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"The world is going through a massive tectonic EARTH SHIFT of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared!" Lada Ray
Personal Shift Consultation $268 - closed till further notice
Extensive written consultation with thorough analysis, advice and revelations, using Lada's unique multidimensional approach. Each consultation is fully personalized and unique, as you are.
Please email your name, gender, and full date and year of birth. Your DOB is optional, but recommended. Based on it I may be able to add an additional depth to your consultation (based on Feng Shui). Additionally, please describe the issue (set of issues) and questions in as much detail as possible. The more complete and well-thought-out your information and issue description, the faster your consultation will be ready.
Lada may contact you back with any additional questions/clarifications. For examples of good descriptions see Calibration case studies. Note: your description may be longer than the examples provided, since this is a complete consultation, as opposed to a Calibration Reading. However, this consultation will include an element of Quantum Calibration as well.
Personal Shift Consultation emphasizes your inner shift on levels of consciousness, destiny and lifestyle. Oftentimes the Universe throws us a curveball and generates a crisis that is designed to get our attention in order for us to start making meaningful changes. The changes we make will in turn generate a new life and destiny pathway, allowing us to live a better, more productive, more fulfilling and happier life.
The main basis for this consultation is Lada's Earth Shift System, including: Quantum Calibrations and Chi levels, chakra and chi study, feng shui, harmonizing and balancing your life, determining and guiding your karma and your destiny, Earth Angels and Eearth Shifters, soul levels, shamanism, Chinese astrology, attracting the right things the right way, predictions, holistic lifestyle, and much more.
You may send us the info indicated above: name, gender, date/year of birth. Plus, any other information/questions/requests you deem necessary and on which you want Lada to focus. This is an individual consultation, but just as everything in life, it will be intrinsically connected to those with whom you interact in your life.
Lada will help you to start creating a new, beter blueprint for the life you want. Sha-mans, or the Wise Ones of old called this "dreaming your life into reality." It also has its roots in the shamanic practice of re-writing your 'soul contract.' Lada calls this practice A Personal Shift into higher dimension.
This consultation is suitable for those who actively want to redesign their life, those who are standing on crossroads, or are ready to move on. It is also for those who are experiencing a personal shift of consciousness and who want to make sure they are true to the path of their destiny. It is also for those who are passionate about manifesting their destiny. Doubts and fears in such cases are common and a guiding hand is often a must. Lada's seamlessly combined scientific and intuitive approach is what provides especial clarity.
Those who order Personal Shift Consult should have at least a basic handle on some spirituality, consciousness, holistic lifestyle and mysticism related disciplines.
Before ordering, please familiarize yourself with Lada's Quantum Calibrations and ProjectEarthShift videos on LadaRay YT channel, which will give you an idea of how Lada works. Particularly, please listen to the Calibrations of Human Consciousness videos. Also make sure you read Lada's PREDICTIONS and listen to her INTERVIEWS, particularly, the ones regarding Earth Shifters, Calibrations and 3D, 4D and 5D reality.
More in: CONSULTATIONS - A Message from Lada
Earth Shift Consultation $368 - closed till further notice
Extensive written consultation with thorough analysis, advice and revelations, using Lada's unique multidimensional approach. Each consultation is fully personalized and unique, as you are.
Please email your name, gender, and full date and year of birth. Your DOB is optional, but recommended. Based on it I may be able to add an additional depth to your consultation (based on Feng Shui). Additionally, please describe the issue (set of issues) and questions in as much detail as possible. The more complete and well-thought-out your information and issue description, the faster your consultation will be ready.
Lada may contact you back with any additional questions/clarifications. For examples of good descriptions see Calibration case studies. Note: your description may be longer than the examples provided, since this is a complete consultation, as opposed to a Calibration Reading. However, this consultation will include an element of Quantum Calibration as well.
Earth Shift Consultation is a personalized private consultation, tailored to your needs.
This consultation is a combination of inner PERSONAL SHIFT Consultation above and advice on how to best work with the outward EARTH SHIFT, or outward global shift all of us are going through. This consultation will draw on Lada's Geopolitical Feng Shui and Earth Shift System. Lada also draws upon her global predictions and future timelines as manifesting now; experience as financial consultant, geopolitical consultant, mystical futurist, Feng Shui Master and shaman.
In addition to the PERSONAL SHIFT themes and issues (see Personal Shift Consultation above), geopolitical, alternative investment, global relocation, international banking, quantum predictions and other most interesting topics may be addressed.
See EARTH SHIFT PREDICTIONS Consultation for a complete list of topics!
This consultation is most suitable for those clients who have significant assets and/or are considering a global move for career, retirement or geopolitical reasons. Familiarity with geopolitical processes taking place in the world and sufficient alternative investment knowledge is preferred, but will be addressed case by case. We recommend familiarizing yourself with Lada's PREDICTIONS, FuturisTrendast Blog, Quantum Calibrations and ProjectEarthShift videos on LadaRay YT Channel (specifically, Quantum Calibration videos).
There may be additional email correspondence required.
Note, Lada doesn't give tips or recommendations for specific stocks.
More in: CONSULTATIONS - A Message from Lada
Things to know:
1. Please send your initial information via PRIVATE CONTACT FORM after you've paid for your consultation (Lada will contact you via email that appears on your Paypal order with order confirmation and with any questions). Please make sure you use the same email to which you want us to send your reading/consultation!
Use the above-linked form for any preliminary business-related questions.
2. All consultations are pre-paid.
3. All consultations are international, sent to you via email as a written document (unless otherwise agreed - see specific page).
4. Written consultations: at this time, project completion is 15-18 business days for readings and 25-30 days for consults, after the order is paid for and all required information has been received by us.
5. All prices are subject to change.
6. Ask us about discounts on multiple orders and special discounts for return clients.
More info:
Lada's bio
Feng Shui and Lada's Feng Shui approach: Feng Shui, Chinese Astrology & New Year, Lada's Feng Shui credentials & practice
Quantum Calibrations
Geopolitical analysis, predictions and forbidden history: Earth Shift Reports and FuturisTrendcast blog.
Main PREDICTIONS by Lada Ray are here (New PREDICTIONS page on this site will be created)
We recommend you follow Lada on: FuturisTrendcast YouTube Twitter
1. Please send your initial information via PRIVATE CONTACT FORM after you've paid for your consultation (Lada will contact you via email that appears on your Paypal order with order confirmation and with any questions). Please make sure you use the same email to which you want us to send your reading/consultation!
Use the above-linked form for any preliminary business-related questions.
2. All consultations are pre-paid.
3. All consultations are international, sent to you via email as a written document (unless otherwise agreed - see specific page).
4. Written consultations: at this time, project completion is 15-18 business days for readings and 25-30 days for consults, after the order is paid for and all required information has been received by us.
5. All prices are subject to change.
6. Ask us about discounts on multiple orders and special discounts for return clients.
More info:
Lada's bio
Feng Shui and Lada's Feng Shui approach: Feng Shui, Chinese Astrology & New Year, Lada's Feng Shui credentials & practice
Quantum Calibrations
Geopolitical analysis, predictions and forbidden history: Earth Shift Reports and FuturisTrendcast blog.
Main PREDICTIONS by Lada Ray are here (New PREDICTIONS page on this site will be created)
We recommend you follow Lada on: FuturisTrendcast YouTube Twitter
COPYRIGHT 2014-2016 LADA RAY. All rights reserved.