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Update May 8, 2017:
Don't miss FREE post-election FT update discussing results, astrology, symbolism and fraud!
Macron Win, Voter Manipulation and Illuminati Symbolism
Don't miss FREE post-election FT update discussing results, astrology, symbolism and fraud!
Macron Win, Voter Manipulation and Illuminati Symbolism
You may have read a short version of this article on FuturisTrendcast: Macron vs. Marine Le Pen: Why ‘Every Country Deserves its Government’.
As part of ESR18, I am offering you its full version.
Many see the principle ‘every country deserves its government’ as something menacing or negative. But it’s neither negative nor positive: it’s neutral. It works both ways – to one’s advantage or disadvantage – and it doesn’t discriminate. It is akin to karma, or rather, a self-fulfilling prophecy. Basically, this principle denotes the collective consciousness and the general cumulative energy of a population at work. It simply reflects that we all collectively are co-creators of our present and future.
I know that it’s hard for some to accept that in many ways a population of any country, tribe, territory or town has collectively generated and propelled to power a specific kind of ruler, president and elite. Like it or not, ultimately this is always the choice of any given populace.
Sometimes the choice is obvious, when a majority democratically votes for a specific candidate. Yet sometimes, a bad government and awful elites come to power because people are apathetically indifferent to the future of their country, when they are silent and look the other way, preferring not to see the obvious. In cases like that, when the population finally wakes up, it is too late. The typical examples of such sad outcome is today’s Ukraine and the 1930s Germany circa Hitler.
But what about a monarchy, when the title is passed on from generation to generation? In this case the inhabitants of such country agree generation after generation that such and such ruler has the god-given right to rule them. When they stop agreeing on that, monarchy ceases to exist.
Since we are talking about France today, here’s a great example: in the 18th century the French Revolution put a stop to the monarchic rule and established a republic. Throughout much of the 19th century France continued rocking, with the attempts to resurrect monarchy, since the collective energy of the French citizens could not agree on a single most beneficial future timeline. Admittedly, all this happened with a great deal of external interference by the British Empire, Austria-Hungary Empire and Jewish bankers. However, in the end of the day, it were the French people who decided they wanted to live in a republic.
Or let’s take Assad and Syria. No matter how much pressure is put externally on Syria, no matter how much he and his constituents are maligned and threatened, the majority of the population still supports Assad as their leader.
Now, let’s take a look at Russia. Wrong choices were made in the late 1980s and ’90s by the population. Or should we call them karmic choices, necessary to open people’s eyes? The exceedingly naive and torn between the past and future Russia of the ’90s, however harsh it may sound, did deserve a drunk and naive leader such as Boris Yeltsin. And yet, within 9 years, the country managed to rise out of the ashes, akin to a phoenix, and produce the leader of the caliber of Vladimir Putin. This, per my Earth Shift and Life Force theory means that the population possessed huge untapped reserves of Chi energy, which simply needed to be awakened.
On the other hand, if we take the EU, the system has been designed to produce fake leaders, who are robotic bureaucrats. This happens when the majority of the population is zombified and/or lives in la-la land, and when the real world’s problems escape them. Incidentally, this is usually a road to slow destruction. In that case, the populace will produce governments to match.
Now, back to French presidential election. It is clear to me that Marine Le Pen has appeared on the French scene not by accident. Her appearance and fast rise are predestined. In fact, the sane people of France and the EU crave politicians of Le Pen’s strength, in order to change the landscape of Europe. The problem is that the old establishment is so far too strong and the percentage of zombified populace is still too large in order for a meaningful change to occur.
However, recall what I predicted in ESR12 re. BREXIT and the Future of the EU: it is a slow and relentless ‘rickety chair effect.’ Slowly, the chair is being more and more destabilized – until it actually falls apart.
The fact that it’s so hard for either candidate, Le Pen, Macron or anyone else, to get a clear majority means that the French population is torn between conflicting choices. It may be clear to us and to those nearly 8 million French who voted for Le Pen, but the rest is either too misinformed, brainwashed or confused. As a result, there is no collective consciousness consensus, or said another way, there is no clear sense of direction France, as well as the whole EU, needs to take in the future.
France is torn between the past and the future. Part of it is a stigma attached to Marine Le Pen’s father and her party. But for the most part it’s all about hanging on to the past and being fearful of change. Some don’t want to give up the cushy lifestyle they came to enjoy as part of the EU. Some are afraid to lose all the perks and freedoms the EU allows, such as one currency and open borders.
However, others consider these ‘perks’ to be a burden, and possibly even existential threat, due to the fact that various terrorists and subversive elements may now be able to seep through such open borders, or because one currency and one government restricts national choices, personal freedoms and trade options of any given country. There are additional considerations, such taxes, immigration, social assistance, preserving national and cultural identity, NATO interventionism vs. neutral non-alignment with military blocks, etc.
The French electorate, same as the French and European elites, are divided like never before. Such division is a clear sign of the major Earth Shift. The confusion, division, in-fighting and bifurcation of the elites are the consequence of a fast and profound change, when the majority of humans simply can't cope, nor understand, why the solid ground under their feet has suddenly turned into quick sand. In such times it is especially important for a presidential candidate to try and unite her/his countrymen, in order to avoid the worst scenario.
That’s why Marine Le Pen has announced resignation from her Front National leadership post: not being 100% associated with the party may give her a few extra percent from those voters who would otherwise be on the fence about voting for a far-right party. This allows Le Pen to say that she strives to be the president for all French citizens. Will it work though? Technically, there are many undecided voters and Macron has to rely on a very fluid and non-committed base. Still, in my opinion, such late moves are too late to make much difference for either candidate.
France’s curse is that it’s Europe’s permanent No. 2. It is one of Europe’s largest economies, with its distinct and rich culture and heritage, with a lot of national pride and talent. Yet in every alliance it has ever entered it always was resigned to playing a second fiddle. With Antanta during WWI it was the second fiddle to the UK; in WWII it was something like a tag along 4th fiddle to three main Allies (USSR, US and UK). In the EU, it’s the second fiddle to Germany.
We can say that the French basically thrived the most when they made an effort to be independent. In recent history it was under Charles De Gaulle and a few of his successors.
Incidentally, it has to be absolutely understood that the phenomenon of De Gaulle and his proud nonaligned, non-NATO, independent of the US/UK/global banksters stance was only possible due to the existence of THE SOVIET UNION, a very strong superpower, which served as the counterweight to the West. The moment Soviet Union was destroyed, France by itself began caving in to pressure from the Anglo-American consortium. Considering how many times this caving in to foreign pressure and partial or complete loss of sovereignty occurred in history, this is something the French resent dearly.
Therefore, if the French at large were smart, they’d get it that only strong Russia – The Great Balancer serves as guarantor of their continued sovereignty. I am not even talking about being grateful for all the support Russia/USSR gave France in the past (alas, gratitude isn’t fashionable in today’s world of Western egoic neo-liberalism).
Perhaps because of this, three out of four major French presidential candidates proclaimed their goal of improving relations with Russia. Yet – oh, irony! – it is Emmanuel Macron, the pro-EU and globalist candidate, who stands for confrontation with Russia, who has won the first round. And it is behind this candidate that the majority of other candidates threw their support in the end.
Even more ironically, the French election front-runner is a younger, slicker, more slippery and more charismatic version of Hollande – the man the French voted out of office during his first term, whose approval now stands at 4%!
Compare him to Marine Le Pen, a rare French politician who truly gets it. This is why she has been so pro-Russian in her statements and campaign promises. In fact, recall what I predicted a while back (in 2014 or 2015, I think): forget the old division into leftists and rightists. That should be left in the 20th century. Presently, the defining factors for who to vote for are: how a candidate or party positions itself in regards to the issues of sovereignty, globalism and relations with Russia. THIS is your ultimate litmus test.
Per Lada Ray’s EARTH SHIFT THEORY, the human society has become incredibly imbalanced and lopsided towards unabated individualism and egoic consumerism, which in the end will unavoidably lead to the ultimate loss of all freedoms through the Western-style globalist project, unless Russia – The Great Balancer rebalances the planet before it’s too late.
Ever since 1991, when the balancing force represented by the strong USSR superpower was gone, a propaganda beneficial to globalist elites permeated every country on the globe. France's new generations grew up to be just as brainwashed as the young generations in many regions of our world. The clash between the old and new, between different versions of the future and different views of the past are generating rifts within many societies. As The Earth Shift progresses, these divisions will intensify and the rocking will continue until France and other countries find their new equilibrium.
To conclude: as we see, France is getting leaders and governments based on cumulative desire of its collective consciousness.
Sarkozy was voted out in 2012 because he dragged France back into NATO and became generally seen as a 'French poodle' to the US. It was hoped that Hollande would be a 'safe' choice, who wouldn't rock the boat too much, while turning out better than his predecessor. Hollande failed to fulfil the wishes of France's collective consciousness. Frankly, he couldn't have, because there is no such thing as having a 'safe' revolution.
Incidentally, a similar story of disappointment is now developing with Trump and the US - just watch! This is also per my predictions.
A proof that the French consensus is disappointed is that both Hollande and Sarkozy are out of the political scene. Now France's collective consciousness desperately searches for a new candidate to fill the void - who would fulfil their wishes. Trouble is, they can't agree on what constitutes their collective wish. As I said - typical for THE GREAT EARTH SHIFT confusion.
We should expect a certain amount of manipulation in this presidential election, which is already in place and is being executed incredibly skillfully. The very fact of Macron's sudden appearance and fast rise to popularity speaks of systemic fraud and premeditated manipulation. That said, electoral fraud or not, depending on who will get elected, we will know what kind of president and government the country deserves. If France's voters consolidate behind Marine Le Pen - we will know that France is that much closer to a brighter and more sovereign future. If not - the boat will keep rocking till the true collective wishes are fulfilled.
Who will France elect as new president? France’s choice will tell us whether the population deserves a better government and a better future. OR, whether France will continue reliving the classic definition of madness: making the same mistake over and over again and expecting a different result.
Regardless of the outcome, brace yourselves for a continued escalation of violence, protests, terrorist acts and fights in France and all over EU. I wish I had better news for you on that, but it really does depend on what humans choose - if they aren't smart enough to choose to live in peace, elect best president and government and consolidate behind them, then they will brew in the karmic soup of turmoil, until they get it.
The good news is: The Earth Shift is taking place and it will continue shaping up the new world, no matter how some forces try to stop it.
I will expand on these predictions and explain what I mean in the future webinars! Please stay tuned!
I said this in my French election original The Plot Thickens! Who’ll Win French Presidential Election: Marine Le Pen, Macron, Fillon or Melenchon?
As we have seen, Le Pen indeed finished the first round in second position, just behind Macron. She gained close to 8 million votes - an absolute record for her and for her Front National party. But wouldn't it be better if she won the first round of elections?
This is my logic:
First of all, I was pretty sure that through various subtle and very sophisticated means of manipulation the globalist forces would try to ensure Macron's 1st place in round 1. Here is an example of how this subtle manipulation works. According to French law, the election day is the day of silence: no reports, predictions or statistics giving victory to one or another candidate are allowed, to avoid influencing voters.
However, there really are no borders within EU. Moreover, the Internet is always on. Around noon on April 23, a French language Belgian publication came out predicting 26 to 27% to Macron and only 17% to Fillon. This was one of those subtle manipulations - in the absence of any other information, the French basically were told: don't bother voting for Fillon, he'll lose anyway. Go and vote for Macron so he could win. The end result: Macron 23% and Fillon 20%, in other words, nowhere near the Belgian publication's predicted numbers. However, let's recall that before the relentless campaign to compromise the conservative candidate Fillon, he was the frontrunner. Through various manipulations, such as the one described above, Macron captured a chunk of Fillon's votes. Similarly, the runaway socialists' votes were captured by Macron as well.
Secondly, I was confident that Marine Le Pen would encounter an absolutely vicious counter-attack, should she win the first round. The pressure on her is already out of this world, but should she actually win, they would all pile up on top of her and quadruple their efforts to squash and sabotage her before round two. Just look what happened with Trump: he was atacked from both left and right. As a result he caved in to pressure a lot sooner than he should have. My prediction that he would be put in a 'straight jacket' came true within the very first month of his presidency.
Marine Le Pen finished 1st round a close second, and attacks from all directions have been relentless. Various EU leaders rushed to say that it is disturbing and unacceptable that Le Pen received nearly 8 million votes and that EU must unite to help Macron win (again, check out this unbelievable hubris: and after this they are talking about Russia interfering in anything?).
Multiply this reaction and this sabotage a thousandfold if Marine Le Pen finished first. By her being No.2 and their golden boy Macron No.1, they are lulled into a bit of complacency. Although, of course, complacency is not really the word - the yang and aggressive West always acts, oftentimes preemptively and oftentimes excessively. Still, it gives Le Pen a bit of a breather and refocuses attention from her to Macron in the two-week period between rounds 1 and 2. It is a positive, considering the seriousness of the situation.
Last but no least - a contrarian view. Finishing second, Le Pen may end up rallying her electorate. If she finished first, her electorate may have become just a tad more complacent for round 2. Finishing a very close 2nd, her electorate may feel that the victory is close, but serious rallying of the troops is needed. In the end, this extra push could make a difference.
By meeting in person with Marine Le Pen in the Kremlin Vladimir Putin basically endorsed her. The meeting in Moscow was an unusual step by the Russian President. Reportedly, he made an exception following personal request and introduction by the Russian Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin. Volodin was the one who invited Le Pen to Russia pre-election in the first place.
Why did Putin meet with Le Pen - a step almost unprecedented in Russian history? Contrary to the Western accusations of interfering in the US and EU elections, in fact, neither Russia nor the USSR made a habit of meeting major foreign opposition presidential candidates before elections. The US and EU, on the other hand, play such subversive role all the time: interfering in other countries' affairs is their traditional MO.
But the situation is changing. The stakes are unusually high, as we go through the Great Earth Shift. The rebalancing act Russia - The Great Balancer is trying to execute is very delicate indeed. Under such conditions old rules go out the window. New moves have to be adopted. Russia begins taking the leaf out of the USA's book.
As we recall, a year or so before US presidential election 2016, in response to a journalist's question who Putin preferred as US president, Clinton or Trump, Putin replied almost casually, 'Trump, but,' he added immediately, 'it is for the American people to decide.'
That single phrase served as a catalyst for Trump personally and for his electorate, helping alter the dynamics of US elections and tipping the balance in favor of Trump.
(As you know I predicted Trump victory, as well as the fact that he would experience pressure to conform and betray his election promises, resulting in a 'straight jacket' for him and his administration. Links to relevant Trump ESR16, Webinar and FREE YT videos are added at the bottom of this report - if you are new, it is recommended you listen to them.)
When the US Congress, CIA and FBI contend Russia hacked US elections, they are right - it really did happen... by Putin uttering that one phrase. This just goes to show how powerful of an influence Vladimir Putin and Russia - The Great Balancer are on world affairs, no matter how much various forces attempt to isolate or demean Russia's role.
A simple mention of Trump in a favorable light helped him win. Therefore, a bolder move with France and Le Pen was logical. Le Pen's visit to Russia and audience with Putin put a nice amount of wind in her wings and helped mobilize her electorate.
However, this time the opposing camp of globalists was prepared. First they twisted into a pretzel the No. 3 finisher Francois Fillon (20%), by compromising him and threatening to bury his entire career. This wasn't an idle threat - we have seen some years ago how a promising anti-globalist candidate Dominique Strauss-Kahn was literally buried alive as a result of a sex scandal. Then, they introduced their own golden boy, Emmanuel Macron. Created by brilliant image makers and PR specialists, Macron is a very good actor. He fools easily all kinds of potential voters.
Donald Trump also threw his support behind Marine Le Pen. To counter that, Obama, who is (believe it or not) very popular in France, called Macron to congratulate and endorse him.
After the first round, Fillon (20% of votes) and fifth finisher, a pretend 'socialist' Hamon (6%), both threw their support behind Macron. Only the fourth finisher, left-wing candidate Melenchon (19% of votes) abstained from any endorsements, suggesting his people should vote as their consciousness dictates.
The Brussels bosses and heads of various EU states hastily joined the fray by praising Macron and urging the French to vote for him. After all the attention and praise, Macron couldn't be more golden if he tried. During his campaign, he hardly outlined any definitive program, instead borrowing the lines from both Le Pen and Fillon, and occasionally from Melenchon, in order to steal their electorate. Macron doesn't need to have any coherent program - puppets never do. His puppet masters have the program he is to carry out.
The globalists have unlimited resources, including global media, finances, PR, enormous political and economic leverage, global clandestine intel and surveillance, governments and EU bureaucratic apparatus. They can swing elections the way they want through all these obvious and secret means.
By contrast, Marine Le Pen's resources are much more limited. However, it is clear that people both in France and all over the West are awakening. A proof that people do decide their destiny and their future, regardless of how much powers that be try to manipulate them into continuing to live in an outdated matrix, is the nearly 8 million votes Le Pen received in the first round.
Therefore, Trump and Putin endorsing Marine Le Pen was done to try to even out the playing field at least somewhat.
Let me explain something about Trump. I did predict he would succumb to pressure, start making deals and dilute, if not forget altogether his campaign promises. The 'straight jacket' means that Trump and his admin will operate on survival mode going forward. The tunnel within which he has to act is very narrow. In fact (again, as we discussed in WEBINAR 1 on Trump) he has to constantly throw the bone to the hawks and war mongers at the Pentagon, CIA and Congress. It is akin to a growling dog: if you want to pass, you tread softly past the growling dog, while constantly throwing him some food so he wouldn't bite you.
While Trump caved in quickly (too quickly for most people's taste), he still has a limited amount of leverage in his position. His calling Marine Le Pen to congratulate her on getting into round 2 of elections is one of those leverages. Through this gesture, Trump has tried to show that he's at odds with the EU leaders. But just consider how little power Trump really has: the moment he made that call to Le Pen, Obama in turn called Macron to congratulate and wish him victory! Talk about the bifurcation of the elites in the US and EU!
IS MARINE LE PEN the Trump of the EU?
Donald Trump ran on issues of curbing immigration from poor countries and preventing illegal immigration, fortifying borders with Mexico, bringing home jobs from China and emphasizing 'made in the USA,' diminishing US participation and possibly exiting NATO, no TTIP and TTP and distancing from the EU, non-intervention and improving relations with Russia. As part of his election promises, Trump considered recognizing Crimea and discontinuing support of Ukraine's fascist-oligarchic junta, in exchange for certain concessions from Russia. Donald Trump was an outsider, as far as the US political elites go and ran basically at cross-purposes to the globalist agenda. He won the elections, seemingly, despite all odds. Trump confessed at one point that he admires (admired?) Putin.
Marine Le Pen runs on national pride, favoring and protecting national producers against EU regulations, honoring France's national heritage and culture, curbing foreign influences and illegal immigration, fortifying borders and non-intervention. She is critical of the EU and NATO, considering exiting or reforming these organizations. She also came out boldly in favor of recognizing Crimea as part of Russia, and she condemned Ukraine fascism. Admires Vladimir Putin.
Marine Le Pen, despite being a part of the French political scene for many years, has always been, along with her party, an outsider.
Reinvented herself and her party, having abandoned many of the radical views of her father. Experienced a meteoric rise from a marginal party to France's No.2 political force within several short years.
The differences between Le Pen and Trump
As we see, the similarities between the two are staggering. That said, there are substantial differences. We'll leave aside the two obvious ones: gender and the level of wealth.
Let's talk about the not so obvious differences.
In ESR16: US ELECTION PREDICTIONS and in the WEBINAR 1: WILL TRUMP SURVIVE HIS FIRST TERM I repeatedly emphasized that Trump is a business man and therefore, he is a deal maker. He'll bring his business habits into the presidency and will make deals. I predicted that he would make deals with the opposite side, deep state and establishment on both republican and democratic sides. Therefore, he would dilute his election agenda which got him elected in the first place. Therefore, we can say that on at least some levels, he betrayed his electorate. I also said that he would make deals with various factions and power agents (eg. CIA, Pentagon, police) to survive and keep himself and his family safe. This has already happened: Trump has promised more military and police spending, attacked Syria and threatened N. Korea and Iran. As we see, survival and proving how macho he is has become the priority goal for Trump. After barely a few weeks, he fired his top advisors, such as Flynn and Bannon, who were a thorn in the side of the neo-lib / neocon establishment and who would have advised him to stay the course.
I other words, Trump very quickly and very ungracefully caved in to pressure. I understand why that happened, having predicted that, as well. His life and well-being are on the line and his very survival may depend on how well he toes the line. Also recall how many people were saying that Trump would be killed before Dec19, 2016 electors' vote or before Jan 20, 2017 inauguration. I said that he would NOT be killed, but rather allowed to take office because it would be deemed easier and cleaner to bend him in the right direction rather than make him into a martyr. His eagerness to make deals from the get-go was obviously a sign the globalist elites interpreted correctly - Trump is flexible and open for business. All this proves that Trump is no hero and that his principles are rather fluid.
Le Pen is very different. Her principles are entirely her own and she has proven through the years that she is unbendable. I have been asked whether Le Pen will also cave in should she become the president of France.
There are two moments here. First, there is a certain metamorphosis that has to occur to any politician when she/he becomes elected as president. The reality of the particular country's situation suddenly sets in. Those actions that have seemed perfectly plausible when one is candidate suddenly seem impossible when one is president. I'm sure many have discovered this the hard way. The advisors, various politicians, oligarchs, bankers and foreign leaders will all simultaneously tell the president why such and such action would be disastrous. There would be 'scientific' reports breaking down why such and such decision would be risky. Ultimately, a president has to take responsibility for the decision made and hope for the best. But the responsibility to keep stability is enormous. This is why actions suddenly may become a lot more cautious and a person's character may suddenly appear to change.
I have no doubt that Marine Le Pen is not stupid. If elected, she would be smart enough not to make any risky or dangerous moves that could jeopardize her country or global stability. Any country's leader is expected to observe national interests. Of course, it depends on how such national interests are defined. I also know that the pressure on Marine Le Pen and sabotage of her actions would be absolutely enormous. When De Gaulle tried to stand up to the Anglo-American dictate and demanded French gold back from the US, a 'student' color revolution was promptly organized to unseat him. Le Pen is facing a similar risk, should she attempt to re-assert French independence.
However, I also have absolutely no doubt that Le Pen is totally unlike Trump. She has the kind of steadfast courage and strength that no other EU politician possesses. I am confident that, unlike Trump, she would not cave in. She would be a lot truer to herself and her principles.
However, should she win don't expect her to do everything she has promised. As I said, in a position of power the reality sets in. In fact, there is no one as tied up and unfree as someone in what seems to be a position of great power.
That said, again - The Great Shift is underway. Every little victory brings it closer to manifestation. Every person such as Le Pen or Trump, enhances the 'rickety chair effect.' Having rocked for a while, the old and outdated chair that should be thrown out will one day destabilize enough to simply fall apart.
Who is Mr. Trump?
Trump started his campaign as a 'truther' and outsider. He proclaimed that he would clean up 'the swamp,' get out of foreign countries, move jobs home from China, undo Obamacare and restore relations with Russia.
So far, he is doing the opposite. This corresponds with my ESR16 and Trump Webinar predictions that Trump would be made to toe the line and be put in a 'straight jacket' when president.
This also corresponds with my other predictions about Trump made between 2015 and beginning of 2017:
1. There was no point for the globalist elites, or using another fashionable term 'deep state,' to assassinate him - as so many suggested. He is infinitely deal-able. I had said that he would not be assassinated because it will be judged that it's easier to make deals with the man who has made deals all his life and who prides himself on making those deals. In fact, I said, he was making deals with the other side even before the election, and this is why he was allowed to win.
Some of my readers wrote to me, saying they were shocked how quickly Trump caved in. This is true: he began with a flurry of activity in the first 10 days in the office. Then he somehow just deflated. It's also telling how easily he - after pressure was applied to him - parted with his trusted advisors Bannon and Flynn; how easily he caved in to hawks and did the opposite of what he promised to do, namely get out of Syria. There are plenty of other things that diverge entirely from his campaign promises.
2. Trump fancies himself as a permanent winner. When push comes to shove, he'll sacrifice or bend his principles, if any, in exchange for an opportunity to show off and demonstrate how tough and cool of a winner he is. When he cannot win for whatever reason, he would move to another subject, and another, and another - until he finds where he CAN win. This, unfortunately, is coupled with lack of any international and diplomatic experience, together with a seriously juvenile attitude. Not a good combo.
3. Trump, as predicted in ESR16 and Trump Webinar, has been put on a survival mode: in other words, he thinks most, or perhaps he thinks exclusively, about his own survival, his fortune and business survival, as well as the survival of his family. Trump has many buttons which the puppetiers and 'deep state' forces can push. He is exceedingly vulnerable through his children, properties, business interests, plus his own vanity and the obsessive need to always be on top. All this is being - and will continue being - used against him.
4. Trump is a total newbie when it comes to politics. He thought he could use his business experience, but his and Tillerson's mistakes have already proven that business and politics do not work the same way.
5.That said, I still think that on the scale, Trump is much better than Clinton. She would have displayed the same juvenile and bratty 'I am American, therefore, I own the world and do as I please' attitude - but multiplied by a dozen. At least Trump still has some small scruples.
6. Most importantly, and what many people seem not to grasp, Trump is not a revolutionary. If anything, he is a counter-revolutionary. His goal was to preserve the status quo and get back to the USA he remembered as a child - when America still manufactured everything domestically, there was a very controlled immigration and everything seemed to go its way.
Incidentally, I can tell you this won't happen. We are in the midst of THE GREAT EARTH SHIFT. The focus of the future is shifting away from the US and EU. The golden era for both was between 1964 and 2004.
Who is Marine Le Pen?
1. Le Pen was born into politics, her father was the founder and leader of many years of the French National Front. The ultra-right party, by French standards anyway, it was accused of extreme views. It was said that once Le Pen Senior was actually praising Hitler. This may or may not be true. I personally never followed Marine's father and I was unable to verify whether it was a hoax or not. Then again, one of the young princes of England - don't remember which of them - once came to a costume party in the costume of Hitler and also praised him. This I can verify - seen pics in British magazines with my own eyes. JFK's father was also a big fan of Hitler.
As I said, I didn't follow the old Le Pen. But I have observed his daughter since 2012. She has revamped National Front, having inherited it from her father. She got rid of what could be considered ultra-right and hateful slogans, and she significantly softened the message. No wonder the party now reflects the views of a significant part of the French voters.
2. Frankly, any politician would be stupid not to listen to her constituents and evolve according to their wishes and needs. The fact that Le Pen listened to her voters and molded her message accordingly, speaks volumes of how good of a politician she is.
However, there is no reason to believe that Marine Le Pen has done it exclusively to gain more votes. Otherwise the falsehood would have been visible energetically. For one, it would show up in her calibrations (see Le Pen's and other candidates' calibrations below).
3. My assessment is: Marine Le Pen believes in many patriotic things her father also proclaimed, such as emphasizing sovereignty and France's internal economic development and cultural preservation; curbing unnecessary expenses as well as immigration; non-intervention and reconsidering participation in NATO and EU. However, she does not believe in violence and radicalism - it actually appears that those who oppose her believe in that. In fact, what was once the humanistic liberalism has turned into a violent neo-liberal fascism.
I also can see that Marine Le Pen believes in balance, reason and dialogue, both domestically and internationally. A telling sign of the accuracy of Le Pen's psychological profile is that Vladimir Putin met with her. He would have never met, nor encouraged, a candidate whose views glorified fascism.
The stigma formerly attached to her father and her party is now skillfully used as a scarecrow against Le Pen, to scare voters into voting against her. Meanwhile, those voters who fall for it are blind to the violence, lies and underhanded tactics of the other side.
4. Unlike Trump, Marine Le Pen is not used to winning. She doesn't expect to win and works hard for each such win. Her steady rise to the top and all those victories in the first round have been a pleasant surprise to her and her party. This showed that she is on the right track; the victories of the past few years are hard won.
5. Le Pen is often depicted next to the French national heroine Jeanne (aka, Joan) D'Arc, who was the medieval leader of French resistance to foreign occupation and who enjoyed victories, yet at a huge effort and cost. D'Arc became a leader when she was barely 15 or 16, but had to display an unusual maturity for her age.
6. Marine Le Pen is not rich, neither is she a business tycoon. Unlike Trump, her whole life is her political career and her political heritage. This means, unlike Trump, she has no private interests in what she stands for. Her sole interest is the good of her country, as she understands it.
(Incidentally, I DO NOT necessarily agree with the entire agenda of Marine Le Pen or her party. I merely say that she is the best choice available.)
7. Being a lifetime politician, Le Pen does not keep loose ends, aka, buttons to push. Her family, husband, money, of which she personally has little - all this is under control. Everyone in her surroundings is ready for attacks and blackmail, of which Le Pen has received plenty in her life. She is incredibly tough and she has never caved in. Despite a massive effort to disparage and compromise her, Le Pen withstood all the attacks and still came out pretty well.
8. Le Pen is a revolutionary by any definition. She wants to go back to the French roots and heritage, but she also spearheads the resistance against globalist agenda, and what she considers anti-France EU and NATO policies.
Le Pen's character and background constitute a staggering difference compared to the spoiled rich brat, Donald Trump. (Yet again, please note: this juxtaposition of the two is to make a point - I still believe Trump is easier to deal with in order to prevent WWIII, but other than that I wouldn't hope for too much from Trump).
Fine, you'll say. But what does it mean in practical terms? How do we project the outcome for Marine Le Pen based on her background and character, compared to Trump. Here we are entering the realm of high level profilers - those who work for the 'deep state.' They shape up the policies of globalists towards various politicians, candidates and country leaders.
Good thing I am 100% on the side of Light and not capable of dark and devious things, otherwise I might've been a 'deep state' profiler, shaping up the globalists' version of the world, lol.
So, what have we learned?
1. Trump is vain and used to winning. Le Pen is not.
2. Trump has a lot of strings to pull and buttons to push. Le Pen doesn't.
3. Trump is naive and unskilled politician. Marine Le Pen is a very skilled politician.
4. Trump is used to making deals all his life, having come from business background. Le Pen is not - and as proof, her party is always alone, she is so unbendable that other parties always oppose her.
5. Trump's convictions are shallow and will be easily replaced with profit or survival considerations, because he considers his interests first and his country's second. Le Pen's convictions are deep and long-cherished, she considers herself the savior of France, like Jeanne D'Arc, who, as we know, died for her convictions.
Trump can be made deals with. He can be coerced, threatened, seduced and pushed in a certain direction - and we have already seen this happen in the first 100 days of his presidency! This is why there was no point in assassinating him, as I'd predicted in my videos. This is why he was allowed to win, and those who voted for him hoping for a meaningful change, were allowed to think the change was coming.
Marine Le Pen is very hard to make deals with. She would be hard to coerce, threaten, seduce or push in a certain direction. She is steadfast and very hard to bend. Assassination is messy and will make her into a martyr and national heroine, much like Jeanne (Joan) D'Arc. This may create a real revolution in France, as a result of which the cushy life EU pundits and globalists have carved out for themselves will be lost. French revolution will send enormous ripples throughout the EU and it may disintegrate much faster.
The goal is to try to stop the disintegration of the EU; failing that, at least slow it down, until globalists and banksters can morph themselves into something else; until they can find a new lucrative global project to latch on to and new power to grab.
Marine Le Pen destroys all these mega-plans. Consequently, from the globalists' perspective, Marine Le Pen cannot be allowed to win.
Hence, a swift materialization of the unlikely candidate such as Emmanuel Macron, who has been hastily slapped together. Hence the relentless vilifying of Le Pen in the media and the presence of those other candidates, who all seem to be performing the role of statists, invited to the show in order to sabotage Le Pen's chances to win.
In every case the globalists need to push in a certain direction, there is a custom recipe for dealing with each person who resists them. If we take France, De Gaulle was once ousted via a color revolution; Strauss Khan was saddled with sexual conduct claims. Marine Le Pen is very hard - she seems to have very few skeletons in her closet. No matter what they do to her, she seems to keep going. In her case, it was judged that the only way to deal with her was to mire her in such a maze of various candidates and agendas that her message would drown among them. This is why - strangely enough - most French candidates have been saying largely the same. Macron has been notorious for stealing lines from both Fillon and Le Pen. Also for this reason, the 1st round election debate was conducted for the first time.
I can tell you that both Trump and Le Pen have not appeared by accident. They are both the sign of the times. They are the manifestations of the Western side of the Great Earth Shift. They are there to help Russia and Putin rebalance the world.
They are among the forces within the EU, US, UK, Canada and other countries who sense and/or know that the old system is dying. These forces are trying to position themselves and their respective countries for the new era. Russia is a natural ally for these forces.
However, the forces of the past - the 20th century neo-liberal Western-style globalist project - are still very strong. And they will do everything to cling to the past where they have all the perks. They are mortally afraid of change, since in the new world there really is no place for them and their ideology. They will fight to death in order to keep their world intact. The following years will not be pretty as the 4D hybrid war between the conflicting sides goes on. For the time being, there is an uneasy equilibrium established between the two. It is the time before the great tipping occurs. This tipping away from the old Western model and towards a new model will occur in the next 2-3 years. After that we will begin seeing a different reality emerge.
I have first made a prediction about Hollande being voted out and Le Pen's rise to the top, in 2012. The French political scene was very stable at the time; well-known politicians, such as Sarkozy and Hollande were expected to stay on top for a long time; they were expected to remain in office for the usual two terms, at the very least. At the time, there were no other candidates on the horizon, such as Fillon, Melenchon or Macron. The fact that both Sarkozy and Hollande were voted out after just one term is proof of the tectonic shift happening in France and EU. Further proof of the fact that France has become an epicenter of the European Shift is the appearance of all these new and unproven candidates. The steady rise of Marine Le Pen and her previously marginal party, is yet another confirmation of the same.
As of now, France is in the very center of the massive change within the EU. As I said, at present date, an uneasy equilibrium has been achieved between the past and the future.
A while back I've noticed that when I make my predictions way in advance I give time to certain forces to prepare countermeasures to deflect the outcome I am predicting. What I'll say is something very multidimensional and esoteric in nature: due to the fact that we are presently in the midst of the Earth Shift and the veils between dimensions and different potential timelines have become very blurred, it is possible to slightly alter the direction of any given event, thus altering the entire timeline.
Not to brag, but simply to state the facts: I may be wrong, but as far as I know, there is no one else alive today who can predict global events so consistently and with such accuracy as yours truly. For years, I have posted my predictions freely on my blogs and videos. I have been noticing for some time that there are forces out there who follow what I say with one purpose only: to prevent my predictions from coming true.
Therefore, for some time I purposely held back on some predictions or left a lot unsaid. I also began posting some predictions as late as possible. This strategy doesn't give time to the dark forces to act in order to sabotage the preferred timeline.
In the case of French election I have predicted a possible win of Marine Le Pen back in April 2012, or exactly 5 years ago. We see what has happened since, such as the appearance of Macron. If you think he just appeared out of nowhere, think again. He has been groomed for this position for the past 5 or so years - acording to my intel. Count 5 years back: you get 2012. Coincidence?
Consequently, my final predictions for French election is a last moment addition to ESR18.
Also, going forward, I will reconsider how I share my predictions. I am considering starting an insider club. We'll see in what form and how it'll work. Stay tuned for announcements!
In 2012 I predicted that if Hollande does not fulfil the heartfelt wishes of his electorate, Marine Le Pen would likely win next election. In April 2012, I foresaw her win pretty clearly, although as the usage of the word 'likely' suggests, it was not a 100% prediction.
In 2013 the so-called Mandela Effect was discovered. A large number of people appeared to recall certain events happening at different times than a Google search would suggest or as officially recorded; certain well-known things, films and events from the past spelled, sounded or looked differently than the majority of people recalled. In most cases the discovery of an official discrepancy compared to your own memory would blow your mind (this is a very fascinating subject, and I'll have a separate post about that). The conclusion was made: the Earthly timeline has subtly shifted since 2012.
NOTE that usually the Mandela Effect refers only to past events, although it shouldn't be so. It refers exclusively to the past simply because most humans perceive only memories of the past - not of the future.
I predict things, and as many of you have been able to ascertain, usually my predictions are very accurate. You may also have heard me talk about the MULTIDIMENSIONAL UNIVERSE. I perceive the Multidimensional world as something quite normal; however, it is not really normal, nor understood, for most humans, although more and more people begin seeing it my way.
This essentially means that I am comfortable in, and able to access, the multi-dimensional realities outside a normal human understanding of time. For me the future events have already happened. (Not all: there are exceptions, as there are variations and potentialities that may sometimes change, due to free will.)
The Le Pen rise to the top did happen, and for the most part she really is going in the right direction. But it would appear that in the new timeline the dark side found a way to slow down or block her progress beyond a certain point. The dark side has learned to morph since 2014 into a more subtle and flexible force. The potency and overwhelming will for survival of the dark side can never be underestimated.
Since 2015-16 I have been feeling that someone is watching my predictions. Then certain alterations are done behind the scenes to change the dynamics accordingly. I don't know if you have noticed, but since 2016 my predictions have become fewer and more restrained. I also began publishing them as close as possible to the event. Remember that in 2015 I simply predicted that 'democrats would lose 2016 US elections.' Technically, it was absolutely accurate - they did lose presidency and the Congress. However, I refrained from mentioning either Trump or Hillary until much later.
Remember my final ESR16 Trump win prediction? I had a feeling of someone watching like a hawk what I'd say, in order to act accordingly. I waited till the last few days before the election to make it. This was done on purpose: so not to give time to the dark side to alter the course of the events.
When I made predictions years in advance I'd given the dark side time to regroup. This, very disturbingly for me, seems to be happening in the case of Ukraine, and this also may be happening with French Election and Le Pen.
(In the future I'll talk about Ukraine's possibly altered timeline and how I see it play out.)
The French election now has to play out in the new timeline.
See May 4 final predictions below!
Today, May 1, 2017 I am posting predictions I can share with you because they are set in stone, or reasonably set in stone. It is hard to alter these, even though they are long-term predictions.
1. Regardless of who wins, France in the next several years will face continued drastic divisions, confusion, violent protests and terrorist acts.
2. French electorate will continue being disappointed in their president. The time of two terms per president is gone. Each president will be lucky to survive one term in office.
3. EU will continue rocking and the 'rickety chair' effect will continue. The EU neoliberal elites will continue fighting tooth and nail to preserve status quo and sabotage change. The bifurcation of global Western elites will continue. In general, Europe in the next decade or so will go through very unstable and hard times. I'll talk much more about the future of the West, EU and USA in the upcoming webinar.
4. President or opposition leader, Marine Le Pen is destined to play a very important role in this Earth Shift. Her popularity will continue growing, but there is also a danger of physical harm.
5. Macron's future: he's been created as a mold-able patsy. They hope to delay things long enough to come up with Plan B as the unipolar Western-centric world is crumbling. The escape route, that's what globalist elites are looking for.
6. EARTH SHIFT STILL UNDERWAY. EU STILL NEEDS TO CHANGE. THE WORLD IS STILL TO BE REBALANCED, NO MATTER WHAT. Regardless of the outcome of French election, there is no reason to give up and think gloomy thoughts. Whatever happens in a week in France will only shape up the need for future rebalancing. France won't stop rocking until the new balance is achieved. The longer the delay in such rebalancing, the tougher and more traumatic the actual act of rebalancing and revolutionary change will be.
As promised - added May 4, 2017!
Actually, if you've read between the lines, many hints on this final prediction have been scattered throughout the report...
And here it is:
Final Lada Ray predictions
Outcome of French election, with percentages
and Q&A on what will happen after, in France and EU!
This is what I see at this time:
Emmanuel Macron will receive 52-54%, plus or minus a few percent
Marine Le Pen will come out a little better than predicted by polls, which give her in the high 30s.
She will get about 42-43%, plus or minus a few percent
Therefore, the winner of this election will be Emmanuel Macron.
Meet Emmanuel Macron, the Obama of France
As I mentioned, Macron was 'created' by a very successful, very devious and very smart team of PR specialists from the USA.
Macron's handlers (Rothschilds, global banksters and global corporations whom he represents) didn't spare any expense to engage the best the money could buy.
I'll give you a clue: this is the same team who brought Obama into the White House.
Young and a good actor, like Obama when he first entered presidency;
relatively new to the big political scene and completely inexperienced, but putting up a very confident front;
with a successful spin on his wife, who resonates with Michele Obama in how she is promoted;
views that are wishy washy and a program that is hardly there - but he can spin a tale.
I believe the PR firm in question took into account how popular Obama was in France.
Remember at one point French MSM even discussed whether Obama should run for French president?
It wasn't a joke, as many thought; it was a very careful preparation of public opinion for Macron.
Will Macron's win make everything right in France?
No, the sharp bifurcation of the elites and the stark division of the French society will continue.
Will France calm down and resume a steady pace of life?
No, the turmoil, confusion and protests will continue and are bound to intensify in the following 3-4 years.
Unfortunately, I see more terrorist acts and more violent protests in the future.
Will Macron be able to unite all of the French citizens?
No, he won't. The resistance and the divisions will continue growing.
In fact, Macron will feel just as uncomfortable and unsure of what to do as Trump in the US. He may make a lot of frantic moves in different directions, or alternatively, he may feel tied up due to many risks and pressures from all sides.
He may not be able to form a stable coalition either.
He will be watched and attacked from both right and left.
What is the future of Marine Le Pen? Can she win the next election?
Le Pen's popularity will continue growing as France experiences more problems.
The result she has achieved this election is already a huge record for her and her party.
I see her party and herself becoming more recognized and more mainstream. But resistance to her will remain strong.
The timeline has changed, therefore, she may or may not be able to gain the presidency next time.
A lot depends on whether she has enough stamina to endure another 5 years of this.
In this changed timeline I see Le Pen's role as more of a resistance fighter and a great awakener, who'll help bring down the old structures, so they could be replaced by the new. This fight may take longer than five years, so what will happen after that, what will Marine Le Pen do then - we'll discuss it as the Earth Shift events unfold!
Will Macron's election help restore a consensus withing the EU?
Perhaps only temporarily. Eventually, the 'rickety chair effect' will accomplish its task and the old structures will collapse.
The Earth Shift and the European Shift will happen - the issue is not whether but when.
I see Macron's presidency as very turbulent and unhappy.
He may end up as his patron, Francois Hollande - with almost zero percent rating, and he may get there faster than Hollande.
All in all, the great changes in the EU are only beginning.
Can Macron's tough talk carry him through?
One can only hide behind tough talk for so long. France expects real action and tangible results from new president.
After Sarkozy and Hollande, the situation has deteriorated to such a degree that French citizens are looking for an improvement. Anything short of that won't do.
And this is something, I'm afraid, Macron won't be able to deliver!
Macron is here to delay the inevitable (aka, kick that proverbial can as far as possible down the road) and to allow the dark forces he represents time to regroup and to find a way out of the crumbling structure they are trying to preserve.
“In any case, France will be governed by a woman: either me or Madame Merkel.”
Marine Le Pen
(LR: well, not for long, since Merkel won't be there after this fall's German election, but for the time being, maybe true)
Actually, if you've read between the lines, many hints on this final prediction have been scattered throughout the report...
And here it is:
Final Lada Ray predictions
Outcome of French election, with percentages
and Q&A on what will happen after, in France and EU!
This is what I see at this time:
Emmanuel Macron will receive 52-54%, plus or minus a few percent
Marine Le Pen will come out a little better than predicted by polls, which give her in the high 30s.
She will get about 42-43%, plus or minus a few percent
Therefore, the winner of this election will be Emmanuel Macron.
Meet Emmanuel Macron, the Obama of France
As I mentioned, Macron was 'created' by a very successful, very devious and very smart team of PR specialists from the USA.
Macron's handlers (Rothschilds, global banksters and global corporations whom he represents) didn't spare any expense to engage the best the money could buy.
I'll give you a clue: this is the same team who brought Obama into the White House.
Young and a good actor, like Obama when he first entered presidency;
relatively new to the big political scene and completely inexperienced, but putting up a very confident front;
with a successful spin on his wife, who resonates with Michele Obama in how she is promoted;
views that are wishy washy and a program that is hardly there - but he can spin a tale.
I believe the PR firm in question took into account how popular Obama was in France.
Remember at one point French MSM even discussed whether Obama should run for French president?
It wasn't a joke, as many thought; it was a very careful preparation of public opinion for Macron.
Will Macron's win make everything right in France?
No, the sharp bifurcation of the elites and the stark division of the French society will continue.
Will France calm down and resume a steady pace of life?
No, the turmoil, confusion and protests will continue and are bound to intensify in the following 3-4 years.
Unfortunately, I see more terrorist acts and more violent protests in the future.
Will Macron be able to unite all of the French citizens?
No, he won't. The resistance and the divisions will continue growing.
In fact, Macron will feel just as uncomfortable and unsure of what to do as Trump in the US. He may make a lot of frantic moves in different directions, or alternatively, he may feel tied up due to many risks and pressures from all sides.
He may not be able to form a stable coalition either.
He will be watched and attacked from both right and left.
What is the future of Marine Le Pen? Can she win the next election?
Le Pen's popularity will continue growing as France experiences more problems.
The result she has achieved this election is already a huge record for her and her party.
I see her party and herself becoming more recognized and more mainstream. But resistance to her will remain strong.
The timeline has changed, therefore, she may or may not be able to gain the presidency next time.
A lot depends on whether she has enough stamina to endure another 5 years of this.
In this changed timeline I see Le Pen's role as more of a resistance fighter and a great awakener, who'll help bring down the old structures, so they could be replaced by the new. This fight may take longer than five years, so what will happen after that, what will Marine Le Pen do then - we'll discuss it as the Earth Shift events unfold!
Will Macron's election help restore a consensus withing the EU?
Perhaps only temporarily. Eventually, the 'rickety chair effect' will accomplish its task and the old structures will collapse.
The Earth Shift and the European Shift will happen - the issue is not whether but when.
I see Macron's presidency as very turbulent and unhappy.
He may end up as his patron, Francois Hollande - with almost zero percent rating, and he may get there faster than Hollande.
All in all, the great changes in the EU are only beginning.
Can Macron's tough talk carry him through?
One can only hide behind tough talk for so long. France expects real action and tangible results from new president.
After Sarkozy and Hollande, the situation has deteriorated to such a degree that French citizens are looking for an improvement. Anything short of that won't do.
And this is something, I'm afraid, Macron won't be able to deliver!
Macron is here to delay the inevitable (aka, kick that proverbial can as far as possible down the road) and to allow the dark forces he represents time to regroup and to find a way out of the crumbling structure they are trying to preserve.
“In any case, France will be governed by a woman: either me or Madame Merkel.”
Marine Le Pen
(LR: well, not for long, since Merkel won't be there after this fall's German election, but for the time being, maybe true)
For election week of May 1-7, 2017
In my FT article The Plot Thickens! Who’ll Win French Presidential Election: Marine Le Pen, Macron, Fillon or Melenchon? we have already calibrated all top candidates, including Le Pen and Macron. I have posted those calibrations at the bottom, along with the article itself, for your easy reference.
In addition, in this section of ESR18, I want to give you calibrations of the pre-election France and Paris. For comparison's sake, also included are today's calibrations for the EU as a whole.
In EARTH SHIFT REPORT 17 I calibrated France as a whole country, Paris and a few other locations in France, as well as whole EU and most other EU countries. The ESR17 calibrations referred to the Quality of Life based on my 22 Quality of Life Criteria. The calibrations I am presenting to you below are different: they are my traditional quantum and chi calibrations.
Meaning and abbreviations:
Quantum Calibration – QC; Chi level – CHI; Heart Chakra – HC
All calibrations are for the French election week of May 1-7, 2017. Note that due to French election and excitement / anxiety associated with it, the calibrations may have a different value just a month or two from now, possibly sooner. USA's calibrations in the run-up to November 2016 elections were very different from today's values. When in the future I get back to Geo and Quantum Calibrations, you'll be able to observe the difference.
FRANCE May 1-7, 2017
QC 150 (anger); CHI 180 (pride); HC 95 (survival grief)
France's pre-election QC and HC calibrations are pretty bad. QC denotes that the entire population is angry and doesn't like any candidate they are asked to vote for. People are ready to rebel and we see this demonstrated in how many violent protests and terror acts take place in France. Confusion is extreme. CHI demonstrates that pride - 20 points below minimum positive value of 200 - still rules France, as it does the EU. Incidentally, below you'll see that 180 is the calibration resonating with Macron. This is another confirmation that Macron's low calibrations unfortunately closely reflects the collective energy of the French electorate. Not very good news.
HC - on survival grief level denotes a despondency and hopelessness, yet people still hope their country can be saved somehow. They just don't quite know how since there seems to be no exit out of this situation and no consensus in what direction the country should move.
PARIS May 1-7, 2017
QC 150 (anger); CHI 190 (yearning/striving); HC 95 (survival grief)
QC is the same - anger; hence violent protests taking place. Chi of 190 is higher energy than France in general. There is more drive and attempts in the capital to do something. More activism. However, the confusion and lack of clear understanding, lack of direction drags the calibration down. In my article re. Earth’s Light and Dark Energy Portals, Knots and Vortexes we've discusses how the lack of consensus and confusion tends to create a self-fulfilling prophecy and stifle a country's development. The energy of France is clearly insufficient for a meaningful change to occur. HC at 95 is same as for the whole France - this is disastrous.
Usually, a country's calibration is supposed to go up during election time. The fact that France's calibrations are so low is very telling.
It's interesting that the staunchly pro-EU Macron suddenly came out today on May 1, saying that the EU needs to be reformed, otherwise there will be Frexit. Granted, Macron will say anything to get elected and he follows to a T the script given to him by his PR managers. That's why it's so telling: this basically means his puppet masters know he has to say this to get on the good side of voters who demand action and change.
This is the last ditch effort to take some votes away from Le Pen. Of course as president Macron won't do what his voters desire - he will do what his puppet masters tell him to do. Macron and his handlers also feel the need to secure a backup plan, in case their Plan A fails. Macron needs to be able to say in the future, if necessary: 'I warned you, EU, of Frexit unless you reform. So, don't blame me.' In fact, France may have no choice but to Frexit anyway - for survival's sake.
As I said, I do not see a good and long tenure for Macron. If he survives for five years in office, that'll be an achievement. Could be less, but certainly no more than five. Big shakeups are facing France and EU in the next five years. Hang on to your chair.
EU as a whole May 1-7, 2017
QC 180 (pride); CHI 180 (pride); HC 180 (pride)
Very consistent and very prideful. 20 points below minimum positive level. EU thinks it can ride out the storm, that everything's under control. It thinks that once Macron is in office the EU has won and can work on re-stabilizing itself. Big mistake - this is a false stability. Bigger and bigger shakeups and shakedowns are coming to the EU.
Pursuant to Lada Ray's RICKETY CHAIR EFFECT: the shaking and rocking will continue until a new balance is found. Considering how much EU resists any change, this will take years and be very unpleasant, with intensity increasing as we get into the new decade. The longer the EU tries to kick the can down the road instead of looking for resolution, the harder the upcoming change will be. It's better to take some pain now and get an early fresh start. But the EU isn't willing to look the truth in the eye.
Read bonus FT article!
(Includes QC, CHI and HC calibrations for Le Pen, Macron, Fillon and Melenchon)
(Includes QC, CHI and HC calibrations for Le Pen, Macron, Fillon and Melenchon)
French Presidential Elections 2017 dates: 1st round – April 23; 2nd round – May 7.
According to polls, the winners of the first round are projected to be: 1. Marine Le Pen (National Front), who is against illegal immigration, for strengthening of the French national borders and culture, against EU, for recognition of Crimea as part of Russia and for improving and strengthening relations with Russia; 2. Emmanuel Macron (En Marche!) — pro-EU, represents the Rothschilds and globalists, the darling of Western MSM and neo-liberal establishment.
In my 2012 Year of the Elections Predictions I said the following:
Jan 12, 2012: “French elections will happen at the most inopportune time for Sarkozy. Openly right-wing, he’s deeply disliked in his country, and will lose.”
March 3, 2012: “French elections, April–May 2012 – Nicolas Sarkozy. No change in my prediction. He’ll still lose the election – more emphatically so!”
April 28, 2012: Finalized French election prediction: “On May 6, Nicolas Sarkozy will lose the election. The next President of France, breaking with the long-standing French tradition of allowing a president 2 terms in the office, will be… Francois Hollande.
Most importantly, with the new man at the helm, the direction of French politics will undergo a certain change. However, I wouldn’t expect TOO MUCH of a change at this time. Real change will come later. Some change to the emigration policy from the poor countries, which is a big problem in many European countries. The European countries will attempt to coordinate their emigration policies and certain border controls will be introduced very soon. But the emigration mess will take a very long time to sort out.
Perhaps most notably, with the new president France will change some of its foreign policy. For one, France will stop playing, forgive the expression, “The French poodle” to the US foreign policy, the role it’s been playing during Sarkozy’s neocon tenure. France will re-acquire its more independent stance on foreign affairs, which it used to enjoy under various other presidents since Charles De Gaulle. And hopefully, France’s policy will acquire a more peaceful flavor, as support for invasions and bombings of other countries wanes.
However, if Francois Hollande fails to fulfill these deep-seated hopes of his electorate, the French people will likely vote him out of the office five years from now. In that case, Marine Le Pen, the rising star of the French politics, emphasizing pride in France, its roots and culture, who’s anti-emigration and anti-war, is likely to win the following elections in 2017.”
When I predicted all the above, the French president was still Nicolas Sarkozy and no one believed he could lose to Francois Hollande. I was told that ‘this won’t happen because the French traditionally allow their president two terms.’ A month later Francois Hollande won French Presidential Elections 2012.
But my predictions continued coming true. In 2016 it became clear that Hollande indeed lost so much support that he was forced to withdraw his candidacy from 2017 elections. Still obscure in 2012, Marine Le Pen became the 2017 election frontrunner.
Many have asked me whether my predictions for her have changed since 2012, based on a new reality. Indeed, a number of new faces emerged that weren’t in the picture in 2012… and the plot has thickened.
Conservative Francois Fillon announced a balanced platform, including being in favor of improved relations with Russia. As part of his agenda, he vowed to make sure that there is no new cold war between Russia and the West. His views reminded the French of Charles de Gaulle and the pre-NATO stance of France as a more or less neutral moderator between the West and Russia. As a result, Fillon briefly shot up to No. 1 spot in polls. We know what happened next: an attack designed to bring down Fillon via a corruption scandal implicating his wife and himself. This cost Fillon dearly and his rating plunged to under 20 percent.
Meanwhile, out of nowhere a new face emerged: Emmanuel Macron, who styles himself as an ‘independent.’ Former Rothschild banker, backed by MSM, shadow interests and global corporations, he announced his pro-EU, pro-immigration and pro-NATO stance. He began blaming Russia for hacking and interference in French elections, although when asked for proof, he was unable to present any. Macron also became known for stealing the lines of other candidates, notably from Marine Le Pen and Fillon, and saying whatever his audience wanted to hear at any given moment. This was done in order to undercut rival candidates and confuse voters. The strategy has partially worked and according to latest polls, Macron climbed to No. 1 spot and one point ahead of Marine Le Pen, just one day before the 1st round of elections. His rating hovers more or less in the 24 – 25 percent range.
According to polls and MSM, Macron and Marine Le Pen are most likely to make it to the run-off in May. According to polls, Macron in the second round will beat any other candidate, regardless who it is, Le Pen, Fillon or Melenchon.
Macron has two major advantages: 1. He is the darling of MSM, EU, globalists and shadow forces, with all their unlimited resources and ability to swing elections. 2. He is very young, still in his 30s. During this Period 8 a younger man may have an advantage.
But three factors raise red flags in the rosy picture painted by MSM and establishment on behalf of Emmanuel Macron:
1. In 2016 US Elections, polls and MSM also proclaimed a substantial Hillary’s advantage over Trump, yet Trump won. Are we seeing a similar case of media and establishment collusion to deceive the people?
2. Until several months ago Macron was a nobody in politics. He was built up by a very talented and expensive team of political image makers, whose job it was to create a candidate who would undercut Le Pen’s new French revolution and Fillon’s traditional reason, somewhat akin to Gen. De Gaulle’s, thus allowing the globalists to perpetuate their usual agenda.
3. Since he was slapped together as a candidate pretty hastily, he had no time (nor possibility) to solidify his support. Therefore, Macron’s base is very fluid and undecided, and it can swing to the other side very easily.
All this gives hope to Marine Le Pen, although the newly emerging left-wing candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon has gained dramatically in the past month. Melenchon is touted by some as a French Che Guevara. He has some seemingly radical views, such as exiting EU and taxing the rich. Although lately he softened his stance on EU and he now proposes to ‘reform the EU’ instead of exiting it. This just goes to show how easily politicians proclaim slogans in order to gain votes. What they say during campaign and what they will do later more often than not does not correlate. Just look at Trump before and after.
The only French candidate who has been honest and steadfast since day one and who has not changed her stance on issues, despite enormous pressure and violent threats, is Marine Le Pen. Love her or hate her, she is the only candidate of the four who has a very stable and loyal base.
Another thing about Marine Le Pen is that, just like Trump, she is most definitely underpolling. In other words, she is not given a fair opinion poll rating, while Macron’s numbers are inflated. Same happened in the US between Hillary Clinton and Trump, which was done to create confusion and attempt to stir voters towards voting for the global establishment’s chosen candidate, Clinton.
Marine Le Pen has withstood all the attacks on her character and all attempts of implicating her in a corruption scandal. Unlike Fillon and his wife’s illegal salary scandal, Le Pen has not lost any voter support as a result of MSM claims of her connection with the Kremlin. Instead of killing her political career, this orchestrated attempt to disparage her may have solidified her support base.
The brave Le Pen even went to Moscow, where she was received by Vladimir Putin. A very bold and unusual move indeed; I don’t recall Putin ever meeting with any major Western presidential candidate before elections. It turned out that such meeting helped Le Pen to shut up her critics.
Another point about Le Pen: apart from the usual nationalistic, anti-terrorism and anti-immigration right-wing conservative crowd, she may surprise by drawing her support in unusual places. For example, according to latest polls, her support among LGBT community increased from 9% to 16.5% as a result of terrorist acts and attacks targeting gays in the US and EU.
Yet another segment overlooked: analysts suspect that Le Pen is likely to be supported by the silent majority of women.
In general, even if we assume that polls are not manipulated, it is most likely that during such polls most people would not answer truthfully who they’d vote for, for fear of retribution. But when the polling day comes, they may end up giving their vote for Le Pen or for another dark horse, Melenchon.
At this time, I am operating under an assumption that there will be an attempt to manipulate this French presidential election. Will it succeed? This will depend on how closely the election is watched and by how large the gap between candidates is.
I agree with polls that Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron will be the first round’s 1st and 2nd finishers (not necessarily in this order). As a matter of fact, it would be better for Le Pen to finish the first round in second position.
Therefore, Le Pen and Macron will face off in the second round on May 7.
I usually don’t change my predictions, once they’ve been made. However, let’s remember that when I initially made Le Pen 2017 win prediction in 2012, none of the present candidates were there, Macron generally having come out of nowhere. Such confusing and fast-evolving political and geopolitical scene is typical of the times of great change — typical of the Great Earth Shift.
Who will be the next French president and what can we expect from her or him going forward? Will France exit EU and NATO? Can we expect an improvement of relations with Russia? Perhaps I’ll discuss all this in the follow-up.
We have previously discussed that Quantum and Geo Calibrations are the best tool for quantifying and comparatively analyzing the energy manifested in our 3D reality.
In EARTH SHIFT REPORT 16 I calibrated both Trump and Hillary before the elections, and based on those calibrations I confirmed what I’d predicted since 2015, that Hillary could not win US presidential election 2016, no matter how many falsified poll results were shoved in our faces.
In Webinar 1: WILL TRUMP SURVIVE HIS FIRST TERM? I calibrated Trump’s wife Melania and Jackie Kennedy, to illustrate a point. How Quantum and Geo Calibrations work: LADA'S WORK > LADA RAY QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS.
Today, in the run-up to French election, I want to calibrate the French presidential candidates.
Quantum Calibrations – QC; Chi level – CHI; Heart Chakra – HC
Marine Le Pen
QC 409 (reason); CHI 200 (confrontational courage); HC 280 (neutrality/friendliness)
Emmanuel Macron
QC 180 (pride); CHI 191 (yearning/striving); HC 180 (pride)
Francois Fillon
QC 195 (yearning/striving); CHI 190 (yearning/striving); HC 150 (anger/bitterness)
Jean-Luc Melenchon
QC 141 (greed/desire); CHI 280 (neutrality/friendliness); HC 181 (pride)
Marine Le Pen calibrations are by far the highest and they are all at, or above, the minimum positive level of 200. Le Pen’s HC value is unusually high for a major Western politician, in fact I’ve never seen this in a Western presidential candidate. If such politicians appear at all, it is indicative of a hopeful shift in the political reality of the West. Based on all this, Le Pen should win this election (recall my 2012 prediction!) unless a voter manipulation and/or fraud takes place!
Macron calibrations are all below the minimum positive level of 200 and they are a match to those of the EU, Merkel and globalist forces who are behind him – no wonder he is their chosen candidate. Compared to Le Pen’s they are way too low and he can win only if fraud and results manipulation takes place. His CHI at 191 is indicative of how much he is yearning and striving to win this election in order to prove that his bosses bet on the right horse. They further show that he is not for real: he is a made-up candidate, with no real voter support and he runs on an illusion created for him by his image makers and MSM.
Fillon calibrations indicate how much he is striving to get out of the bad situation into which he was plunged by the engineered corruption scandal, and how much he wants to prove that he remains a worthy candidate. His HC calibration is bad, but understandable due to his anger and bitterness as a result of the corruption accusation resulting in damage to his political career. While a tad higher than Macron’s, these calibrations are all below 200 and are insufficient to win, if honest election is conducted.
Melenchon QC is very telling – at the level of desire: there is a lot of desire (you can call it greed) to get to that coveted spot, which allows one to get to round 2, or at least, to put one on the political map. HC is only at the level of pride, and this is average for Western politicians. Therefore, if Melenchon won French elections, I wouldn’t trust him or his promises any more than I’d trust those of Merkel (more or less on par with her QC), or those of Obama. The CHI level is remarkably higher compared to other 3 candidates. The CHI calibration denotes Earthly Energy Manifestation. His higher CHI level explains why Melenchon suddenly shot up in ratings, gaining on other candidates after his successful debate and social media appearances.
All in all, Marine Le Pen should be a clear front-runner, as I first predicted in 2012. However, I will not predict how dirty and manipulated this election may become. In this regard, all bets are off.
Wishing the best of luck to the people of France.
According to polls, the winners of the first round are projected to be: 1. Marine Le Pen (National Front), who is against illegal immigration, for strengthening of the French national borders and culture, against EU, for recognition of Crimea as part of Russia and for improving and strengthening relations with Russia; 2. Emmanuel Macron (En Marche!) — pro-EU, represents the Rothschilds and globalists, the darling of Western MSM and neo-liberal establishment.
In my 2012 Year of the Elections Predictions I said the following:
Jan 12, 2012: “French elections will happen at the most inopportune time for Sarkozy. Openly right-wing, he’s deeply disliked in his country, and will lose.”
March 3, 2012: “French elections, April–May 2012 – Nicolas Sarkozy. No change in my prediction. He’ll still lose the election – more emphatically so!”
April 28, 2012: Finalized French election prediction: “On May 6, Nicolas Sarkozy will lose the election. The next President of France, breaking with the long-standing French tradition of allowing a president 2 terms in the office, will be… Francois Hollande.
Most importantly, with the new man at the helm, the direction of French politics will undergo a certain change. However, I wouldn’t expect TOO MUCH of a change at this time. Real change will come later. Some change to the emigration policy from the poor countries, which is a big problem in many European countries. The European countries will attempt to coordinate their emigration policies and certain border controls will be introduced very soon. But the emigration mess will take a very long time to sort out.
Perhaps most notably, with the new president France will change some of its foreign policy. For one, France will stop playing, forgive the expression, “The French poodle” to the US foreign policy, the role it’s been playing during Sarkozy’s neocon tenure. France will re-acquire its more independent stance on foreign affairs, which it used to enjoy under various other presidents since Charles De Gaulle. And hopefully, France’s policy will acquire a more peaceful flavor, as support for invasions and bombings of other countries wanes.
However, if Francois Hollande fails to fulfill these deep-seated hopes of his electorate, the French people will likely vote him out of the office five years from now. In that case, Marine Le Pen, the rising star of the French politics, emphasizing pride in France, its roots and culture, who’s anti-emigration and anti-war, is likely to win the following elections in 2017.”
When I predicted all the above, the French president was still Nicolas Sarkozy and no one believed he could lose to Francois Hollande. I was told that ‘this won’t happen because the French traditionally allow their president two terms.’ A month later Francois Hollande won French Presidential Elections 2012.
But my predictions continued coming true. In 2016 it became clear that Hollande indeed lost so much support that he was forced to withdraw his candidacy from 2017 elections. Still obscure in 2012, Marine Le Pen became the 2017 election frontrunner.
Many have asked me whether my predictions for her have changed since 2012, based on a new reality. Indeed, a number of new faces emerged that weren’t in the picture in 2012… and the plot has thickened.
Conservative Francois Fillon announced a balanced platform, including being in favor of improved relations with Russia. As part of his agenda, he vowed to make sure that there is no new cold war between Russia and the West. His views reminded the French of Charles de Gaulle and the pre-NATO stance of France as a more or less neutral moderator between the West and Russia. As a result, Fillon briefly shot up to No. 1 spot in polls. We know what happened next: an attack designed to bring down Fillon via a corruption scandal implicating his wife and himself. This cost Fillon dearly and his rating plunged to under 20 percent.
Meanwhile, out of nowhere a new face emerged: Emmanuel Macron, who styles himself as an ‘independent.’ Former Rothschild banker, backed by MSM, shadow interests and global corporations, he announced his pro-EU, pro-immigration and pro-NATO stance. He began blaming Russia for hacking and interference in French elections, although when asked for proof, he was unable to present any. Macron also became known for stealing the lines of other candidates, notably from Marine Le Pen and Fillon, and saying whatever his audience wanted to hear at any given moment. This was done in order to undercut rival candidates and confuse voters. The strategy has partially worked and according to latest polls, Macron climbed to No. 1 spot and one point ahead of Marine Le Pen, just one day before the 1st round of elections. His rating hovers more or less in the 24 – 25 percent range.
According to polls and MSM, Macron and Marine Le Pen are most likely to make it to the run-off in May. According to polls, Macron in the second round will beat any other candidate, regardless who it is, Le Pen, Fillon or Melenchon.
Macron has two major advantages: 1. He is the darling of MSM, EU, globalists and shadow forces, with all their unlimited resources and ability to swing elections. 2. He is very young, still in his 30s. During this Period 8 a younger man may have an advantage.
But three factors raise red flags in the rosy picture painted by MSM and establishment on behalf of Emmanuel Macron:
1. In 2016 US Elections, polls and MSM also proclaimed a substantial Hillary’s advantage over Trump, yet Trump won. Are we seeing a similar case of media and establishment collusion to deceive the people?
2. Until several months ago Macron was a nobody in politics. He was built up by a very talented and expensive team of political image makers, whose job it was to create a candidate who would undercut Le Pen’s new French revolution and Fillon’s traditional reason, somewhat akin to Gen. De Gaulle’s, thus allowing the globalists to perpetuate their usual agenda.
3. Since he was slapped together as a candidate pretty hastily, he had no time (nor possibility) to solidify his support. Therefore, Macron’s base is very fluid and undecided, and it can swing to the other side very easily.
All this gives hope to Marine Le Pen, although the newly emerging left-wing candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon has gained dramatically in the past month. Melenchon is touted by some as a French Che Guevara. He has some seemingly radical views, such as exiting EU and taxing the rich. Although lately he softened his stance on EU and he now proposes to ‘reform the EU’ instead of exiting it. This just goes to show how easily politicians proclaim slogans in order to gain votes. What they say during campaign and what they will do later more often than not does not correlate. Just look at Trump before and after.
The only French candidate who has been honest and steadfast since day one and who has not changed her stance on issues, despite enormous pressure and violent threats, is Marine Le Pen. Love her or hate her, she is the only candidate of the four who has a very stable and loyal base.
Another thing about Marine Le Pen is that, just like Trump, she is most definitely underpolling. In other words, she is not given a fair opinion poll rating, while Macron’s numbers are inflated. Same happened in the US between Hillary Clinton and Trump, which was done to create confusion and attempt to stir voters towards voting for the global establishment’s chosen candidate, Clinton.
Marine Le Pen has withstood all the attacks on her character and all attempts of implicating her in a corruption scandal. Unlike Fillon and his wife’s illegal salary scandal, Le Pen has not lost any voter support as a result of MSM claims of her connection with the Kremlin. Instead of killing her political career, this orchestrated attempt to disparage her may have solidified her support base.
The brave Le Pen even went to Moscow, where she was received by Vladimir Putin. A very bold and unusual move indeed; I don’t recall Putin ever meeting with any major Western presidential candidate before elections. It turned out that such meeting helped Le Pen to shut up her critics.
Another point about Le Pen: apart from the usual nationalistic, anti-terrorism and anti-immigration right-wing conservative crowd, she may surprise by drawing her support in unusual places. For example, according to latest polls, her support among LGBT community increased from 9% to 16.5% as a result of terrorist acts and attacks targeting gays in the US and EU.
Yet another segment overlooked: analysts suspect that Le Pen is likely to be supported by the silent majority of women.
In general, even if we assume that polls are not manipulated, it is most likely that during such polls most people would not answer truthfully who they’d vote for, for fear of retribution. But when the polling day comes, they may end up giving their vote for Le Pen or for another dark horse, Melenchon.
At this time, I am operating under an assumption that there will be an attempt to manipulate this French presidential election. Will it succeed? This will depend on how closely the election is watched and by how large the gap between candidates is.
I agree with polls that Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron will be the first round’s 1st and 2nd finishers (not necessarily in this order). As a matter of fact, it would be better for Le Pen to finish the first round in second position.
Therefore, Le Pen and Macron will face off in the second round on May 7.
I usually don’t change my predictions, once they’ve been made. However, let’s remember that when I initially made Le Pen 2017 win prediction in 2012, none of the present candidates were there, Macron generally having come out of nowhere. Such confusing and fast-evolving political and geopolitical scene is typical of the times of great change — typical of the Great Earth Shift.
Who will be the next French president and what can we expect from her or him going forward? Will France exit EU and NATO? Can we expect an improvement of relations with Russia? Perhaps I’ll discuss all this in the follow-up.
We have previously discussed that Quantum and Geo Calibrations are the best tool for quantifying and comparatively analyzing the energy manifested in our 3D reality.
In EARTH SHIFT REPORT 16 I calibrated both Trump and Hillary before the elections, and based on those calibrations I confirmed what I’d predicted since 2015, that Hillary could not win US presidential election 2016, no matter how many falsified poll results were shoved in our faces.
In Webinar 1: WILL TRUMP SURVIVE HIS FIRST TERM? I calibrated Trump’s wife Melania and Jackie Kennedy, to illustrate a point. How Quantum and Geo Calibrations work: LADA'S WORK > LADA RAY QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS.
Today, in the run-up to French election, I want to calibrate the French presidential candidates.
Quantum Calibrations – QC; Chi level – CHI; Heart Chakra – HC
Marine Le Pen
QC 409 (reason); CHI 200 (confrontational courage); HC 280 (neutrality/friendliness)
Emmanuel Macron
QC 180 (pride); CHI 191 (yearning/striving); HC 180 (pride)
Francois Fillon
QC 195 (yearning/striving); CHI 190 (yearning/striving); HC 150 (anger/bitterness)
Jean-Luc Melenchon
QC 141 (greed/desire); CHI 280 (neutrality/friendliness); HC 181 (pride)
Marine Le Pen calibrations are by far the highest and they are all at, or above, the minimum positive level of 200. Le Pen’s HC value is unusually high for a major Western politician, in fact I’ve never seen this in a Western presidential candidate. If such politicians appear at all, it is indicative of a hopeful shift in the political reality of the West. Based on all this, Le Pen should win this election (recall my 2012 prediction!) unless a voter manipulation and/or fraud takes place!
Macron calibrations are all below the minimum positive level of 200 and they are a match to those of the EU, Merkel and globalist forces who are behind him – no wonder he is their chosen candidate. Compared to Le Pen’s they are way too low and he can win only if fraud and results manipulation takes place. His CHI at 191 is indicative of how much he is yearning and striving to win this election in order to prove that his bosses bet on the right horse. They further show that he is not for real: he is a made-up candidate, with no real voter support and he runs on an illusion created for him by his image makers and MSM.
Fillon calibrations indicate how much he is striving to get out of the bad situation into which he was plunged by the engineered corruption scandal, and how much he wants to prove that he remains a worthy candidate. His HC calibration is bad, but understandable due to his anger and bitterness as a result of the corruption accusation resulting in damage to his political career. While a tad higher than Macron’s, these calibrations are all below 200 and are insufficient to win, if honest election is conducted.
Melenchon QC is very telling – at the level of desire: there is a lot of desire (you can call it greed) to get to that coveted spot, which allows one to get to round 2, or at least, to put one on the political map. HC is only at the level of pride, and this is average for Western politicians. Therefore, if Melenchon won French elections, I wouldn’t trust him or his promises any more than I’d trust those of Merkel (more or less on par with her QC), or those of Obama. The CHI level is remarkably higher compared to other 3 candidates. The CHI calibration denotes Earthly Energy Manifestation. His higher CHI level explains why Melenchon suddenly shot up in ratings, gaining on other candidates after his successful debate and social media appearances.
All in all, Marine Le Pen should be a clear front-runner, as I first predicted in 2012. However, I will not predict how dirty and manipulated this election may become. In this regard, all bets are off.
Wishing the best of luck to the people of France.
Update May 8, 2017:
Read FREE post-election FT update discussing results, astrology, symbolism and fraud:
Macron Win, Voter Manipulation and Illuminati Symbolism
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