Anka Bosanac:
“A book worth reading and re-reading.”
A testimonial from an Australian reader on Lada Ray Patreon:
That is amazing, you describe our Country so well! You have gotten to the heart of our problems and you are so correct: the majority do not see the US/UK for what they really are. When you run a Country on fear people stop to live life carefree, so Australians are rather cautious looking around corners for never-ending perceived threats, where in the past we were known for our carefree attitude. I have hope, I feel people are starting to see that the old ways are not working for us anymore and we need to wake up and change. Thank you so much, Lada.
Praise for Geopolitical Quantum Calibrations Book
and Lada Ray’s Quantum Calibration Teaching
Nancy Chester
In 2017 I purchased Lada's personal Multidimensional Quantum Calibration Report & Personal Quality of Life Geo Calibration Reading for my area of Seattle, USA & printed out full copies of each report. Looking forward to purchasing global Geopolitical & Geo-Economic Quantum Calibrations book for all regions, countries & institutions! What I see as invaluable is the connection of an individual sovereign human being contributing to the calibrations, along with people in other cities, countries, regions and cultures. This is quite different from viewing oneself as part of the "masses" or "muti-cultural" soup, or being a victim/oppressor. It's an awesome thought to realize just how much power we really have to shape the world around us. The late Dr. David Hawkins summed it up in the title of his book on calibrations: "Power vs Force".
To my way of thinking Quantum & Geo Calibrations are especially valuable because they show a fluid dynamic scale of upward/downward possibilities and thus present people and events as process and choice and even world leaders like Merkel with her recent shift to be a "patriot" are responding to the Earth Shift. I am finding that my understanding of the world is also shifting. I purchased the Anastasia Ringing Cedar series when the books were first published in US but only read book 1 at the time as an enjoyable well written story. I am reading the books now. For example, 10 years ago I would not have understood the opening sentence in Book 4 Co-creation: "I shall tell you about co-creation Vladimir, and then everyone will be able to provide an answer to his own questions." We are connected active participants in our world and experiences.
Lada’s QC and GC provide detailed and unambiguous insights into our past, present and future at the personal, society, world and cosmic levels. Coupled with Lada’s wise counsel, I have found them to be invaluable tools in making better decisions about relationships, parenting, career, finances and even purchasing a house!
Quantum and Geo calibrations to me are the key-notes of major and minor excerpts of the music of life and of the earth. They are water crystals, shaping its degree of purity and vitality. They are tracks of our journeys, and a compass to get our bearings. They are voices of the Universal Mind Anastasia talks about in the Ringing Cedars of Russia. They are realities and potentials. In short, they are the breath of the Universe and of Humanity, intermingled in endless co-creation… That's my vision, Lada -- Teresa Martins de Carvalho
Paul Eric
The Quantum and Geo Calibrations show with a lot of clarity what is really going on in the world - behind the facade of public declarations and media propaganda. It is especially helpful to understand the approximate timeline of the Earth Shift as it relates to different parts of the world, eg. the Inverted Collapse of the US. This can help with personal decisions as well, such as where you choose to live or which long-term careers or investments you pursue. Lada has been spot-on in her predictions of future events, including the election of Donald Trump, as well as his subsequent inability to change anything significant!
To me, the value of Quantum and Geo Calibrations is the at-a-glance understanding of where a person, country, event, etc., is. For me it provides an independent truth. Particularly, where leaders and countries are at the moment. Both factors give an edge to the interpretation, and I have grown to quite like it!
I love how much LADA'S WORK and her calibrations resonate with Siberian prophetess Anastasia and The Ringing Cedars series. I'm on book two now, and to say it is eye-opening and mind-bending is an understatement. Right on, Ms. Ray!
From the United States
5.0 out of 5 stars Great investment in yourself - this knowledge / truth is not found elsewhere
Reviewed in the United States
Verified Purchase
Highly recommended for everyone who is trying to understand and navigate in the world of today and tomorrow. The businessman or woman, who needs to understand the markets. The spiritually oriented person, who will learn about the bigger plan for rebalancing the world into a better future. Those, who like geopolitics, will get a completely new understanding of the power play and where the different regions and continents are heading. You and me with children, mortgage, job - how do we navigate through the storm? Maybe time to change something?
The West is not in good shape. For us living in the West this book provides an immediate reality check and an outlook for the coming years. Similar for other regions (but more positive). A lot of surprises and new knowledge is to be found in the book, which certainly will make you think and investigate further. You will get a completely new impression of Russia as a positive force (something new to us in the West). Lada Ray takes you in the hand and leaves you with knowledge, less worry and no fear. So, jump in, highly recommended. Great investment in yourself and your personal development.
5.0 out of 5 stars A Gift for Truth Seekers on what is going on in the world
Reviewed in the United States
Verified Purchase
For a number of years, Ms Lada Ray has provided insightful articles on the state of geo politics and economics. Her predictions of Trump, big powers and economic developments have been spot on. This book combines her deep intuition and clear reasoning to provide a comprehensive summary of what’s really going on in the world, and what is to come for the US, EU, Russia, China etc. I also enjoyed her easter egg mini bios world leaders and celebrities, to decipher what makes them to tick (or otherwise). Truly a unique gift in the service of truth.
John Casey
5.0 out of 5 stars Surprising and very useful...and a proven track record of accuracy.
Reviewed in the United States on March 15, 2019
Verified Purchase
This book is a great resource, almost a reference book or encyclopedia for where we are now and where we are going. And lots of big surprises. Expect that many of your preconceptions will be overturned. The author has a unique approach and an overarching theory of geopolitics that is both accurate and positive. As a reader, I find the author's work to be valuable because it serves as an antidote to the fear-based, aggressive, deceitful propaganda that characterizes so much of what the media serves up.
5.0 out of 5 stars A Brilliant Vision of Our Future on This Planet. How to Keep Your Family & Assets Safe…
Reviewed in the United States
Verified Purchase
Lada Ray did an excellent job of covering the world at large. The research team found important intelligence concerning countries and leaders from all over the globe. Lada went deep into many complex projects to help us understand these political and economic issues. I highly recommend this read...
From other countries
5.0 out of 5 stars Every country deserves its government
Reviewed in Italy
Verified Purchase
This is not simply an informative book, it is actually a manual that can help us to evolve and elevate our consciences and at the same time help our world in these difficult times.
Lada Ray writes of the existing problems in a clear and direct way but also with great affection and compassion. The reading is recommended to anyone who wants to have a clearer view of our reality.
5.0 out of 5 stars Extremely Informative view of the world
Reviewed in Australia
Verified Purchase
highly recommended read for anyone wanting to know what is really happening in the world. The in depth information on individual Countries and their leaders is information you wont find elsewhere. This is a very special book that you will read again and again and as events evolve around the world it will confirm the truth of the knowledge presented in this book.
More reader reviews
Teresa Martins de Carvalho
A fascinating planetary tour by the hand of a special guide…countries, their leaders and people, secrets behind façades, and potentials to come. Quite an experience! Success!
John L.
Until I've read Ms Ray's book, I was lost in the sea of public opinion and state propaganda. Her prediction about Brexit has been prophetic. With her calibrations and predictions I now fully understand the whole scope of the issue from a higher perspective. and I am uncovering the real reasons behind so many global issues and challenges we all face today. Thank you Ms Ray for the world class education, profound insights and most importantly answers to my confusion. I would recommend this book to all seeking clarity of world events and better direction for our personal future.
Maddie Walsh
THE BEST and most insightfully accurate source of geopolitical news and analysis, with quantum calibrations.
Lada Ray has produced an excellent book with a fascinating overview of the geopolitical situation on our planet today. It is a valuable source of reference for everyone who wants to understand the beating heart of a country, its people and its economy and how it interacts with other nations.
Mystic @LadaTweets has written a fascinating book calibrating the energies - and much more besides - of most of the world and its many current leaders, divided by country. If you are wondering where to emigrate to, this is the book for you #geopolitics #energy #futurist
For more info and excerpts GO TO GEQC BOOK PAGE!
For more info and excerpts GO TO GEQC BOOK PAGE!
Copyright Lada Ray.