Multidimensional Profile, Quantum Calibrations & Lada Ray Revelations
(FREE ENERGY, Climate Change & Soros)
THIS REPORT IS COPYRIGHT LADA RAY, October 29, 2019 - February 15, 2022.
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Hello friends,
A number of my patrons and clients asked me to address the Greta Thunberg phenomenon. As I tapped into her energy signature and calibrations, I myself became curious and this entire report emerged. I decided to go fully into Greta’s Multidimensional essence, and then share it with all of you.
In my consultations I often get clients consulting regarding their children, who come to me because their toddlers, children, teenagers or adults are the higher level souls, starseeds, empaths, elementals, cosmic souls, incarnated angels, and more. We Calibrate, I do Multidimensional Diagnostics and determine what Soul Level and Cosmic, Hybrid or Earthly (or Earthbound) origin their souls are, what their mission is and we also tap into their psychological needs, blocks, challengers, dreams and heart’s desires. The physical 3D realm of the Earth is tough for many souls, and it's often harsh for the souls from other dimensions, who’ve come to contribute their talents to the collective, protect the planet and/or help humankind raise their vibrations. Understanding, interpreting and healing such souls can help not only them individually, but the entire mankind and our whole planet!
In this report we answer some profound existential questions, such as:
- Who and what is really Greta Thunberg?
- How does FREE energy really work?
- Is climate change real?
- What is the ENERGY FUTURE of humanity?
- Quantum Calibrations and Lada's multidimensional psychological analysis included!
- Also included, a number of PROPHECIES AND PREDICTIONS!
We reveal:
- The Big Secrets: Energy in 3D, 4D, 5D and 6D Reality; is Greta used by Soros and other globalist groups; the ONLY WAY humans can solve the problem
- Greta Thunberg Multidimensional Profile: Face & Energy Reading by Lada; Name & Soul Destiny Reading by Lada; Greta's Aspergers - illness or superpower; Empath vs one-track mind and the real role of Greta's parents
- Quantum Calibrations: general, root, sacral, solar plexus, heart and throat chakras - showing great disparity, manifesting in Greta's life and behaviors
- Greta Thunberg soul missions, soul origin and dimension
- Included: Lada Ray's FUTURIST ENERGY PREDICTION with Dates!
The report unveils a rare and unique multidimensional profile of the young girl who became a major controversial presence in today's world, who stirred up a lot of fights and animosities, who has been extremely vocal and who was used by certain forces to advance their own agenda, yet who for some served as an inspiration or an awakener!
YES, all that, all at once, the good and the bad, the light and the dark! This report will really tell you the whole hidden story of this unusual and controversial soul! If you want to know the REAL higher-dimensional truth, go no further! Greta Thunberg really incarnated here for an important mission: you'll read all about what that mission is and how it all went wrong!
A must read, the report goes well beyond Greta Thunberg and touches on Lada Ray's profound Multidimensional wisdom, as well as Lada's own solutions for humanity! The report is a primer into how Lada Ray performs her trademark Quantum Calibrations, how she calibrates your Soul Level/Dimension and Soul Missions in this incarnation! You'll see on practice how Lada does her proprietary calibrations of QC, CHI, heart chakra QC and CHI, etc. Throughout the report you'll follow Lada psychically accessing Greta's Akashic Records and identifying her energy signature, as well as her unveiling of Greta's character, soul, karma, destiny, predictions on her future, and more.
A great sampling for those who are interested in ordering Lada Ray's CONSULTATIONS and/or MULTIDIMENSIONAL QUANTUM CALIBRATION REPORT! Moreover, this report opens a window into the MULTIDIMENSIONAL UNIVERSITY (MDU) world, which Lada Ray will unveil very soon!
In Lada's words:
MULTIDIMENSIONAL UNIVERSITY is my new baby, my new endeavor, which I'm sure you and I will enjoy for years to come! The new live workshops, recorded courses, and other programs are planned. I am designing my own proprietary written and guided meditations for starseeds, lightworkers and more, designed through the higher-dimensional understanding and my lifetime CONSULTATIONS experience, to serve for the highest benefit of humanity! The previously exclusive MHAP, Multidimensional Healing & Activation Program, will now be publicly available via a new MDU program!
I am very excited and hope you are, too! The Greta Thunberg Quantum Report opens a window into the new Multidimensional Experience; it goes well beyond the binary world of 3D and it affords you a wonderful taste of some of the things and ideas we'll be covering in our MDU workshops, courses and meditations!
This is a quote from one American publication:
“In a very short time, Greta Thunberg—with her searing stare, Pippi Longstocking braids, and hand-painted sign reading skolstrejk för klimatet—has become a global icon. A year ago, the 16-year-old Swedish climate activist began striking from school each Friday to protest climate inaction; last Friday, she gave a speech to hundreds of thousands of people in New York, at the Global Climate Strike, which was inspired by her protest.
It is always at least a little unfortunate to see a young person become an icon—it robs them of the privacy of growing up. But Thunberg is an especially flummoxing figure. She looks younger than her years, yet her speeches take a shaming, authoritative tone that is, at the very least, unusual for a child. “How dare you? You have stolen my dreams and my childhood,” she told world leaders at the United Nations today. She has also said that money and eternal economic growth are “fairy tales.” So she has inspired both public adoration and malign theorizing (mostly centered around the power of her parents).”
And now let's find out what I see from a higher-dimensional perspective, and more importantly, what Greta’s Multidimensional Profile shows!
As you may have noticed, this very young-looking 16-year-old (as of 2019, now she is about 18) is being styled by the adult men and women from Western establishment and MSM as a new prophet. This, understandably, irks quite a few people outside that specific circle. But it’s that circle, which we often call ‘deep state’ or ‘dark state,’ who has the best access to money and global MSM propaganda. This is why their narrative prevails, for now.
First, let me tell you how I feel. You know me: I am completely above the fray and I do not succumb, like many do, to adoration without reservation, nor to hatred and denial of anyone or anything. I am neutral on Greta and neutral on the 'climate change' issue, as hyped up by the media.
WHY? Because I try at all times to see a balanced picture and I usually tend to go a thousand levels deep. There are various pluses and minuses to each position. I can see each party’s position on its merit and I can see where each party’s pitfalls and fallacies are. But I cannot discuss all of it in this specific piece, or it will be 200 pages long. This piece is dedicated to understanding the Greta Thunberg phenomenon and issues that surround it.
I’ll tell you a big spiritual secret!
Here’s an important spiritual multidimensional formula:
This is a multidimensional fact! As every country deserves its leaders, every cosmic civilization deserves the types of energy it uses. I was asked in the past 'why, oh why, is humanity rejecting 'free’ energy? Is this a conspiracy?'
I replied in my various works that there is no such thing as ‘FREE’ energy - there is always some sort of energy exchange. In our universe of give and take, you have to give of your energy in order to get energy back, and vice versa. At this level of high-3D - low-4D consciousness humanity is graduating out of coal and partially out of oil, and into natural gas, a bit of solar and wind, plus more advanced types of nuclear.
In 5D people learn how to use the energy harmoniously and how to be in one harmonious symphony with nature and the world around them. How to stop and smell the roses, how to live in joy and experience every moment with humbleness and gratitude.
In 6D and above people don't even think about energy - immediate access to energy, available in a rich variety of manifestations, becomes an absolutely natural and easy thing. But in exchange, beings in 6D and above contribute their vast talents and experience to the universe, without reservation. They do not count profits and ask what’s in it for me? They just live according to their destiny.
This report gives you a primer into the multidimensional energy exchange, so you can orient yourself better in the flow of energy in our universe. This primer will also allow you to see where I am going with Greta’s profile!
And here’s my new
We, as humans, will continue talking about energy in all its manifestations - positive and negative - for a long time to come!
In fact, humanity will be fixated on all things ‘energy’ for the duration of the Period 8 and Period 9! We are currently in 2022! This means for the next 20 years plus! The energy debate and energy priority will likely continue past Period 9 and into Period 1, and that’s into 2040s-2060s!
This will be happening until the energy transition into lower-4D is complete! New technologies are being invented and implemented, and more will come online in the next 2-to-30 years!
This is all a part of the EARTH SHIFT and it’s awfully exciting!
If you are a LADA RAY PATREON member, you can also read/listen to these exclusive pieces:
- LADA RAY Energy Revolution PROPHECIES & PREDICTIONS: Who, When & How WILL DEVELOP NEW TYPES OF ENERGY? Which Countries Will Be at the Forefront? (THE FUTURE OF ENERGY Series Part 4!)
- THE TRUTH on Green Energy, Greta Thunberg & Russian Taiga as LUNGS OF OUR PLANET // World's SAFEST & Most DANGEROUS Nuclear Stations //Why Russia is So Good at ENERGY!
She tells the truth as she sees it from her limited and one-track point of view - read more on that below!
For comparison’s sake, I can tell you that I look at the same truth from my lifetime of experience and from my balanced multidimensional point of view.
I am with her on the emissions and pollution, as well as in terms of a lack of responsibility and human greed as a whole. As pointed out above, the human consciousness doesn’t allow many humans to see beyond their fear of lack and desire to have more. Today’s economic model of non-stop relentless and wasteful growth (instead of sustainable and harmonious energy exchange) has been set in place specifically by WESTERN civilization.
and what does it have to do with anything?
This happened as human consciousness on our planet fell from 5D, then lower - to 4D, and then continued plunging to lower 3D and even to 2D, becoming at some points in history a lower-second-dimensional consciousness in the 3D world! The process began millennia ago, but the biggest plunge for this current human civilization began about 1100-1000 years ago when the Galactic dusk began. The biggest dominance of the West fell in the timeframe between 1500 and 2000 AD, coinciding with the Galactic Night. We are currently in the Galactic Dawn and this trend is changing.
Here I am describing to you some of my Earth Shift and Forbidden History teachings.
I discuss all this in detail in my two series of webinars:
Who are the parts of that proverbial ‘Western civilization’ whose influence on the world has dominated the past several centuries? It includes Sweden, where this girl is from, and the US, from where most of her financing comes. The West got rich beyond measure because they exploited coal and oil, plus colonized and drained resources from other countries. Now, this girl and her sponsors tell us all how we should live. This, understandably, sits very poorly with those countries the West looted and drained for centuries.
Yes, the climate change in some forms exists, although the planetary problems are both cyclical, derived from natural cycles, and human pollution-based. There are huge and disturbing human-induced problems with the ocean and marine life, land and air pollution, and they become worse as the human population explodes and more humans, who previously were suppressed, live on the level of desire and greed. Billions of humans now are ‘awakening’ in the former colonies of the West and they all want what ‘the West has.’ This is a self-fulfilling prophecy the West has generated. And now they are scared that this level of consumption will annihilate whole species, and if unchecked, pollute the planet beyond any recognition.
The problem is that the people from poor countries of the Global South say: the Westerners got rich and were able to enjoy a good life and lots of physical privileges. Now we want to have the same big houses, multiple cars and all the wasteful things they have always had and we didn’t. We always read about it and dreamed of becoming rich. And now that we can taste and feel it near, they tell us we can’t have it because it’s bad for the planet! What hypocrites!
This is the train of thought of the countries that were not included in the Western prosperity in the past few hundred years, and of those that were robbed by the West blind.
The problem here is that both sides have a point. And another problem: people like Greta, with their one-track minds, also have a point, except they only see one side and see no other.
Let’s say, this is another prediction.
As you see from the above multidimensional reasoning, both sides think they are in the right and both think not very highly of the other side, being sure the other side is dishonest, greedy, hypocritical and untrustworthy.
One side thinks: oh my god, what have we done! Our relentless consumption caused the planet to get polluted and that’s only us, in the West, arguably 1 bln people or less! If all those hordes from Asia, Africa and the Middle East start consuming and polluting at our levels, then it’s the end of the planet and it’ll lower our standard of living to unacceptable levels. We have to tell them it’s bad for the planet and maybe we can throw them a bone or two and they’ll believe us again.
Meantime, the other side thinks: hell no, we’ve been duped way too many times by the West and now they are up to their tricks again! We strongly believe this is the time to take back what’s ours and if we can help it, also get rich at West’s expense, or else.
Do you see how both sides are manipulative, selfish and greedy in their approach? Do you see how opposite and low-consciousness their viewpoints are? Do you see how hard it would be to reconcile them?
I want to tell you, by way of a prediction, that the only way to reconcile this schism is to work cooperatively together.
It has to be done not as charity, but as an intelligent planned contribution to the collective, keeping in mind the future of the human world and planet as a whole. It also must be done from a higher-consciousness perspective, and by that I mean 5D and above! Only then it’ll work. It may even work if it’s done from a higher-4D perspective, but not as well.
Unfortunately, at this time we do not have enough high consciousness on our planet to allow that to happen! However, I am hopeful that it may change in the next 30-40 years, as the Galactic Dawn is complete and we begin entering a proper Galactic Day!
So, there is a higher-dimensional way to resolve the problem. First, humans have to learn some major lessons, two of them being: making peace with the past and learning how to work with, not against, each other. Trust is another issue that comes to mind - I have to say we are very far from that, but perhaps certain structures and mechanisms can be developed to control the process.
The structures that monitor and police cooperation were developed after WWII out of necessity and fear of another war. These are the UN and other adjoining international institutions, but they’ve become supremely corrupted after the balancing factor of the USSR was no more and now they are under control of the globalist and neo-liberal club, which is becoming more and more aggressive and forbidding to everyone who’s outside that narrow circle. Unfortunately, this is the club that still controls the world’s public opinion, MSM, social media, much of the 4D economy, internet, a big part of the world finances, much of the West’s governments and security/spy services. In short, it controls huge and very important chunks of our lives, and that’s disturbing!
Let’s get back to the current situation. The way I see it: the pollution, including carbon emissions, is a real problem. But I don't like how the 'climate change' has been made into a fetish, with data often manipulated. In fact, I do not like the both sides' approach, but that's just human nature: they see only one side of the problem and refuse to recognize another.
Ironically, one of the interesting side effects of carbon pollution is that it does make the planet green. Trees do love CO2. This doesn’t mean, however, that it’s good for us and that we should breathe it in. I personally get sick from car fumes, literally sick.
In other words, both sides are right and wrong at the same time, as it often happens in our polarized 3D yin-yang world.
What is Yin-Yang and how did it come to be? The forbidden history and linguistics lesson - read here:
Rus vs. Ruin & the Yin-Yang: Forbidden History & Linguistics of Russia and Ukraine & their Echoes in English and Other Cultures! (Lada's Chronicles P3)
This is why I am neutral to both, or you can say I am critical of both, for different reasons!
And this is why I don't talk about it as much as I could - to me it's just not worth it. This is also why this report isn't about analyzing the politics and agendas. It is a multidimensional profile of a very interesting phenomenon incarnated in a small for her age girl's body. Why is she so young-looking for her age? This I will also tell you!
Let’s first discuss:
And the answer is... Yes and No!
Certain forces do use her for their agenda, and one of the agendas is to preserve the dominance of the so-called ‘golden billion’ over the rest of the world. This may seem like a conspiracy theory, but this is what Russians and Chinese, as well as many others, believe. And frankly, the facts are a stubborn thing!
This is done in different ways. This specific way is to try to convince everyone that they cannot use the same methods the West has used for centuries to get rich. They must limit their usage of energy through emissions and pollution controls. As I mentioned above, this irks quite a few countries. If this was sincere and if everybody else on the globe didn’t see with their own eyes how the West got disproportionately rich and powerful sucking resources from other countries, this would have been taken differently.
The idea is absolutely correct… we do need to get out of this rat race in terms of relentless economic growth at all cost. It’s costing the planet too much in terms of health and environmental damage. But this would only work if those who promote it, such as Soros and Al Gore related self serving ‘deep state’ groups, could be trusted.
Another clear agenda is creating a new anti-Russian reality; find another way to malign Russia and portray Russia as an enemy for the young people in the West. They are growing a new generation of Russia-haters. It's not by accident that the famous Greta UN speech surfaced just as Nord Stream-2 was about to be completed, and as Denmark, under US pressure and for its own rivalry's sake with Germany, delayed the permits, sabotaging its completion by the end of the year 2019. Then it was delayed in 2020, and then it was finally finished by the end of 2021, with great difficulty and constant threat from the US and EU.
At the same time we have TurkStream was completed and BalkanStream has mostly been built, as well. All these are natural gas pipes, and gas, while still a fossil fuel, is admittedly much more efficient and cleaner than oil. The timing of the UN speech was not chosen by accident: it was happening at the moment all the above was being announced.
To this day, the certification of NS2 is being delayed, while both US and EU continue threatening NS2 and Russia with new sanctions and closing down of the pipeline. This is NOT a coincidence Greta Thunberg suddenly became the Joan of Arc of the so-called 'green movement' at the very moment they needed to create a pseudo-scientific underpinning for sabotage of NS2! It's not a coincidence Greta suddenly is much less interesting to her handlers today, in 2022, when the sabotage of NS2 is already happening!
And this is the latest from 2022: as we know, the prices for natural gas have skyrocketed, due to manipulation and market speculation. This created a new reality for consumers in Europe, and my 2014 prediction that Europe may experience natural gas and energy shortages, if they continue discriminating against Russia, is coming true. Meantime Gazprom, the builder of NS2 and other pipelines, has announced record profits for 2021 due to sky high prices. The money spent on NS2 construction has been practically recouped due to the astronomical profits, while the pipeline is still not operational. Russia, in fact, may even conserve or temporarily abandon NS2, shifting her gas supplies to Asia and other regions.
There is also an element of the anti-Trump agenda. The US has been announced as the world's No.1 producer of oil, Russia is second, after the drone attacks took out almost 50% of Saudi oil production. By now, I am hearing most Saudi production is coming back online. Another interesting fact to add here is that the oil price on global exchanges was kept in check and was not allowed to go sky high, despite certain shortages. This speaks of the end of the free market: exchanges are now fully artificially managed and manipulated by the US, and likely UK and EU. I predicted this in my novel THE EARTH SHIFTER in 2012!
Here’s another way Greta was being used: during his tenure, Trump withdrew USA's signature from Paris Climate Accords. The US has for a long time been the world’s biggest polluter, replacing the UK, which used to be the world’s biggest polluter in the 19th century. At the time of Trump's presidency US was likely to become an even worse polluter, despite all the pretty words spoken by many US interests, which means it would never be able to fulfil the Paris Climate Accord’s quotas. This is because Trump was trying to bring manufacturing back home and he didn't want to be fined for excess emissions.
Soros, Al Gore and associated globalist and neo-liberal interests were financing this girl and her activities; a huge propaganda and support industry has sprung up around her and the money was being thrown hand over fist.
Therefore, she is being used for all she’s worth. But if you think she is a victim, not so fast!
This is certainly not exploitation, it's symbiosis!
And here we come to the crux of Greta’s Multidimensional essence!
They use each other. While those adults use her to further their, often convoluted 4D agenda, Greta here on earth, in this incarnation, is on a mission!
The mission is to further the transition from 3D into 4D by awakening humans as to the harm their 3D economic activity is doing to the planet! Overall, a very admirable mission.
And she uses whatever help she needs. She happens to get help from these groups, and being of one-track mind, plus being a Western-born and bred teen, she hardly knows or cares what a crook Soros is. The fact that he made his billions by swindling other individuals and countries through hedge funds and currency manipulation; that he attacked currencies of other countries and plunged many people into poverty and hardship - this she neither knows nor cares about.
Or, for that matter, she has no idea, nor she cares, what the West has done to the rest of the world and how the current situation was created! The neo-liberal education (or lack thereof) in the West is very much based on falsehoods. This girl may feel compassion for Mother Earth, nature and the world, but she barks at the wrong tree, because that’s what she was taught. And this is the tragedy of the young in the West.
I have no idea what her beliefs are in regards to Russia, but I would not be surprised if she were a Russophobe, as many Swedes are. Meantime, it’s Russia who is making quiet but extremely valuable PRACTICAL PROGRESS into higher and better sources of energy! And it’s done without any Western pomp, accusations or yelling. It’s done with understanding and a pragmatic look into the future!
As to Greta, she is merely a product of her environment. She is a cautionary tale: if someone with good and honorable intentions has been warped as a child through falsified and manipulated education, they will become a tool in someone’s dark agenda, whether they want it or not. One day she may wake up, or she may not.
This is a sad reality for this girl. But this is not the whole story.
On one hand she is being used and she has been manipulated through her upbringing. Also, due to the limiting beliefs of her birthplace.
But on the other hand, she does have a global agenda, and she wants global support and a big platform from which to proclaim her message. Those who back her up provide it!
I want to leave you with these important thoughts!
Greta and all those Western groups who back her have a true symbiosis:
The West woke up and realized that as 7+ billion humans awaken and want to live ‘like the Golden Billion of the West,’ the pollution is bound to get out of control. But the collective West created this reality to begin with!
Now the rest of the world feels that the West is again trying to impose a new slavery on them, while using this girl.
Meantime, the real danger is that humans do pollute the earth through their adverse activity. Everyone should work on bringing the planet and humanity into harmony. Yet, people like Greta, Soros and Al Gore, only bring more division and mutual distrust.
You asked me whether the rumors are true and her parents are exploiting Greta for monetary gain? Supposedly, when they saw how much support and money is being thrown at her they decided to use her as a cash cow.
I did not believe so, but to be sure I also calibrated this statement. My yes or no calibration showed a NO. My quantitative calibration showed 95 - Grief, as the answer to the question: do her parents exploit her for monetary gain. This means that there is no truth to this supposition.
What I see is: both of her parents believe ardently in the same thing Greta does and they raised her to be a passionate activist and protector of the environment. She began her strikes with their full approval. They are genuine and she is genuine in how they all feel. But there is a lot of confusion and lack of true understanding of how the world works.
Also, they are a little worried about all the attention and threats she gets, but they put up a brave face. They do, apparently, make quite a bit of money from all this.
Next we’ll discuss Greta’s profile, soul origin and mission, as well as calibrations. As a result you’ll see the full picture as I am seeing it, and it’ll all become clear!
Oftentimes the picture is worth a thousand words, and this girl is no exception. Let me show you how the Face Reading works! First I'll tell you what jumps at me right away:
A teenager who is combative and who talks about climate change is a sign of Period 8, when young people are in favor, and so is activism, not to mention, anything climate and earth-related. This trend will change in Period 9, of which we'll talk more when we get closer to it.
More about PERIOD 8 and 9 in Webinar 4 and Webinar 14
From the images above what jumps at me right away is not her so-called 'searing stare', but her very tight lips, even as she smiles. This tells me: this girl is ALWAYS on the defensive, she is always on high alert, always on a mission and never allows herself to relax. It also tells me she isn't comfortable in her environment, and she isn't very comfortable on Planet Earth in this body.
I've told George right away that she is a starseed, and now I am confirming it for all of you. Starseeds and various higher-dimensional souls are usually on some sort of mission here. This girl is an embodiment of an all-encompassing mission. Through her public actions and look she displays a bit of paranoia, along with an all-encompassing focus. I can certainly see where it's coming from: she is always on intense high-alert. She has a steely resolve to fulfil her mission and she is prepared to get all the flack she is getting.
Her soul came into this life fully prepared for her destiny. From this perspective, I can see how and why she would be used as inspiration for the kids in schools. Every society needs its heroes. This being Period 8, the time of the young people, a young hero is needed. They found Greta. She is like Harry Potter, fighting what the dominant neoliberal agenda touts as ‘evil’, but not in Harry Potter’s imaginary world -in real world out there.
As an empath, I feel emotions, mental and energy states of others very acutely, even when someone is thousands of miles away. After writing about Greta and tapping into her energy, I began having a headache and feeling uncomfortable. I felt her anger and more - rage - very distinctly. This girl constantly lives in a state of high alert, but also in a state of grief for the planet and rage that adults have screwed up so badly. ‘How dare you!’ wasn’t said by accident in that UN speech. She isn’t a happy girl by any measure, and she doesn’t care. Below you’ll see her heart chakra calibrations, which will make it clear why.
To me, she seems to look about 12. It’s normal for the starseeds to look younger than their age. If put in the right circumstances, often starseed, rainbow, indigo and other kids know instinctively to be vegan or vegetarian: this comes from in-born compassion and sensitivity to the planet and living beings. Also it comes from instinctive desire to keep their own bodies as pure as possible.
In this regard, this girl isn’t very unusual. She is a norm for her type.
I had no idea who Greta Thunberg was, but the moment I heard this name just before the UN Assembly where she was supposed to speak, it made me pay attention. There is a definite star quality to the name. My first thought has been - not knowing who she was - that it was some sort of celebrity they were inviting to speak.
Actually, as someone who had to type her name several dozen times for this report, I can tell you: this name was chosen very well. I keep automatically typing ‘Great’ instead of ‘Greta.’ This has to tell you the whole story!
We actually come into this world with the names we need, or later take names that allow us to manifest our destiny to the fullest. She chose to incarnate with the name that makes her noticed and not easily forgotten. This again attests to the thoroughly pre-planned and prepared soul destiny!
Asperger's is within the spectrum of autism, but not quite. It's sort of a rainman syndrome, but a lot more functional. The kids who have it can be equated to being 'the little professors.' They are very focused on one goal, know in depth one subject and speak with great conviction and authority.
I went to college with someone with Asperger's. That Russian girl whose name was Irina, came in speaking Spanish better than our professors, who were from Argentina. Irina taught herself to speak Spanish perfectly as a teen, by conversing with Chilean immigrants in Russia and being fixated on her goal: to speak Spanish better than anyone. As a freshman, I chose Spanish as my first foreign language specialty at the university, while not speaking a word of it. Since I was 6 I was studying English. The reason I chose Spanish as my No.1 subject was because I already spoke English better than most, and I wanted to learn more languages professionally. Looking at it practically, I anticipated I would need multiple languages in my life. Do you see the difference in our approaches? One-track mind vs. Multidimensional mind!
Irina would have been Valedictorian, but she was so one track that she forgot to pay attention to certain classes she wasn’t interested in. Or more likely, she annoyed teachers in such classes, who sensed that she looked down on their subjects. To many people’s surprise, I graduated as No. 1 and she as No. 2. Sometimes, it pays to pay attention to everything, being broadminded and all-encompassing. By the time I graduated, I spoke Spanish just as well as she did, plus there were many other things I excelled at. I went on to live in the US where I use my English and Multidimensional mind every day professionally, and also have many options in where to live and what to do.
In some ways, Greta and Irina are my complete opposites, although they possess obvious talents. I am a 92-degree empath, which is as sensitive and as in tune as it gets. This also means seeing, feeling and understanding everything 1000 levels deep, including things people don’t know about themselves.
The people I am describing here are just the opposite. They deliberately discard everything that is immediately outside the scope of their self-styled mission. Because of this, such people can achieve a lot - or they may be total failures.
Such people lack balance, and they also can be irritatingly stuck-up know-it-alls, but only in areas they have chosen as their focus. They may be absolute ignoramuses in other areas. Not to mention, they may look down their noses on everything they consider unimportant. This can include people, knowledge and things, as well as the entire truth and reality. This is the tragedy of such people… But they don’t see it as such, at least not until later in life they begin learning their lessons! I say all this with great compassion because I see that this girl is destined to live a very hard life, but it is her conscious choice.
I wish I could talk to her and open her eyes. But this girl is so focused on one thing that she would not hear anything or anyone else. Sometimes we just need to leave people alone and let them learn at their pace.
Because Greta’s almost non-human focus allows her to discard any negatives that pour her way and stay focused on one mission she has chosen for this life, for her Aspergers is a giant advantage.
I'll tell you more! This condition WAS CHOSEN ON PURPOSE for this incarnation!
Why? Because life on 3D - lower 4D Earth is very tough; because humans can be very harsh and cruel; because in order to fulfil her mission she had to sacrifice the breadth of human experiences and her childhood; she had to come in with blinders and a narrow tunnel vision focus.
It's like those poor horses they have riding around Central Park in Manhattan. I always feel so terribly sorry for them. They are forced to ride and carry idle, non-empathetic humans along streets with cars zooming past, surrounded by terrifying for such sensitive animals pollution, smells and noises... Whenever I saw a horse subjected to such horrible conditions, I’d psychically send some encouraging energy of love. Every bit helps. So such horse doesn't get scared of cars and sudden movements, they put blinders on her. This way the horse only sees what's directly in front; her range of vision is severely restricted, which helps prevent it getting sidetracked or scared of hectic human activity.
Greta's Aspergers acts like those blinders. It severely restricts her from noticing distracting for her strictly limited mission factors. This mechanism was pre-planned for her in this lifetime as part of her soul contract. This is what's allowing her to keep on track, no matter what insults and detractors come her way.
FYI: Here’s a corroborating piece:
It's important to understand that a soul such as hers on a mission will not see anything but a mission around it. It is so focused that it's blind to everyone else's emotions, needs and aspirations. It doesn't take into account the reality, something I am very good at. It pushes and pushes in one direction, until it either changes reality or it kills her.
I am just the opposite: I feel, see and take into account EVERYTHING, too much actually. Being a part of the Global Balancer, plus the Earth Shifter and Earth Keeper, I am able to provide for you a balanced and all-encompassing picture of reality. I am able to perceive the changes we are undergoing as part of the Earth Shift in all of their facets, plusses and minuses. If you are reading this, likely you are like me and your consciousness resonates with mine!
I also abhor violence and confrontation. I want to live in love and work with like-minded people.
Greta is ready and willing to subject herself to attacks and ridicule, and her focus remains unhindered no matter what. In fact, she goes out of her way to provoke animosity. This is done as part of her mission - see below.
But as one of the many paradoxes of this universe, the opposites always merge at some point. There are uncanny similarities, such as, we both want the same: a better future for mankind, justice and respect for precious life, we want to save animals, and we want clean, unpolluted Earth!
Now we are getting to some most interesting and deep bits of her MULTIDIMENSIONAL PROFILE!
Oftentimes the picture is worth a thousand words, and this girl is no exception. Let me show you how the Face Reading works! First I'll tell you what jumps at me right away:
A teenager who is combative and who talks about climate change is a sign of Period 8, when young people are in favor, and so is activism, not to mention, anything climate and earth-related. This trend will change in Period 9, of which we'll talk more when we get closer to it.
More about PERIOD 8 and 9 in Webinar 4 and Webinar 14
From the images above what jumps at me right away is not her so-called 'searing stare', but her very tight lips, even as she smiles. This tells me: this girl is ALWAYS on the defensive, she is always on high alert, always on a mission and never allows herself to relax. It also tells me she isn't comfortable in her environment, and she isn't very comfortable on Planet Earth in this body.
I've told George right away that she is a starseed, and now I am confirming it for all of you. Starseeds and various higher-dimensional souls are usually on some sort of mission here. This girl is an embodiment of an all-encompassing mission. Through her public actions and look she displays a bit of paranoia, along with an all-encompassing focus. I can certainly see where it's coming from: she is always on intense high-alert. She has a steely resolve to fulfil her mission and she is prepared to get all the flack she is getting.
Her soul came into this life fully prepared for her destiny. From this perspective, I can see how and why she would be used as inspiration for the kids in schools. Every society needs its heroes. This being Period 8, the time of the young people, a young hero is needed. They found Greta. She is like Harry Potter, fighting what the dominant neoliberal agenda touts as ‘evil’, but not in Harry Potter’s imaginary world -in real world out there.
As an empath, I feel emotions, mental and energy states of others very acutely, even when someone is thousands of miles away. After writing about Greta and tapping into her energy, I began having a headache and feeling uncomfortable. I felt her anger and more - rage - very distinctly. This girl constantly lives in a state of high alert, but also in a state of grief for the planet and rage that adults have screwed up so badly. ‘How dare you!’ wasn’t said by accident in that UN speech. She isn’t a happy girl by any measure, and she doesn’t care. Below you’ll see her heart chakra calibrations, which will make it clear why.
To me, she seems to look about 12. It’s normal for the starseeds to look younger than their age. If put in the right circumstances, often starseed, rainbow, indigo and other kids know instinctively to be vegan or vegetarian: this comes from in-born compassion and sensitivity to the planet and living beings. Also it comes from instinctive desire to keep their own bodies as pure as possible.
In this regard, this girl isn’t very unusual. She is a norm for her type.
I had no idea who Greta Thunberg was, but the moment I heard this name just before the UN Assembly where she was supposed to speak, it made me pay attention. There is a definite star quality to the name. My first thought has been - not knowing who she was - that it was some sort of celebrity they were inviting to speak.
Actually, as someone who had to type her name several dozen times for this report, I can tell you: this name was chosen very well. I keep automatically typing ‘Great’ instead of ‘Greta.’ This has to tell you the whole story!
We actually come into this world with the names we need, or later take names that allow us to manifest our destiny to the fullest. She chose to incarnate with the name that makes her noticed and not easily forgotten. This again attests to the thoroughly pre-planned and prepared soul destiny!
Asperger's is within the spectrum of autism, but not quite. It's sort of a rainman syndrome, but a lot more functional. The kids who have it can be equated to being 'the little professors.' They are very focused on one goal, know in depth one subject and speak with great conviction and authority.
I went to college with someone with Asperger's. That Russian girl whose name was Irina, came in speaking Spanish better than our professors, who were from Argentina. Irina taught herself to speak Spanish perfectly as a teen, by conversing with Chilean immigrants in Russia and being fixated on her goal: to speak Spanish better than anyone. As a freshman, I chose Spanish as my first foreign language specialty at the university, while not speaking a word of it. Since I was 6 I was studying English. The reason I chose Spanish as my No.1 subject was because I already spoke English better than most, and I wanted to learn more languages professionally. Looking at it practically, I anticipated I would need multiple languages in my life. Do you see the difference in our approaches? One-track mind vs. Multidimensional mind!
Irina would have been Valedictorian, but she was so one track that she forgot to pay attention to certain classes she wasn’t interested in. Or more likely, she annoyed teachers in such classes, who sensed that she looked down on their subjects. To many people’s surprise, I graduated as No. 1 and she as No. 2. Sometimes, it pays to pay attention to everything, being broadminded and all-encompassing. By the time I graduated, I spoke Spanish just as well as she did, plus there were many other things I excelled at. I went on to live in the US where I use my English and Multidimensional mind every day professionally, and also have many options in where to live and what to do.
In some ways, Greta and Irina are my complete opposites, although they possess obvious talents. I am a 92-degree empath, which is as sensitive and as in tune as it gets. This also means seeing, feeling and understanding everything 1000 levels deep, including things people don’t know about themselves.
The people I am describing here are just the opposite. They deliberately discard everything that is immediately outside the scope of their self-styled mission. Because of this, such people can achieve a lot - or they may be total failures.
Such people lack balance, and they also can be irritatingly stuck-up know-it-alls, but only in areas they have chosen as their focus. They may be absolute ignoramuses in other areas. Not to mention, they may look down their noses on everything they consider unimportant. This can include people, knowledge and things, as well as the entire truth and reality. This is the tragedy of such people… But they don’t see it as such, at least not until later in life they begin learning their lessons! I say all this with great compassion because I see that this girl is destined to live a very hard life, but it is her conscious choice.
I wish I could talk to her and open her eyes. But this girl is so focused on one thing that she would not hear anything or anyone else. Sometimes we just need to leave people alone and let them learn at their pace.
Because Greta’s almost non-human focus allows her to discard any negatives that pour her way and stay focused on one mission she has chosen for this life, for her Aspergers is a giant advantage.
I'll tell you more! This condition WAS CHOSEN ON PURPOSE for this incarnation!
Why? Because life on 3D - lower 4D Earth is very tough; because humans can be very harsh and cruel; because in order to fulfil her mission she had to sacrifice the breadth of human experiences and her childhood; she had to come in with blinders and a narrow tunnel vision focus.
It's like those poor horses they have riding around Central Park in Manhattan. I always feel so terribly sorry for them. They are forced to ride and carry idle, non-empathetic humans along streets with cars zooming past, surrounded by terrifying for such sensitive animals pollution, smells and noises... Whenever I saw a horse subjected to such horrible conditions, I’d psychically send some encouraging energy of love. Every bit helps. So such horse doesn't get scared of cars and sudden movements, they put blinders on her. This way the horse only sees what's directly in front; her range of vision is severely restricted, which helps prevent it getting sidetracked or scared of hectic human activity.
Greta's Aspergers acts like those blinders. It severely restricts her from noticing distracting for her strictly limited mission factors. This mechanism was pre-planned for her in this lifetime as part of her soul contract. This is what's allowing her to keep on track, no matter what insults and detractors come her way.
FYI: Here’s a corroborating piece:
It's important to understand that a soul such as hers on a mission will not see anything but a mission around it. It is so focused that it's blind to everyone else's emotions, needs and aspirations. It doesn't take into account the reality, something I am very good at. It pushes and pushes in one direction, until it either changes reality or it kills her.
I am just the opposite: I feel, see and take into account EVERYTHING, too much actually. Being a part of the Global Balancer, plus the Earth Shifter and Earth Keeper, I am able to provide for you a balanced and all-encompassing picture of reality. I am able to perceive the changes we are undergoing as part of the Earth Shift in all of their facets, plusses and minuses. If you are reading this, likely you are like me and your consciousness resonates with mine!
I also abhor violence and confrontation. I want to live in love and work with like-minded people.
Greta is ready and willing to subject herself to attacks and ridicule, and her focus remains unhindered no matter what. In fact, she goes out of her way to provoke animosity. This is done as part of her mission - see below.
But as one of the many paradoxes of this universe, the opposites always merge at some point. There are uncanny similarities, such as, we both want the same: a better future for mankind, justice and respect for precious life, we want to save animals, and we want clean, unpolluted Earth!
Now we are getting to some most interesting and deep bits of her MULTIDIMENSIONAL PROFILE!
I want to emphasize that starseeds, wise ones, lightworkers, Earth Shifters, etc., come in all shapes and forms. They also come from different civilizations, which means they have different POVs and different missions. Not to mention, their methods differ widely as well. We may sometimes agree on what needs to be done and how, and often we may disagree. This is typical of the Earth Shift and the varying waves and species of Volunteers (Dolores Cannon term) now present on our planet.
It also depends on exactly what soul mission we signed up for, and of course, it depends on our soul’s specialty and personality!
Greta's Soul Missions:
(Strong souls typically have multiple missions, the more advanced and expansive the soul, the more missions it may have)
Great Awakener
I hesitated whether to give her the coveted top EARTH SHIFTER designation, and decided against it. Reason: she is very readily manipulated, as discussed above, and she has a terribly one-track mind. The Earth Shifter sees things a lot broader than that and any Earth Shifter is intrinsically very wise, from birth! Also Earth Shifter will never allow herself to succumb to this much anger and rage, which ultimately damages the soul. So, NO to the Earth Shifter.
She may be able to change many people’s minds and even shift reality a bit, but in her case I feel it comes under the scope of the Great Awakener and Wayshower.
Soul Origin: Cosmic soul
Soul Dimension: 6th
General Quantum Calibrations:
QC - 200 - COURAGE
Her QC is very low compared to CHI. QC confirms what I said in the beginning: she is on a tough, take no prisoners, single-focus, one-track mission, not allowing her to let her guard down for a moment. She doesn't care about lots of things others care about. The Courage QC is interpreted as:being tough, withstanding enormous odds and being confrontational, in fact seeking confrontation.
Her CHI also confirms what I discussed above: she is manifesting at an exceptionally high level, in fact creating another reality, and she is exceptionally successful at it.
You asked me whether her Throat Chakra (5th chakra) is exceptionally developed:
Yes, it's very well developed and highly calibrated!
Throat Chakra:
QC - 510 - LOVE
CHI - 510 - LOVE
Those people who are supposed to have their message heard by the whole country or even the globe, who may be here to change the mentality of a whole generation, will have the 5th Chakra calibrating this high.
Her other highly developed chakra is 3rd - Solar Plexus - personal power.
Her lower chakras: 1st or Base/Root and 2nd Sacral are severely underdeveloped. For someone talking a lot about the planet, she is awfully uncomfortable here. She practically has a black hole of nothingness where her Root chakra is supposed to be. No connection to the Earth at all. That's another reason she doesn't really identify with other people. Incidentally, this condition is not uncommon among starseeds.
She also has some problems with her upper chakras: 6th, 7th and 8th.
And her Heart Chakra (HC) is in horrific condition, hence her lack of empathy and understanding, as well as love and self-love.
(Strong souls typically have multiple missions, the more advanced and expansive the soul, the more missions it may have)
Great Awakener
I hesitated whether to give her the coveted top EARTH SHIFTER designation, and decided against it. Reason: she is very readily manipulated, as discussed above, and she has a terribly one-track mind. The Earth Shifter sees things a lot broader than that and any Earth Shifter is intrinsically very wise, from birth! Also Earth Shifter will never allow herself to succumb to this much anger and rage, which ultimately damages the soul. So, NO to the Earth Shifter.
She may be able to change many people’s minds and even shift reality a bit, but in her case I feel it comes under the scope of the Great Awakener and Wayshower.
Soul Origin: Cosmic soul
Soul Dimension: 6th
General Quantum Calibrations:
QC - 200 - COURAGE
Her QC is very low compared to CHI. QC confirms what I said in the beginning: she is on a tough, take no prisoners, single-focus, one-track mission, not allowing her to let her guard down for a moment. She doesn't care about lots of things others care about. The Courage QC is interpreted as:being tough, withstanding enormous odds and being confrontational, in fact seeking confrontation.
Her CHI also confirms what I discussed above: she is manifesting at an exceptionally high level, in fact creating another reality, and she is exceptionally successful at it.
You asked me whether her Throat Chakra (5th chakra) is exceptionally developed:
Yes, it's very well developed and highly calibrated!
Throat Chakra:
QC - 510 - LOVE
CHI - 510 - LOVE
Those people who are supposed to have their message heard by the whole country or even the globe, who may be here to change the mentality of a whole generation, will have the 5th Chakra calibrating this high.
Her other highly developed chakra is 3rd - Solar Plexus - personal power.
Her lower chakras: 1st or Base/Root and 2nd Sacral are severely underdeveloped. For someone talking a lot about the planet, she is awfully uncomfortable here. She practically has a black hole of nothingness where her Root chakra is supposed to be. No connection to the Earth at all. That's another reason she doesn't really identify with other people. Incidentally, this condition is not uncommon among starseeds.
She also has some problems with her upper chakras: 6th, 7th and 8th.
And her Heart Chakra (HC) is in horrific condition, hence her lack of empathy and understanding, as well as love and self-love.
It’s not uncommon for people, and certainly teens, to have certain chakras in poor condition and to run on one or two chakras only, while neglecting others. But what a roller-coaster this girl’s chakra & energy system is! It’s especially telling how poorly her Heart Chakra calibrates.
This is almost scary! The girl is being touted as the next messiah and role model to school children, yet her heart is literally not in the right place! Such severely depressed Heart Chakra means, grief, sadness, sorrow, despondency. I can see how she is sorrowful for the condition of the planet, but this girl is not seeing the full picture, and that is disturbing!
It almost sends the message out that it’s ok to have a closed heart or no heart in order to succeed in this world! Whole careers will be made, books written and astronomical profits will be made around this girl, using her as cover!
This is sad! As sad as Greta’s heart chakra!
That said, here’s what has occurred to me:
It may be that due to humanity’s current condition, where confusion, distractions and emotional over-response to anything abound, a one-track mind person may be able to accomplish much more, getting through to more people.
Again, this makes me sad, but not for Greta - for humanity and each person who so readily succumbs to outside influences, while missing the forest for the trees.
To be multidimensional and to see the world in its entirety requires a special talent, training and a life-time commitment in this world of ours.
There was a time when humans could see the whole world and the whole picture of reality, past, present and future in one glance. In higher dimensions this is available now.
Hopefully such a glorious and non-restricted way of being and seeing will again come to humans - and let’s hope we live to see it!
After her meteoric rise in 2019-20, due to COVID and setbacks with the green agenda, such as the wind and solar failing to provide adequate supply of power, Greta Thunberg has been in the shadows for the past year or longer. Without the support she enjoyed in the beginning, her calibrations also dwindled, as doubts and various unanswered questions creeped in. One of our readers from Sweden, Emil, said that Greta mostly is now looked at as a weirdo in Scandinavia, a far cry from her near hero, near goddess status a couple of years ago. That's the fleeting nature of human fame, especially if said fame is not based on REAL and TRUE achievements! Should I say, as predicted in the original report above?...
Let's see how Greta calibrates today - and compare that to above!
General Quantum Calibrations
QC - 180 - PRIDE
A significant drop!
Heart Chakra (HC)
HC QC - 110 - FEAR
It went up slightly on the QC side, which can happen when one has time for retrospection, instead of running in a hamster wheel of the outside demands on her time and energy! Still, a catastrophically low CHI calibration remains!
Throat Chakra
CHI - 510 - LOVE
Again, QC significantly down, but CHI is the same! There are doubts and confusion, but she keeps plowing forward.
A person like Greta can even reinvent herself, if she goes within and embarks on a meaningful spiritual journey. She may even come back stronger, more knowledgeable and credible after the dark night of the soul, which she either will enter soon enough, or has already entered! But she can also fall apart and never come back, if she fails to find her real path. Both outcomes are equally possible.
~ Lada Ray
After her meteoric rise in 2019-20, due to COVID and setbacks with the green agenda, such as the wind and solar failing to provide adequate supply of power, Greta Thunberg has been in the shadows for the past year or longer. Without the support she enjoyed in the beginning, her calibrations also dwindled, as doubts and various unanswered questions creeped in. One of our readers from Sweden, Emil, said that Greta mostly is now looked at as a weirdo in Scandinavia, a far cry from her near hero, near goddess status a couple of years ago. That's the fleeting nature of human fame, especially if said fame is not based on REAL and TRUE achievements! Should I say, as predicted in the original report above?...
Let's see how Greta calibrates today - and compare that to above!
General Quantum Calibrations
QC - 180 - PRIDE
A significant drop!
Heart Chakra (HC)
HC QC - 110 - FEAR
It went up slightly on the QC side, which can happen when one has time for retrospection, instead of running in a hamster wheel of the outside demands on her time and energy! Still, a catastrophically low CHI calibration remains!
Throat Chakra
CHI - 510 - LOVE
Again, QC significantly down, but CHI is the same! There are doubts and confusion, but she keeps plowing forward.
A person like Greta can even reinvent herself, if she goes within and embarks on a meaningful spiritual journey. She may even come back stronger, more knowledgeable and credible after the dark night of the soul, which she either will enter soon enough, or has already entered! But she can also fall apart and never come back, if she fails to find her real path. Both outcomes are equally possible.
~ Lada Ray
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