six word stories
Flexing that writer's muscle!
Page filling with all kinds of original Lada Ray's micro-stories, bursting to be told!
Fun, funny or food for thought! Would you like to add some of your own to the mix?
LADA RAY MICRO-STORIES based on 6-or-less-word prompts from Writerly @WriterlyTweets first published on Lada Ray Twitter @LadaTweets The trick of this writing exercise is to express something all-encompassing with utmost brevity! |
#sixwordstory #6words #writingprompt #mysterious #storytelling #traveling #thriller #mystery #adventure #lovestory #romancebooks #magical #magicalrealism #fantasy #timetravel #historicalfiction #Lovestory #romancebooks #comedy #holiday #newyear #christmas _____________ Back to: 📚OPEN BOOKS 📚BOOKSTORE ✍️EXCLUSIVE AUTHOR-SIGNED EBOOKS |
In six words or fewer, write a story about the picture above: a man floating and reading my GEQC book ;)
Feeling alive in the Dead Sea
Too absorbing... forgot himself... floated away!
Thank god it weighs so little!
In six words or fewer, write a story about the picture above: a young woman closed her eyes while reading my Gold Train book. Is she asleep or dreaming? ;)
Dreaming of being Jade...
Fantasizing: 'Even my hair is red...'
Thriller?... Reads like a love story!
Ok, so when's the next adventure?!
In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about a sock that keeps losing its partner.
Wanted to explore the world solo.
#sixwordstory #6words #writingprompt #socks #comedy
In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about your dream house in a country you've always wanted to move to.
I'm finally home...
#storytelling #traveling #thriller #adventure
In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about two old friends meeting up after decades.
Old scars... old memories - alive
#sixwordstory #6words #writingprompt #friendship #oldfriends #thriller #mystery #adventure
Long forgotten... memory of the heart
#lovestory #romancebooks
In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about two solo travelers who keep meeting everywhere accidentally.
Accidental Spy Adventures... Jade & Alexei, again...
(Based on ACCIDENTAL SPY series)
#sixwordstory #6words #writingprompt #traveling #thriller #mystery #adventure
In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about finding strange footsteps outside your front door.
How did they find me?...
#thriller #mystery
Life or death, luck or sorrow...
#thriller #mystery #romance
T'was supposed to be a surprise... ;)
#romance #comedy #holiday #newyear #christmas #sixwordstory #6words #writingprompt #storytelling #winter
Santa failed the chimney test!... ;)
In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about a scar with mysterious origins.
Memory that can never be erased...
#thriller #mystery #adventure
It spoke of adventures unknown...
#thriller #mystery #adventure
That's how they spot the spies... ;)
#thriller #mystery #adventure #comedy
In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about someone who becomes a shapeshifter at night.
Sasha, The Earth Shifter, awakening...
#fantasy #visionary #metaphysical #prophecy #magical #magicalrealism
In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about a struggling author who finally makes it to the bestseller lists.
It never tasted this sweet ;)
#storytelling #author #thriller #biography
In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about your pet dog transforming into a dragon.
#sixwordstory #6words #writingprompt #pets #fantasy
Well, it could be worse... ;)
#fantasy #magic #magical #pets
Always knew Jack could breathe fire! ;)
#fantasy #magic #magical #pets
In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about coming into an unexpected fortune.
#sixwordstory #6words #writingprompt #fortune #treasure
Fortune: never expected but always welcome
The best birthday gift ever!
In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about a knight on the way to save a princess when he finds something very distracting.
#sixwordstory #6words #writingprompt #fantasy #fairytale
Princess can wait, this is better... ;)
Jackpot! ;)
In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about discovering that the love of your life has always been a robot.
#sixwordstory #6words #writingprompt #Lovestory #romancebooks
Robots have feelings too...
In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about an immortal who tries to pass off as an ordinary person in the 21st century.
#sixwordstory #6words #writingprompt #fantasy #magical #magicalrealism #timetravel #HistoricalFiction
Hide... they want a lab rat!
No fun living like this...
Still miss those Dark Ages...
Try finding job with my credentials...
Ancient Greeks had better fashion sense!
In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about an unforgettable Christmas as a child.
#sixwordstory #6words #writingprompt #christmas #unforgettable
Scents of fresh pine and mandarins...
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