(Special Multidimensional Astrology & 4D Geopolitics Report)
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(Special Multidimensional Astrology & 4D Geopolitics Report)
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(Special Multidimensional Astrology & 4D Geopolitics Report)
This is a written report. Length: 6,880 words
The hot summer of 2018 is astrologically one of the most intense on human memory. What is occurring in the skies concerns us individually, but it also concerns whole nations and the world in general. Much will be changing during the months of July and August, and by September the plans laid our earlier may be scrapped or re-worked, while new ideas will spring up. We'll observe this metamorphosis in our personal lives, and we'll witness it in the international affairs.
As we entered July, five planets were retrograde, including the big outer planets, influencing humanity in general. The 'good fortune' Jupiter finally goes direct on July 10, but instead he planet of commerce, fast movement and communication, Mercury, goes retrograde on July 26-August 19.
The strong outer planets, Saturn, Pluto and Neptune will continue being direct for a while, and 2 'fresh' retrogrades are those of Mars and Mercury. These are two of the zodiac brothers; together with Venus they are the inner personal planets, which normally influence masses of people on a personal level (as opposed to the outer planets, such as Neptune and Pluto, which influence humanity in general on a generational level). Out of these, Mars is the rarest retrograde planet, which makes this summer event rather unusual. Mercury is the most frequently retrograding planet, going backwards 3-4 times a year for about 3 weeks.
At the very same time, we are beginning a big eclipse season.
Mars rules energy, initiation, assertiveness, starting new ventures, action, sports, personal power manifest physically, as well as conflicts and wars. From this perspective, we can understand the many upsets during Russia 2018 World Cup, which is happening during Mars retrograde. All of the top contenders are out, as Mars, the planet that rules rough sports is napping. This also has to do with the eclipses, as many eclipses will deliver the shocks up to a month before, as well as after (more on that below).
Mercury is the planet that rules communication, mechanics and electronics, trade and commerce, as well as movement. Between the two, much will slow down in the world, there will be more confusion and reversed/unfulfilled promises, yet more angry outbursts and conflicts are possible because of Mars not being in its power. Much more retrospection, meditation, reviewing and re-thinking are healthy during this time. We are being taught many valuable lessons through the events of this complex season.
Eclipses act as portals for the energy of chaos to enter. Through that chaos a valuable change can take place.
The eclipses in astrological terms signify a major change or turnaround. They normally, but not always, happen two times a year in pairs, and every set of eclipses usually happens in two opposing signs. Every 2 years or so the signs switch, to eventually cover the entire zodiac.
Eclipses are distinguished as full moon lunar and new moon solar. New Moon Solar eclipse will usually bring new beginnings, while Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will normally bring endings. However, this sometimes can be reversed as the effects of each eclipse can bounce between opposite signs. The eclipse new and full moons are very powerful, packing the energy of 4 regular moons in each. The effect of the eclipse can be often felt 1 month prior and 1 month after the eclipse. Moreover, the ripple effect of each eclipse will often continue for 6 months or longer.
The eclipses are agents of change. If we are awake and evolved, if we plan, if we don't play victim, we will not be surprised by the effects of the eclipse, or at least we'll be prepared. The change it brings will not seem abrupt and we will go though it swimmingly. Eclipses always teach us lessons. If a lot of bad karma has accumulated, lessons will be harsh. If we clean our house regularly and live our life consciously, we may learn more about the world and ourselves, thank the lessons we've learned and smoothly move forward. This will happen if we work WITH, not against the energy of the eclipse.
The eclipses, like retrogrades, can be our friend, or our enemy -- the choice is ours.
What is highly unusual about this eclipse season July-August 2018 is that there are three eclipses in a row. Moreover, the July 27 Lunar eclipse, which takes place just as Mercury goes retrograde, also happens to be the strongest eclipse in the past 120 years.
The unusual 3-eclipse sequence signals that many karmic and fateful events are about to take place. The eclipses are designed to fasten our spiritual growth and understanding. This is happening on both personal and planetary levels. We are going through a massive transformation, and the eclipses are acting as catalysts for the Earth Shift.
A retrograde is when a planet appears to move backwards in the sky. Of course, the planets don't really move backwards. It's an optical illusion due to the fact that Earth and other planets have different speeds, revolving around the sun. Astrology deals with retrogrades, and in terms of astrology during a retrograde a planet 'withholds' a part or all of its power, it's energy.
The reason for that is that planets interact energetically on the solar and galactic levels, and we are influenced by every move various major celestial bodies make.
During eclipses and retrogrades, depending on the astrological area of responsibility of each planet, all of us collectively and individually will be experiencing changes, slow-downs and/or problems in respective areas of life. (TIP: It is good to know your personal ascendant, sun sign and moon sign. This gives you a lot of additional information and allows to interpret the movements of planets for your personal situation. All this can be found for free on the internet these days.)
For example, Mars is responsible for energy, initiating new things, anger and assertiveness.
Jupiter is responsible for expansion, joy and good luck, recognition and travel.
Mercury is responsible for communications, speaking, writing, machinery and moving parts, including electronics, and commerce.
Therefore, when Mars is retrograde, don't start any new endeavors as it will be devoid of the boosting rocket energy new ventures require.
During Mercury retrograde don't buy a new car, appliances or electronics, don't sign any agreements, don't buy anything expensive and watch your communications for errors and misunderstandings.
When Jupiter is retro, it withholds its power of expansion, joy and luck, and at that time something truly great and important may go unnoticed or under-appreciated.
Another retrograde secret, unknown to most people, is that the confusion and problems are the worst during bookend dates of each retrograde. Mercury is at its wildest usually 2-3 days before and 2-3 days after the start and end of the retrograde. This would apply to Mars too. It's best, for instance, not to sign any documents and start anything new at least 2-3 days prior (I'd give it an even wider berth, of at least 10 days in the beginning) and 2-3 days, or longer if possible, after the end of Mercury retrograde. The slowdown, called the shadow period, usually begins 2-3 weeks before each Mercury retrograde, or longer for some other planets (again, depending on the planet and length of a retrograde).
A retrograde is when a planet appears to move backwards in the sky. Of course, the planets don't really move backwards. It's an optical illusion due to the fact that Earth and other planets have different speeds, revolving around the sun. Astrology deals with retrogrades, and in terms of astrology during a retrograde a planet 'withholds' a part or all of its power, it's energy.
The reason for that is that planets interact energetically on the solar and galactic levels, and we are influenced by every move various major celestial bodies make.
During eclipses and retrogrades, depending on the astrological area of responsibility of each planet, all of us collectively and individually will be experiencing changes, slow-downs and/or problems in respective areas of life. (TIP: It is good to know your personal ascendant, sun sign and moon sign. This gives you a lot of additional information and allows to interpret the movements of planets for your personal situation. All this can be found for free on the internet these days.)
For example, Mars is responsible for energy, initiating new things, anger and assertiveness.
Jupiter is responsible for expansion, joy and good luck, recognition and travel.
Mercury is responsible for communications, speaking, writing, machinery and moving parts, including electronics, and commerce.
Therefore, when Mars is retrograde, don't start any new endeavors as it will be devoid of the boosting rocket energy new ventures require.
During Mercury retrograde don't buy a new car, appliances or electronics, don't sign any agreements, don't buy anything expensive and watch your communications for errors and misunderstandings.
When Jupiter is retro, it withholds its power of expansion, joy and luck, and at that time something truly great and important may go unnoticed or under-appreciated.
Another retrograde secret, unknown to most people, is that the confusion and problems are the worst during bookend dates of each retrograde. Mercury is at its wildest usually 2-3 days before and 2-3 days after the start and end of the retrograde. This would apply to Mars too. It's best, for instance, not to sign any documents and start anything new at least 2-3 days prior (I'd give it an even wider berth, of at least 10 days in the beginning) and 2-3 days, or longer if possible, after the end of Mercury retrograde. The slowdown, called the shadow period, usually begins 2-3 weeks before each Mercury retrograde, or longer for some other planets (again, depending on the planet and length of a retrograde).
We start with excellent news!
With five planets — Mars, Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, and Jupiter — retrograde in the beginning of July, a solar eclipse July 12-13, Mercury joining the retro mix July 26, and the blood moon total lunar eclipse July 27, it could be a rough month for many humans. However, the zodiac signs that will have the best July — Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius — will be able to use these planetary retrogrades to their advantage. The good news for everyone is that Jupiter goes direct July 10, which means it's an ideal time for all 12 signs to review what they have discovered about their own ideals and values.
And if you have sun, ascendant or moon in the above four signs, you are in luck!
The best news!
Jupiter, the planet of joy, optimism, luck, expansion, publishing (great for writers), broadcasting (great for speaking), higher learning, ideals, religion and spirituality, as well as travel and international relations, is finally going direct!
Because Jupiter is very important in my astrology chart, I have a lot of positive changes coming. I am getting back to working on my future books. I am also again starting to work on my many long-term creative ideas, something that came to a halt earlier this year. By September, and especially December, you will know what I've been working on!
There is a lot we can learn from studying astrology, numerology and Eastern esoterics, such as Feng Shui. I have learned, for instance, to try not to do a major project, such as FORBIDDEN HISTORY & FORGOTTEN ORIGINS WEBINARS, when my personal career and success planet, which also happens to be the planet of luck, expansion, higher knowledge, writing and speaking, is retrograde.
As my excuse, I had no other time this year to do it. We often don't have the luxury of waiting for a perfect alignment in the sky - life must go on. So, all's good and the new creative juices are flowing! This was the reason I postponed promoting my webinars and Patreon till now. You'll likely see much more promotion now, and especially towards the end of the year.
On the planetary level, expansion and joy are much needed. Jupiter also rules spirituality, philosophy and religion. Below you'll read about Poroshenko and Ukraine nationalists trying to start a global religious war within Orthodoxy, supported for his own political reasons by the so called 'universal' patriarch of Constantinople (Istanbul). The situation has been ugly and volatile for several months, as Jupiter was retrograde. I expect it will now gradually begin improving as Jupiter has gone direct. Too bad churches usually disapprove and deny astrology, as well as any spirituality that is outside of their immediate religious sphere. They could learn a lot.
Enjoy the first 23 days of July! The Good Luck Jupiter will really help, especially if you are sun, moon or ascendant one of the 4 signs listed on top!
The total Lunar eclipse and monster moon on July 27 are promising to be very confusing and jarring for everyone! Don't drive 3 days before, during, and 3 days after this eclipse, if you can help it! The same rule applies to the third eclipse this season, on August 11.
However, the first Solar new moon eclipse on July 12-13 is a mild one, which is another piece of good news. It is friendly and it is illuminated by two golden triangles, as astrologer Susan Miller calls them. These are positive and beneficial trines, considered the best alignments in the sky.
There is one tough aspect, from Pluto, and it can influence world affairs. Pluto, which is also retrograde, rules power, military and everything underground, including spying. Notice that the NATO summit is happening on this eclipse, and Trump is expected to clash with the EU leaders. Same with Trump-May meeting - there will be feathers flying, and certain tough Transatlantic changes will happen. The NATO leaders have been dreading Trump's arrival and his unpredictable actions. More on that below.
UK May's government troubles due to Brexit are also happening during Mars retrograde and this eclipse season. By September, there will either be a new government and/or a huge change in direction for the UK.
Merkel is also in a very tough position, but there is a difference: in UK a new government could be formed with someone else in charge (although it's such a mess that I can't imagine who would want to step in for May as new PM). But the opposition and Geremy Curbyn could take over instead. By contrast, in Germany there is no one to choose from for the chancellor post. All the better politicians have been suppressed through many years of Merkel being in power. Now Germany is reaping the consequences through a stalemate in the government and migrant crisis.
PREDICTION! Make no mistake, the shakeups and crises in the West will continue and intensify! This is due to the ongoing EARTH SHIFT, as I have been predicting for years! It will only get worse, and the EU and NATO won't survive for too many years too come. When we reach Period 9 (Listen to ESW4), the changes will be staggering!
Other than that, during the first eclipse on 12-13 everything should go swimmingly for most of us, unless some seriously bad karma has been generated. The good examples are UK/May's bad karma form past actions, including Skripals and Russophobia, as well as years of bad karma accumulated by the EU. Now, it will all come back to haunt them. Hopefully, lessons will be learned from all these experiences, so the world could move on.
Stay cool and be well this summer of eclipses and retrogrades!
MARS RETROGRADE: June 26 (Aquarius) - August 27 (Capricorn)
Mars Retrograde happens only once every 2 years and it is the most rarely retrograding planet.
The fixed signs will feel it most intensely: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Capricorn is also closely touched.
The ultimate role of Mars is to initiate, bring energy -- sort of like the rocket booster -- to any new project and any initiation. It is a very physical planet of action, which boldly goes where no one has gone before. Mars is prominent for sports, start-ups and wars. The negative manifestations of Mars are anger and hostility. The positive manifestation is that of assertiveness and making things happen.
Mars is a fix-it planet, which is not afraid to confront problems and fix them in a bold and drastic way.
The way Trump deals with NATO, EU and the new tariff trade war comes to mind.
When Mars is retrograding, it forces people to slow down and rebalance their approach to conflict, anger and problems. However, those touched by this retrograde may feel more angry, confrontational and imbalanced than normally. This is because Mars is trying to make you look within and fix the problem, if you have one. If you tend to avoid conflict, if you aren't proactive, if you tend to look the other way, you may be moved to deal with issues and become more assertive.
Mars in traditional ancient astrology is called 'the Great Malefic' -- in other words, a big bad planet. It gets this distinction together with Saturn. We have talked about the Saturn side of the 'malefic duo' in Earth Shift Report 19: Global Banking & Financial System Shift: Saturn in Capricorn 2018-2020 Predictions. On traditional ancient astrology's opposite side of the equation are the 'great benefics': Jupiter and Venus, which can only bring good luck. But there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. We get lazy and complacent if everything's too easy. We need challenges to grow.
Therefore, we must look at the whole picture in a multidimensional, enlightened way. In my view every sign, every planet, every energy influence and manifestation has a place and it teaches us something. If you approach everything in a multidimensional way, as a lesson to learn on the road to personal growth and the expansion of consciousness, then all of it will fall into place.
Nevertheless, as they say, 'believe in Allah, but tether your camel.' Learning and understanding what to expect makes you more prepared for the road ahead. Protecting yourself in all necessary ways also helps to dramatically smooth out all the rough spots and increase your well-being.
During this Mars retro, fixed signs will be touches a lot more than others. Mutable signs (Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini and Virgo) are practically not touched at all. If you have nothing to work out in regards to Mars energy, you also may go through this period swimmingly. For example, I do not feel this Mars retrograde so far. If anything, I feel more peaceful than usual, and more in control than I've felt for the past several months. Of course, it also helps that my ruler Jupiter is direct on July 10. And I still have to see how it goes with the monster eclipse on the 27th.
Regardless, I won't start anything new until the retrograde/eclipse season is over. You may have heard me mention that all the announcements about new books, new ideas and new Patreon upgrades will take place in September, or after.
But what I intend to do during the next 2 months is regroup, rest, plan, research, write and go back to the things I've already done before, in order to give them a new life. For example, some of the series of articles previously published on Patreon may be transformed into new Earth Shift Reports. My Patreon patrons have already read those articles, while those who don't subscribe, will still benefit by donating and reading them as ESRs.
Channel Mars retrograde into positive activities, such as my examples above.
The best way to offset the volatile and angry Mars bookend dates (1 week before and 1 week after the beginning and end of Mars retro) is to increase your physical exercise. BUT! do not do any new and/or risky physical activity, as the risk of injury is increased! Only quiet and very familiar exercise should be done! This will help disperse stress.
The ultimate goal of this Mars retrograde is to expose and fix whatever may be out of balance in our lives. This may take some time, but it will be worth it.
Planetary / 4D Geopolitics influence
On the planetary level the same thing is happening. There could be more anger, and more disagreements. Wars and escalations of conflict tend to happen during Mars retrograde. N. Korea is already criticizing US and Trump of failure to fulfill promises after recent negotiations. Trump has begun a trade war against China, and simultaneously, a trade war against EU and Canada. He's at odds with NATO and UK's May. War on many fronts - that's what we see here.
Russia-US relations are at an all times low, although Trump is making some steps to try and fix it, at least on the surface. This Mars retro may be helpful in beginning to fix the two superpower relationship. It helps that Putin is such a wise man, and he would use any possibility for negotiating and making peace.
But we have more wars, anger and volatility, such as Ukraine igniting a religious war - read more below.
Mars Retrograde happens only once every 2 years and it is the most rarely retrograding planet.
The fixed signs will feel it most intensely: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Capricorn is also closely touched.
The ultimate role of Mars is to initiate, bring energy -- sort of like the rocket booster -- to any new project and any initiation. It is a very physical planet of action, which boldly goes where no one has gone before. Mars is prominent for sports, start-ups and wars. The negative manifestations of Mars are anger and hostility. The positive manifestation is that of assertiveness and making things happen.
Mars is a fix-it planet, which is not afraid to confront problems and fix them in a bold and drastic way.
The way Trump deals with NATO, EU and the new tariff trade war comes to mind.
When Mars is retrograding, it forces people to slow down and rebalance their approach to conflict, anger and problems. However, those touched by this retrograde may feel more angry, confrontational and imbalanced than normally. This is because Mars is trying to make you look within and fix the problem, if you have one. If you tend to avoid conflict, if you aren't proactive, if you tend to look the other way, you may be moved to deal with issues and become more assertive.
Mars in traditional ancient astrology is called 'the Great Malefic' -- in other words, a big bad planet. It gets this distinction together with Saturn. We have talked about the Saturn side of the 'malefic duo' in Earth Shift Report 19: Global Banking & Financial System Shift: Saturn in Capricorn 2018-2020 Predictions. On traditional ancient astrology's opposite side of the equation are the 'great benefics': Jupiter and Venus, which can only bring good luck. But there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. We get lazy and complacent if everything's too easy. We need challenges to grow.
Therefore, we must look at the whole picture in a multidimensional, enlightened way. In my view every sign, every planet, every energy influence and manifestation has a place and it teaches us something. If you approach everything in a multidimensional way, as a lesson to learn on the road to personal growth and the expansion of consciousness, then all of it will fall into place.
Nevertheless, as they say, 'believe in Allah, but tether your camel.' Learning and understanding what to expect makes you more prepared for the road ahead. Protecting yourself in all necessary ways also helps to dramatically smooth out all the rough spots and increase your well-being.
During this Mars retro, fixed signs will be touches a lot more than others. Mutable signs (Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini and Virgo) are practically not touched at all. If you have nothing to work out in regards to Mars energy, you also may go through this period swimmingly. For example, I do not feel this Mars retrograde so far. If anything, I feel more peaceful than usual, and more in control than I've felt for the past several months. Of course, it also helps that my ruler Jupiter is direct on July 10. And I still have to see how it goes with the monster eclipse on the 27th.
Regardless, I won't start anything new until the retrograde/eclipse season is over. You may have heard me mention that all the announcements about new books, new ideas and new Patreon upgrades will take place in September, or after.
But what I intend to do during the next 2 months is regroup, rest, plan, research, write and go back to the things I've already done before, in order to give them a new life. For example, some of the series of articles previously published on Patreon may be transformed into new Earth Shift Reports. My Patreon patrons have already read those articles, while those who don't subscribe, will still benefit by donating and reading them as ESRs.
Channel Mars retrograde into positive activities, such as my examples above.
The best way to offset the volatile and angry Mars bookend dates (1 week before and 1 week after the beginning and end of Mars retro) is to increase your physical exercise. BUT! do not do any new and/or risky physical activity, as the risk of injury is increased! Only quiet and very familiar exercise should be done! This will help disperse stress.
The ultimate goal of this Mars retrograde is to expose and fix whatever may be out of balance in our lives. This may take some time, but it will be worth it.
Planetary / 4D Geopolitics influence
On the planetary level the same thing is happening. There could be more anger, and more disagreements. Wars and escalations of conflict tend to happen during Mars retrograde. N. Korea is already criticizing US and Trump of failure to fulfill promises after recent negotiations. Trump has begun a trade war against China, and simultaneously, a trade war against EU and Canada. He's at odds with NATO and UK's May. War on many fronts - that's what we see here.
Russia-US relations are at an all times low, although Trump is making some steps to try and fix it, at least on the surface. This Mars retro may be helpful in beginning to fix the two superpower relationship. It helps that Putin is such a wise man, and he would use any possibility for negotiating and making peace.
But we have more wars, anger and volatility, such as Ukraine igniting a religious war - read more below.
MERCURY RETROGRADE: July 26 to August 19, 2018 + plus other retrogrades and when the skies begin to clear
Mercury, the fast-moving planet of communication, speaking, writing, news, transportation, commerce, short-distance travel and agreements will be retrograde from the end of July till August 19. Mercury retrogrades happen 4 times a year, so there would have been nothing unusual in this one, if not for it coinciding with Mars retrograde + 3 more major planets retrograding at the same time, and on top of that, 3 major eclipses within Mercury's shadow period.
During Mercury retrograde everything is supposed to slow down and new things should not be initiated. It is best to review, redo, research, revisit and re-think. Anything that starts with 're' is good.
There are 2 exceptions to this rule: if you are initiating something that you wanted, but failed to do previously, this MR may be your lucky break! And if you are starting something new, but with someone you have known for a long time, and someone you had success with previously, this also may work out to your great advantage. For example: I want to introduce new generous features and rewards for some of my most loyal Patreon patrons. I am basically redoing something that I wanted to do, but didn't fully accomplish previously, and I am doing it with people who are already my proven supporters. Another example: if you have known me and followed my work for a while, but never ordered any consultations, this may be a beneficial time to order one, or to follow me on Patreon (not soliciting -- it's just an example that popped into my mind.)
During Mercury retrograde you want to double and triple check all your communications, from emails to phone messages. Mixups are notorious during Mercury retrograde, and so are computer mishaps. Always service your computer and save all your work diligently so it doesn't disappear on you (I have to remind myself to do so all the time. Losing a chunk of my valuable work in my computer could be devastating -- speak from experience!).
Everything that usually applies to Mercury retrograde, does so doubly during this unusual retrograde/eclipse season. Mercury retro can be our friend, when we plan to work behind the scenes and when we take a deep breath and slow down. Travel, especially short-term such as day trips, could be quite pleasant too, although there may be more delays with long-distance and long-term travel, which should be handled with a sense of humor. I personally plan several day and weekend trips to revisit and explore the cool USA as I call it. I might post some pics and vids for my Patreon followers.
The only time we all need to be careful about traveling is around the 2nd and 3rd eclipses - more below.
Another thing to remember with Mercury retrograde is its infamous 'bookend dates.' These are 2-3 days before and 2-3 days after both the start and end of Mercury retrograde. During that time all MR problems may be exaggerated. For example, don't ever sign documents, make important decisions, or accept a new job offer during bookend dates, as this will never work out in your favor! I once had a person to make a mistake of signing up with realtor and listing her house for sale one day before a start of Mercury retrograde, even though I warned her to do it earlier, or wait. At the height of the market, she got almost 1/3 less for her valuable New Jersey property than the market average. If you absolutely must, do all these things in the middle of Mercury retrograde (10-15 days into it), although I still wouldn't recommend it. If pressed for time, it's better to start such new things two days after Mercury goes direct, or wait a little longer, if you can.
All in all, due to so many heavy-hitting events in July-August, Mercury retrograde is the least of our worries. Some of us get affected more than others, and it depends on our sun sign and ascendant.
The skies will begin to clear from eclipses and retrogrades after August 22. Once Mars retrograde is over on August 27, it'll get even easier, although it'll take Mars quite a while to get to its normal speed. Till they go direct and recover their vigor, planets are considered to be 'sluggish and 'napping.'
The good news, Jupiter will be gaining its speed and waking up quite actively, and so will other planets. By September 6 Capricorn will go direct, and we will only have two big outer planets still in retrograde. Life will speed up dramatically at that point!
I, for one, will be making some major announcements and important decisions in September and October!
NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in Cancer: July 12-13
Depending on where you are on the planet, this solar eclipse will happen for you either on 12th or 13th. Eclipses are normally seen only in some parts of the world, and not seen in others. If you can see the eclipse where you are, it will impact you more than those people who cannot observe it in their part of the world.
This will be a partial eclipse, and therefore, it'll be milder and easier than most. The planets are also 'behaving,' except Pluto. Therefore this eclipse is considered friendly.
New Moon Solar Eclipse like this one will bring new things into our lives. Sometimes, the old things, which don't serve us, will be 'eclipsed out', the space will be cleared for the new to come in, and then the new will show up. This could happen as early as 1 month prior and up to a month after the eclipse. There will be resonating waves of energy up to 6 months after, as well.
In our personal lives it will impact us where our ascendant, sun sign and moon are. It can also impact us based on the house in which it is happening for us, and if it touches directly any of our natal planets. Of course, Cancer and its opposing sign of Capricorn are touched directly.
For example, for me personally, it will touch my 5th house of love and creativity (lovely news for me and Az, and a splurge of creativity to boot - all my fave things) and 8th house of finance, deep esoteric spirituality, healing and... sex. All good, as this eclipse brings presents and new things. ;)
Planetary / 4D Geopolitics influence
This Cancer eclipse will bring news on the planetary scale in the 4th house: the house of home and family.
Here's what's happening straight on the eclipse - and look how it's manifesting on the planetary level of 4D geopolitics! Trump is going to meet with Theresa May, head of the UK government, formerly USA's No. 1 ally. He can't stand May and previously refused to meet with her. In addition, May's government is falling apart due to the 'soft Brexit' disagreement. I predicted a big problem with Brexit in 2016 - see ESR12. All in all, there's definitely trouble in 'the Transatlantic family.'
Trump also travels to NATO summit on the 11-13 in Brussels, HOME of the EU. He is at odds with all NATO allies, and refuses to pay disproportionately into NATO coffers, unless EU countries contribute their share. Germany/France are talking about distancing themselves from the US and forming their own domestic defence alliance. Turkey is at constant odds with EU and US and tries to play different sides for financial gain, much like a moody child playing both of the arguing parents -- and it works. The rift is growing, as NATO begins to break up at the seems. I'll have my new NATO calibrations for you this Friday on Patreon, and you'll see how catastrophically low NATO calibrates! So, we see definite and growing trouble. The fallout in the NATO family is looming! Here we see a slow shedding of old baggage, facilitated by Trump, the Earth Shift agent extraordinaire.
Meanwhile -- in his usual unpredictable manner, which scares his Western allies -- Trump came out and said that it will be easier for him to talk with Putin than with May and NATO allies.
Definite family fallout and change of priorities! Here we see how during the Earth Shift the old is replaced with the new. Trump is attempting to shift the paradigm from the old NATO/Transatlantic solidarity, based in many ways on rabid Russophobia, to a more distant relationship with EU allies, based on profit.
And he also will attempt to get closer to Russia, in order, among other things, to tear Russia away from China, Iran and other allies. By getting closer to Russia in a demonstrative manner, he shows EU allies how insignificant they are - another shock for the EU. Russia is used as a tease for Europeans, which will likely backfire on Trump and US on many levels.
But it won't be that easy for Trump to get something for nothing from Russia, because Russians learned the hard way that the US cannot be trusted. I wrote about it under the TRUMP THEME ON PATREON, where I called him 'the Earth Shift Agent Extraordinaire.' And we'll also have my thoughts on this very complex geopolitical chess game in the upcoming PUTIN-TRUMP Earth Shift Report.
Putin and Trump will meet on July 16 - much better than meeting on the eclipse. The energy has time to settle down a bit.
Meeting with Putin AFTER meeting with NATO/EU allies and UK's May sends a clear signal: it shows who the boss is. It yet again demonstrates to the fat, neoliberal, globalist Europe, and to the whole world, that all final decisions on the fate of the world will be made between Russia/Putin and US/Trump.
As part of the Earth Shift, the attempts to shift the global 4D geopolitics paradigm are being made by both Trump and Putin, but from completely opposite perspectives. Trump is by no means Russia's friend, but unwittingly, he continues helping Russia rebalance the world, even if it's not his real stated goal.
FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE in Aquarius: July 27, 2018
This eclipse is the strongest in 120 years - that's what I am hearing from professional astrologers. This eclipse is about endings, and it's not nearly as friendly as the previous one. The previous eclipse had two golden triangles, considered very beneficial. This one has squares, considered a very hard and sharp configuration, creating obstacles. It will take place at 5 degrees of Aquarius and it will touch most anyone who has planets in early degrees of Aquarius and those of fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. Cardinal signs will also be touched. Mutable signs - not so much. (Cardinal Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn; Mutable Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces).
The full moon eclipse is about completions, as well as about saying good bye and moving on. Depending where this eclipse touches you personally, there may be one or more changes. Or it may not touch you very much at all. But because of its power, we all will experience it to a degree, at least because other people's situations may influence us.
It is complicated by the fact that Mercury retrograde starts on the same day. Try not to drive or do any other big time traveling 3 days before, during, and 3 days after the eclipse.
We usually travel every weekend during the summer, but this particular week, as well as the week of the next eclipse on August 11, we plan to stick around town and do some low key, quiet stuff, such as walking and visiting nearby parks. I suggest you do the same.
Planetary / 4D Geopolitics influence
Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of surprises, reversals, revolution and rebellion, as well as humanitarian efforts, global village, and inventions/itellect/genius. There could be some brilliant breakthroughs during or around this eclipse, and some of them could be beneficial for mankind. But what I am seeing more clearly is that there will be more jarring reversals and in-fighting between Western elites in the EU, and between US and its allies (EU, Canada), as well as US and China. More trade wars and more unpredictable behavior from Trump.
Actually, some of the things Trump will promise during the meeting with Putin will be reversed or not delivered.
But I also see a silver lining. This is the time of not only The Earth Shift, but it is the time of the Inverted Collapse of the West (See ESW2 for details!). Trump is following in the timeline and logic of the USSR collapse in late 1980s. Gradual withdrawal from allies, leaving them confused and feeling abandoned, closing down the previous generous handouts to NATO and EU, erecting trade barriers, sharp political turnarounds -- all this happened to Russia between Gorbachev and Yeltsin tenures. There were differences and direct oppositions -- hence the Inverted Collapse -- but there are also tremendous similarities.
One of the things I predicted since 2014, should begin happening soon, and possibly the start will take place during this Trump-Putin summit. I told you in previous Patreon articles that I don't expect too much from this summit. Trump wants easy victory, while Putin knows that Russia's good will and trust were alway abused in the past by the US. The US really has very little to nothing it can offer Russia.
There are a few things, such as USA's complete withdrawal from Syria and letting go of Ukraine. Russia isn't even that interested in the US removing anti-Russian sanctions (as I told you since 2014, Russia, unlike the EU, ultimately benefits from sanctions). These two things - Syria and Ukraine - could help, but there is very little, if anything, Russia will be willing to sacrifice in return. As we discussed in our Trump Patreon Expose, Putin is in the driver seat and time is on Russia's side, while Trump is in a rush to show some results before mid-term elections and his clock is ticking (don't take me wrong, I'd love for Trump to be re-elected; I like the work he is doing on behalf of the Earth Shift).
Ok, maybe there is one thing: Russia is interested in getting back her diplomatic properties, so rudely confiscated by Obama and Trump. But not at any cost.
Of all things, I sense Trump is most ready to drop Ukraine, as a non-performing asset. This may take a while though, because at this point Russia is simply not ready to deal with the mess US/EU/Canada, their pocket oligarchs and ukro-nazis turned Ukraine into. There will be a time when Russia will have to deal with the mess, and Russia's hand may even be forced. What may force it is the escalating problem with Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine. This is a complicated issue and I'll have to tell you all about it in a separate article (it'll be a part of a future Earth Shift Report on Ukraine, Novorossia and Poroshenko). Read the primer below.
Suffice it to say that the traditional Russian Church is under tremendous attack and it's possible it may be taken over by Poroshenko and ukro-nazis based on their political interests. The risk is very grave, and in Ukraine it's at present all the talk. The problem is international and resembles a revenge by the Constantinople faction (Istanbul patriarch), who is peeved and jealous of the Russian Patriarch's power and outreach. Kiev is using this political infighting for their purposes. If Ukraine's Russian Orthodox Church is forcefully split from Russian patriarchy and recognized as independent church (this is called 'aftokefalia'), this will mean a world war within Russian-Greek Orthodox Christianity. The info is very scarce and contradictory; the only sources I am finding are ukro-nazi ones, which are extremely active. There are no good Russian perspective materials at all, as I suspect Russians are trying to resolve this quietly and peacefully, by calming down the anger and confusion. They also don't want to introduce an extra reason for Russians to hate Ukrainians, which would only lead to additional separation between two sisters, Russia and Ukraine. Russians have sent delegations to all national and regional Orthodox churches to explain Russia's position, and so did Kiev. There is a lot of quiet, behind the scenes negotiating going on.
Note that all this resonates with both Mars retrograde and with Jupiter having been retrograde, and now having gone direct. I will address this whole big issue in a separate article, as soon as I can.
During this eclipse and Mars retrograde season it is very possible that some unexpected and shocking events may happen in this direction. So far it has been quiet enough in Donbass, after Putin's stark warning. But see, this is the problem: everyone is looking that way, while no one is noticing the quiet but very destructive coup d'etat being prepared within the Russian Church in Ukraine (the majority of believers in Ukraine are Russian Orthodox). Poroshenko knows he can't attack Donbass: Putin warned him Ukraine would lose its sovereignty if he did. But Ukraine elections are coming. Poroshenko, whose rating is dropping like a rock and is near zero, but who desperately needs to win elections just to survive, must do something very big to win his electorate. He thinks this could be achieved by converting Russian Orthodox Church into Ukrainian one (in fact, usurping all the properties and resources of the church, plus forcing the flock to conform).
This would make for a very rich bribe for ukro-nazis, nationalists and Russophobes of all denominations. And right now being a Russophobe and ukro-nazi is the most profitable place to be: you have access to enriching yourself by robbing the country. When very little is left to rob in the impoverished Ukraine, Russian Church in Ukraine, with its lavish properties, gold and valuable relics, three Lavras - monasteries of global significance, and thousands of churches all over, is a treasure trove to loot.
Ukro-nazis and nationalists are the most active electorate elements, who scream the loudest and who actually vote. Conversely, church goes and believers are some of the most quiet people, and many of them are passive politically. Many don't vote, thinking politics is something lowly. They are right, especially when it comes to Ukraine. But if they don't vote, their vote will be stolen by ukro-nazis, who will use it against them. This is why presently in Ukraine there is a call on all Orthodox believers to come out and vote out Poroshenko during future election. Who would they elect instead? No good choices really, so far. But looks like almost anyone would be better.
Note also! By constitution Poroshenko and his clique have no right to interfere in the affairs of the church. He is directly breaking the law by doing so. But what do you expect from the 'black hole' Poroshenko. I don't want to take up too much time with Ukraine in this report, but watch it during these two months, and after. There could be significant developments, some quite shocking and unexpected. But as I said above, it is excellent news that Jupiter has gone direct. This will help tremendously. Of course, it is our hope that Poroshenko and ukro-nazis will soon be overthrown. Read more in future Patreon articles and ESRs on Ukraine!
Russia will very likely have to deal with the July 27 eclipse either because of the Ukraine church takeover scandal, or due to other developments, such as more accusations from the West. This is because Russia is ruled by Aquarius. The good news: this is the last eclipse in Aquarius we'll see for years.
Each eclipse series comes in pairs of opposing signs, and it repeats in different degrees of the same signs for about 2 years, until all degrees of the sign are covered. In the past two years or so we went through a series of eclipses in Aquarius and the opposite sign of Leo. Eclipse effects bounce between opposites; both your own and opposite sign eclipses may touch you equally strongly. Notice this: The past 2 years, or longer, have been quite hard for Russia, with many sudden shocks: sanctions, doping accusations, Ukraine, Syria, Novichok and UK scandals. All this made Russian government and people learn to regroup, solidify and lose illusions about the West. Through difficulties, a new, higher consciousness is being born. Russia has persevered and is emerging stronger than ever. It'll be much easier going forward. There is only two eclipses in opposing sign of Leo left: one on August 11, 2018 and another in 2019. Other than that, the new series has begun: in Cancer-Capricorn.
Another notable fact is that the Aquarius-Leo series of eclipses touches Donald Trump directly. He is a Leo ascendant. This also accounts for many of his ups and downs, and he has lived with all of it, good and bad, from the start of his presidency. It'll be interesting to observe whether Trump's life will get easier once this eclipse series is over.
Incidentally, Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev is an Aquarius ascendant. He and his government have gone through some major scandals and problems in the past two years, including many calls on all sides of the political spectrum to remove him from the post of Russia's PM, due to some of his neoliberalism-tinted domestic policies. But as I predicted in ESW6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA, Putin re-affirmed Medvedev as PM in the new government this year. And this is based on some very deep karmic and multidimensional destiny energy (all discussed in ESW6!).
This eclipse is the strongest in 120 years - that's what I am hearing from professional astrologers. This eclipse is about endings, and it's not nearly as friendly as the previous one. The previous eclipse had two golden triangles, considered very beneficial. This one has squares, considered a very hard and sharp configuration, creating obstacles. It will take place at 5 degrees of Aquarius and it will touch most anyone who has planets in early degrees of Aquarius and those of fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. Cardinal signs will also be touched. Mutable signs - not so much. (Cardinal Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn; Mutable Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces).
The full moon eclipse is about completions, as well as about saying good bye and moving on. Depending where this eclipse touches you personally, there may be one or more changes. Or it may not touch you very much at all. But because of its power, we all will experience it to a degree, at least because other people's situations may influence us.
It is complicated by the fact that Mercury retrograde starts on the same day. Try not to drive or do any other big time traveling 3 days before, during, and 3 days after the eclipse.
We usually travel every weekend during the summer, but this particular week, as well as the week of the next eclipse on August 11, we plan to stick around town and do some low key, quiet stuff, such as walking and visiting nearby parks. I suggest you do the same.
Planetary / 4D Geopolitics influence
Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of surprises, reversals, revolution and rebellion, as well as humanitarian efforts, global village, and inventions/itellect/genius. There could be some brilliant breakthroughs during or around this eclipse, and some of them could be beneficial for mankind. But what I am seeing more clearly is that there will be more jarring reversals and in-fighting between Western elites in the EU, and between US and its allies (EU, Canada), as well as US and China. More trade wars and more unpredictable behavior from Trump.
Actually, some of the things Trump will promise during the meeting with Putin will be reversed or not delivered.
But I also see a silver lining. This is the time of not only The Earth Shift, but it is the time of the Inverted Collapse of the West (See ESW2 for details!). Trump is following in the timeline and logic of the USSR collapse in late 1980s. Gradual withdrawal from allies, leaving them confused and feeling abandoned, closing down the previous generous handouts to NATO and EU, erecting trade barriers, sharp political turnarounds -- all this happened to Russia between Gorbachev and Yeltsin tenures. There were differences and direct oppositions -- hence the Inverted Collapse -- but there are also tremendous similarities.
One of the things I predicted since 2014, should begin happening soon, and possibly the start will take place during this Trump-Putin summit. I told you in previous Patreon articles that I don't expect too much from this summit. Trump wants easy victory, while Putin knows that Russia's good will and trust were alway abused in the past by the US. The US really has very little to nothing it can offer Russia.
There are a few things, such as USA's complete withdrawal from Syria and letting go of Ukraine. Russia isn't even that interested in the US removing anti-Russian sanctions (as I told you since 2014, Russia, unlike the EU, ultimately benefits from sanctions). These two things - Syria and Ukraine - could help, but there is very little, if anything, Russia will be willing to sacrifice in return. As we discussed in our Trump Patreon Expose, Putin is in the driver seat and time is on Russia's side, while Trump is in a rush to show some results before mid-term elections and his clock is ticking (don't take me wrong, I'd love for Trump to be re-elected; I like the work he is doing on behalf of the Earth Shift).
Ok, maybe there is one thing: Russia is interested in getting back her diplomatic properties, so rudely confiscated by Obama and Trump. But not at any cost.
Of all things, I sense Trump is most ready to drop Ukraine, as a non-performing asset. This may take a while though, because at this point Russia is simply not ready to deal with the mess US/EU/Canada, their pocket oligarchs and ukro-nazis turned Ukraine into. There will be a time when Russia will have to deal with the mess, and Russia's hand may even be forced. What may force it is the escalating problem with Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine. This is a complicated issue and I'll have to tell you all about it in a separate article (it'll be a part of a future Earth Shift Report on Ukraine, Novorossia and Poroshenko). Read the primer below.
Suffice it to say that the traditional Russian Church is under tremendous attack and it's possible it may be taken over by Poroshenko and ukro-nazis based on their political interests. The risk is very grave, and in Ukraine it's at present all the talk. The problem is international and resembles a revenge by the Constantinople faction (Istanbul patriarch), who is peeved and jealous of the Russian Patriarch's power and outreach. Kiev is using this political infighting for their purposes. If Ukraine's Russian Orthodox Church is forcefully split from Russian patriarchy and recognized as independent church (this is called 'aftokefalia'), this will mean a world war within Russian-Greek Orthodox Christianity. The info is very scarce and contradictory; the only sources I am finding are ukro-nazi ones, which are extremely active. There are no good Russian perspective materials at all, as I suspect Russians are trying to resolve this quietly and peacefully, by calming down the anger and confusion. They also don't want to introduce an extra reason for Russians to hate Ukrainians, which would only lead to additional separation between two sisters, Russia and Ukraine. Russians have sent delegations to all national and regional Orthodox churches to explain Russia's position, and so did Kiev. There is a lot of quiet, behind the scenes negotiating going on.
Note that all this resonates with both Mars retrograde and with Jupiter having been retrograde, and now having gone direct. I will address this whole big issue in a separate article, as soon as I can.
During this eclipse and Mars retrograde season it is very possible that some unexpected and shocking events may happen in this direction. So far it has been quiet enough in Donbass, after Putin's stark warning. But see, this is the problem: everyone is looking that way, while no one is noticing the quiet but very destructive coup d'etat being prepared within the Russian Church in Ukraine (the majority of believers in Ukraine are Russian Orthodox). Poroshenko knows he can't attack Donbass: Putin warned him Ukraine would lose its sovereignty if he did. But Ukraine elections are coming. Poroshenko, whose rating is dropping like a rock and is near zero, but who desperately needs to win elections just to survive, must do something very big to win his electorate. He thinks this could be achieved by converting Russian Orthodox Church into Ukrainian one (in fact, usurping all the properties and resources of the church, plus forcing the flock to conform).
This would make for a very rich bribe for ukro-nazis, nationalists and Russophobes of all denominations. And right now being a Russophobe and ukro-nazi is the most profitable place to be: you have access to enriching yourself by robbing the country. When very little is left to rob in the impoverished Ukraine, Russian Church in Ukraine, with its lavish properties, gold and valuable relics, three Lavras - monasteries of global significance, and thousands of churches all over, is a treasure trove to loot.
Ukro-nazis and nationalists are the most active electorate elements, who scream the loudest and who actually vote. Conversely, church goes and believers are some of the most quiet people, and many of them are passive politically. Many don't vote, thinking politics is something lowly. They are right, especially when it comes to Ukraine. But if they don't vote, their vote will be stolen by ukro-nazis, who will use it against them. This is why presently in Ukraine there is a call on all Orthodox believers to come out and vote out Poroshenko during future election. Who would they elect instead? No good choices really, so far. But looks like almost anyone would be better.
Note also! By constitution Poroshenko and his clique have no right to interfere in the affairs of the church. He is directly breaking the law by doing so. But what do you expect from the 'black hole' Poroshenko. I don't want to take up too much time with Ukraine in this report, but watch it during these two months, and after. There could be significant developments, some quite shocking and unexpected. But as I said above, it is excellent news that Jupiter has gone direct. This will help tremendously. Of course, it is our hope that Poroshenko and ukro-nazis will soon be overthrown. Read more in future Patreon articles and ESRs on Ukraine!
Russia will very likely have to deal with the July 27 eclipse either because of the Ukraine church takeover scandal, or due to other developments, such as more accusations from the West. This is because Russia is ruled by Aquarius. The good news: this is the last eclipse in Aquarius we'll see for years.
Each eclipse series comes in pairs of opposing signs, and it repeats in different degrees of the same signs for about 2 years, until all degrees of the sign are covered. In the past two years or so we went through a series of eclipses in Aquarius and the opposite sign of Leo. Eclipse effects bounce between opposites; both your own and opposite sign eclipses may touch you equally strongly. Notice this: The past 2 years, or longer, have been quite hard for Russia, with many sudden shocks: sanctions, doping accusations, Ukraine, Syria, Novichok and UK scandals. All this made Russian government and people learn to regroup, solidify and lose illusions about the West. Through difficulties, a new, higher consciousness is being born. Russia has persevered and is emerging stronger than ever. It'll be much easier going forward. There is only two eclipses in opposing sign of Leo left: one on August 11, 2018 and another in 2019. Other than that, the new series has begun: in Cancer-Capricorn.
Another notable fact is that the Aquarius-Leo series of eclipses touches Donald Trump directly. He is a Leo ascendant. This also accounts for many of his ups and downs, and he has lived with all of it, good and bad, from the start of his presidency. It'll be interesting to observe whether Trump's life will get easier once this eclipse series is over.
Incidentally, Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev is an Aquarius ascendant. He and his government have gone through some major scandals and problems in the past two years, including many calls on all sides of the political spectrum to remove him from the post of Russia's PM, due to some of his neoliberalism-tinted domestic policies. But as I predicted in ESW6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA, Putin re-affirmed Medvedev as PM in the new government this year. And this is based on some very deep karmic and multidimensional destiny energy (all discussed in ESW6!).
NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in Leo: August 11, 2018
This eclipse is again about new beginnings, and it's the next to last in the Leo series. It is also a rather sharp and jarring eclipse, nothing like the nice Cancer eclipse on July 12. Trump may benefit from this eclipse, as could all Leos, and possibly Aquariuses.
The New Moon Solar eclipse in Leo may stir up the issues of love, children, family and creativity.
There are usually two sets of eclipses per year, and normally there are only four of them each year. This is the second set of 2018, consisting of 3 eclipses in a row. The next set comes in January 2019, and next year we'll again have 5 eclipses, but they'll be more spread out. The most 'eclipse-prone' year will be 2020, when we'll have the whopping six eclipses!
The eclipses are agents of sudden and fast change. This many eclipses throughout three years make me think that the universe is conspiring to accelerate and hurry up the Great Earth Shift!
After 2020 we will revert back to 4 eclipses per year!
The eclipse + retrograde season is conspiring to dramatically change our perception of the world around us. By the time we reach September, we will have shaped up a different kind of reality. We may redo, rethink and reshape some of the things in our private lives, and go through some sort of transformation. But the planetary changes will be just as prominent.
Around July 12 and after there will be personal and planetary Earth Shifts in what we consider 'family' and 'home.' I gave you examples of what may happen, for better or for worse: NATO rift, Transatlantic tensions, trade wars, EU problems with migrants will become even more of a focus, Brexit and UK government scandals, Ukraine-Donbass and Russian Church takeover by Kiev. Note that there is a fight in Ukraine between those who want to return home - to Mother Russia, and those who want to distance themselves from Russia, calling her 'aggressor' and wanting to be separate, much like rebellious teenagers who deny they are of the same blood with their parents.
Around July 27 and after we may see some very striking and very unexpected events, some that may awaken people. The Aquarius ruler Uranus is called 'the Great Awakener.' This awakening could be quite rude, and again, it could be in line with a number of things discussed above. There could be some unification breakthroughs, for example, between Russia and Belarus - more on that in a future Patreon article and ESR! There could be breakthorughs, possibly quiet ones with Donbass, such as Russia finally making a decision to recognize the republics, thus solidifying a break from Ukraine ( I personally don't think it'll happen yet, but it could happen in the next 4-6 months or so - still under this eclipse influence).
There also could be more NATO expansion. At the same time, this NATO summit in Brussels will likely signify the beginning of NATOs' slow death.
The Russian church situation is very worrisome, however, long term I don't see how Ukraine can get 'aftokefalia'. Most likely different churches will try to use this opportunity to see what they can get from Russia and the Russian Church in exchange for their loyalty. Although, the dark influence of Kiev and Poroshenko cannot be underestimated. He will pay up and sell his country to the highest bidder in a jiffy, in exchange for support against Russia. CIA/NATO/MI6/Dark State loooove such assets, ready to do their bidding at a drop of a hat. Unfortunately, there are too many Russophobic forces in the West, and they will continue playing this game to make Russia's life more difficult. There could potentially also be a certain interference by Turkey and Erdogan, but so far it has been above board, from what I hear. So far, Erdogan/Turkey are staying away from the conflict between Moscow Patriarchy and the Istanbul/Constantinople Patriarchy. Hopefully, it'll stay this way. All in all, I think that Russians will manage to handle this situation, and in time, turn it around. Moscow does have enough resources and they are trying to calm down the situation, which seems to be working. If not, it will mean a pretty serious religious world war, and no one wants that.
This sudden explosion and spike in the religious conflict is clearly due to the past Jupiter retro, plus present Mars retro and eclipses. And remember, I said that eclipses can deliver the news up to a month before and after. There will be a continuation of this saga for some time.
Same is true for the EU migrant crisis. Merkel has been hanging by the thread for some time, and she'll continue doing so. The sad problem for Germany is that there is no one who could take Merkel's place, who could possibly lead the whole country. Germany is bitterly divided, confused and tied up with neoliberal ideas, which serve as a drag and a break on any forward movement. Same is true for the rest of the EU, while the rebellion of some countries will continue.
It could be any of the above, or it could be something completely different and unexpected that will steal out attention. After all, Uranus is a planet of unexpected surprises, sudden events and revolutions.
All in all, we are observing a slow collapse of the EU and of the West's unity, as predicted and described in ESW2: INVERTED COLLAPSE.
Stay cool, safe and positive during this hot summer of eclipses and retrogrades! Remember that everything's hapenning for a reason. The Earth Shift is moving along and in the right direction! By September there will be a lot more clarity. By December we'll have some huge breakthroughs!
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