Unlock the magic!
find the key to understanding yourSELF, YOUR mission & the universe
1. PERSONAL FENG SHUI SUCCESS & EMPOWERMENT PACKAGE ~ based on Lada Ray's Multidimentional Feng Shui
This value package includes:
$88 FENG SHUI EMPOWERMENT & SUCCESS REPORT (written & emailed to you ahead of the consultation)
Written FENG SHUI EMPOWERMENT & SUCCESS REPORT is emailed to you ahead of time, so you can review it and begin applying it in your life with the purpose of re-shaping, protecting and empowering your existence.
This consultation is recommended for beginners, no special Feng Shui knowledge required, but it is helpful if you have read at least one or more feng shui books! The written FENG SHUI REPORT includes a wealth of basic feng shui information and action points, targeted to beginners and feng shui practitioners alike. The report is a DIY blueprint, which is clear cut and easy to read and work with (but it does require work and practice on your part!). Some people need additional hand-holding, visual and sensory information, additional frame or reference, as well as the presence of a higher energy, to jump-start the learning process. This is why the presence of the teacher will help tremendously to both unlock your understanding and put into action the valuable info contained in your written FENG SHUI REPORT!
This is a fun, positive and enlightening consultation, which aims to give you tools for personal empowerment and protection through correct application of Lada Ray's Multidimentional Feng Shui. Wherever you are around the globe, via the magic of Skype this is also an opportunity to spend 1 hour of quality time with Lada, and glean some of Lada's Feng Shui secrets.
MP3 recording of your Skype consultation included.
Pre-requisite for Skype Personal Consultation: FENG SHUI EMPOWERMENT & SUCCESS REPORT.
This consultation is only available as a package FS REPORT (written) + 1HR CONSULTATION (Skype)
OR if you ordered FS REPORT previously, you can now add 1HR IN-DEPTH FENG SHUI CONSULTATION (Skype) at $180.
Each additional 1/2 hour: $80. NOTE! this is not a home consultation -- for that see below!
In this one you can ask me any questions you have regarding Earth Shift, my theories, the general future of our planet, energy, investments, my opinion of various theories and others' work. I will honestly tell you what I think and/or what I foresee, including things I don't usually share publicly due to their sensitive and controversial nature, such as my opinion of various alien theories and points of view,reptilians, dragons, forbidden history and our origins. You are also welcome to share your interesting stories -- I'm happy to listen to them. There will be NO personal Quantum and Geo Calibrations or advice on personal issues in this consultation. But we can calibrate global issues and discuss universal and global matters. This is your opportunity for a relaxing tea/coffee time with me, while exploring the tantalizing mysteries of the universe, picking Lada's multidimensional brain and sharing your experiences.
MP3 recording included
This is not a Private Personal consultation -- for that see below
3. HOME/ PROPERTY/ BUSINESS SKYPE FENG SHUI CONSULTATION PACKAGE $600 BASE FEE (FS written report + instructions emailed to you + Lada's pre-consult chart work + 90 min Skype session + MP3 recording)
This is a combo Skype/written consult. MP3 of the consultation + additional written info will be emailed to you!
~ this consultation is open to general public (?)
Among other things we'll ask you to email us a neatly-drawn and accurate floor plan of your home or office, as well as photos of certain locations within your home or office. We'll also ask you to measure some compass directions. Don't worry, it's not rocket science, plus, we'll send you full instructions on what to do, and examples of how to do it!
Base consultation includes
2. Lada's pre-consultation work with your home chart and pictures. Your home chart with Lada's written notes will be emailed back to you as part of the consultation!
3. 90-minute hands-on Skype consultation with Lada, where actionable points, refined suggestions and personalized advice will be provided. Lada will also answer all of your related questions.
4. MR3 recording of the Skype session
$588 FOR THE ABOVE PACKAGE (if you ordered Feng Shui Report previously, we will subtract $88 from your invoice -- please have your FS report ready for the consultation!)
You may add more time to your consultation. This may be necessary if your home or office is larger than 1000-2000 sq feet (in meters??)
Each additional 1/2 hour (30 minutes) add $118 or $110 (decide later). Your invoice will reflect all this.
We focus on your personal Quantum Calibrations, Chi level, as well complete calibrations (QC/CHI) of all your primary 7 chakras. Lada will interpret the energy of each chakra, tell you where blockages exist and recommend solutions.
Each addtional 1/2 hour add $100
5. Full written Quality of Life Geo Calibration : 9 base criteria + full Lada Ray 22 GC criteria
$48 for 9 criteria + $5 for each additional -- 22 x 5 = 110. Total $158
We live in turbulent times, when veils between dimensions are thinning and when humanity is transitioning from physical 3D (third dimension) to mind-dominated 4D (fourth dimension). Lower 4D, where much of our activity is located now, is fraught with mind games and heightened psychic activity, including some very powerful psychic attacks, various dark forces' interferences and deterrents. During this time of massive transition, characterizing the era of the Great Earth Shift, these invisible to naked eye, but extremely harmful psychic attacks and dark forces' interferences can be very damaging on many levels, from physical to energetic. Such multidimensional attacks can make one physically sick, vampirically drain life-force, induce deep depression and confusion, or they can deter someone from living out their true life-purpose.
If you are engaged in an important public activity, such as truth-telling, wayshowing, grid-holding and lightworking, healing and helping the earth, people and animals, enlightening and educating the public on important, cutting-edge and high-consciousness matters, creating a new light-based technology, art, books or systems, you are a prime targeted.
If you are awakening, if you are growing fast spiritually, if your consciousness is expanding and ascending by leaps and bounds, you may also be a target.
If you are an empath and serving -- as developed empaths do -- as Energy Beacon to Humanity, you are definitely a target and need to learn how to shield and protect yourself multidimensionally. You also need to learn how to clear undesirable multidimensional implants and tags, how to cleanse your energy and energy around you, and how to rebuild and empower your energy field, and maintain the best and highest energy possible in your surroundings.
About latest buzzwords: 'removing alien implants.'
It has come to our attention that some specialists may be 'removing alien implants' without any consideration, including the benevolent and very important multidimensional shields and protections installed by benevolent forces.
Unlike others, Lada will be able to help you tell the difference between harmful multidimensional (referred to by some as 'alien') interferences, energy implants and tags, and those that are supposed to help and empower you, as well as those that may be installed by friendly forces, there to shield and protect you.
The 3D fully-incarnated earthly reality in which we live is famous for its especially sharp contrasts. During the time of the Great Earth Shift the contrasts, as well as the epic battle between the forces of light and dark, intensify exponentially. The more light we shine onto the world around us, the darker are the shadows lurking on the fringes. The shadows always want to reduce the light. The darkness uses weaknesses, ego and hidden pockets of low energy (low calibration) to work through. Therefore, psychic attacks and multidimensional deterrents may come from unexpected sources and very unlikely people. This is why thorough diagnostics, cleansing, shielding and protection are paramount.
In this consultation Lada will do initial multidimensional scan and thorough quantum calibrations of your energy body, to diagnose where weaknesses in your energy shield may lie and/or where the integrity of your light-body may be compromised. Following that, Lada will teach you her secret multidimensional cleansing and shielding techniques. She will also teach you how to recognize and anticipate psychic attacks and malevolent multidimensional interferences (refer to 'alien implants' paragraph above).
How to deflect and shield from any camouflaged or obvious psychic attacks, how to neutralize and turn around any sabotage and deterrents to your destiny and life mission, and how to remove and neutralize unwanted insidious interferences by the dark forces.
Further, Lada will tutor you in how to do effective energetic cleansing of yourself and your environment, and how to maintain your and your environment's energy at the highest and most positive level possible. Lada will explain why this is paramount for the overall success of your protective shield!
Depending on your needs and circumstances, we may work on the forces both internal and external. Lada will show you why and how any external dark energy may gain entrance into your energetic field and how to reverse that.
The stated mission of this consultation is to infuse you with positive energy of confidence and light, helping you turn around the situation that may not be allowing your divine destiny to blossom fully. Lada's goal is to teach you her secret techniques for cleansing, shielding and protection that will serve you all your life.
In this consultation Lada will for the first time reveal and share with you her personal multidimensional protection methods and techniques, which she developed as a result of years of study, observation and practice. Depending on the situation, Lada's partner Az may also be called to take part in this consultation.
This Cutting-Edge Consultation duration is 90 minutes
Included: MP3 recording of your Skype session + additional materials and aids Lada will email you after the consultation
Current Price: $488 (price subject to change)
Please email us your name and a brief description (2 lines most) of your issues and/or questions. We just want to get a preliminary idea of how Lada and Az can help you. You will have the opportunity to discuss all your issues in detail during the consultation.
We'll send you two choices of dates and times Lada has available. If you have any date and time preferences, please let us know and we'll try to take that into account. At the same time, we will send you an invoice for balance due -- to be paid before consultation.
All Lada's appointments are scheduled for EST (Eastern Standard Time). Please use online time zone converter to calculate your time difference.
(These consultations are in experimental trial mode. They are expected to be offered to general public in the future jointly by Lada and Az. More info to be posted.)