch and be seen and heard!
Official site & main portal for all work! Free Earth Shift, Quantum Calibrations & Predictions! Webinars, Consultations, Earth Shift Reports, Books. Go to HOME, MDU and PROGRAMS for the very latest events, workshops and news!
LADA RAY PATREON - Exclusive: large, valuable archives; newest, freshest and one-of-a-kind articles and reports!
Long-term subscriptions only! Thank you for respecting my work and LRP rules!
- RUMBLE: RealLadaRay
- TWITTER @LadaTweets
- BLOG 1FuturisTrendcast Blog - MAIN
- BLOG 2 Lada Ray Blog
- Book Author Site:
- YOUTUBE Lada Ray - main channel
- Instagram - TBD
Additional YT channels:
Free Quantum Calibration videos
1: Life-threatening & Life-diminishing Calibrations
2: Life-affirming & Life-creating Calibrations