Note: This MP3 audio track is downloadable and transferable to your portable smartphone/ IPad/ or burn onto a CD disk!
Ultimately, we are the creators of our personal and collective reality! This is done by setting our focus/ intention
on what we wish to manifest or create.
I feel very strongly like you do about chemtrails poisoning our skies and everything on Earth. The phenomena
we call "chemtrails" that checker our skies is a multidimensional issue. Firstly on the 3D level, it is part of the
world government agenda of weather modification: Geoengineering. This is the process of controlling and
modifying our weather systems for a specific purpose. It may be used for good or bad, depending upon intent.
Most Western governments of the world use it as a weapon of control. This is a multi-prong strategy of weaponizing
the weather by stalling storm systems to create localized flooding, or steering hurricanes toward it's target to
create destruction and dependency. Simply Google "geoengineering weather weapon" and educate yourself.
The second reason for chemtrails is just as nefarious, it is part of a secret World Government program under
Agenda 21, to reduce and maintain the world's population at a manageable level. Ever since chemtrails have
appeared in our skies during the mid 90s, people have taken notice and wondered what this strange phenomenon is.
After heavy spraying, a few scientists collected and analyzed samples on the ground which were shocking.
Their analysis revealed ionized heavy metals, desiccated human red blood cells, bacteria, mold spores, mycoplasma.
This chemical cocktail lowers our immune system, muddles our mental process, makes us anxious/ nervous/ stressed
like nagging PTSD symptoms, also makes us listless and tired, passive, and lazy like experiencing a mild depression or
stuck in a funk, feeling BLAH.
It's no coincidence that around the same time, Dysthymia, Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and Fibromyalgia appeared.
Over time, heavy metals are known to cause weakened immune system, hormonal imbalance, sterility, viral infections,
memory loss (from aluminum), headaches and muscle pain, swollen lymph nodes and sore throat are common
symptoms after exposure. This general state of malaise caused by long term exposure may explain the rising use of
mood medications like Xanax, Prozac, Valium etc. which further deteriorate our health, yet make billions for
the Big Pharma every year. Do you see the connection?
These conditions are quite disabling and lowers our motivation and drive for living and from creating the best
possible life for ourselves and the world.
From a higher dimensional perspective, world governments realize the population is awakening, a natural unstoppable
progress after 2012. There are many evil entities from our dimension and beyond who have a vested interest in
keeping humanity ignorant and passive (sheeple). We receive much information from the cosmos and our sun which is
transmitted to our physical bodies' DNA via light activation. To prevent or slow down this consciousness "upgrade",
chemtrails reflect and filter certain frequencies and wavelengths of our sun, which may retard our awakening process.
The good news, for every problem there is a solution. The first step is awareness, then setting our intention to resolve
the problem in front of us. When it comes to chemtrials, we must educate ourselves fully, then take action.
In order to manifest something in 3D to create our desired "reality", we need the right tools to help us focus and create that
desired outcome. One of the fundamental tools to combat chemtrails is the use of sound frequencies to entrain our minds,
we use theta pulse technology to help us become "hyperaware" or simply be more awake and alert to the here-now
present moment. In other words, to ultimately awaken and focus on our mental and spiritual development for the
betterment of mankind, ultimately to "ascend" back into source oneness.
We have developed an environmental clearing MP3 audio track that produces a scalar effect (overlayed mutiphased frequencies)
incorporated with our natural Earth (Schumann Resonance) for the purpose of psychic dispelling of chemtrails and to create a
harmonized bubble around our environment, and to return to an optimal natural state. It is used with great success to eliminate
streaks in our skies within the hour. Set your intention and mentally project transmuting the toxic mix into clean air,
more oxygen and pure water vapor, clear blue skies as far as your mind's eye can see. Breathe easy and feel
rejuvenated, like inhaling fresh air after a cleansing rain storm. Feel alert, awake and alive, ready to create and
take on any challenge you wish to overcome.
This audio tool is the first step in preparing your conscious mind to realize this possibility... to regain/ re-member your
God-given power to create a better reality for us all!
Additional Q&A
Thanks for sorting out how I locate the MP3 "Chembuster". I see that it is quite easy. My last quesetion- for now- is when to use the MP3? Would I play it when I see the CTs being laid down, or when I see the residue in the sky (Like this morning when I woke up to milky white streaky skies), or just anytime at all? Thanks for your great info. I deeply appreciate it.
Chembusting frequencies are used anytime as a tool to focus your mind and re-direct intention. Tools by itself don't actually do anything, ie a hammer or saw does nothing without the intention/ vision of the builder, then one must take action with the given tools. As master creator, YOU are the "chembuster", you must shift the currently reality of waking up to milky skies. That why we do what we do, we collectively manifest a new reality when enough of us awaken and take back our power.
Listen to the CB MP3 and use it like a meditation, get into the right mode/ mood/ state of mind and use that FOCUS to imagine clear skies, visualize beautiful blue skies like you remember as a child. The shift in consciousness happens very quickly, but it does take practice, like learning a musical instrument. You may know how to play, but still have to put in the work to manifest the music proficiently in 3D. In a few weeks you can clear the atmosphere around you in a matter of minutes, perhaps an hour during very heavy spraying. Additional tools like Chembusters and Earthpipes also harness and accumulate your energies to transmute the poisonous chemtrails (what Wilhelm Reich refer to as harmful negative etheric energy "Deadly Orgone"or "DOR") into benign elements like oxygen and water.
I use the analogy of housecleaning, periodically we all must clean house or else live in filth. Same goes for our skies, water, air, environment. We have to take personal responsibility and clean up our collective mess because we live in it, it's our world! So we must clean as a matter of course, for me it's a simple ritual. The reward is incomparable, I wake up and enjoy natural clear blue skies!
Additional resources:
Hello dear readers, This post was inspired by an email from one of our awakened contributors, Polli, who graciously commented:
Aloha Az,
So nice to hear from you. Glad to know you are working on the chemtrail issue. I have had great success here. So much so that I had not actually seen a chemtrail laid down in my area for weeks and weeks and weeks. But of course I found that when I left my zone, there they were!!!I went camping last weekend and I was deeply affected/depressed by the dark, drab milky skies above. Not seeing them in my area for a while was wonderful, but then it was disheartening to see them again elsewhere. I certainly look forward to hearing about your latest efforts!! Yeah!!
Love and Aloha from Hawaii,
The chemtrail issue may have started out as some nefarious plot to destroy humanity, by poisoning our precious planet and weakening us in the process. But many have seen it as an opportunity to awaken and evolve our consciousness. After much angst and contemplation, Lada and I decided to come up with viable solutions rather than complaining and waiting for someone else to fix it. Always remember dear readers, you are the creator and source of your reality. We all have experienced the same frustration as Polli, when we travel abroad or away from our protected sanctuaries. Yes, chemtrail filled skies are a massive drag, so depressively sickening. So what can we do?
I started practicing mental chembusting, which does not rely solely on physical objects to change my personal environment. Suddenly a thought formed, "think GLOBALLY rather than locally". Remember, we're all in this "Earth school" together so start considering "others" in relation to our conceptualized "self". At some point there will be no distinction, and our whole "Earth reality" will become pristine once again.
After a few days, I formulated a potential solution. In conjunction with Lada's Earth Shift theories, we started shifting our reality on a grander scale. Yes holy hand grenades, chembuster cannons, earth-pipes all work great as energetic symbols. They work by anchoring our collective focus on the problem of chemtrails, but that means we also limit our power by over-identifying with it's physical manifestation. We also need to incorporate psychic/ mental & most crucially our spiritual abilities into the equation.
I propose in addition to physical chembusting, we can anchor very powerful and real thought-forms as additional tools to combat chemtrails, especially when we travel and don't have the benefit of our well protected home. In a way it's better because we can teach people how to clean up their reality while spreading the love! If our friends have difficulty focusing, then it may be necessary to introduce physical chembusters because that's what we all relate to in the beginning. Keep it simple and not too abstract.
There's a cool scene in Thor Ragnarok, when Thor becomes disparaged because his demi-god sister Hela destroyed his hammer. Thor laments: She's too powerful, I have no hammer. Odin retorts: What are you, Thor, god of hammers? It was never the hammer as Thor's source of power, just a tool to help channel & control his energies and focus the light/ning. Once he realized this, he became free of this limitation and started using his total abilities, opening his heart to help save all people from extinction.
So we must always remember that we are the true source of power, collectively we share a reality, but how we wish to experience that reality is up to us as sovereign individuals. See the yin/yang balance of this construct?
The easiest and most direct way to access our chembusting abilities (taking it with us where ever we go) is to imprint very powerful mental images, then manifest them into our collective 3D physical reality.
1. Go online and search for these powerful images (or see my images below):
- Fresh early morning dew on green plants
- Powerful thunder and lightening storm
- Crisp sunny beach with refreshing ocean breeze
- Meditate on fresh air produced by these powerful natural environments
- Re-create these pure, pristine conditions by manifesting it with your mind
- Entrain your mind with the helpful Chembusting frequencies to associate the images
- Finally create a mental slideshow of nature and manifest them upon our physical reality
Feel the power of a thunderstorm, lightening cracking across the night sky. Smell that incredibly fresh exhilarating air, energizing your mind-body-spirit. Know that you are emboldened to help mother Earth and fellow inhabitants of this beautiful planet.
Feel that warm ocean breeze on your face as you breathe in life-giving mineralized highly charged Chi-filled air. Remember, reliving these sensations as a child, joyously filling your nostrils and lungs with incredibly fragrant (hoisin) briny ocean essence, transporting you to a pristine tropical space where the air is refreshing and clean!
Remember waking up to a dewy morning mist, open the window and get excited! Touch the newly formed dew on flowers as they awaken to greet you with their fragrant nectar. Huge breath, take in that rejuvenating fresh morning air. Feel the energy of a new day, take a brisk energizing early morning walk around the garden or park. Taste it all, incorporate these very uplifting feelings into your being.
4. These are the images (tools) I want you to work with, once you entrain these powerful nature realities in your mind, access them anytime with your willing spirit and transform any environment you are current in. As with anything new, practice often and focus; soon you will shift reality as easily as changing the next slide from your mental slideshow. Simply replace the chemtrail slide and shift into a pristine nature slide. Over time your new environment can change in minutes, just manifest it. We are all evolving during this massive Earth Shift, and creating realities will soon become instantaneous as our collective consciousness rise, as more of us awaken.
5. The greatest difference with using this technique - it does not drain you of energy because you are not "doing" it. You are part of nature and have every right to call upon it's energy to shift into a higher field of vibration. You're not using up personal (limited) energy, but actually restoring it in a very empowering way! It's a whole new way of experiencing reality at a higher consciousness level, which is beyond self, beyond physical 3D; yet you are fully and actively participating in this ever-present moment. You are part of source and integral to this creation process, consider taking action and manifest a better destiny for all!
God Bless and Clear Skies,
-- Az
Sample images: