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Fascinating Brand New Calibrations and Predictions for Russia and most significant world countries, organizations and unions! Hopeful, awful, surprising and shocking, and some, utterly predictable!
There's nothing like Quantum Calibrations to take us straight to the very core of the issue. They cut to the chase and bring us the truth on a platter, like nothing else can! When in doubt, Quantum Calibrations bring us the ultimate clarity!
I am calibrating Russia's current and near-future relations with over sixty countries and international/global/regional unions and organizations!
This includes 64 quantum calibrations with brief or expanded interpretations and predictions for the following:
- Anglo-American World: current Russia-USA relations (3 calibrations), Canada, UK and Australia
- Historic calibrations: US-USSR Cold War relations - and it's shocking how much better they were, compared to today
- Special bonus article for the Anglo-American section, with analysis and PREDICTIONS
- Russia's relations with EU as a whole, with extensive bonus article, analytics and PREDICTIONS on the developing potential union between Russia-China-Germany
- Plus individually Russia's relations with: Germany, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Greece, Portugal, Italy, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, France
- Bonus article: insight and future of the Balkans
- Europe Non-EU: Serbia and Switzerland
- Post-Soviet space: Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan
- Bonus piece regarding Caucasus, Armenia and Turkey, revealing Azerbaijan's real situation and Putin's secret chess moves as part of Russia's long Middle East - India - Asia game.
- **Separate category not fitting with others: extreme Russophobes - Poland, Czechia, Baltic Vimirati
- **And guess who has the distinction of the world's WORST Relations with Russia?
- Moving on - Middle East/Muslim World: Syria, Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan
- SE Asia: India, China, Japan, Singapore, Mongolia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines
- L. America: Mexico, Cuba, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina
- Africa sub-Saharan - whole continent; plus separately S. Africa, CAR, Sudan
- Bonus prediction article on Russia-Africa relations and the future of the continent
- Major regional unions and organizations: NATO, BRICS, SCO, EAEU, CIS, ASEAN (EU was calibrated above)
- Additional insight on the importance of ASEAN and why Russia has such good relationship with it
- CONCLUSIONS & FINAL PREDICTIONS - very important, not to be missed! What is Russia's ultimate destiny in the 21st century and what will happen to certain countries!
- LISTS: who and why has the BEST and worst relations with Russia!
The world countries' and unions' relations with Russia the Great Balancer are a litmus test to how well a certain country or
regional organization is adjusting and coping with Earth Change and how smoothly and productively it will go through the
Great Rebalancing.
It also shows how well the Great Balancer is doing its job of rebalancing and harmonizing the world! This is why this report is so important!
If you enjoy my Quantum Calibrations, Lada Ray predictions, and my book Geopolitical & Geo-Economic Quantum Calibrations, you'll love this special QUANTUM REPORT! It's great on its own and it's a complete work in its own right! Some love to listen and watch my EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS. However, I know that many of you follow me for my writings, and some of you may prefer to read rather than listen. For those of you who want it on paper, I have designed the new QUANTUM REPORTS! These new reports continue the tradition of the classic Earth Shift Reports which, by the way, will be going back on sale soon!
QUANTUM REPORTS are designed for all those who like to read and want Lada Ray's Earth Shift Quantum Calibrations, Analysis, Intel and Predictions in a compact, yet all-encompassing form! It also is a great addition and expansion to my book and the new Webinar Series 4 and 5, as well as the classic Series 1!
Where to find the in-depth info, intel, predictions and knowledge about the past, present and future of:
- Russia/Russian World and Eurasia: WEBINAR SERIES 5 Russia, Eurasia & Great Rebalancing
- US, EU and China: WEBINAR SERIES 4 Lada Ray Future Prophecies & Predictions
- ESW6 THE PUTIN ENIGMA goes well beyond that and shows the multidimensional truth about Putin, Russia, USSR, Russian Empire and Russian/Soviet leaders, including calibrations and psychic portraits/revelations!
RUSSIA'S RELATIONS with the following countries & organizations:
Russia - Anglo/American World
2019-21 Before Putin-Biden meeting in Geneva:
85 - GRIEF!!
I was hoping for an improvement after the summit, so I did another calibration:
After Putin-Biden summit in Geneva (June 2021):
90 - GRIEF!!
Very bad, but not surprising! The improvement of only 5 points, remaining at GRIEF after the June summit! This is because the US/Biden lied and Russians know this. Therefore, they will not trust US promises or offers, no matter what. In other words, an attempt to seduce Russia like before, under Gorby and Yeltsin, FAILED! More on these predictions, which already are showing true - in WEBINAR 18!
As I was calibrating this, the news came of the new accusations from senile Biden, who now claims Russia is about to interfere with US mid-term elections in 2022. We say: "The thief yells the loudest, 'catch the thief." It's the US that's been trying very hard to meddle with Russian elections into Duma in the fall of 2021 and the whole global Dark State (US, UK, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Baltics, etc,.) were gearing up to thwart the Russian presidential elections in 2024, to prevent at all cost Putin's new term, should he decide to run through anti-Putin and anti-his team propaganda, vilification, spread of fake news and color revolution.
So, while I was calibrating, due to Biden/US new accusations and a new bout of extreme Russophobia, the level of relations again fell to
80 - GRIEF (July-August 2021)
In other words, in their stupidity and confusion, they are ready to bury the relationship Putin gave his best shot to mend a little during the talks in Geneva.
It feels in the next 2 years, '21-23, this relationship will be vacillating between 75 and 99 (GRIEF) and I doubt it'll even go as high as 95-99. That's how bad the US attitude has become, due to them panicking because of the loss of power and the Great Rebalancing. Same is true in relation to China.
Shockingly, what's happening now is near, or at, an all-time historic low, and it's LOWER THAN USSR-US RELATIONS DURING COLD WAR!! Let's compare!
USSR-US relations during the Cold War calibrated at:
180 - PRIDE!!
That was the time when the US still had professionals in Washington. It was also because - paradoxically - for their own survival they were afraid of the USSR and that made them tread softly and with a lot more respect. Today, they completely lost direction and Washington is practically devoid of true professionals, at least when it comes to international relations.
After the end of WWII (1945), Russia/USSR made valiant efforts to keep the world spinning by catching up to the US quickly and keeping the parity in nukes and other weapons. That happened with God's/Universe's multidimensional help, despite the USSR being destroyed and 27 million people in their prime productive years killed during WWII. Meantime, the US sat out the war and got rich as a result of it. But the US/UK were prevented from destroying Russia/USSR after WWII, as they planned. Cold War began and the two could not afford to be openly hostile due to an evenly matched rivalry and therefore, had to keep it civil and professional. Except, Russia was bleeding herself to give to all poorer republics and countries, while USA robbed the world to get rich! The result is well-known, the '90s! However, chickens are coming to roost in the US. Hold on to your chairs for what is about to happen During Period 9!
And we talk more in Webinar 21: TRUTHS ABOUT THE USSR & POST-SOVIET SPACE no one will ever tell you
There is also a lot of in-fighting between factions of Washington/Pentagon/CIA insiders, who are all pulling in opposite directions. Such in-fighting and loss of professionalism are sure indicators of the impending collapse of the system!
Unfortunately, they will be losing true professionals and a sense of direction everywhere and in all regards, as we progress into Period 9 and as the rebalancing takes place!
Are you shocked yet how bad it is today?! And the country to blame for the drop in relations is... the US, which tried very very hard to destabilize the situation and provoke Russia as soon as they realized that Russia is again getting stronger.
Due to the US being a sole hegemon for about 25 years, since the dissolution of the USSR, they lost the ability to see others' point of view and they default to playing hardball with anyone who decides to challenge them. This is a very bad attitude that will only cause the US to go under faster, as they live in their own la la land, mis-assessing the real power and growth of China and Russia. (See the new 2021 Series 4 ESW15-17 and the new Series 5 ESW18 (especially) + ESW19-21 - all very telling!)
110 - FEAR
No surprise - unfortunately, the Russophobic slant there is very deep, and because Canada takes the cue from the US and harbors a lot of western Ukraine Bandera ukro-nazis some of whom killed people and were part of SS and who fled with Hitler's troops in 1944, Russia hardly has any independent relations with Canada. Perhaps in the Arctic Council only, but there it's also not very nice.
80 - GRIEF - No surprise
98 - GRIEF - same, a tiny bit better, mainly because there isn't much of a dialogue and Australia simply takes the US and UK cue.
**The rest are generally a bit, or much, better, except Ukraine and some E. Europe!
EU (as a whole/Brussels)
110 - FEAR
Very clear why: there is no mutual trust. Merkel together with Macron recently proposed for all EU leaders to meet with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. This proposal was voted down by the E. European limitrofs. Merkel then said that if that is so, each European country should build its own relations with Russia, regardless of the EU. This is very telling. Russia is on the verge of discontinuing membership in various European organizations and Lavrov expressed a threat to curb relations with the EU to a minimum. Putin also said that Russia will build relations with the friendly separate countries of Europe, not with EU, which has been acting unfriendly towards Russia.
This will eventually weaken the EU and strengthen those countries that are smart enough to work with Russia.
The Russophobes will find themselves behind.
This requires a special analytical/predictory piece, to explain the whole grand chessboard spread:
Russia-EU relations have been steadily deteriorating since 2010-14, especially since Kiev Maidan. The EU's rich countries became hostage to E. Europe, who started dictating the agenda, especially in regards to Russia. Now they are finally awakening to the fact that they've become hostage to the political and economic ambitions of Poland, Czechia, Balts and Romania, the weakest and most dependent, but hiding behind the US back, who encourages their Russophobia, as a way to divide Europe and Russia in order to keep the Iron Curtain alive and well.
The division is necessary so that Eurasia would be unable to re-unite into one continent, as it's supposed to be.
f the re-unification of Eurasia were to happen, it would severely diminish the influence of the US in Europe, Asia and world as a whole, while Russia and China, and even Germany's, influence would grow. This is simple math really, confirmed by my long-standing predictions on the EARTH SHIFT & GREAT REBALANCING. However, the EU, set on the bizarrest manifestations of the worst of neo-liberal ideology, confused, scared and prideful, is ready to sabotage its own future to show that bad Russia...
To show what and why?... you might ask. They have no idea themselves, and that's the way to perdition. That's the way regimes and unions fall and this is the way of the Inverted Collapse, playing out now in front of our very eyes, as I described several years ago in my prophetic Earth Shift Webinar 2: INVERTED COLLAPSE (The foundation of Lada Ray's Inverted Collapse & Global Rebalancing Theory).
Finally and very slowly, Germany and a few other more rational countries seem to have begun getting it that their trade and economic interests are suffering due to the new Iron Curtain, and that maybe they should deal with Russia country-to-country, not through Brussels or EU government, because there will never be an agreement on the Russia issue.
Therefore, these stronger countries of Western Europe, based on their economic interests, will be increasingly conducting their policy and trade, independent of the unelected Brussels politicians and the usurious E. Europeans. This eventually will lead to a further split and weakening of the EU as we know it today. It may not disintegrate, as so many have predicted, but it may change members, goals and borders, becoming smaller and more restrictive in the future.
E. Europe's in-between limitrofs will continue being a pain for everyone for many years to come. This has gone on for centuries and I don't see much of a change in the next 10-20 years, possibly a lot longer. As Poles were highway bandits in the medieval times, so they'll continue being so. As what is now Romania was an in-between space where few dared to tread, I'm afraid that's what we may see in the future. Something similar is true for all the E. European in-between limitrofs I mentioned in previous reports. Someone will have to pick them up and carry them on their shoulders, so they don't instigate new wars, become robbers or continue sowing discord between neighbors, as they are doing now. This is the harsh reality. Check out the calibrations pertaining to those countries visavi Russia below, under 'Russophobic regimes.' These countries, as defined by me, include: Poland, Baltic Vimirati (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia - the forever limitrofs), Czechia and Romania (maybe Slovakia, to a smaller degree). Unfortunately, Ukraine now also falls under this category. There is also Georgia, which is almost inconsequential, and to a degree, Moldova, which vacillates a lot. Despite being small and inconsequential, all these can cause a lot of irritation and damage, under specific circumstances.
Who'll carry all that dead weight, which seems for sale to the highest bidder? Russia used to carry all of them in the past, at Russia's and Russians' huge detriment, robbing us of the wealth and well-being we could have had. At this point it's the US and Germany, plus other well-to-do EU countries, such as Austria, Denmark and France, who carry them. Also, Canada and UK in some cases.
As to Ukraine, EU already said no, after they discovered that pretty much everything they give to Ukraine gets stolen by elites and oligarchs, starting with the president down. Therefore, it's the US who currently has to carry Ukraine, and Canada to a degree, plus, it seems lately the UK, as well. They do, officially and under the table through slush funds. But it's getting more and more cumbersome - by the way, as predicted by me since 2014!
It would be a great poetic justice that the West is now stuck with the limitrofs. Actually, that was part of Putin's sly plan. But what's worrying: these counties are used to being on someone's shoulders. Except Ukraine, which was very productive during the USSR, but only its Russian-speaking southern and eastern parts, while western and central Ukraine were always poor and dependent on handouts. But now what's left of Ukraine took the cue from Poland on how to milk the US and EU.
It was no problem for the West to carry the limitrofs between 1989 and 2018, when the West was doing really well, part of it due to the wholesale drain of resources from Russia in the '90s. But the power and influence of the West is drying up. Resources are shrinking due to the Great Rebalancing, Period 8 and impending Period 9 - per my extensive predictions 2014-2021!
What's troubling is that now that the handouts are drying up, the limotrofs are becoming super-aggressive and demanding. They can do damage, and they can block trade between China-Russia and EU, for example. So far, the skilled actions by Putin and Merkel have avoided that.
PREDICTIONS! Economic and Trade Union Between Russia, Germany and China coming?
I can tell you that the troubles with the limitrofs will continue, until the Great Rebalancing is over, Eurasia reaches a new state of equilibrium. At that point the in-between countries will also find their relative equilibrium and a shore to lean on, until they get destabilized again in some way (they do that a lot).
It's funny, but China may have to chip in eventually, to support the limitrofs, if China wants the New Silk Road to Europe through Russia to develop properly. There are threats from Ukraine that if EU/US don't step up their support, they'll switch and go 'under China or even under Turkey.' To that I think Chinese are laughing - China usually doesn't like to throw the good money after bad. I doubt Ukraine in this horrible state can offer enough to China. Russia is offering the best possible Silk Road route and even Poland and Belarus can be avoided now that one of the world's largest new ports in Ust-Luga is nearing its completion. If Poles want to play that way, they will very likely lose the lucrative transit. The Balts already did. And once the trade is set through Russian Ust-Luga, that'll be it for years to come.
Same happened with Nord Stream, Nord Stream-2 and Turk/South Stream. The more limitrofs resisted and sabotaged, the more resolute various countries became in building gas pipes to bypass them. Now Poland has to buy gas a lot more expensively and Ukraine has lost the majority of its transit from Russia.
The new ways around difficult countries can always be found, as recent events have shown. Another promising way we are discussing in ESW20 is the Arctic Route. This will be a spectacular win - eventually. We'll give it 10-20 years to fully blossom!
**And what did I guys tell you - see my key predictions of 2018-19! Per secret agreement between Russia and Germany, Merkel stayed as chancellor to finish her life's project, NORD STREAM-2, to ensure the future of the German economy, to keep Germany as the top dog of Europe and to limit the power of the overgrown limitrofs, like Poland! Exactly as predicted, she'll be leaving this Fall, after she has ensured the completion of Nord Stream-2, and her protege/replacement is the man who was always pro-Nord Stream! As predicted from the start, no US scheming and threats achieved anything. Moreover, Biden pretty much gave up and told others to shut up (Kiev was literally told to be quiet on the NS2 issue and not to interfere). Do you remember how many 'analysts' and 'prophets' were predicting that NS2 will never be completed? Yet, it's my original predictions, reiterated and expanded many times, have come true!
One of the pre-destined KEY issues here: Putin fluently speaks German and outgoing Merkel speaks Russian a little; Putin worked in Germany, and Merkel once studied in Russia, actually, in Donbass. There is a natural affinity there, despite Merkel's anti-Russian and anti-Putin stance. But the old ability of Russia and Germany to work together, despite horrible events of the past, is being brought to a new fruition. Austria and Hungary may play a positive role there.
And of course, the US/UK nightmare, an alliance between Russia-China-Germany, something they successfully prevented in the 20th century through wars, is coming to fruition in the 21st century!
And that, my friends, is KEY to the reunification of Eurasia, on which Russia the Great Balancer has been working very hard for years!
China and Germany are trying to join Russia the Great Balancer in the role of balancing Europe, Eurasia and the world!
Considering all world wars started in Europe, it desperately needs a balancer, the role only Germany can play, with the help of others (potentially France, Austria, Switzerland - I especially see Austria and Switzerland, maybe Finland a bit).
And China, per my recent predictions in Webinar 17 is well on its way to becoming a new Balancer!
India may also help in the future.
The reunification of Eurasia is the next step in the Earth Shift and Great Rebalancing of the human world, and it's a step up in the expansion and growth of the human consciousness!
Eurasian rebalancing gives a major push to the rest of the world to re-balance itself. It's Eurasia, the world's biggest and most influential continent, that holds the KEY to the future!
The Eurasia example will help the Americas, particularly Latin America, to rebalance itself! The influence and power of Latin America will increase and that of the US/N. America will relatively decrease in the next 20 years! I foresee Mexico playing a major role in that!
And Africa will also be tremendously increasing its influence and potential in the next 20 years, per my Period 9 predictions!
181 - PRIDE
Actually still ok, all things considered and despite Merkel and her government's frequent flip-flops. It could be lower, but should really be much better between close economic partners and neighbors! The Nord Sream-2 and current trade/economy situation ensures that Germany will want to be in a reasonably good place with Russia. Of course, the elections this fall will tell if it's possible to preserve such balanced relationship, or not. I am reasonably optimistic that the man who is Merkel's heir can be elected new chancellor. He is likely the best of the bunch, but he has been under tremendous pressure and he's been attacked relentlessly. Let's hope he doesn't crack and let's hope US/dems/globalists don't falsify elections to get their proteges, the Greens, in. This happened before, but let's hope Germany is smarter than that (no guarantees though).
That said, I am reasonably optimistic Russia-Germany relations can stay on the 180 level or close. Alas, this is as good as it gets nowadays.
185 - PRIDE - same as Germany, but a little better!
Austria is a bit different: its parliament and media is just as rabidly Russophobic, and as sold out to the US and globalist neolibs, but the current chancellor Kurtz and some healthy forces in the economy are some of the most pro-Russian-cooperation you can get. The economic interests of Austria are closely tied with Russia and this is what ensures that Austria remains one of the most balancing and reasonable voices in EU.
A bit better! What do you know, maybe Danes are smarter than the rest of the EU?... I am actually a bit surprised.
This could be to do with the fact that Denmark did give permission (after much to-and-fro) for the Nord Stream-2 through its waters, and then suddenly withdrew permission for building of the rival Baltic Pipe from Norway to Poland, which Russia and Germany said all along was endangering the NS2 construction and operation. The withdrawal is temporary and it bears all the signs of a power struggle between Germany and Poland for leadership in EU. (My European friends, don't you all dream of being under Poles, lol!).
The rumor (among those in the know) is that the moment German delegation left Washington DC about a month ago, the US announced it didn't have any problems with NS2 any more and a secret phone call to Copenhagen followed... Can you guess what it was about?
As a result, Denmark suddenly found environmental faults with the Baltic Pipe and withdrew its previously given permission, until more thorough environmental studies are conducted. Poland is crushed.
Hint: how independent is Denmark, do you think?
Amazingly high, almost unbelievable, considering Finland's neighbors! Remember I told you in my book about Fenland's lucrative neutral position? Finland learned to live as a bridge between Russia and Europe, balancing the two and that made it rich and well-to-do in the past 40-50 years! If only others were as smart!
80 - GRIEF
80 - GRIEF (both are very close in attitude, and calibrating the same. No surprise, those two are lost in translation!)
That's a wow! Good - a much more realistic and wise of a country! Our Portuguese friends are thrilled, I'm sure!
Also, a wow! Bravo Italy - very much on top of the situation and doing what they can to stay away from EU's craze and animosity! There has been a long-standing historic affinity between Russia and Italy.
A very big achievement, considering Russia and Hungary didn't always see eye to eye, what with a previously turbulent and patchy history. But current PM Orban, a conservative, has been steadfast in trying to be sovereign and independent of the EU in his policies. Moreover, he is a consistent major supporter of Nord Stream-2 and has been working hard on maintaining a solid dialogue with Russia on every occasion he finds.
Amazingly high, all things considered! It's not always all good, and I hear the MSM in Slovenia is just as Russophobic because they take orders from the same Anglo-Americans masters, who pretty much cornered the world media market - for now. But the country and government obviously try! There is a natural affinity there, hope it prevails through all the craze and animosity out there.
180 - PRIDE
As expected: Croatia really has no serious relations with Russia per se, and they generally would follow in the forvater of the EU. There should have been a certain amount of affinity, due to the Slavic roots, and Croatia at least tries to stay away from the outright crazy Russophobia its E. Europe brethren are so famous for. I'm sure there is still plenty of that in the media.
The Balkans - additional insight!
But as you see, all neighboring countries have better relations with Russia, compared to Croatia! Russia, in turn, tries to stay as neutral and detached towards Croatia as possible. In fact, Russia could offer a lot to Croatia in terms of tourism and development, but it's very much under the neo-lib EU influence. Another factor that plays a role: Russia's closeness to Serbia, with whom, unfortunately, Croatia, despite being practically one/or very close people, has a very turbulent and even hateful relationship.
We might compare it to Russia and Ukraine, however, Russia never did and never would attack Ukraine, because every Russian fully recognizes that Ukraine is populated by the same Russians, by a different name. They would never kill fellow Russians, unless directly and brutally provoked, despite the bellicose rhetoric and many atrocities on the Ukraine side. Of course, if Kiev ever feels suicidal, the war would be over within weeks or even days, and Russian Army would very soon be dining in Lvov, western Ukraine.
But in the Balkans a brutal full scale war took place in the '90s between Serbians and Croatians, as well as Bosnians (same people as well, with different religions - all of them Southern Slavs), and tremendous atrocities were committed on all sides. This is a huge difference between the situations.
At this time I sincerely wish all Southern Slavs (Yugoslavs - which does translate as "southern slavs," even though some forgot that) to reconcile their differences and remember their common roots, as I wish Ukrainians (Malorussians and Novorussians) to get back to their senses and also remember they are one people with the Great Russians and Belorussians.
Should be better, considering how close Bulgarians used to be to Russia. But the government is pretty corrupt and sold-out; it does everything the US/EU tell them to do. Still, South Stream (aka, Turk/Balkan Stream) is finished and is a go! It runs through Bulgaria and Serbia to the Balkans, Central Europe and Italy, despite Bulgaria's earlier betrayal and backing out of the original South Stream.
Putin managed to salvage this relationship and put it on a more commercial/business footing.
The relationship that was at a spectacular level before 2014-15, deteriorated dramatically as a result of the US ambassador Pyatt, who created the disastrous 2014 color revolution in Ukraine, being appointed to Greece. No surprise there.
US/Canada/Kiev worked very hard to put a major rift between Moscow and Ukraine and Moscow and Athens, using a devious schism technique, attempting to split the Orthodox Church. They failed in splitting the church, as most parishioners and most Orthodox churches by country stood firm and didn't allow the devious plan to materialize. But relations with Greece were damaged due to the Constantinople patriarch (Greek-related Istanbul church) betrayal of the Russian Church. Overall, the whole plan was only accomplished partially, but there is a cooling off between Russia and Greece since then.
Russia once saved Greeks, Caucasus, much of the Black Sea peoples and all of the Balkans from the Ottoman yoke. I was once surprised as a Greek man, with whom I worked on Wall Street, said in the company of Wall Street execs that Greeks are very grateful to Russians for saving them from the centuries of the Ottoman slavery. I was shocked it was still remembered, and by someone who emigrated to the US, yet managed not to get brainwashed by the US Russophobia. That was in the mid-90s, a completely unprovoked thank you from the heart. Since then, it seems the brainwashing was stepped up dramatically. It appears, people nowadays have very poor memory and they are brainwashed way too easily. I do see from the videos on the internet that the Greek people still remember, but the government is very quick to forget.
110 - FEAR
Wow - that's pretty bad, considering Russia-France's relatively good history in the 20th century. For one, France owes Russia for its (not very deserved) seat in the UN Security Council, and generally, for being considered one of the winners in WWII (while France's government was actually in coalition with Hitler). Of course, this version of the neo-liberal globalist France has easily forgotten all that. Macron, with his oversized globalist ego, isn't helping. I think he is very jealous of Putin, lol. He usually hides it very well, but not from yours truly ;).
And then, of course, France is in a pretty bad shape overall, both politically and economically. Same as the UK and US! And it'll only get much worse in Period 9!
**NOTE! UK is especially on the hook!
Russia - Europe/non-EU
Very high, not surprisingly! In fact, one of the highest!
185 - PRIDE
No surprise, very little really is going on between the two and Russia does have tensions with the Swiss due to some ex-oligarchs and some corrupt officials hiding their money in Swiss banks.
Russia - Russian World /ex-USSR Space
40 - GUILT
Super-low, one of the worst I've ever seen! Kiev is a disaster and completely lost its compass. The closest people, but look at what they have done to the relationship with those who in fact are one with them! As you know from my earlier calibrations, Ukraine currently, after all the best people emigrated, lost its calibration, its IQ and talent and as a consequence, it lost its direction and ability to see the truth.
Sure, there are certain other countries in the world whose relations may calibrate as low or lower, if we dig deep. However, here we focus on Russia's relations with others.
No more needs to be said - you know what I think! Only the separate 'Russophobic category' below compares to the Ukraine disaster!
High, but not as high as Serbia, which is a bit of a red flag! However, I expect this relationship to get better! Perhaps after Lukashenko leaves, or when he stops living an illusion - see ESW19!
98 - GRIEF
No surprise, particularly under the new president, Maya Sandu, elected from abroad. Some in Moldova and Romania, who is pulling the strings, are extremely peeved because of Pridnestrovie, demanding Russia pulls out the UN-mandated peacekeepers and threatening to cut off the breakaway republic, to the point of an invasion. Of course, none of this will happen, and those are empty threats, politically and foreign-sponsor motivated. Moldova also is joining anti-Russian alliance of Ukraine-Georgia-Moldova, hoping to join NATO on the anti-Russian platform.
Considering the closeness, it's worryingly low, as Kazakhstan is supposed to be an ally, but it has been seriously straying off in the past few years, with extreme nationalism and sold-off elites taking over!
This has to be our close watch going forward! I think we can expect it to be on a similar level for a while. It will be fluctuating between 190-210 for years. I personally do not like the current elites in power in Kazakhstan.
Not good enough, a result of Pashinyan/Soros presence: considering how much Armenia depends on Russia's good will, this is very low! But I do not see a better situation for a while. Armenia will continue sitting on two chairs, but the population is basically pro-Russian and that will help. Besides, Armenia needs Russia desperately: it's the only guarantee of its survival. See more below and in Webinars 20 and 21!
Very good! Aliev is an extremely shrewd and smart politician. And Russia has big interests in having a clean and smooth relationship with Azerbaijan, due to the major plans for the New (literally unheard of) Silk Road, which we are discussing in Webinar 20!
I also can tell you that Azerbaijan and Russia need each other to maintain the delicate balance in Caucasus and Middle East to which both are exposed.
Aliev needs Russia just as much as Armenia, but for very different reasons. He needs Russia as the balancing factor against Erdogan/Turkey, no one else can provide. Russia/Putin are naturals at that. And Azerbaijan in turn will be a very steady partner for Russia in this very volatile region, and when Russia in earnest begins constructing the treacherous but promising Southern Corridor to Iran and India! The corridor could also include Pakistan and Turkey!
Truly, Azerbaijan and its authoritarian but very popular leader Aliev, are indispensable in that. The crazy part is that Russia's good relationship with Azerbaijan and Turkey is the only thing that will save Armenia! Only Russia, by balancing all the varying ambitions in the region can protect Armenia.
**When I say this, I am fully cognizant how delicate and tricky the whole construction is. Russians' real affinity is with Armenia and Armenians. There are many issues historically speaking with both Turkey and Azerbaijan. Russia was at war with Turkey about 12-15 times in the past centuries and dealt the Ottoman Empire some deadly defeats, resulting in its collapse. Russia not only liberated but also took over a lot of the Ottoman territories. Azerbaijan was infamous for the extreme Russophobia and displacement of Russians, including killing some, in the '90s. Some of those wounds may go pretty deep.
Currently there are also issues with both. However, I can say confidently that it's because of Aliev's - the current leader - and Putin's will that the relations are at this highly positive level. If there is a different leader in Azerbaijan, the outcome could be different. But Aliev is smart and he has been doing everything to delicately balance his country between competing interests, some very aggressive, while keeping his sovereignty. He did what he pledged to do to fortify his power and now he is sitting pretty, being very popular. So, it would be very hard-to-impossible to remove him at this stage. This is why Putin deals with him. Aliev is anti-Western dominance and he is anti-Soros and globalism. On that he and Putin are in total agreement.
It's too bad the professionalism of the Armenian elites is so low that most of them don't get it! And the bizarrest part is: somehow, perhaps through persuasion, Pashinyan (that pesky Soros asset) did get that part and is now playing ball!
I think Putin's emissaries managed to explain it to him! The rest will be happening in this volatile but very important region during Period 9! Watch the next 20 years for spectacular developments, as Russia constructs Southern Route (aka, Southern Corridor!
See more in Webinar 20 and Webinar 21!
Here's a super-secret I know - and go ahead and consider this my psychic prediction!
People overestimate Turkey's influence and underestimate Russia's influence in Azerbaijan. They also underestimate Aliev! There has to be a lot of careful consideration, of course, but I'm telling you, Aliev is a lot more interesting and complex, and smarter, than people tend to think!
Yes, there is very little to none of the truthful and real data and intel from those parts, so I can only rely on my psychic vision and empathic sense. I can tell you that the energy coming out of Aliev and that I see between Aliev/ his wife (she's pretty good)/ Azeri top and Putin/Russian top, is very clear! Aliev calibrates pretty high and he has unfailing intuition, with some psychic abilities, and so does his wife. Putin has HUGE intuition and very substantial psychic abilities.
I can tell you what I am perceiving: I feel Putin respects Aliev a lot more than anyone realizes - and when was I ever wrong about this kind of a thing?
I feel a very interesting vibe from that guy and his wife, who is no slouch either, and takes part in most geopolitical projects as his partner! There is something much deeper there than most understand, and the future will show that what's being shaped there is very beneficial for Russia and surrounding countries! But Russia and Azerbaijan will keep it under wraps till last second!
And I'll say much more in Webinar 20!
Extremely Russophobic part of EU - doesn't fit with others!
SEPARATE CATEGORY! CERTAIN RUSSOPHOBIC REGIMES OF E. EUROPE (there is no other place on the planet where such thing is taking place!)
I misspoke above! There IS something much worse than the US and Ukraine relations with Russia, unfortunately! Those are the countries that made Russophobia into a fetish, lucrative business and career opportunity for their political, media, spy and military classes! Wasn't planning to calibrate those initially, because the relations between those countries and Russia calibrate as low as Guilt and even below Shame, aka, 'Near Death.' You all know what that means: the lowest of the low! As they say, "We all thought this was the bottom, and then someone knocked from below." And below, is only hell.
Baltic Vimirati (Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania)
40 - GUILT!!
40 - GUILT!!
Hopefully you've read my articles talking about those countries and the recent provocations, so I won't repeat that unsavory stuff here.
Russia - Middle East/Muslim World
410 - REASON
Not surprisingly at all, this is one of the highest calibrations on the list, after Russia saved Syria from multiple invasions and a devastating civil/ foreign-terrorist war.
180 - PRIDE
Not good enough, considering the depth of mutual projects, but clear why: Turkey is a very difficult a partner and Erdogan's pride and ambition are out of control! There is also a resurgence of the Ottoman empire 2.0 dreams. Not great, but Turkey/Ottomans always overestimated themselves and that always was their undoing.
190 - STRIVING (as expected: not too bad, considering how difficult Iran is as a partner)
Aha, that's a nice surprise - Russia is doing MUCH better with Afghanistan than the US! That said, Afghanistan is in a bad place right now, so it could deteriorate any moment as US tries to leave and Taliban may take over. However, Afghanis remember Russians warmly and some speak Russian, as some of them went to Russian colleges. There may be some influence Russia may assert, but Russia will NEVER again go into Afghanistan militarily, that I can guarantee.
We so often hear that 'Russia has bad relations with other countries.'
This report proves just the opposite!
And then, what about the US?
Do you want to get a really full perspective?... Prepare to be shocked and awed (isn't that what US president once promised in relation to Afghanistan and Iraq?)!
Here it is:
I got curious and decided to compare Russia-Afghanistan calibration with the US-Afghanistan current relationship calibration! And you won't believe the difference!
As the US is preparing to exit Afghanistan after a disastrous 18-year war and occupation, the US-Afghanistan current relationship calibrates at:
80 - GRIEF!!
Compare that to 200 with Russia above!!
I simply took Afghanistan as an example, due to the major changes it currently experiences due to the US withdrawal, and also due to the fact that Russia/USSR had a history with it in the 1980s. This makes Russia and US comparable in their influence on the region. Yet, look at the dramatic difference!! And we would get a similar disparity in regards to many other countries and organizations, even those the US is dominant in!
I'll tell you more! If we calibrated USA's relations with most countries listed in this report, with some exceptions, you would see how much worse USA's relations are with many of them! The only reason those countries are toeing the line is because the US uses threats, blackmail, sabotage and pressure of a political, economic, financial and/or military kind.
Pretty good, as expected.
That's really good - surprisingly (not for me really)! Something is going on behind the scenes that we'll find out in several years! Pakistan is actively developing and shifting gears away from the UK and US influence! It's also, per my latest intel, supposedly falling under Turkey and in some respect undr China. But I'd be careful making long-term conclusions from that. This could easily be maneuvering, while Pakistan is trying to establish itself in the new paradigm and understand who can be its true ally. Generally, let's not overestimate Turkey's ability and influence - as many seem to do - although we shouldn't underestimate it either.
Russia - SE Asia
Very high, and that's the answer to the question on whether the US bought India or not, asked by many and answered in my book! Indians trust Russia a lot more than the US or anyone else!
High, but could be better, considering the importance of this alliance! A bit lower than India - and that's interesting! But not surprising to me at all!
Good - as expected!
Also see the ASEAN QC below for Russia's relations collectively with the 10 Asian members!
Russia doesn't have a very close relationship with Singapore, it's more on the level of ASEAN - see below. There have been some efforts to develop the relationship lately. For one, Russia's new Silk Roads and Arctic Route could be an interesting cooperation thing for Singapore, one of the world's largest world trade hubs. There could also be some banking, security and IT cooperation. But Singapore is also dependent on many powers and the relations with Russia ultimately depend on other powers' influence.
P.S. Russia's affinity with Malaysia may be one of the problems for Singapore, who has some unresolved disputes with its neighbor.
As we see, one of the highest values in the world and the only Acceptance on my global list! The new-old leader of Malaysia personally admires Russia and Putin, much like the leaders of Philippines and Thailand. But relations with Malaysia always were better than most, in part due it considering Russia as the only counterweight and shield against the US (and lately, also China)! See more on that below! And see my calibrations and analysis of the Asian countries in the book Geopolitical & Geo-Economic Quantum Calibrations!
Also as expected!
Nice, as expected! There is a long-standing affinity there.
This is HUGE! Better than expected. Thailand tries very hard to get from under the US influence and sees Russia as a counterweight.
The Philippines
Same as Thailand above! These two are some of the highest-calibrated in terms of relationship with Russia that I have found so far!
**For more, see the ASEAN Union calibration below - very telling!
180 - PRIDE
This is actually surprisingly OK, all things considered, and especially considering how hard Japan pushes for the return of the Kuril Islands. And of course, Japan will do what US tells it to do, although they try to get out, but very poorly. The US has too much leverage on them, and they won't let them go that easily.
Russia - L. America
Pretty good, and a nice surprise!
Not too bad, but could be better, considering how much Cuba received from Russia in the past. They didn't like to be abandoned in 1986-91 though.
Good! As expected! Russia is doing a lot in Venezuela. The oil-gas deposits in Venezuela are the world's largest. Russia currently controls much of that bounty, but a lot still needs to be explored and developed.
See my latest article on Cuba and Venezuela on LRpatreon: US Ears Behind Cuba, Haiti & Venezuela | Putin in Cuba | Upcoming Vacuum of Power in the US! (w. Lada's New Predictions!)
Amazingly, this relationship has not fallen between the cracks, as many predicted, after Lula and Dilma were ousted during a pro-US color revolution several years ago. It remains pretty pragmatic and on some sort of mutual respect/business level.
Also see the BRICS QC below!
Russia-Argentina relations were very good during the previous president, who was pro-Russian. In fact during 2000-2014 Russia developed close relations with a number of L. American countries who were desperate to get from under the US thumb. I think the affinity was there to begin with. Amazingly, despite the new president being 'pro-US,' the relations are still pretty good, although not nearly as close as before.
The US tried very hard to extract Russia's (and China's) influence from its backyard, L. America. But it clearly failed.
Russia - Africa
Africa (Sub-Saharan as a whole. I realize it's too general, but still useful to know)
Very high - good! Russia doesn't do much in Africa yet, but it seems they are ready!
Russia went into CAR (Central African Republic) and stabilized the country within a year or two, which France before totally failed to do. Russia is now building a new Naval base in Sudan, which will allow Russia to control the Red Sea and Suez Canal, through which much of oil and global goods move. This also allows Russia to take part in the nearby natural resource deposits that can be moved through the Sudanese port, protected by the Russian base.
Another African country, Mali, has been asking for Russia's help in stabilizing it, hoping Russia can accomplish in that turbulent region what it was able to achieve in CAR and Syria. Certain forces in Mali are also asking Russia to take over the resources. France's intervention has been a disaster, yet French companies hurry up to extract as many natural resources out of the country as possible.
The fact that Russia is being asked to take over may be one of the reasons for Macron being jealous of Putin and Russia.
Also calibrating separately Russia's relationship with several African countries, where per my latest intel Russia is developing presence. This would be very telling, as Africa, together with SE Asia and Latin America, is a new growth continent, per the predictions in my book Geopolitical & Geo-Economic Quantum Calibrations. It'll be very interesting to follow in Period 9!
South Africa
Not bad, but not as good as most of Africa. Yet, S. Africa is a part of the BRICS, so it should be better. In fact, all other members of the BRICS have a better- calibrating relationship with Russia! See BRICS QC below!
CAR (Central African Republic)
Russia was invited by the government to restore peace and normal order in this extremely volatile country, which has a crucial geopolitical role as the very center of Africa. Russia successfully restored peace in CAR, after France and UK first wrecked everything in it.
Russia is building a naval base in Sudan, also maintaining peace. Previous interferences by the West only brough grief and separation to this volatile region. The new Russian base has a huge strategic importance as it will control the Red Sea and the world's most important trade route through the Suez Canal.
We'll talk about this in detail in Webinar 20!
Russia-Africa PREDICTIONS!
**Russia's presence is now established in these and some other countries in Africa, where the governments much prefer to work with Russia over the US/UK/France and other EU ex-colonialists. They even prefer Russia to China. This will be very interesting to see going forward: currently Russia is very careful not to overextend itself, using available to it currently limited, compared to the USSR, resources very strategically and with surgical accuracy. Very smart indeed.
**Russia will continue expanding presence and influence in Africa through the military, humanitarian and commercial presence. There are deals quietly being made with various governments to mine precious metals, stones, oil, gas and other resources. Then, through the port in Sudan these can be shipped out under the protection of the Russian base.
**In our world, everyone is looking for new allies and new markets. It's very possible that instinctively Russian leadership understands that Africa will be a lot more important going forward, especially in Period 9, and are positioning Russia to be there on time! China is doing a lot of this for a while, while Russia had to deal with the recovery from the '90s and later with US/EU sanctions. But Russia is catching up, and as I said, China's way of doing business is quite tough and unforgiving in many cases, so many countries definitely prefer Russia. China does have much more resources, however, it's not the only consideration.
If only Russian leadership knew and understood my Period 9, Earth Shift and Great Rebalancing theories, they would be acting much more confidently!
Russia & most important global and regional unions/organizations
49 - GUILT
One of the lowest calibrations on the list. As expected, although very sad. One point below APATHY, which is sort of like being in the limbo.
EAEU (Eurasian Union: Russia's relations with fellow members within organization as a whole)
NOT nearly good enough! But this was already discussed in 2018 in my book Geopolitical & Geo-Economic Quantum Calibrations, where I predicted the EAEU not calibrating very well, in fact at around PRIDE. We are talking ex-USSR republics and supposedly Russia's close allies. Of course, they all are dependent on Russia and all they want is money and preferences, while not being interested in giving anything back. A one-sided relationship for sure. I don't even blame them: why should they try too hard after the dissolution of the USSR.
SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Russia/China/Central Asia)
It works - a no frills, functional relationship - better than within EAEU, and that's already something.
CIS (commonwealth of independent states - ex-republics, incl. defense agreements)
OK, I guess. But could, and should be better!
BRICS (Russia's relationship with the organization and members within it, as whole)
Good enough! We'll take it!
ASEAN (Alliance of 10 SE Asian States)
WOW! This is good! Russia's relations with ASEAN is one of the best calibrations on the list, together with two of its member countries, Thailand and Philippines! Amazingly, it's better than Russia's relations within organizations where Russia is a leading and founding member! How screwed up is that?
ASEAN sees Russia as the counterweight to domineering China and US, and even India and Japan to a degree, so they really want to foster good relations - as discussed in my book, Geopolitical & Geo-Economic Quantum Calibrations.
Also read on LRpatreon: The 4D Battle for Asia Is On! Putin's Speech at APEC Summit + Xi & Biden! (w. Lada Ray Prediction!)
Frankly, if the whole world operated at 310, like the last calibration, then we'd live in a much different world! Actually, ASEAN is one of the highest calibrated major geopolitical/economic international organizations on the planet. Perhaps even the highest calibrated! Check out its Quantum Calibrations in the book!
If we wanted to compare, say, NATO and US relations with EU and NATO, we'd see much, much lower values!
Russia - Anglo/American World
2019-21 Before Putin-Biden meeting in Geneva:
85 - GRIEF!!
I was hoping for an improvement after the summit, so I did another calibration:
After Putin-Biden summit in Geneva (June 2021):
90 - GRIEF!!
Very bad, but not surprising! The improvement of only 5 points, remaining at GRIEF after the June summit! This is because the US/Biden lied and Russians know this. Therefore, they will not trust US promises or offers, no matter what. In other words, an attempt to seduce Russia like before, under Gorby and Yeltsin, FAILED! More on these predictions, which already are showing true - in WEBINAR 18!
As I was calibrating this, the news came of the new accusations from senile Biden, who now claims Russia is about to interfere with US mid-term elections in 2022. We say: "The thief yells the loudest, 'catch the thief." It's the US that's been trying very hard to meddle with Russian elections into Duma in the fall of 2021 and the whole global Dark State (US, UK, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Baltics, etc,.) were gearing up to thwart the Russian presidential elections in 2024, to prevent at all cost Putin's new term, should he decide to run through anti-Putin and anti-his team propaganda, vilification, spread of fake news and color revolution.
So, while I was calibrating, due to Biden/US new accusations and a new bout of extreme Russophobia, the level of relations again fell to
80 - GRIEF (July-August 2021)
In other words, in their stupidity and confusion, they are ready to bury the relationship Putin gave his best shot to mend a little during the talks in Geneva.
It feels in the next 2 years, '21-23, this relationship will be vacillating between 75 and 99 (GRIEF) and I doubt it'll even go as high as 95-99. That's how bad the US attitude has become, due to them panicking because of the loss of power and the Great Rebalancing. Same is true in relation to China.
Shockingly, what's happening now is near, or at, an all-time historic low, and it's LOWER THAN USSR-US RELATIONS DURING COLD WAR!! Let's compare!
USSR-US relations during the Cold War calibrated at:
180 - PRIDE!!
That was the time when the US still had professionals in Washington. It was also because - paradoxically - for their own survival they were afraid of the USSR and that made them tread softly and with a lot more respect. Today, they completely lost direction and Washington is practically devoid of true professionals, at least when it comes to international relations.
After the end of WWII (1945), Russia/USSR made valiant efforts to keep the world spinning by catching up to the US quickly and keeping the parity in nukes and other weapons. That happened with God's/Universe's multidimensional help, despite the USSR being destroyed and 27 million people in their prime productive years killed during WWII. Meantime, the US sat out the war and got rich as a result of it. But the US/UK were prevented from destroying Russia/USSR after WWII, as they planned. Cold War began and the two could not afford to be openly hostile due to an evenly matched rivalry and therefore, had to keep it civil and professional. Except, Russia was bleeding herself to give to all poorer republics and countries, while USA robbed the world to get rich! The result is well-known, the '90s! However, chickens are coming to roost in the US. Hold on to your chairs for what is about to happen During Period 9!
And we talk more in Webinar 21: TRUTHS ABOUT THE USSR & POST-SOVIET SPACE no one will ever tell you
There is also a lot of in-fighting between factions of Washington/Pentagon/CIA insiders, who are all pulling in opposite directions. Such in-fighting and loss of professionalism are sure indicators of the impending collapse of the system!
Unfortunately, they will be losing true professionals and a sense of direction everywhere and in all regards, as we progress into Period 9 and as the rebalancing takes place!
Are you shocked yet how bad it is today?! And the country to blame for the drop in relations is... the US, which tried very very hard to destabilize the situation and provoke Russia as soon as they realized that Russia is again getting stronger.
Due to the US being a sole hegemon for about 25 years, since the dissolution of the USSR, they lost the ability to see others' point of view and they default to playing hardball with anyone who decides to challenge them. This is a very bad attitude that will only cause the US to go under faster, as they live in their own la la land, mis-assessing the real power and growth of China and Russia. (See the new 2021 Series 4 ESW15-17 and the new Series 5 ESW18 (especially) + ESW19-21 - all very telling!)
110 - FEAR
No surprise - unfortunately, the Russophobic slant there is very deep, and because Canada takes the cue from the US and harbors a lot of western Ukraine Bandera ukro-nazis some of whom killed people and were part of SS and who fled with Hitler's troops in 1944, Russia hardly has any independent relations with Canada. Perhaps in the Arctic Council only, but there it's also not very nice.
80 - GRIEF - No surprise
98 - GRIEF - same, a tiny bit better, mainly because there isn't much of a dialogue and Australia simply takes the US and UK cue.
**The rest are generally a bit, or much, better, except Ukraine and some E. Europe!
EU (as a whole/Brussels)
110 - FEAR
Very clear why: there is no mutual trust. Merkel together with Macron recently proposed for all EU leaders to meet with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. This proposal was voted down by the E. European limitrofs. Merkel then said that if that is so, each European country should build its own relations with Russia, regardless of the EU. This is very telling. Russia is on the verge of discontinuing membership in various European organizations and Lavrov expressed a threat to curb relations with the EU to a minimum. Putin also said that Russia will build relations with the friendly separate countries of Europe, not with EU, which has been acting unfriendly towards Russia.
This will eventually weaken the EU and strengthen those countries that are smart enough to work with Russia.
The Russophobes will find themselves behind.
This requires a special analytical/predictory piece, to explain the whole grand chessboard spread:
Russia-EU relations have been steadily deteriorating since 2010-14, especially since Kiev Maidan. The EU's rich countries became hostage to E. Europe, who started dictating the agenda, especially in regards to Russia. Now they are finally awakening to the fact that they've become hostage to the political and economic ambitions of Poland, Czechia, Balts and Romania, the weakest and most dependent, but hiding behind the US back, who encourages their Russophobia, as a way to divide Europe and Russia in order to keep the Iron Curtain alive and well.
The division is necessary so that Eurasia would be unable to re-unite into one continent, as it's supposed to be.
f the re-unification of Eurasia were to happen, it would severely diminish the influence of the US in Europe, Asia and world as a whole, while Russia and China, and even Germany's, influence would grow. This is simple math really, confirmed by my long-standing predictions on the EARTH SHIFT & GREAT REBALANCING. However, the EU, set on the bizarrest manifestations of the worst of neo-liberal ideology, confused, scared and prideful, is ready to sabotage its own future to show that bad Russia...
To show what and why?... you might ask. They have no idea themselves, and that's the way to perdition. That's the way regimes and unions fall and this is the way of the Inverted Collapse, playing out now in front of our very eyes, as I described several years ago in my prophetic Earth Shift Webinar 2: INVERTED COLLAPSE (The foundation of Lada Ray's Inverted Collapse & Global Rebalancing Theory).
Finally and very slowly, Germany and a few other more rational countries seem to have begun getting it that their trade and economic interests are suffering due to the new Iron Curtain, and that maybe they should deal with Russia country-to-country, not through Brussels or EU government, because there will never be an agreement on the Russia issue.
Therefore, these stronger countries of Western Europe, based on their economic interests, will be increasingly conducting their policy and trade, independent of the unelected Brussels politicians and the usurious E. Europeans. This eventually will lead to a further split and weakening of the EU as we know it today. It may not disintegrate, as so many have predicted, but it may change members, goals and borders, becoming smaller and more restrictive in the future.
E. Europe's in-between limitrofs will continue being a pain for everyone for many years to come. This has gone on for centuries and I don't see much of a change in the next 10-20 years, possibly a lot longer. As Poles were highway bandits in the medieval times, so they'll continue being so. As what is now Romania was an in-between space where few dared to tread, I'm afraid that's what we may see in the future. Something similar is true for all the E. European in-between limitrofs I mentioned in previous reports. Someone will have to pick them up and carry them on their shoulders, so they don't instigate new wars, become robbers or continue sowing discord between neighbors, as they are doing now. This is the harsh reality. Check out the calibrations pertaining to those countries visavi Russia below, under 'Russophobic regimes.' These countries, as defined by me, include: Poland, Baltic Vimirati (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia - the forever limitrofs), Czechia and Romania (maybe Slovakia, to a smaller degree). Unfortunately, Ukraine now also falls under this category. There is also Georgia, which is almost inconsequential, and to a degree, Moldova, which vacillates a lot. Despite being small and inconsequential, all these can cause a lot of irritation and damage, under specific circumstances.
Who'll carry all that dead weight, which seems for sale to the highest bidder? Russia used to carry all of them in the past, at Russia's and Russians' huge detriment, robbing us of the wealth and well-being we could have had. At this point it's the US and Germany, plus other well-to-do EU countries, such as Austria, Denmark and France, who carry them. Also, Canada and UK in some cases.
As to Ukraine, EU already said no, after they discovered that pretty much everything they give to Ukraine gets stolen by elites and oligarchs, starting with the president down. Therefore, it's the US who currently has to carry Ukraine, and Canada to a degree, plus, it seems lately the UK, as well. They do, officially and under the table through slush funds. But it's getting more and more cumbersome - by the way, as predicted by me since 2014!
It would be a great poetic justice that the West is now stuck with the limitrofs. Actually, that was part of Putin's sly plan. But what's worrying: these counties are used to being on someone's shoulders. Except Ukraine, which was very productive during the USSR, but only its Russian-speaking southern and eastern parts, while western and central Ukraine were always poor and dependent on handouts. But now what's left of Ukraine took the cue from Poland on how to milk the US and EU.
It was no problem for the West to carry the limitrofs between 1989 and 2018, when the West was doing really well, part of it due to the wholesale drain of resources from Russia in the '90s. But the power and influence of the West is drying up. Resources are shrinking due to the Great Rebalancing, Period 8 and impending Period 9 - per my extensive predictions 2014-2021!
What's troubling is that now that the handouts are drying up, the limotrofs are becoming super-aggressive and demanding. They can do damage, and they can block trade between China-Russia and EU, for example. So far, the skilled actions by Putin and Merkel have avoided that.
PREDICTIONS! Economic and Trade Union Between Russia, Germany and China coming?
I can tell you that the troubles with the limitrofs will continue, until the Great Rebalancing is over, Eurasia reaches a new state of equilibrium. At that point the in-between countries will also find their relative equilibrium and a shore to lean on, until they get destabilized again in some way (they do that a lot).
It's funny, but China may have to chip in eventually, to support the limitrofs, if China wants the New Silk Road to Europe through Russia to develop properly. There are threats from Ukraine that if EU/US don't step up their support, they'll switch and go 'under China or even under Turkey.' To that I think Chinese are laughing - China usually doesn't like to throw the good money after bad. I doubt Ukraine in this horrible state can offer enough to China. Russia is offering the best possible Silk Road route and even Poland and Belarus can be avoided now that one of the world's largest new ports in Ust-Luga is nearing its completion. If Poles want to play that way, they will very likely lose the lucrative transit. The Balts already did. And once the trade is set through Russian Ust-Luga, that'll be it for years to come.
Same happened with Nord Stream, Nord Stream-2 and Turk/South Stream. The more limitrofs resisted and sabotaged, the more resolute various countries became in building gas pipes to bypass them. Now Poland has to buy gas a lot more expensively and Ukraine has lost the majority of its transit from Russia.
The new ways around difficult countries can always be found, as recent events have shown. Another promising way we are discussing in ESW20 is the Arctic Route. This will be a spectacular win - eventually. We'll give it 10-20 years to fully blossom!
**And what did I guys tell you - see my key predictions of 2018-19! Per secret agreement between Russia and Germany, Merkel stayed as chancellor to finish her life's project, NORD STREAM-2, to ensure the future of the German economy, to keep Germany as the top dog of Europe and to limit the power of the overgrown limitrofs, like Poland! Exactly as predicted, she'll be leaving this Fall, after she has ensured the completion of Nord Stream-2, and her protege/replacement is the man who was always pro-Nord Stream! As predicted from the start, no US scheming and threats achieved anything. Moreover, Biden pretty much gave up and told others to shut up (Kiev was literally told to be quiet on the NS2 issue and not to interfere). Do you remember how many 'analysts' and 'prophets' were predicting that NS2 will never be completed? Yet, it's my original predictions, reiterated and expanded many times, have come true!
One of the pre-destined KEY issues here: Putin fluently speaks German and outgoing Merkel speaks Russian a little; Putin worked in Germany, and Merkel once studied in Russia, actually, in Donbass. There is a natural affinity there, despite Merkel's anti-Russian and anti-Putin stance. But the old ability of Russia and Germany to work together, despite horrible events of the past, is being brought to a new fruition. Austria and Hungary may play a positive role there.
And of course, the US/UK nightmare, an alliance between Russia-China-Germany, something they successfully prevented in the 20th century through wars, is coming to fruition in the 21st century!
And that, my friends, is KEY to the reunification of Eurasia, on which Russia the Great Balancer has been working very hard for years!
China and Germany are trying to join Russia the Great Balancer in the role of balancing Europe, Eurasia and the world!
Considering all world wars started in Europe, it desperately needs a balancer, the role only Germany can play, with the help of others (potentially France, Austria, Switzerland - I especially see Austria and Switzerland, maybe Finland a bit).
And China, per my recent predictions in Webinar 17 is well on its way to becoming a new Balancer!
India may also help in the future.
The reunification of Eurasia is the next step in the Earth Shift and Great Rebalancing of the human world, and it's a step up in the expansion and growth of the human consciousness!
Eurasian rebalancing gives a major push to the rest of the world to re-balance itself. It's Eurasia, the world's biggest and most influential continent, that holds the KEY to the future!
The Eurasia example will help the Americas, particularly Latin America, to rebalance itself! The influence and power of Latin America will increase and that of the US/N. America will relatively decrease in the next 20 years! I foresee Mexico playing a major role in that!
And Africa will also be tremendously increasing its influence and potential in the next 20 years, per my Period 9 predictions!
181 - PRIDE
Actually still ok, all things considered and despite Merkel and her government's frequent flip-flops. It could be lower, but should really be much better between close economic partners and neighbors! The Nord Sream-2 and current trade/economy situation ensures that Germany will want to be in a reasonably good place with Russia. Of course, the elections this fall will tell if it's possible to preserve such balanced relationship, or not. I am reasonably optimistic that the man who is Merkel's heir can be elected new chancellor. He is likely the best of the bunch, but he has been under tremendous pressure and he's been attacked relentlessly. Let's hope he doesn't crack and let's hope US/dems/globalists don't falsify elections to get their proteges, the Greens, in. This happened before, but let's hope Germany is smarter than that (no guarantees though).
That said, I am reasonably optimistic Russia-Germany relations can stay on the 180 level or close. Alas, this is as good as it gets nowadays.
185 - PRIDE - same as Germany, but a little better!
Austria is a bit different: its parliament and media is just as rabidly Russophobic, and as sold out to the US and globalist neolibs, but the current chancellor Kurtz and some healthy forces in the economy are some of the most pro-Russian-cooperation you can get. The economic interests of Austria are closely tied with Russia and this is what ensures that Austria remains one of the most balancing and reasonable voices in EU.
A bit better! What do you know, maybe Danes are smarter than the rest of the EU?... I am actually a bit surprised.
This could be to do with the fact that Denmark did give permission (after much to-and-fro) for the Nord Stream-2 through its waters, and then suddenly withdrew permission for building of the rival Baltic Pipe from Norway to Poland, which Russia and Germany said all along was endangering the NS2 construction and operation. The withdrawal is temporary and it bears all the signs of a power struggle between Germany and Poland for leadership in EU. (My European friends, don't you all dream of being under Poles, lol!).
The rumor (among those in the know) is that the moment German delegation left Washington DC about a month ago, the US announced it didn't have any problems with NS2 any more and a secret phone call to Copenhagen followed... Can you guess what it was about?
As a result, Denmark suddenly found environmental faults with the Baltic Pipe and withdrew its previously given permission, until more thorough environmental studies are conducted. Poland is crushed.
Hint: how independent is Denmark, do you think?
Amazingly high, almost unbelievable, considering Finland's neighbors! Remember I told you in my book about Fenland's lucrative neutral position? Finland learned to live as a bridge between Russia and Europe, balancing the two and that made it rich and well-to-do in the past 40-50 years! If only others were as smart!
80 - GRIEF
80 - GRIEF (both are very close in attitude, and calibrating the same. No surprise, those two are lost in translation!)
That's a wow! Good - a much more realistic and wise of a country! Our Portuguese friends are thrilled, I'm sure!
Also, a wow! Bravo Italy - very much on top of the situation and doing what they can to stay away from EU's craze and animosity! There has been a long-standing historic affinity between Russia and Italy.
A very big achievement, considering Russia and Hungary didn't always see eye to eye, what with a previously turbulent and patchy history. But current PM Orban, a conservative, has been steadfast in trying to be sovereign and independent of the EU in his policies. Moreover, he is a consistent major supporter of Nord Stream-2 and has been working hard on maintaining a solid dialogue with Russia on every occasion he finds.
Amazingly high, all things considered! It's not always all good, and I hear the MSM in Slovenia is just as Russophobic because they take orders from the same Anglo-Americans masters, who pretty much cornered the world media market - for now. But the country and government obviously try! There is a natural affinity there, hope it prevails through all the craze and animosity out there.
180 - PRIDE
As expected: Croatia really has no serious relations with Russia per se, and they generally would follow in the forvater of the EU. There should have been a certain amount of affinity, due to the Slavic roots, and Croatia at least tries to stay away from the outright crazy Russophobia its E. Europe brethren are so famous for. I'm sure there is still plenty of that in the media.
The Balkans - additional insight!
But as you see, all neighboring countries have better relations with Russia, compared to Croatia! Russia, in turn, tries to stay as neutral and detached towards Croatia as possible. In fact, Russia could offer a lot to Croatia in terms of tourism and development, but it's very much under the neo-lib EU influence. Another factor that plays a role: Russia's closeness to Serbia, with whom, unfortunately, Croatia, despite being practically one/or very close people, has a very turbulent and even hateful relationship.
We might compare it to Russia and Ukraine, however, Russia never did and never would attack Ukraine, because every Russian fully recognizes that Ukraine is populated by the same Russians, by a different name. They would never kill fellow Russians, unless directly and brutally provoked, despite the bellicose rhetoric and many atrocities on the Ukraine side. Of course, if Kiev ever feels suicidal, the war would be over within weeks or even days, and Russian Army would very soon be dining in Lvov, western Ukraine.
But in the Balkans a brutal full scale war took place in the '90s between Serbians and Croatians, as well as Bosnians (same people as well, with different religions - all of them Southern Slavs), and tremendous atrocities were committed on all sides. This is a huge difference between the situations.
At this time I sincerely wish all Southern Slavs (Yugoslavs - which does translate as "southern slavs," even though some forgot that) to reconcile their differences and remember their common roots, as I wish Ukrainians (Malorussians and Novorussians) to get back to their senses and also remember they are one people with the Great Russians and Belorussians.
Should be better, considering how close Bulgarians used to be to Russia. But the government is pretty corrupt and sold-out; it does everything the US/EU tell them to do. Still, South Stream (aka, Turk/Balkan Stream) is finished and is a go! It runs through Bulgaria and Serbia to the Balkans, Central Europe and Italy, despite Bulgaria's earlier betrayal and backing out of the original South Stream.
Putin managed to salvage this relationship and put it on a more commercial/business footing.
The relationship that was at a spectacular level before 2014-15, deteriorated dramatically as a result of the US ambassador Pyatt, who created the disastrous 2014 color revolution in Ukraine, being appointed to Greece. No surprise there.
US/Canada/Kiev worked very hard to put a major rift between Moscow and Ukraine and Moscow and Athens, using a devious schism technique, attempting to split the Orthodox Church. They failed in splitting the church, as most parishioners and most Orthodox churches by country stood firm and didn't allow the devious plan to materialize. But relations with Greece were damaged due to the Constantinople patriarch (Greek-related Istanbul church) betrayal of the Russian Church. Overall, the whole plan was only accomplished partially, but there is a cooling off between Russia and Greece since then.
Russia once saved Greeks, Caucasus, much of the Black Sea peoples and all of the Balkans from the Ottoman yoke. I was once surprised as a Greek man, with whom I worked on Wall Street, said in the company of Wall Street execs that Greeks are very grateful to Russians for saving them from the centuries of the Ottoman slavery. I was shocked it was still remembered, and by someone who emigrated to the US, yet managed not to get brainwashed by the US Russophobia. That was in the mid-90s, a completely unprovoked thank you from the heart. Since then, it seems the brainwashing was stepped up dramatically. It appears, people nowadays have very poor memory and they are brainwashed way too easily. I do see from the videos on the internet that the Greek people still remember, but the government is very quick to forget.
110 - FEAR
Wow - that's pretty bad, considering Russia-France's relatively good history in the 20th century. For one, France owes Russia for its (not very deserved) seat in the UN Security Council, and generally, for being considered one of the winners in WWII (while France's government was actually in coalition with Hitler). Of course, this version of the neo-liberal globalist France has easily forgotten all that. Macron, with his oversized globalist ego, isn't helping. I think he is very jealous of Putin, lol. He usually hides it very well, but not from yours truly ;).
And then, of course, France is in a pretty bad shape overall, both politically and economically. Same as the UK and US! And it'll only get much worse in Period 9!
**NOTE! UK is especially on the hook!
Russia - Europe/non-EU
Very high, not surprisingly! In fact, one of the highest!
185 - PRIDE
No surprise, very little really is going on between the two and Russia does have tensions with the Swiss due to some ex-oligarchs and some corrupt officials hiding their money in Swiss banks.
Russia - Russian World /ex-USSR Space
40 - GUILT
Super-low, one of the worst I've ever seen! Kiev is a disaster and completely lost its compass. The closest people, but look at what they have done to the relationship with those who in fact are one with them! As you know from my earlier calibrations, Ukraine currently, after all the best people emigrated, lost its calibration, its IQ and talent and as a consequence, it lost its direction and ability to see the truth.
Sure, there are certain other countries in the world whose relations may calibrate as low or lower, if we dig deep. However, here we focus on Russia's relations with others.
No more needs to be said - you know what I think! Only the separate 'Russophobic category' below compares to the Ukraine disaster!
High, but not as high as Serbia, which is a bit of a red flag! However, I expect this relationship to get better! Perhaps after Lukashenko leaves, or when he stops living an illusion - see ESW19!
98 - GRIEF
No surprise, particularly under the new president, Maya Sandu, elected from abroad. Some in Moldova and Romania, who is pulling the strings, are extremely peeved because of Pridnestrovie, demanding Russia pulls out the UN-mandated peacekeepers and threatening to cut off the breakaway republic, to the point of an invasion. Of course, none of this will happen, and those are empty threats, politically and foreign-sponsor motivated. Moldova also is joining anti-Russian alliance of Ukraine-Georgia-Moldova, hoping to join NATO on the anti-Russian platform.
Considering the closeness, it's worryingly low, as Kazakhstan is supposed to be an ally, but it has been seriously straying off in the past few years, with extreme nationalism and sold-off elites taking over!
This has to be our close watch going forward! I think we can expect it to be on a similar level for a while. It will be fluctuating between 190-210 for years. I personally do not like the current elites in power in Kazakhstan.
Not good enough, a result of Pashinyan/Soros presence: considering how much Armenia depends on Russia's good will, this is very low! But I do not see a better situation for a while. Armenia will continue sitting on two chairs, but the population is basically pro-Russian and that will help. Besides, Armenia needs Russia desperately: it's the only guarantee of its survival. See more below and in Webinars 20 and 21!
Very good! Aliev is an extremely shrewd and smart politician. And Russia has big interests in having a clean and smooth relationship with Azerbaijan, due to the major plans for the New (literally unheard of) Silk Road, which we are discussing in Webinar 20!
I also can tell you that Azerbaijan and Russia need each other to maintain the delicate balance in Caucasus and Middle East to which both are exposed.
Aliev needs Russia just as much as Armenia, but for very different reasons. He needs Russia as the balancing factor against Erdogan/Turkey, no one else can provide. Russia/Putin are naturals at that. And Azerbaijan in turn will be a very steady partner for Russia in this very volatile region, and when Russia in earnest begins constructing the treacherous but promising Southern Corridor to Iran and India! The corridor could also include Pakistan and Turkey!
Truly, Azerbaijan and its authoritarian but very popular leader Aliev, are indispensable in that. The crazy part is that Russia's good relationship with Azerbaijan and Turkey is the only thing that will save Armenia! Only Russia, by balancing all the varying ambitions in the region can protect Armenia.
**When I say this, I am fully cognizant how delicate and tricky the whole construction is. Russians' real affinity is with Armenia and Armenians. There are many issues historically speaking with both Turkey and Azerbaijan. Russia was at war with Turkey about 12-15 times in the past centuries and dealt the Ottoman Empire some deadly defeats, resulting in its collapse. Russia not only liberated but also took over a lot of the Ottoman territories. Azerbaijan was infamous for the extreme Russophobia and displacement of Russians, including killing some, in the '90s. Some of those wounds may go pretty deep.
Currently there are also issues with both. However, I can say confidently that it's because of Aliev's - the current leader - and Putin's will that the relations are at this highly positive level. If there is a different leader in Azerbaijan, the outcome could be different. But Aliev is smart and he has been doing everything to delicately balance his country between competing interests, some very aggressive, while keeping his sovereignty. He did what he pledged to do to fortify his power and now he is sitting pretty, being very popular. So, it would be very hard-to-impossible to remove him at this stage. This is why Putin deals with him. Aliev is anti-Western dominance and he is anti-Soros and globalism. On that he and Putin are in total agreement.
It's too bad the professionalism of the Armenian elites is so low that most of them don't get it! And the bizarrest part is: somehow, perhaps through persuasion, Pashinyan (that pesky Soros asset) did get that part and is now playing ball!
I think Putin's emissaries managed to explain it to him! The rest will be happening in this volatile but very important region during Period 9! Watch the next 20 years for spectacular developments, as Russia constructs Southern Route (aka, Southern Corridor!
See more in Webinar 20 and Webinar 21!
Here's a super-secret I know - and go ahead and consider this my psychic prediction!
People overestimate Turkey's influence and underestimate Russia's influence in Azerbaijan. They also underestimate Aliev! There has to be a lot of careful consideration, of course, but I'm telling you, Aliev is a lot more interesting and complex, and smarter, than people tend to think!
Yes, there is very little to none of the truthful and real data and intel from those parts, so I can only rely on my psychic vision and empathic sense. I can tell you that the energy coming out of Aliev and that I see between Aliev/ his wife (she's pretty good)/ Azeri top and Putin/Russian top, is very clear! Aliev calibrates pretty high and he has unfailing intuition, with some psychic abilities, and so does his wife. Putin has HUGE intuition and very substantial psychic abilities.
I can tell you what I am perceiving: I feel Putin respects Aliev a lot more than anyone realizes - and when was I ever wrong about this kind of a thing?
I feel a very interesting vibe from that guy and his wife, who is no slouch either, and takes part in most geopolitical projects as his partner! There is something much deeper there than most understand, and the future will show that what's being shaped there is very beneficial for Russia and surrounding countries! But Russia and Azerbaijan will keep it under wraps till last second!
And I'll say much more in Webinar 20!
Extremely Russophobic part of EU - doesn't fit with others!
SEPARATE CATEGORY! CERTAIN RUSSOPHOBIC REGIMES OF E. EUROPE (there is no other place on the planet where such thing is taking place!)
I misspoke above! There IS something much worse than the US and Ukraine relations with Russia, unfortunately! Those are the countries that made Russophobia into a fetish, lucrative business and career opportunity for their political, media, spy and military classes! Wasn't planning to calibrate those initially, because the relations between those countries and Russia calibrate as low as Guilt and even below Shame, aka, 'Near Death.' You all know what that means: the lowest of the low! As they say, "We all thought this was the bottom, and then someone knocked from below." And below, is only hell.
Baltic Vimirati (Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania)
40 - GUILT!!
40 - GUILT!!
Hopefully you've read my articles talking about those countries and the recent provocations, so I won't repeat that unsavory stuff here.
Russia - Middle East/Muslim World
410 - REASON
Not surprisingly at all, this is one of the highest calibrations on the list, after Russia saved Syria from multiple invasions and a devastating civil/ foreign-terrorist war.
180 - PRIDE
Not good enough, considering the depth of mutual projects, but clear why: Turkey is a very difficult a partner and Erdogan's pride and ambition are out of control! There is also a resurgence of the Ottoman empire 2.0 dreams. Not great, but Turkey/Ottomans always overestimated themselves and that always was their undoing.
190 - STRIVING (as expected: not too bad, considering how difficult Iran is as a partner)
Aha, that's a nice surprise - Russia is doing MUCH better with Afghanistan than the US! That said, Afghanistan is in a bad place right now, so it could deteriorate any moment as US tries to leave and Taliban may take over. However, Afghanis remember Russians warmly and some speak Russian, as some of them went to Russian colleges. There may be some influence Russia may assert, but Russia will NEVER again go into Afghanistan militarily, that I can guarantee.
We so often hear that 'Russia has bad relations with other countries.'
This report proves just the opposite!
And then, what about the US?
Do you want to get a really full perspective?... Prepare to be shocked and awed (isn't that what US president once promised in relation to Afghanistan and Iraq?)!
Here it is:
I got curious and decided to compare Russia-Afghanistan calibration with the US-Afghanistan current relationship calibration! And you won't believe the difference!
As the US is preparing to exit Afghanistan after a disastrous 18-year war and occupation, the US-Afghanistan current relationship calibrates at:
80 - GRIEF!!
Compare that to 200 with Russia above!!
I simply took Afghanistan as an example, due to the major changes it currently experiences due to the US withdrawal, and also due to the fact that Russia/USSR had a history with it in the 1980s. This makes Russia and US comparable in their influence on the region. Yet, look at the dramatic difference!! And we would get a similar disparity in regards to many other countries and organizations, even those the US is dominant in!
I'll tell you more! If we calibrated USA's relations with most countries listed in this report, with some exceptions, you would see how much worse USA's relations are with many of them! The only reason those countries are toeing the line is because the US uses threats, blackmail, sabotage and pressure of a political, economic, financial and/or military kind.
Pretty good, as expected.
That's really good - surprisingly (not for me really)! Something is going on behind the scenes that we'll find out in several years! Pakistan is actively developing and shifting gears away from the UK and US influence! It's also, per my latest intel, supposedly falling under Turkey and in some respect undr China. But I'd be careful making long-term conclusions from that. This could easily be maneuvering, while Pakistan is trying to establish itself in the new paradigm and understand who can be its true ally. Generally, let's not overestimate Turkey's ability and influence - as many seem to do - although we shouldn't underestimate it either.
Russia - SE Asia
Very high, and that's the answer to the question on whether the US bought India or not, asked by many and answered in my book! Indians trust Russia a lot more than the US or anyone else!
High, but could be better, considering the importance of this alliance! A bit lower than India - and that's interesting! But not surprising to me at all!
Good - as expected!
Also see the ASEAN QC below for Russia's relations collectively with the 10 Asian members!
Russia doesn't have a very close relationship with Singapore, it's more on the level of ASEAN - see below. There have been some efforts to develop the relationship lately. For one, Russia's new Silk Roads and Arctic Route could be an interesting cooperation thing for Singapore, one of the world's largest world trade hubs. There could also be some banking, security and IT cooperation. But Singapore is also dependent on many powers and the relations with Russia ultimately depend on other powers' influence.
P.S. Russia's affinity with Malaysia may be one of the problems for Singapore, who has some unresolved disputes with its neighbor.
As we see, one of the highest values in the world and the only Acceptance on my global list! The new-old leader of Malaysia personally admires Russia and Putin, much like the leaders of Philippines and Thailand. But relations with Malaysia always were better than most, in part due it considering Russia as the only counterweight and shield against the US (and lately, also China)! See more on that below! And see my calibrations and analysis of the Asian countries in the book Geopolitical & Geo-Economic Quantum Calibrations!
Also as expected!
Nice, as expected! There is a long-standing affinity there.
This is HUGE! Better than expected. Thailand tries very hard to get from under the US influence and sees Russia as a counterweight.
The Philippines
Same as Thailand above! These two are some of the highest-calibrated in terms of relationship with Russia that I have found so far!
**For more, see the ASEAN Union calibration below - very telling!
180 - PRIDE
This is actually surprisingly OK, all things considered, and especially considering how hard Japan pushes for the return of the Kuril Islands. And of course, Japan will do what US tells it to do, although they try to get out, but very poorly. The US has too much leverage on them, and they won't let them go that easily.
Russia - L. America
Pretty good, and a nice surprise!
Not too bad, but could be better, considering how much Cuba received from Russia in the past. They didn't like to be abandoned in 1986-91 though.
Good! As expected! Russia is doing a lot in Venezuela. The oil-gas deposits in Venezuela are the world's largest. Russia currently controls much of that bounty, but a lot still needs to be explored and developed.
See my latest article on Cuba and Venezuela on LRpatreon: US Ears Behind Cuba, Haiti & Venezuela | Putin in Cuba | Upcoming Vacuum of Power in the US! (w. Lada's New Predictions!)
Amazingly, this relationship has not fallen between the cracks, as many predicted, after Lula and Dilma were ousted during a pro-US color revolution several years ago. It remains pretty pragmatic and on some sort of mutual respect/business level.
Also see the BRICS QC below!
Russia-Argentina relations were very good during the previous president, who was pro-Russian. In fact during 2000-2014 Russia developed close relations with a number of L. American countries who were desperate to get from under the US thumb. I think the affinity was there to begin with. Amazingly, despite the new president being 'pro-US,' the relations are still pretty good, although not nearly as close as before.
The US tried very hard to extract Russia's (and China's) influence from its backyard, L. America. But it clearly failed.
Russia - Africa
Africa (Sub-Saharan as a whole. I realize it's too general, but still useful to know)
Very high - good! Russia doesn't do much in Africa yet, but it seems they are ready!
Russia went into CAR (Central African Republic) and stabilized the country within a year or two, which France before totally failed to do. Russia is now building a new Naval base in Sudan, which will allow Russia to control the Red Sea and Suez Canal, through which much of oil and global goods move. This also allows Russia to take part in the nearby natural resource deposits that can be moved through the Sudanese port, protected by the Russian base.
Another African country, Mali, has been asking for Russia's help in stabilizing it, hoping Russia can accomplish in that turbulent region what it was able to achieve in CAR and Syria. Certain forces in Mali are also asking Russia to take over the resources. France's intervention has been a disaster, yet French companies hurry up to extract as many natural resources out of the country as possible.
The fact that Russia is being asked to take over may be one of the reasons for Macron being jealous of Putin and Russia.
Also calibrating separately Russia's relationship with several African countries, where per my latest intel Russia is developing presence. This would be very telling, as Africa, together with SE Asia and Latin America, is a new growth continent, per the predictions in my book Geopolitical & Geo-Economic Quantum Calibrations. It'll be very interesting to follow in Period 9!
South Africa
Not bad, but not as good as most of Africa. Yet, S. Africa is a part of the BRICS, so it should be better. In fact, all other members of the BRICS have a better- calibrating relationship with Russia! See BRICS QC below!
CAR (Central African Republic)
Russia was invited by the government to restore peace and normal order in this extremely volatile country, which has a crucial geopolitical role as the very center of Africa. Russia successfully restored peace in CAR, after France and UK first wrecked everything in it.
Russia is building a naval base in Sudan, also maintaining peace. Previous interferences by the West only brough grief and separation to this volatile region. The new Russian base has a huge strategic importance as it will control the Red Sea and the world's most important trade route through the Suez Canal.
We'll talk about this in detail in Webinar 20!
Russia-Africa PREDICTIONS!
**Russia's presence is now established in these and some other countries in Africa, where the governments much prefer to work with Russia over the US/UK/France and other EU ex-colonialists. They even prefer Russia to China. This will be very interesting to see going forward: currently Russia is very careful not to overextend itself, using available to it currently limited, compared to the USSR, resources very strategically and with surgical accuracy. Very smart indeed.
**Russia will continue expanding presence and influence in Africa through the military, humanitarian and commercial presence. There are deals quietly being made with various governments to mine precious metals, stones, oil, gas and other resources. Then, through the port in Sudan these can be shipped out under the protection of the Russian base.
**In our world, everyone is looking for new allies and new markets. It's very possible that instinctively Russian leadership understands that Africa will be a lot more important going forward, especially in Period 9, and are positioning Russia to be there on time! China is doing a lot of this for a while, while Russia had to deal with the recovery from the '90s and later with US/EU sanctions. But Russia is catching up, and as I said, China's way of doing business is quite tough and unforgiving in many cases, so many countries definitely prefer Russia. China does have much more resources, however, it's not the only consideration.
If only Russian leadership knew and understood my Period 9, Earth Shift and Great Rebalancing theories, they would be acting much more confidently!
Russia & most important global and regional unions/organizations
49 - GUILT
One of the lowest calibrations on the list. As expected, although very sad. One point below APATHY, which is sort of like being in the limbo.
EAEU (Eurasian Union: Russia's relations with fellow members within organization as a whole)
NOT nearly good enough! But this was already discussed in 2018 in my book Geopolitical & Geo-Economic Quantum Calibrations, where I predicted the EAEU not calibrating very well, in fact at around PRIDE. We are talking ex-USSR republics and supposedly Russia's close allies. Of course, they all are dependent on Russia and all they want is money and preferences, while not being interested in giving anything back. A one-sided relationship for sure. I don't even blame them: why should they try too hard after the dissolution of the USSR.
SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Russia/China/Central Asia)
It works - a no frills, functional relationship - better than within EAEU, and that's already something.
CIS (commonwealth of independent states - ex-republics, incl. defense agreements)
OK, I guess. But could, and should be better!
BRICS (Russia's relationship with the organization and members within it, as whole)
Good enough! We'll take it!
ASEAN (Alliance of 10 SE Asian States)
WOW! This is good! Russia's relations with ASEAN is one of the best calibrations on the list, together with two of its member countries, Thailand and Philippines! Amazingly, it's better than Russia's relations within organizations where Russia is a leading and founding member! How screwed up is that?
ASEAN sees Russia as the counterweight to domineering China and US, and even India and Japan to a degree, so they really want to foster good relations - as discussed in my book, Geopolitical & Geo-Economic Quantum Calibrations.
Also read on LRpatreon: The 4D Battle for Asia Is On! Putin's Speech at APEC Summit + Xi & Biden! (w. Lada Ray Prediction!)
Frankly, if the whole world operated at 310, like the last calibration, then we'd live in a much different world! Actually, ASEAN is one of the highest calibrated major geopolitical/economic international organizations on the planet. Perhaps even the highest calibrated! Check out its Quantum Calibrations in the book!
If we wanted to compare, say, NATO and US relations with EU and NATO, we'd see much, much lower values!
Let's start with bad news!
The very worst: Poland at NEAR DEATH.
Right above that, at GUILT, are: Ukraine, Czechia and Baltic Vimirati.
And at the same GUILT is Russia's relationship with NATO.
Above that, at GRIEF, are Anglo-American countries, excepting New Zealand at PRIDE (not included in the report) and interestingly enough, Canada at FEAR, which isn't much better!
Also at GRIEF: Norway and Sweden. I didn't include Holland, but it's about the same.
The EU as a whole has another dubious distinction of calibrating at FEAR in terms of relations with Russia.
The rest of the countries and organizations are much better. Many EU countries' relations with Russia stand at PRIDE. There is a number of those who conduct independent policies, whose relations are good or very good, at COURAGE or FRIENDLINESS.
In the post-Soviet space, Ukraine and Baltics have the worst relations with Russia, followed by Georgia (not included in report) and Moldova, whose turn for the worst came just recently, with the surprise election of the Romanian asset Sandu as president.
The rest of the post-Soviet space has relations that are near or above COURAGE or even stand at FRIENDLINESS.
Russia's best relations are generally outside of Europe and Anglo-American World, where there is too much history, jealousy, and desire to demean or destroy Russia.
The relations with many Asian, some L. American and African countries are very good, or even amazingly good!
Sudan and CAR (Central African Republic) - HUMANITY/COMPASSION
Then it's Syria - REASON
Philippines and Thailand - WILLINGNESS/COOPERATION
Next best relations are with Serbia, Mongolia, Venezuela, India, Hungary and Belarus, and what may surprise a few: Azerbaijan - all these are at high FRIENDLINESS/NEUTRALITY
Just below that, also at FRIENDLINESS, are countries like Slovenia, Vietnam, China, Finland, Africa (whole), Cambodia, Argentina, Pakistan and Cuba!
I think it's very clear! The countries Russia has best relations with are those located in Asia, Latin America and Africa. Some of the Middle East is also pretty good.
Relations with the post-Soviet Space are a mixed bag, depending how badly the exes are under the US/West's influence.
Relations with the countries of Europe that are more or less pragmatic can be decent or ok.
The worst relations are with the Anglo-American countries and with E. Europe countries that have made Russophobia their lucrative business, financed by the same Anglo-Americans and, to a degree, by Brussels.
So, as you see, in the end it's all awfully predictable.
Will the US/UK, and those who follow in their wake, change in the near or far future?
I'm afraid they'll first have to go through some major, major karmic shakeups and learn the lessons they are refusing to learn. And only then some improvement may happen.
One of the things the West has decided since the '80s-90s (the Gorby-Yeltsin years) was that Russia is weak. Low-calibrated and predatory/bullying humans often confuse kindness, humility and sharing with weakness. When someone extends you a hand, such people would want to bite off an arm. You see the parallel. Russia tried to be friends with the West, and even Putin and Medvedev began that way. We know very well what they got in response!
And Russia?
She has to get so strong that the bullies, predators and low-vibrational entities cannot touch her. Such entities respect only overwhelming strength. As they say in Russia, 'kindness must come with the fists.' Yes, we all would love to live in a beautiful and kind world of endless wonder, cooperation, peace, trust and smiles. I know I do and many of my fans and readers do, too. But it's not how those others think - the ones who start wars and conflict to fatten their bank accounts.
For this reason the kindness and high vibration must be strong, secure and capable of protecting itself. Russia's strength and stability is what ensures the world's stability and positive development.
Russia the Great Balancer will be leading the world into the new era of the Aquarian wonder, Galactic Dawn and Earth Shift!
Let's start with bad news!
The very worst: Poland at NEAR DEATH.
Right above that, at GUILT, are: Ukraine, Czechia and Baltic Vimirati.
And at the same GUILT is Russia's relationship with NATO.
Above that, at GRIEF, are Anglo-American countries, excepting New Zealand at PRIDE (not included in the report) and interestingly enough, Canada at FEAR, which isn't much better!
Also at GRIEF: Norway and Sweden. I didn't include Holland, but it's about the same.
The EU as a whole has another dubious distinction of calibrating at FEAR in terms of relations with Russia.
The rest of the countries and organizations are much better. Many EU countries' relations with Russia stand at PRIDE. There is a number of those who conduct independent policies, whose relations are good or very good, at COURAGE or FRIENDLINESS.
In the post-Soviet space, Ukraine and Baltics have the worst relations with Russia, followed by Georgia (not included in report) and Moldova, whose turn for the worst came just recently, with the surprise election of the Romanian asset Sandu as president.
The rest of the post-Soviet space has relations that are near or above COURAGE or even stand at FRIENDLINESS.
Russia's best relations are generally outside of Europe and Anglo-American World, where there is too much history, jealousy, and desire to demean or destroy Russia.
The relations with many Asian, some L. American and African countries are very good, or even amazingly good!
Sudan and CAR (Central African Republic) - HUMANITY/COMPASSION
Then it's Syria - REASON
Philippines and Thailand - WILLINGNESS/COOPERATION
Next best relations are with Serbia, Mongolia, Venezuela, India, Hungary and Belarus, and what may surprise a few: Azerbaijan - all these are at high FRIENDLINESS/NEUTRALITY
Just below that, also at FRIENDLINESS, are countries like Slovenia, Vietnam, China, Finland, Africa (whole), Cambodia, Argentina, Pakistan and Cuba!
I think it's very clear! The countries Russia has best relations with are those located in Asia, Latin America and Africa. Some of the Middle East is also pretty good.
Relations with the post-Soviet Space are a mixed bag, depending how badly the exes are under the US/West's influence.
Relations with the countries of Europe that are more or less pragmatic can be decent or ok.
The worst relations are with the Anglo-American countries and with E. Europe countries that have made Russophobia their lucrative business, financed by the same Anglo-Americans and, to a degree, by Brussels.
So, as you see, in the end it's all awfully predictable.
Will the US/UK, and those who follow in their wake, change in the near or far future?
I'm afraid they'll first have to go through some major, major karmic shakeups and learn the lessons they are refusing to learn. And only then some improvement may happen.
One of the things the West has decided since the '80s-90s (the Gorby-Yeltsin years) was that Russia is weak. Low-calibrated and predatory/bullying humans often confuse kindness, humility and sharing with weakness. When someone extends you a hand, such people would want to bite off an arm. You see the parallel. Russia tried to be friends with the West, and even Putin and Medvedev began that way. We know very well what they got in response!
And Russia?
She has to get so strong that the bullies, predators and low-vibrational entities cannot touch her. Such entities respect only overwhelming strength. As they say in Russia, 'kindness must come with the fists.' Yes, we all would love to live in a beautiful and kind world of endless wonder, cooperation, peace, trust and smiles. I know I do and many of my fans and readers do, too. But it's not how those others think - the ones who start wars and conflict to fatten their bank accounts.
For this reason the kindness and high vibration must be strong, secure and capable of protecting itself. Russia's strength and stability is what ensures the world's stability and positive development.
Russia the Great Balancer will be leading the world into the new era of the Aquarian wonder, Galactic Dawn and Earth Shift!
COPYRIGHT LADA RAY, August 8, 2021. All rights reserved.
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