Friends, you all know how tough the past several weeks have been, especially, June 23-24, 2023. The energy often was very dense and negative, even threatening at times.
As the 93-degree empath, I tend to perceive what's happening in far away corners of the world. But we all are affected, and for that reason, the exercize I offer will be useful and beneficial to us all!
In order for me to best focus on the spiritiual and high-consciousness energy of my workshops, after the global and personal events of June 23-26, I needed to change the energy around me. When the energy becomes too dense and I need to refocus it, I create my own energy vortex that reflects my intention!
Nartural and man-made energy vortexes exist all over the planet. When you are in or near a high-powered mega-vortex, you are experiencing a huge uptick in energy and perception deepens and/or elevates.
Examples of the high-powered mega-vortexes are Sedona, Arizona; Mt Kailash, Tibet; Mecca; Stonehenge, England; Red Square and the Kremlin, Moscow, etc.
Smaller energy vortexes exist all over. For example, I have my beloved vortex near where I live, in Ithaca, NY. It is the most secluded park located on a wooded peninsula jutting out into Cayuga Lake, which I call 'The Tip.' The energy calibration there is often on the level of 500-545 - LOVE and JOY. I always feel elated, happy and smiling when I walk that sacred walk around The Tip.
However, if you are physically unable to get to any vortexes, you can create your very own, attuned to your own ENERGY MINI-VORTEX in your garden, park, or home. I recommend a nice quiet place in your home, where you can pray, work and meditate any time.
The energy vortex is where the veils between dimensions are thinned and therefore, if approached with the right intention, such vortex will serve as an ascension and consciousness expansion mechanism. It'll assist you in creating healing, love, inspiration, illumination, spiritial enlightenment, returning to your roots and higher understanding.
Warning: if a vortex gets corrupted or is created with the wrong intention, it may become a portal to the dark energy! We'll talk about that more in the workshop about the Demonics and Dark Energy!
In order to create and maintain the ENERGY VORTEX OF THE LIGHT, follow these steps!
1. Find the right spot in your home: it can be a room, a small table, or even a shelf. In other words, you are creating an altar or spiritual room.
2.Approach with highest intention.
3. Clean and purify it.
4. Surround it with items that have spiritual meaning to you and/or are representative of your intention. These can be crystals, essential oils, feathers; herbs or flowers; shamanic, vedic or angelic symbols, or feng shui energizers; candles, sage and insense; oracle and tarot cards; photos or statues of your favorite spiritual teachers, dieties, power animals or nature, etc.
5. Make sure your intention is pure and for the highest benefit of all! Speak your intention aloud, which increses its power.
6. Tip: Repetition of the mantra below makes it more powerful. As the Russian saying goes, "Repetion is the mother of learning." This is what makes the holy sites all over the world so powerful: prayer intentions repeated by millions of people.
Repeat your mantra a number of times, initially. As you pray/meditate with your vortex every day, the power of your prayer and intention will grow exponentially.
Here's a sample:
It is my powerful and pure intention to open an energy vortex for highest good of all!
I call on source energy and the highest spirit guides of the light to anchor the energy of this vortex and create a protected healing space of higher learning and understanding, where miracles can happen!
8. In my specific case, since I am focusing on creating the best and most powerful online workshops possible for the benefit of all my students and all who want to listen and learn, I created the energy vortex in my office! But in addition, I am creating this page, as an additional VIRTUAL energy vortex -- yes, you can do those too!
Therefore, I added:
I call on my guardian angels, spirit guides, power animals and most benevolent ancestors of the light, to guide, protect and support me in creating the best and most powerful MULTIDIMENSIONAL SOULS OF THE UNIVERSE workshops, for the highest benefit of all my students and myself!
I ask that all those who need to hear this wisdom discover my workshops and find the knowledge, healing, inspiration and light they seek! God, make me the instrument of your highest good, with the best outcome for all!
And so it is! Thank you!
This mantra will always be on this page, and it'll help us all learn and grow!
Blessings to all,
Lada Ray
Friends, you all know how tough the past several weeks have been, especially, June 23-24, 2023. The energy often was very dense and negative, even threatening at times.
As the 93-degree empath, I tend to perceive what's happening in far away corners of the world. But we all are affected, and for that reason, the exercize I offer will be useful and beneficial to us all!
In order for me to best focus on the spiritiual and high-consciousness energy of my workshops, after the global and personal events of June 23-26, I needed to change the energy around me. When the energy becomes too dense and I need to refocus it, I create my own energy vortex that reflects my intention!
Nartural and man-made energy vortexes exist all over the planet. When you are in or near a high-powered mega-vortex, you are experiencing a huge uptick in energy and perception deepens and/or elevates.
Examples of the high-powered mega-vortexes are Sedona, Arizona; Mt Kailash, Tibet; Mecca; Stonehenge, England; Red Square and the Kremlin, Moscow, etc.
Smaller energy vortexes exist all over. For example, I have my beloved vortex near where I live, in Ithaca, NY. It is the most secluded park located on a wooded peninsula jutting out into Cayuga Lake, which I call 'The Tip.' The energy calibration there is often on the level of 500-545 - LOVE and JOY. I always feel elated, happy and smiling when I walk that sacred walk around The Tip.
However, if you are physically unable to get to any vortexes, you can create your very own, attuned to your own ENERGY MINI-VORTEX in your garden, park, or home. I recommend a nice quiet place in your home, where you can pray, work and meditate any time.
The energy vortex is where the veils between dimensions are thinned and therefore, if approached with the right intention, such vortex will serve as an ascension and consciousness expansion mechanism. It'll assist you in creating healing, love, inspiration, illumination, spiritial enlightenment, returning to your roots and higher understanding.
Warning: if a vortex gets corrupted or is created with the wrong intention, it may become a portal to the dark energy! We'll talk about that more in the workshop about the Demonics and Dark Energy!
In order to create and maintain the ENERGY VORTEX OF THE LIGHT, follow these steps!
1. Find the right spot in your home: it can be a room, a small table, or even a shelf. In other words, you are creating an altar or spiritual room.
2.Approach with highest intention.
3. Clean and purify it.
4. Surround it with items that have spiritual meaning to you and/or are representative of your intention. These can be crystals, essential oils, feathers; herbs or flowers; shamanic, vedic or angelic symbols, or feng shui energizers; candles, sage and insense; oracle and tarot cards; photos or statues of your favorite spiritual teachers, dieties, power animals or nature, etc.
5. Make sure your intention is pure and for the highest benefit of all! Speak your intention aloud, which increses its power.
6. Tip: Repetition of the mantra below makes it more powerful. As the Russian saying goes, "Repetion is the mother of learning." This is what makes the holy sites all over the world so powerful: prayer intentions repeated by millions of people.
Repeat your mantra a number of times, initially. As you pray/meditate with your vortex every day, the power of your prayer and intention will grow exponentially.
Here's a sample:
It is my powerful and pure intention to open an energy vortex for highest good of all!
I call on source energy and the highest spirit guides of the light to anchor the energy of this vortex and create a protected healing space of higher learning and understanding, where miracles can happen!
8. In my specific case, since I am focusing on creating the best and most powerful online workshops possible for the benefit of all my students and all who want to listen and learn, I created the energy vortex in my office! But in addition, I am creating this page, as an additional VIRTUAL energy vortex -- yes, you can do those too!
Therefore, I added:
I call on my guardian angels, spirit guides, power animals and most benevolent ancestors of the light, to guide, protect and support me in creating the best and most powerful MULTIDIMENSIONAL SOULS OF THE UNIVERSE workshops, for the highest benefit of all my students and myself!
I ask that all those who need to hear this wisdom discover my workshops and find the knowledge, healing, inspiration and light they seek! God, make me the instrument of your highest good, with the best outcome for all!
And so it is! Thank you!
This mantra will always be on this page, and it'll help us all learn and grow!
Blessings to all,
Lada Ray